>You sigh, feeling annoyed as Twilight goes over you. "I'm not a damned Guinea pig, you know that?" >She ignores you and keeps looking at your organs, a slight green tint on her face. "This is fascinating though, I'm looking at something nop0ny will ever see again!" >You flinch as she pokes what you think is a kidney. "Titans! Ok, shoo, away!" you wave her off with your still attached arm. 'These Ponies make no sense.' >Applejack was still dry heaving, you expected her to be the one to deal with it the easiest. >"Tell me Mr.Anonymous, how are you not dead yet?" >Well, she doesn't seem to know your undead yet. Maybe her sister never told her? >You scratch the tip of one of your ears. "Let's just say I'm harder to kill than my kin and I'll live quite a while." >The clop-clop-clop of the marshmallow pony attracts her attention along with the other p0nies. >She's got more pink thread, great! >You're definitely going to gut that troll if you get back. >You snatch the needle and thread out of her mouth and get to work sowing your intestines back together. "Eww, that's positively revolting!" >This was annoying one handed and her puking on you wouldn't make it any better. >You hear a giggling from Pinkie, oh Titans what is she into now? >You look over and resist the urge to facepalm. She had a small circus built with a few of your blood parasites as performers. >Your head hurt and the only thing that could make this worst would be- >The squeaky laughing, why did you open your..mouth? Mind? Uhhg. >you glare at the little prick of a penguin. Wait, where did he get that rifle? >That penguin can rustle your jimmies like no other. Why didn't you kill him? >you give a jerk and snap the thread. Lower intestine down, a bunch of others left to go. You're starting to really hate this world. >You resolve to try a death gate as soon as you can move your legs. >You snap the thread again as you finish sowing the walls of your stomach back together. >The damned penguin kept coming back and forth hauling various weaponry, he even stopped once to throw more popcorn at your head. >Why does logic get bent over the table here? >The tall black pony, Luna, speaks up. "Sooo, Mr.Anonymous, what was it like where you came from?" >You wince as your spine meets it's severed lower half. "Just call me Anon, and the place where I came from? Bright, colourful, rich food." you give a small shrug. >Luna gasps in wonder, her imagination probably making it look better then it really did. "It sounds absolutely wonderful!" >You give a low chuckle. "Yeah, aside from the fact most people are as your kind would probably put it 'Flankholes'." >Twilight gasps at the fact you cursed in front of royalty and several bars of soap impact with the back of your head. >Luna simply chuckles. "You seem not to care much about royalty." you give another shrug and tear the thread moving onto the back of your torso. >"I've seen the damage royalty can have, and the good it can do as well. The king of my people was extremely corrupt and a prince of another race almost exterminated my people." >Rainbow Dash looks up with wide eyes while the rest of the ponies look teary eye'd, aside from Luna. >You shake some bloody ichor off of your hand before finishing sowing your stomach shut. Bloody fel this hurt. >You tell the ponies about Arthas's assault on the Sun Well. After your story, and telling them how you died there you look up from your half done job on your stomach. >All the ponies have shock from the thought of so much death and the way you described the creatures Arthas brought with him. "Then there is the story of my prince, Kael'thas." >You shake your head and jerk the wound shut. It felt good to be whole again, well for the most part. >You look up at the ponies and shake the nub of your arm. "Can I get some help with this?" >Twilight's horn glow softly and your severed arm floats up to the nub. >You start sowing it back on. "You ponies are strange, half of you act like it's nothing to see something torn in half and the other half are semi-sick." >Twilight gives a small shrug. "I had to look at dead creature's insides before." >Fluttershy, who seemed to be mixing some kind of salve together spat out the some leaves and continued working with a mortar and pestle. >"She's used to it." Pinkie supplies. >>1153017 >You look over at the Pink pony, still playing with the parasites. >"I grew up on a rock farm." she says simply. Something she doesn't want to talk about? Interesting. >"I expected Applejack to be the best to deal with it." Rainbow Dash and Rarity wince. >"She actually has a fear of blood, darling." You blink, that was interesting. >Well, at least the explained why she was dry heaving for so long. "Is she alright?" The Orange pony kept staring at a tree. >"Don't worry bro, she'll be fine after a bit." You give a slow nod as the blue and white ponies trot over to the orange one. >You pull the thread tight on your arm and bite the thread. "Well, aside from being a cyclops and not being able to stand for a while I'm as good as new." >Twilight nods, and you start to drift up in the air. >This time, Luna's doing the lifting. "Umm, please don't drop me." you don't want to bust your stitches. It took to long to fix yourself up. >"You shall be coming to Canterlot with us, I'm sure our sister would like to thank you for this." Wait, what? >You flail around, you hate flying. >She tosses you on her back and you're rising above the ground. If you could still get sick you would be puking. >You slouch over top of Luna, your legs and left arm still slowly being repaired by your little Sanguinary parasites. >"Uhh, Sooo..." This ride has been silent for the last five minutes and the awkwardness is thick enough to cut with a Runeblade. >You straighten up as best you can. "Uhhg, you ever heard the one about the Undead Mage?" >She shakes her head, of course she hadn't. >"Ahh, well the Sin'dorei Priestess comes up to him and says-" You continue on with the joke for a minute or two. >"-and then he says "Roses are grey, Violets are grey. I'm dead and colorblind." Luna surprises you greatly by letting out several snorts of laughter. Hehe, Pig-Pony. >You shake the mental image out of your head. "Thou are a strange one. Thou doesn't care that we are royalty?" >You roll your eye. "Like I said before, I don't care about Royalty. There's only been a hand full of rulers I've known to be truly worthy of leading their people." >She stares you down heavily. "What does thou mean by THAT." >Ohshitshitshitshit >"Well, I respect your sister as a ruler, she's got the whole professionalism down. From what I can tell, you're more...relaxed I believe the word would be?" >She gives a small nod. "We enjoy the "Hanging out" that the ponies often speak of." >You shrug. "I can't honestly remember the last time I spent any time with someone for recreational purposes." >She gives you an odd look at 'someone'. >"Apologies, I meant Somep0ny." >She gives a curt nod. >"We understand the difficulty of adapting to new forms of speech." >She shakes her head and points a hood ahead. "We are almost to Canterlot, can thou walk?" >You try to move your legs and only get a twitch, this will take a while. >"Sorry, My legs are shot." >She nods as you come close to the palace. "Then we shall carry thou to the dining hall." Wait, carry? >"I apologize Princess, but isn't that kind of demeaning?" your still wondering how you got here so fast. >You chalk it up to more magic, not even that trip into Med'ivh's tower was this confusing. >She shakes her head and part of her ethereal mane brushes against your face. It felt...good? >It didn't even feel like an echo of your usual senses. Most interesting. >"Please, hold on. We are coming upon the royal balcony." >You look ahead. Oh Titan's Celestia is standing there and she doesn't look happy. >Closer, closer. Oh Titans, she's defiantly unhappy. >You wince as your spine is jarred when Luna lands. Celestia just keeps her damned poker face on. >"Uhh, Luna...why is Celestia glaring at us?" Luna merely shrugs, and you notice several guards are whispering. >you jerk your head back to Celestia as she begins to approach. "Dear Sister, do you know what you're doing?" >She shakes her head and you feel the dead muscles in your stomach spasm. >"Only a Married Stallion is to ride upon the back of a Mare." Oh no, you know where this is going. Luna does as well from the look on her face. >"You two must now enter into wedlock lest Luna lose her crown and Anonymous lose his life." >You stare at Celestia, hoping this is a joke. She's got the straightest face you've ever seen. >"Celestia, please tell me your kidding." She just keeps staring. >Luna looks like she just saw a puppy sacrificed. >Celestia jerks her head at the palace. "Come, it's time to eat." >You keep swapping looks with Luna, you both know you are in some deep shit. >Luna follows behind her sister, heading to the dining hall. You whisper in her ear. "Did you know anything about this?" >She shakes her head lightly. "No, we are still learning modern Equestrian culture." >You feel the overwhelming desire to cry, too bad you can't. >You enter into the dining hall and your eye widens. It's bigger and more magnificent then anything in Silvermoon. >"Tia, are you-"Luna was cut off by you being lifted off her back and put down on a chair which strangely fit you. >"Luna, do you know what I think about all of this?" Celestia is at the front of the table, looking at you and Luna. >"No Sister, I was not even aware of such a thing!" Luna looks out of the corner of her eye at you for help. >Celestia's poker face splits wide open. "That's because there isn't, dear sister." >Wait, WHAT!? >Luna stares for a second before scowling, and your brain is still trying to catch up. It was all a prank? >"Tia, that was mean!" She even stomps a bit for effect. >"Ahh, Luna. It was just a joke, come, eat dinner." >Luna does as she is told and takes a seat next to Celestia. You continue to stare. >Dinner at the palace was...strange. Beyond the culinary ponies bringing in the food at the start of the meal it was very family oriented. >You mostly just sat there poking your hay casserole which was just hay smothered in cheese. You eventually ate some. >It wasn't the greatest, but fel, you've eaten dead ghouls once. The bacteria in your stomach would break it up into nothing. >The meal ended when Luna excused herself to, and you swear she said it, raise the moon. >Why do you believe that she is actually going to be doing that? It even started getting dark after she left. >This place will be your grave, you can feel it. >"So, Anonymous, I would like to ask you to stay the night at the palace. You are a hero now after all, and it's the least I can do." She's got a wierd look in her eyes. >You almost say no, but even the dead like to take naps. >"Alright Celestia, I'll take you up on your offer. Hopefully I'll be able to walk tomorrow and I can get started on getting back home." A certain Troll had to pay. >"Wonderful, if you'll follow me I will show you to your room!" She had the biggest shot eating grin on her face. >You gave her a deadpan look. "I'm crippled from the waist down.." She opened her mouth to comment, but thought otherwise. >More damn floating, yay. >As you floated behind Celestia, you got a good look of the castle. The entire place was made with marble! >Minutes go by and you stop looking around, realizing you had stopped. "Your room, sir." She even used a little accent. Amusing. >She even floated you onto the bed in the room. After several minutes, you let yourself fall asleep.