Anonymous Wed 02 May 2012 21:11:11 No.1674297 | /mlp/ ======================================================================================================================================= >be a lone wolf fluffy pony abuser >ride on your trusted harley throughout the lands, helping people to get rid of their fluffy pony problems >this time, you just go visit some good friends of yours >enter indian reservation >town has seen better days since you visited a few years ago >not too many tourists coming her to gamble >meet one of your best native american pals, who invited you for a great ceremony >share a few drinks with him >speak about all things, like family, motorcycle, past activities, politics, economy, the current state of this town >friend tells you that the elders came up with an idea to attract more tourists >the plan is to enact some kind of cultural reenactment for visitors, who might then stay for a while and buy souvenirs and enter the casinos >thought about reenacting buffalo hunting, because it's spectacular >mention him that bison hunting is illegal in this state and will cause the feds to bust down their little show hard >friend tells you that they're not going to use bisons of course, but a replacement >you squint with your eyes >after a while, you ask him if he means fluffy ponies >friend affirms what you said, adding that fluffy ponies are considered vermin in this state >ask him if the elders know that fluffy ponies are somewhat like equines, as the pony designation implies, not bovines, even although unnatural manmade abominations of science >friend says that the elders are sure the tourists won't care about such a detail >you're skeptical, but are interested what they have in mind >friend leads you to a large building next morning >there are two pasture fields alongside it, with fluffy pegasi and fluffy earth ponies all frolicking inside the heavily guarded enclosed areas, lots of people watching them to make sure they can't escape >around a thousand of the vermins, you'd guess >you and friend put on earmuffs and enter building >there are hundreds of cages with several fluffy ponies inside, squirming to get outside, begging for food, giving special hugs to each another or just fighting and complaining about the cramped conditions >only fluffy unicorns >from the looks of it, there seem to be twice as many fluffy unicorns inside as there are fluffy ponies outside in the pastures >”fwuffy wan out” “am smawty fwend” “smawty will give ouchies to meanie munstas” “pwease give nummies” “am hungwy” “no can bweath” “wan pwace to pway”, the thousands of fluffy ponies all screech in a loud cacophony >most are captured feral fluffy ponies >rest comes from adoption centers, pet shops, street vendors, and breeders that sold them cheaply >lots of women inside the building, all wearing earmuffs like you >”wet go, meanie munsta” “fwuffy am smawty fwend” “meanie musta get ouchies” “fwuffy give ouchies now”, the fluffy unicorns all defiantly babble, many of them blowing raspberries at the women handling them with quite some care >'smarty friends' are in many cases unicorns, and many of the fluffy unicorns start puffing their cheeks and trying to wriggle themselves free by shaking around a lot >the women all seem to be expert handlers and can easily keep the rebelling fluffy unicorns with a hand when taking them out >they first squeeze the fluffy unicorns over a sinkhole to make them drop their fecal matter and urine >it's a very strong squeeze, which breaks several of their delicate organs and bones >the fluffycorns all scream and holler, sometimes wailing ”ouchies” “fwuffy no wike” “no wan ouchie huggies” “no smawty fwend no wan make poopies now” “no give huggies to munstas” when not having their lungs filled with their own blood from the powerful crushes >the fluffy unicorns all struggle as much as their tiny body can, before they are simply dunked in a lightly charged basin which quickly stuns them, if they don't drown immediately inside >no matter if dead or not, the fluffycorns are now put on a table with a saw, and their heads are cut off >the bodies are discarded in a big trash container, while the heads are dropped to a plastic box full with blood, dirty fluff and some fluffy unicorn vertabrae sticking inside >whenever the box is full, it is brought to another room, where many workers now start sawwing off the horn carefully from the sewered heads, discarding the heads again in a trash container, while dropping the horns in small boxes, which are brought outside >the fluffy ponies from before are hugging each another and ask where their unicorn friends are, if they aren't just grazing lightly or starting to empty their bowel contents >a few start copulating >quite a few are barking whimsically at the workers, puffing their cheeks and squealing“dad ow gwassies now” “go 'way o fwuffies give ouchies” >a few of them are most likely also 'smarty friends' of their respective herds >some of the fluffy ponies are having an argument about how is the new 'smarty friend' >whenever a discussion seems to turn into a fight where the wannabe-'smarties' start nibbling at each another's ears or bucking the other's faces, the workers come inbetween them and start hitting them from each another with a broomstick, which causes them to stop and to bawl at the pain >”nuuu! no sowwy-stick pwease” some of the fluffy ponies whimper and then start waddling away with their legs as fast as they can >as soon as a box with severed horns arrive, the male workers that aren't overseeing the pasture each go grab a fluffy pony, who always try to run away >the workers only have to walk normally to quickly catch up with the pathetically slow abominations of science >”nuu! wet fwuffy awone” “meanie munsta” “pwease no make ouchies” “fwuffy behave no make bad poopies” “pwease no use sowwy-stick” “fwuffy no wan go in sowwy-bocks”, the fluffy ponies all beg >the workers take two fluffycorn horns and glue them roughly on the fluffy ponies' temple >the fluffy ponies now look like they have two useless little nubs coming out from the sides of their heads >the fluffy ponies with two fluffycorn horns are then dropped to another big enclosed pasture >the fluffy ponies stand up again and all see that the others now have two horns, proudly commenting “wook wook. fwend am pointy pone now” >many touch their 'sidehorns' and shriek at feeling something that shouldn't be there >the glue is strong and makes it that the horns won't fall off >the ridiculously-looking fluffy ponies all now proudly trab around, all wanting to show off their own two horns, as if they always had them >they do not wonder where the horns come from >the horns are also of different colors and sizes, giving the two-horned fluffy ponies quite a clownish look >after a while, the job is finally done before high noon starts >tourists start coming in to see the spetacle >the confused fluffy ponies are given a good squeeze to make them empty their bowels and bladder, and then herded towards the starting area >”wan nummies” “why meanie munstas make ouchies?” “no wan wawk” “no give huggies to munstas” “wan huggies” “fwuffy need make poopies” “whew fwuffies going?”, the fluffy ponies all squeak across each another >a bunch of native american youths stand behind them, dressed in stereotypical wannabe moccasins, eagle feathers, buckskin jackets and other stuff >most of these accessories and clothings have of course been made in factories >the youths all have authentic-looking hunting spears >the elders start telling about history, how bisons were hunted before the native americans got horses, and that the show now begins >the youths all make outlandish fake dancing and warcries to amuse the tourists, and then start flinging their spears towards the fluffy ponies inside their tiny enclosed pen barely enough to fit them all in >the spears hit a few of the fluffy ponies fatally or pierce through their fluff to make them feel the pain and start a panic >”Nuuuu!” “Fwuffy Wan Out” “Ouchies Ouchies Ouchies” “Why No Can Wun?”, the fluffy ponies all shriek and start waddling with their legs, trying to run away and pushing each another >the gate of the pen is opened, and the fluffy ponies start their pathetic stampede >many fall over their own legs and get trampled by those behind >many others fall over the trampled bodies in front of them >most of the herd stops moving, and the fluffy ponies all whimper and whine about their pain >immediately, the fluffy ponies all try to hug each another to make the pain go away >the youths approach the confused herd and start poking them to make them continue running again >a few other of the youths go ahead and slow the fluffy ponies down that are still running, or gather them back to the herd if they try to flee >it's very easy for the youths to always make sure that no fluffy pony escapes >the abandoned fluffy ponies are picked up by a few other youths with their spears and put into a trash bag >the ones that weren't dead are mewling in pain when stabbed >meanwhile, the tourists watch attentively what is happening to the great herd of fluffy ponies with the two horns attached to their sides >the youths spur the herd on to greater speed, always poking the stragglers in their butts >the fluffy pony herd tries to complain, but many who try to say something bite their own tongues, stopping, only to be run over again by other fluffy ponies in the panic >the youths just stab them on to stand up and continue running towards the goal, while the rearguard picks up dead fluffy ponies or those that can't continue running anymore >the youths always dance and jump around to entertain the tourists and frighten the little fluffy ponies >the fluffy ponies are forced to resume their stampede towards the goal, which only lies a few meters before them >it's a 10 feet deep pit >the fluffy ponies are all running into the pit, where they all fall screaming and feeping to their doom >the pit is soon filled with the broken bodies of the fluffy ponies >a few however survive by dropping on the soft fluffed bodies of the ones below them >the dead and not so dead fluffy pony bodies that were picked up by the youths behind are dropped inside the pit >”wan out” “weggies make ouchies” “pwease hewp”, the survivors sob >now the organisators of these show ask the tourists if they want to adopt one of the tiny 'buffawos' >the tourists find this quite drol, and buy the survivors, who are shivering and squeaking >after this attraction, many are invited to the hotels and casinos >the plan of the elders did work >money flows back into their town >everything ends well for everyone >as well as for the adopted 'buffawos' >the ones that didn't got buried alive with the body of all the other dead fluffy ponies, after the workers filled the pit up again >you are riding towards the sunset, looking extremely cool with your shades and the toothpick in your mouth >you also bought one of the 'wuffawos' >a tiny skyblue crying pegafluffy with a pink horn and a green horn at its sides >the pegafluffy-fake-bison is chained between your bike's handles, squirming and trying to scream something >its tiny head with the two stubby horns is at the front, the draft causing its eyes to water >of course, you've also tapped its butt and peeing regions so that it won't smear anything nasty on your harley >the 'buffawo” will be your lucky charm at the harley davidson exhibition