>You are Butterscotch >Applejack's dragged you to Appeloosa >Family business or something >And she somehow needs you for it >Not that you mind, Applejack wasn't as bad as a tease as the others, and it's only the two of you >Applejack's run off to the appeloosa orchard for whatever she came here for >You're alone now >You're enjoying the town, looking in the various shops >Suddenly, you feel a hoof on your shoulder >"Hey there sexy~" >Wat >You turn your head, the voice came from a yellow stallion. >He seems familiar... > You've been hit on before, but never by a guy >"What's a cutie like you doin' here all alone?" "Um... I came-" >You're cut off by him >"How 'bout we make yer visit worthwhile? C'mon, let's hit the bar!" > He grabs you by the wrist and pulls you away >In the blink of an eye you're seated at the bar of one of Appeloosa's many pubs >Cup of cider in front of you >The stallion takes a swig of his own cup >"The name's Braeburn!" >He extends a hoof >"And who do Ah have the pleasure of drinkin' with?" >You timidly shake his hoof "Butter-" >You're cut off again >"So what did ya say brings ya to Appeloosa?" "Well, you didn't let me finish last time, and I-" >"Wonderful, wonderful! Why aren't ya drinkin' any?" >This guy >"Don't ya like cider?" >You take a small sip of your drink >Nearly spit it out again >It tastes like piss next to Applejack's cider >"But ya still didn't tell me what ya were doin' here." "Well, Applejack-" >"So you're one of AJ's friends? Ah knew Ah recognized ya! Ah tell ya, her friends are beauties, all of them! It's nice to have one for ny own." >That last line was way to 'bedroom' "Well, I'm sorry but-" >He leans over to grab your cider >In the process, he takes a good whiff at your mane >"If you ain't drinkin', Ah will!" >And he downs your drink, too >You actually wanna be with Applejack's teasing rather than this faggot >Your train of thought is interrupted by his forleg wrapping around you >He's pulling you close >Way too close > You try to push away from him "I'm sorry, I'm not really-" >"Oh, ya don't like this place? Ah'll admit, Ah know a few better places." >He pays for the drinks, and drags you off again >He drags you through town, into a building that looks like a cheap hotel >It is a cheap hotel >Before you can resist, he pushes you into one of the rooms >You wanna go home >Even with the other four girls still there > You're standing in the center of the room >You must look as confused as you are, Braeburn tells you to "Don't panic, it's jus' a room!" >He laughs at you >He lies down on the bed, obviously trying to seduce you now >Man, he's showing off everything >You're somehow kinda pleased yours is larger >"So? See anythin' ya like?" You blush, and look away. "Well, I'm not-" > He laughs >"Of course ya do! Every mare in this town wants some of what you're about to get!" >He slowly moves closer to you >"You're one lucky mare!" >Mare? >What? >Explains a lot actually >But you don't look /that/ feminine, right? >You try to speak up again. "I'm not a-" >You can't finish your sentence >It's hard to talk with Braeburn's lips on yours >He even tries to push his tongue in >Being the weak little shit you are, you let him >His tongue swirls around in your mouth a bit >1/10 >After he pulls back, he gives you another of those bedroom glances >"See? Don't fight it, Ah know ya want it." >He pulls you on the bed, throwing you on your back >You close your eyes in embarassment and shock >You feel his hooves run down your chest >Down your stomach >And they stop there >A while passes >Nothing happens >You open your eyes >Breaburn seems pretty stumped >"You're... Ya didn't tell me you're a stallion..." >You feel relieved, he'll probably let you go now "Well, I've been trying to te-" >Interrupted again, even now >He's put his hoof on your mouth >"Luckily, I don't mind at all." >An almost evil grin is dancing around his lips >You swallow >His hoofs start moving down again >You almost instinctively close your eyes again >You feel him grab your flaccid shaft >"no need to be anxious, Ah'll make it worthwhile for ya." "Well, a-actually, I'm not int-" >You're interrupted by a sudden lick along the length of your shaft >You've been a straight stallion for as long as you can remember >But this works >Fuck >You feel yourself slowly growing erect as he gives you a slow clopjob >"Y'know, Ah don't normally give, but Ah'm willin' to make am exception for a cute stallion like yourself." >Even against your strongest will, you'r putty in his hooves >Well, more like rock now >Braeburn chuckles >"And now Ah'm startin' to wonder how Ah failed to notice that wood!" >You blush heavily, and cover your face with your hooves >He pays your embarrassment no attention >You're caught of guard by the sudden rush of pleasure as he wraps his lips around the head "P-please, d-" >He pulls up just to interrupt you >"Don't ya worry yourself, Ah'm plenty experienced." >And down he goes again >Fuck, it's actually pretty good >No! >You mentally slap yourself in the face for thinking something so gay >You don't want this! >Remember what Iron Will told you >"If ya want it, TAKE IT!" >Well, you know how to apply it to this situation at least >You takes your hooves from your face, and try to reach down to him >This is the first time you've actually looked down >The sight of a stallion sucking you off startles you a bit >Focus! >He's steadily going down further over your length, and the amount of spit he uses makes it feel pretty good >You have to fight the pleasure as you grab his head >You try to push him off >He looks up at you "I don't wan-" >You stop, expecting to be interrupted >No interruption "I don't-" >You're interrupted by a tiny moan escaping your lips >He's 'taken your hint', and doubled speed >How he got that messge from your words is a mystery to you >All power is flowing from your limbs >Your will to fight him off is still there >But you can't act on it >Physically impossible >He's bobbing his head up and down like crazy now >It's such a weird sight, you decide to not look >You lay your head back and close your eyes >By now you can't stop your moaning anymore >Braeburn seems pleased >You're not pleased >But at the same time, very pleased >You can't hold it anymore, even your mental barrier is breaking >You let out a long moan as you finally achieve sweet release >Braeburn seems a little startled by your unwarned orgasm >He swallows though >Why do you find that kinda hot? >You're so confused >Braeburn pulls away from your cock, and slowly crawl towards you >"So, do you give or take?" "Actually, I'm-" >You're interrupted >By Applejack >From just outside the room >"Breaburn? BREABURN! Where are you ya lazy shit?!" >Braeburn happily answers >"Right here AJ! Ya can come in, but Ah've got company!" >ohfuckshe'scomingin.jpg >"Whaddayamean company? Ya shouldn't be-" >She stops in her tracks >Your life is over >"Butterscotch? Ya never told me ya were a... colt cuddler." "Well, I've been trying to tell him I'm-" >Fucking Braeburn again >"He clearly is, ya should-" >Applejack stomps her hoof on the ground >"Braeburn! Let him finish!" >You finaly speak a complete sentence "I've been trying to tell him, I'm not into stallions, but he... He kinda forced me." "and I got off to it." >you whisper that last part >Braeburn's shocked >Applejack's shocked >After a short silence, Braeburn laughs >"Aww, fuck. And here Ah thought Ah had a cute one!" >You smile sheepishly >Applejack finally snaps out of it >"Butterscotch! Ah knew you were weak, but this weak!" >She laughs >"But... You're still into mares, right?" >You nod happily "Yes!" >Wait >Processing... >You've just traded one farmer for the other now >Fuck >Applejack slowly approaches you >Yep, you're into mares >The look on her face gets you rock hard in seconds, whether you want to or not >"Well Braeburn, since he's obviously not a colt cuddler, could ya...?" >Braeburn gets her hint, and gets off the bed, giving his cousin some space >Why won't he just leave >Applejack climbs on the bed with you "Please, Applejack, I don't wann-" >She puts a hoof over your mouth >"Shush you, today is my only chance to get a good ride without havin' to worry about the other girls bargin' in." >She has a point, but what about you? >Clearly she only cares for one part of you >She takes her hoof off your face only to replace it with her lips >She's a better kisser than Braeburn, that's for sure >You've about given up at this point, and you're only struggling slightly >While kissing you, she grabs a rough hold of your cock >You wince, you're still tender from Braeburn's forced service earlier >She breaks the kiss >"Don't be such a filly, Butterscotch! Pony up, 'cause Ah'm gonna help myself to at least on orgasm today!" >You swallow >You wanna go home to Angel and the other animals >Applejack wastes no time in interrupting your homesickness by mounting your shaft >She quickly slides down until your hips meet >Your head falls back down again >Since there's no way saving yourself, you might as well try to just endure it >Maybe even enjoy >Applejack slowly starts grinding up and down >clearly your size is a bit much even for her, she's breathing heavily already >But fuck this feels good >You moan softly as Applejack rides your meat >She starts moaning too >So does Braeburn >Wait, what? >You turn your head to look at him >You're greeted by a cock in your face >Braeburn's beating it to the two of you >He notices you watching, and grins >He pushes his dick forward, against your lips >just as he's about to grant himself entrance to your mouth, Applejack stops him >Thank Celestia >"Braeburn! Ah told ya he's not into that!" >"And then ya proceed to leave me all on my own?" >Applejack sighs, and leans over forward >Impressive how much body control she has while riding you like she's on fire >She grabs Braeburn's dick, and starts jacking him off >Right in front of your face >If he cums, you're gonna get it >All of it >You try to speak up, but your moans block any other sound trying to escape you >You just close your eyes in case the worst happens >Involuntarily, you grab Applejack's waist >"Oh? See, Ah told ya ya'd like it!" >She speed up >Fuck >gonnablow.exe >She notices, and speeds up even more >"Not before I do!" >You grit your teeth, trying to hold back your orgasm >Just as you lose it, Applejack cries out in orgasmic bliss >"Hoo boy! This is what Ah need!" >You feel your balls empty themselves inside Applejack >You feel her juices cover your thighs >You feel something warm cover your face, as Braeburn moans out >It sounds way too much like you did just now >Wait... >Some thing warm on your face >You open your eyes just in time to see a last strand of jizz flying to your forehead >Fucking fantastic >Applejack dismounts you >She and Braeburn leave the bed >She giggles at you >"It's that ah know better, but you sure look like a colt cuddler with that load on yer face!" >You better clean up >You groan as you get off the bed, and head to the nearest sink >Applejack stops you in your tracks >Braeburn's already left >"Um... Butterscotch?" >"Thanks." "Y-you're welc-" >She gives you a quick kiss on your lips >Your blush somehow worsens >She heads off too >You clean up >When you go outside again, Applejack acts like nothing's happened >Braeburn unfortunately doesn't >Note to self "Never go to Appeloosa ever again."