"I believe that Twilight's attending physician also wished to know, Rainbow Dash could you please find him?"
> You look back to see her still kneeling down.
> You turn to Celestia and gesture to Rainbow Dash with a hand.
> She gets the message pretty quickly.
> "Rainbow Dash, please go and find the good doctor."
> She immediately rises and snaps a quick salute before flying out the door past Celestia.
> You turn your eyes back to Twilight.
> She has a few cables running to her from various machines.
> The machines have a great many readouts which appear to be displaying things like heart rate, blood oxygen level and various other important medical information.
> Apparently Twilight knew what she was doing when she used that spell on you earlier.
> The moment the thought crosses your mind the room starts spinning and you fall to the floor.
> Apparently the spell wearing off is a lot more disorienting then having it put in place.
> Your vision eventually clears and you find yourself staring up at a confused and concerned looking Celestia.

> "Are you alright?"
> You manage a grunt in response.
> Her eyes dart left and right.
> "Was that a yes?"
> You nod.
> You rise to your feet slowly, while you regain your barrings.
> You nearly topple again, but an aura of light around you keeps you up right.
> "Are you certain you are alright?"
> You nod in the affirmative.
> "If I put your down, you aren't going to fall over again?"
> You move your legs a bit and they seem to respond properly.
> You nod again and the light dissipates leaving you standing on the floor.
"Thank you."
> She smiles warmly.
> "It's no trouble."
> Wasn't she just angry?
> You decide not to test the waters.

> You once again turn to face Twilight.
> Checking the monitors, you confirm that your disorientation was caused by the spell wearing off.
> "She's in good hooves here Warforged, she'll be okay."
> She speaks with enough confidence to inspire some in you.
> Still, her words do little to relieve you of your feelings of guilt.
> Besides, you had seen what Celestia hadn't.
> You knew full well the mental trauma that she had suffered.
> You where in that basement for no more than twenty minutes, yet in that time Twilight had seen a mutilated corpse and, assuming she was watching, had seen you reduce seventeen ponies to what amounted to paste with a hammer the size of her head.
> Then to top it all off, you missed one and it ripped a chunk out of her.
> It was one thing for Celestia to see your memories and get away unscathed, it would be another entirely if Twilight could do the same.
> Even worse was the fact that you didn't have anyone to be pissed off at.
> The 'Lich' who's name you don't even know, had been in the wrong but...
> Someone clears their throat behind you.
> You turn to see that the doctor and Rainbow Dash have rejoined you.
> The doctor tells you to follow him and the three of you oblige.
> He leads you to an empty waiting room.
> The room is simple, to say the least.
> Two simple windows let in natural light, while an overhead fixture hanging over a long white table provides some as well.
> Around the table there are now chairs, rather there are large cushions surrounding it.
> Not that a chair would be needed, the table was barely two feet from the ground.
> When the ponies each lay down on cushions around the table you figure out why the tables so short.
> You move a cushion out of the way and rest on your knees.
> Even on your knees you're taller than the ponies are standing up.

> As soon as everyone is seated comfortably Celestia urges you to explain the events of the day.
> You start at the night before and work your way up.
> As soon as you mention the undead ponies you are hit with multiple objections from both the doctor and Rainbow Dash.
> Celestia voices no concerns.
> You tell them of the pseudo-lich and his meddling.
> Again the doctor and Rainbow Dash voice their objections and again Celestia remains passive.
> Silence settles on the room quickly as they finish ranting about the impossibility of your tale.
> You look to Celestia.
> Her eyes are closed and her brow is furrowed, clearly deep in thought.
> She opens her eyes and frowns.
> Usually not a good sign.
> "Deliver his apology when Twilight wakes up, I have much to do..."
> Rainbow Dash looks shocked, the doctor looks frustrated.
> "Princess, you can't possibly believe..."
> The princess rises from her cushion.
> "I do doctor."
> She turns to you.
> "I will have the towns guard investigate the building and forward their findings to me, I will also make sure that the appropriate parties are informed of Twilights condition."
> She maintains a stern expression and looks between you, Rainbow Dash and the doctor.
> "I must ask that you three never mention what you have heard today to anyone, anyp0ny or anything."
>  You and the doctor nod in agreement but Rainbow Dash speaks up.
> "Uhh, Princess, isn't this the kind of thing p0nies should know about?"
> Celestia shakes her head.
> "It would only cause unnecessary panic, if there is reason to think that there is a continued threat I will alert the public but for now I feel it is best to keep this under wraps."
> Rainbow Dash doesn't look entirely pleased with the answer but nods anyway.
> "Alright, if you're sure Princess."

> Celestia smiles at Rainbow Dash.
> "Thank you, now may I also ask that you two leave Anonymous and I alone?"
> The two quickly stand up and leave without another word.
> She turns to you again.
> You chuckle a bit.
"Are you sure this is wise Celestia? The last time we were alone, I left you in tears."
> She chuckles as well, which strikes you as odd.
> "Yes I am, I had a favor to ask you, as well as something to give you."
> Her horn flashes and a small bag is left on the table.
> It is wrapped in a golden aura and float over to you.
> You pluck it from the air and open it.
> Inside the bag are a few gold coins.
> In fact they look exactly the same as the gold coins from Khorvaire.
> This interest you.
> You undo the string holding your bag of holding and reach into it.
> From the bag you pull four coins, one copper, one silver, one golden and one made of platinum.
> You look at each of them in turn and sure enough, the two gold coins are entirely identical.
> Celestia approaches you and looks at the coins in your hand.
> She raises an eyebrow and asks.
> "You use the bit as currency in your world?"
> You take another look at the coins in your hand and shake your head.
"We do not call it a bit but it does seem to be identical."
> You put your coins back in your bag of holding and return the coin Celestia gave you to its own bag.

> You tie the bag closed and toss it to the table.
"This is a very fortunate coincidence Celestia, provided you do not mind the place of origin being different, I will have more than enough funding to take care of myself."
> For a few thousand years, however you don't say that part out loud.
> Adventuring is lucrative.
> Having no expenses meant you could save your money.
> Doing that for two decades meant you could purchase half a city if you wanted to.
> Since you used your bag of holding as a coin purse, that meant you were set for life and then some.
> She smiles at you.
> "It will be our little secret, though most ponies don't take copper or silver bits and I have never even seen whatever that fourth one was."
> You quickly pull another platinum coin out.
> You toss it to the Princess who pulls it from the air with magic.
> She examines it for a moment and asks.
> "What exactly is this made of?"
> Celestia looks up at you, a small amount of surprise on her face.
> "How many of these do you have?"
> Her surprise is also evident in her voice.
> You shrug.
"I am unsure but I would estimate anywhere from a few hundred thousand to just below a million."
> Celestias jaw drops and her eyes bulge like someone just revealed to her some kind of great and wonderful secret.
> You just stare at her in confused while she regains her composure.

> She closes her mouth and her eyes recede to their proper place in her skull.
> You chuckle a bit.
"I presume that is a rather large sum."
> "Not as a currency, but the base metal could be sold for..."
> She stares up at the ceiling like shes trying to think of something.
> "...I do not even know, you could likely buy half of Canterlot with that!"
> This confuses you.
"What makes it so valuable to your kind?"
> Her eyes seem to light up with pride.
> "It's used in all kinds of marvelous devices and objects from simple jewelery to devices that aid those with heart conditions."
"You knew what platinum was, but did not know what it looked like?"
> She shakes her head.
> "No, I have never had a use for it and platinum is incredibly rare in Equestria."
> She again appears ponderous.
> "Come to think of it, would you be willing to sell those coins? I can put you in contact with someone who may be willing and able to purchase it from you."
> You nod.
"You had a favor to ask?"
> "Ah yes, it is I simple favor, here walk with me for a moment."
> Why did she ask you to be alone if she just wanted to go for a walk?
> Whatever, get marching.
> You follow her out of the room and back down a familiar hallway.
> Before long you're standing in Twilights room again.
> Celestia's eyes are aimed at Twilight, her eyes full of sadness.
> She wastes no time in speaking.
> "The doctors here have placed Twilight in a magic induced coma from which she won't awaken until her wound has healed enough, when she does I would like it if someone was here for her."
> Not 'somep0ny.' You already see where this is going.
> She turns to you again, her eyes still filled with sadness.
> "I ask that, that someone be you."
> You don't need to think about your answer.

> She smiles and some of the sadness lifts from her eyes.
> "Thank you Anonymous."
> She takes one last look at Twilight and walks towards the door.
> Before she leaves she turns her head to you.
> "You have a good heart Anonymous, I am glad Twilight has you as a friend..."
> With that she walks out of the room.
> Friend...
> It had been a long time since anyone had called you a friend.
> Even longer since you had called anyone a friend yourself.
> You considered this for some time.
> Perhaps it is time you changed those facts.
> You look at Twilight laying on her side, head on a pillow, a blanket slowly rising and falling with her breathing.
> You had not even known her for a week yet, but she had done a great deal for you.
> You feel happy when you come to the conclusion that it would be fair to call her a friend.
> And now you have a task.
> Watch over your friend.

> So you wait...