You open your eyes slowly, blinking to clear your blurred vision. >A vast expanse of reddish-brown was laid out before you, a tumbleweed or two the only movement for miles. >Gigantic stone formations dot the horizon. >Kind of looks like something out of the old Roadrunner cartoons. >You half expected him or Wile E. to show up and go through their antics. >Your head kind of hurts too, so you figure you’ll go over the basics in your mind. >You are Anonymous, or Anon for short. >You're rather imposing in terms of height at a whopping 6'4”. >You're a gentle giant though, not the kind to get into fights usually. >You’re pretty strong though. >You work out, but you’re not a crazy jock or a roid’ junkie. >DEFINITELY not some stupid greasy haired Jersey-Shore wanna-be. >Mind intact, you slowly rise and hit your head on something. >It’s an overhang and a short one at that. >You crawl out into the hot wasteland sun. >The good news is your clothes are still intact, shorts and a t-shirt. >First time in your life you were glad for Summer. >Okay, time to see if your usual items are with you. >You check your pockets. >Your wallet and phone are still there, along with your earbuds. >Okay, that’s good. >Maybe you can call for help. >You check your phone. >A big fat zero bars. “Hmm... weird.” >Your watch beeps. >At least that’s still working. >You sigh and scratch your head. “Where the hell am I?” >Well, no service so no GPS. >You can’t just SIT here. >You pick a direction and head that way. >You lose track of the amount of times your watch beeps as you walk. >You’re growing tired, sweat soaking your clothes. >What’s worse, you’re thirsty and there isn’t any water as far as the eye can see. >You don’t have any survival experience either; finding food and water is not likely. >Your vision blurs again as you see a dust cloud on the horizon with flashes of black and blue. >You don’t know what it could be, but at this point it doesn’t really- >You pass out. >You groan and slowly open your eyes. >No longer did the sun assault you with its harmful rays. >Instead you are in some kind of cave. >Maybe someone found you? >No, then you’d probably be in a car or hospital. “Where the hell am I..?” >Seems that question’s going to pop up a lot in the near future with a few variations. >A noise reaches your ears. >Something like an insect's wings buzzing.... except louder. >A chill runs down your spine. >You're an Entomophobe. >As you sit up, two black creatures with glistening wings appeared before you, hissing. >Your heart beats faster. >Two giant bugs flank your front. >Your eyes widen and you scream like the pussy you are. >The bugs recoil at the volume of your scream. >You attempt to scoot away, but back into two more sets of legs. >You curl into a ball on the floor in a fetal position. >For all your size and strength, bugs were your Achilles’ heel. >You close your eyes and pray for it to be a nightmare. >You’d rather have the unforgiving heat of the wastelands than deal with this shit. >“So you're the hairless monkey my subjects brought in. Spineless as well it seems.” >A female voice? >Weird. >You look at the source and soon wish you hadn’t. >The voice was coming for a giant bug-like creature with a long, oily mane and large, tattered wings. >“I was hoping you’d remain asleep. You’d be less noisy when I ate you.” >Did it just say it was going to eat you? >Shit. >Bad, bad, BAD. >You weren’t really a violent person. >In fact, despite your build you were more often than not the guy at the front desk of the UPS Store you worked at, a smile on your face and good manners abound. >Still, you liked your space from time to time, so shifts in the back room doing behind-the-scenes work balanced that out. >You were an enigma to a lot of people. >Tall, strong, decent looking, but you weren’t a party animal nor did you aspire to be. >You had a group of friends you hung out with but that was about it. >You weren’t one to go to any large events. >In fact, that’s what your last girlfriend broke up with you over. >You still thought it was stupid, and it still hurt some. >Now’s not the time for that. >Do or die anon. >It’s you or the bug. >You rise up, even causing the being to take a small step back. “I… am going to deck you in the snauz.” >You manage, turning your terror into a drive to feed. >“What?” it replies, confused. >You pull your arm back and punch the thing, sending it to the ground. >Bad idea. >You find yourself weightless and flying into a wall, the smaller bugs moving out of the way. “Ow....” > “Perhaps I misjudged you. Not many would have the gall to strike me. Do you know who I am, you monkey?” >You groan in response. >“I am Chrysalis, Queen of the Changelings.” >Changelings? >The word is familiar; history is a favorite subject of yours, and that name is from old lore. “That doesn’t make sense. You’re a bug, not a demon.” >The big bug thing looks at you like you're out of your mind. >“What are you talking about, ape? We Changelings feed off of emotions, but lacking that we can feed off of flesh and bone as well. Besides, fear is only alright; it isn't very satisfying. Not only that, but you'd only make a suitable meal in terms of meat for a fraction of my subjects if that many.” >So the Changelings here are giant quadripedal bugs that feed on emotions. >Well, you ain’t in Kansas anymore. > Your thirst is now joined by its brother, hunger. >Now you might not be the ultimate survivalist, you did enjoy the TV shows about the guys who WERE. >And what did they all say was good for eating? >Bugs. >You couldn’t believe you were about to do this, but you weren’t going to die of starvation. >She wasn’t very well built so overpowering her wasn’t an issue. >Besides, SHE wanted to eat YOU. >You rise and recompose yourself before making a lunge at the Changeling Queen, bearing your canines. >You're more hungry than you are scared. >You find yourself on the ground again, thrown by that same strange force. > “So it seems that you're just as hungry as we are! Whatever you are, your survival instinct is strong.” “What can I say? Humans are a bitch to kill off. I’d know, our species has done a fine job of trying to off each other.” >You rise again with a groan. >”You're pretty gutsy for a hairless monkey; impressive given your prior cowardice. Not many would attempt to kill me, and not so boldly. You were coming at me like a rabid animal.” >You take advantage of the situation and make a break for it. >Good, out of her range now. >Uh-oh. >Here come the smaller bugs again. >You turn and manage to find an exit. >Scrambling out you find yourself in a valley. >You take off to the East, but those bugs aren’t far behind. >You swiftly duck into a nearby gap in the rock face out of panic. >Thankfully they aren’t all that bright. >You needed a minute to process everything that’s happened. >Okay, so you wake up in the middle of barren wastes. >You start walking. >Pass out. >Wake up in company of giant bug things. >Run. >You can’t stay here or you’ll starve. >Time to concoct a plan, Anon. >What do we have to work with? >They’re sentient. >Well, the biggest one is. “A hive mind maybe?” >Yes, that makes sense. >A hive mind would require the smaller drones to be easily ordered around. >She called you a monkey. >Perhaps she isn’t aware of humans? >If this isn’t Earth, than that’s quite the possibility. >She isn’t aware of human intelligence. >And you didn’t give a very good show of it back there. >Your stomach aches again. >There’s the hunger. >You spot some mushrooms on the ground. >Food. >Eat those, find help! >Great idea! >Or not. >You ingest them and your heart begins to race. >Well fuck, that isn’t good. >You start to sweat and pass out. >You wake up with a gasp. >Sparks jump from your body. >”You ate the mushrooms found in this valley, didn’t you? They’re poisonous you stupid ape.” >It’s that same voice from before. >The big bug. >Well, now that you think about it they look more equine than insectoid. >Four legs, not six. >Ears of some kind. >Hell, the big one… Queen Chrysalis wasn’t it…She’s got a slick, oily mane and tail. >No compound eyes either. >Not very insect like at all except for the wings, shells, and armor plating positioned on their bodies. >Even then it was matte for the most part. >Back to your own body. >Sparks meant some kind of electricity. >You got defib’d by a horse-bug. >You had DIED. >But they were trying to eat you not too much earlier. >Does not compute. “Why did you save me?” >”Because I thought of another way you could be useful to us.” >Of course. “And what might that be?” >“Simple. You’re going to dig. You’re going to dig until either you drop dead or I tell you to stop.” >Now you’re upset. >Well, more than you were before. >You’re no slave! >She has no right to order you around like that! >Time to grow a pair. >Imagine them not as giant bugs but as horses with wings glued on or something. >Much better. “Make me.” >You rise to your full height and you note she has to force herself not to step away. “Go on. Make me.” >Horses with bug wings and horns. >That’s all they are. >You aren’t scared of horses. >She’s confused as to your newfound courage. >And scared; you can see it in her eyes. “I’m not a slave. I’m a human being. I have a fully functional brain capable of rational, intelligent thought. I am grateful that you saved my life, but if you think for ONE SECOND that I’m going to be your slave because of it, you can think again.” >Now she’s taking steps back, matching each you take forward. “I’ve been put under more stress in the past…” >You check your watch. >Fuck, you still didn’t know what time it was before you ran off. “…however long I’ve been here than I have in my ENTIRE LIFE! I wake up in the middle of a wasteland without food or water, pass out, wake up surrounded by bug-horse hybrid things, attempt to be eaten by and subsequently EAT said bug-horse things, run off, eat a mushroom that KILLS ME, get brought back to life by the bug-horse things and-!” >Wait. “How DID you get my heart started again? I don’t see any electronics. No cables, no defibrillator, no nothing.” >” I don’t even know half of what you just listed. To answer your question though, I used magic.” “Oh great! Giant bug-horse things that can use MAGIC! Still, I’m not going to let you push me around! I’ll rip those wings right off of your back!” >She smirks. >”Do it then.” >You reach for them, and the instant you feel them you release them and return to your fetal position. “OhmygodIcantbelieveijusttouchedagiantinsectwingthisissogrossohshitohsshitfuckfuckfuck!” >Looking at them? >You’ve got that under control. >Touching them? >Well, they certainly not glued on. >Very real. >Very disgusting. >That whole tough guy thing you were going for? >Out the window. >However, something is going through her mind. >You catch a glimpse of her… face… out of the corner of your eye. >A devious expression, plotting. >”Very well. You’ll be given compensation for your work in the form of shelter and the sustenance you require.” >Now that’s more like it. >However, there was something about the way she phrased that last statement that made you think back to what she’d said earlier. >They fed on emotions. >Hang on. >Adding two and two… >Wait for it… >”Actually, there is ONE more little thing…” >There it is. “What might that be?” >Your voice is a bit shaky, knowing what’s coming next. >”Love us.” >Bug pone just asked you to love it and all of its little freak show children. >Bug pone just tried to KILL YOU, EAT YOU, AND ENSLAVE YOU. >And it just asked you to love it.