“Anon, what are you doing in the kitchen at this hour? All good ponies should be in bed or else Princess Celestia wont give you your presents!” You rolled your eyes. “Twilight, I know this is a magical world of ponies and magic and nonsense but is the ruler of the land REALLY going to stop by and give us presents?” Twilight crossed her arms. “First, yes she does. She enjoys sharing joy to all her subjects and makes it her personal mission to spread cheer during Hearth's Warming Day. Second, you still haven't told me what you're doing in the kitchen so late.” “Is there any more of that cake? It was really tasty. I wanted more than the single slice I found.” Twilight bit her lip. “Cake? You mean the cake slice in the living room?” “Uh-huh.” You nodded as you closed the fridge. “It was really good.” “Oh noooooo!” Twilight slapped her palm to her face. “Anon, that slice of cake was for Princess Celestia! Every year, all good ponies offer the princess a slice of cake in exchange for their gifts. Now Princess Celestia wont give us ANYTHING...” Twilight peeked at the clock. “It's too late to get more...I hope you're happy, Anon. You've ruined Hearth's Warming Day for us.” You shrugged. “Oh well. Poor little Celestia wont get one cake slice out of the millions her fat ass is gonna eat tonight. I'm sure the princess of the whole country can just buy all the cake she wants.” Without the promise of more cake, You stepped past Twilight and headed toward your room. “Good night, Twiggles. Wake me up when Spike has breakfast ready.” You trudged to your room at a lethargic pace. No need to rush since Princess Celestia wasn't going to stop by. The idea of THE princess of Equestria coming around to drop off presents is absurd. Still, you couldn't stop the yawn escaping your mouth. It was getting late and sleep sounded like a perfect idea. It took you no time to pull off your clothes and slip into your cozy pajamas. They were plain but thick and warm in this chilly weather. You slipped under your covered and closed your eyes, letting your consciousness slip away. You were so relaxed that the sound of something thumping against the roof didn't rouse you from your bed. The sound of your creaky bedroom door wasn't enough to disturb your heavy sleep. A shadow stood in your doorway for a few moments before snaking towards you. It leaned over you menacingly, watching you sleep with an intense glare. A deep breath called the shadow down to your face. You exhaled onto the shadow's face, making it jolt up in surprise. “You.......” The shadow finally spoke, filled with malice. “You.....ate MY cake....what a naughty stallion you are, Anonymous.” Princess Celestia's frown was illuminated by her horn sparking with magic. “I wonder just how naughty of a boy you are...” Her magic slowly wiggled from her horn to your brain, piercing your dreams as the princess slowly sucked on a candy cane. Her eyes widened as her lips tightened their grip on the sweets in her mouth. Your dreams were certainly as naughty as you were. Obscene. Downright perverse. “Goodness. Perhaps I should save this candy cane for later.” Princess Celestia growled as she slipped it back into her red jacket. Her magic pulled at the big buckle surrounding her waist. A small tug was all it took for the giant coat to all away to reveal the princess in all her glory. There was nothing underneath the giant coat besides a lacy, tight fitting set of red lingrie. Princess Celestia's ample breasts were barely contained in a tiny, lacy bra. One deep breath could easily result in her amazing tits to spill out of her top. Her gloves reached up to her shoulders, giving her a sultry, sexy appeal. Her cutie marks were on full display as her rump jiggled about in panties several sizes too small. The princess gently grabbed your blanket and lifted it up. “Oh Anon...I'm getting a treat from you one way or the other.” She licked her lips before diving under your sheets and pulling down your pajamas. “Nnnfff...” You moaned as something shifted under your blankets. It took you a second or two to open your eyes and break through the groggy fog in your mind. A moan from under your blankets made your eyes widen in shock. “Uh....” You sputtered before reaching for your blankets. A wet slurp made you shudder as pleasure filled your brain. You grabbed your blanket and pulled it aside in a hurry. There, between your legs, was Princess Celestia with your entire cock in her mouth. She locked eyes with you and smiled before pulling your member out of her mouth. “Hello there, you naughty boy. Did I wake you?” You slowly nodded. Princess Celestia giggled as she gave the bottom of your shaft a teasing lick.”Sorry, Anonymous. I shouldn't have woken you up but there was a little problem.” She nuzzled your dick with her face, making you twitch and moan. “There's SUPPOSED to be a slice of cake waiting for me in exchange for my kindness. However, there wasn't any cake in this house.” Princess Celestia pushed her lips over your penis and squeezed it tight with her mouth. You grunted as the painful grip slowly loosened up. “So now...I need a treat or else I'm going to be very, VERY upset...” Princess Celestia's horn glowed bright before zapping down at your crotch. The tingle of her spell made you light headed as it weaved into your skin. “Uuuuuuhhhhggggg.” You groaned as the stimulation of the spell nearly made you climax. You looked down and gasped as your dick had tripled in size. What was once a decent mouthful had become a monster cock, throbbing and pulsing at full mast. Sitting below your new member was two full, bloated, aching balls just waiting to release. “Puh...Princess!” You hissed. Her warm breath tickled you all over, making you grit your teeth. “I...Uhh....guh...” “Shhhh.” Princess Celestia silenced you with a quick grab of your cock. “I'm getting a treat from you no matter what. Keep it down unless you want to wake Twilight.” Her mouth wrapped around the tip of your cock and slowly slid down your shaft. You couldn't help but moan as her expert technique nearly made you cum right there. She looked up at you and winked before her magic pulled off her bra. Princess Celestia grabbed her big tits and wrapped them around the base of your cock. The combination almost made you black out as every inch of your dick twitched. Celestia let out a throaty giggle. You watched as she expertly made your penis disappear down her throat, nearly swallowing your entire cock down her throat. You were left sweating and squirming as a little ring of lipstick was left where Celestia stopped pushing her limits. There was an audible slosh between your legs as your balls began to tingle. “Mmmm.” The princess moaned as she released your cock from her mouth. “Naughty Anon thinks he can cum before I say? Lets put an end to that idea.” Princess Celestia's horn glowed once more as a firm pressure tightened around the base of your dick and around your ballsack, “Now then...” Princess Celestia chuckled. “Where were we?” She teased by slipping her mouth back over your cock and pressing her tits around your shaft. The pleasurable blowjob quickly built you up to climax in seconds but the tight binds on your body prevented the finale from ruining the moment. Slowly, the pleasure of constant stimulation built into a dull ache as your balls tense up again and again in desperation to cum. “Princessssss...” You whined. Another lewd slurp and your balls tightened up again, bloating bigger and bigger as they were forced to keep their load. “Princessssssss!” Princess Celestia pulled her mouth from your cock and flashed your a wicked grin. “You know what you need to say to make the pain go away.” She lowered her head down and continued her blowjob, coating her lips in the watery pre-cum that was freely flowing from your cock. “Wha?” Your brain was fuzzy and muddled. You couldn't think straight. Every loving suck on your cock made the world spin. “Th...The cake? I'm...uuuhhhhh....ooooohhhh.....” You sucked in a deep breath through your teeth and shuddered. “I'm sorry I ate the stupid slice of cake!” Instantly, the pressure stopped and the pain was gone. Your whole body lurched as you felt a huge flow of cum rushing up your cock. Princess Celestia was drooling as you gripped the sheets and let loose. You bit your lip as you watched the princess gulp down a huge load of cum. A few thick strands began to leak from the sides of her mouth as you continued to climax. The princess moaned in delight as she finally got her midnight snack. Her skilled mouth and greedy throat made sure she barely missed a drop. Each twitch of your balls sent more and more cum into her belly, making it bloat and slosh inch by inch. Slowly, your balls shrank down to a slightly more manageable size while Princess Celestia savored every drop she could all while her belly swelled. You felt the last ropes of cum splatter the back of your princess's throat and your body went slack. The exertion of finally unleashing so much at once left you panting and sweaty. You tried to blink away the blurriness but it was no use. The last thing you saw before closing your eyes for good was Princess Celestia standing over your bed while patting a basketball sized belly. “ANON! Breakfast is ready!” Twilight shouted down the hallway. “Don't bother trying to sneak off to the tree. It seems a certain princess saw fit to not leave any presents for a cake stealing stallion.” She taunted. Your eyes slowly opened to the morning light pouring into your room. You tried to stretch but your entire body ached like you had run ten miles in your sleep. “What the...” Sweaty sheets were scattered around your bed. Your pajamas were soaked, making the chilly room even worse. “Ugh....what happened?” As you looked over the disaster of your bed, you noticed something poking out of your waistband and everything came rushing back to you. There, stuck poking out of your pajamas, was your mega endowed cock throbbing hard from morning wood. The pleasure of Princess Celestia servicing your big, thick cock. You could feel your balls tense up from such thoughts, sending a little dribble of pre-cum on your belly. “Huff....I think she gave me one big present, Twilight.” You chuckled. “Still....how the hell am I gonna hide this monster for the rest of my life....A problem for later. I'm starved.” You shrugged your shoulder and tucked yourself into your pants. As you walked out of your room, you saw a note stuck to your door. “Dear Anon. Thanks for the treat last night. Next year, don't forget the cake or else I won't take the bands off no matter how much you beg.” You gulped as a chill rocked your spine. “Maybe I should send her a cake...or two....just because....”