Part 1: Retainer Anon Gets Sick >It has been a month since your Queen had set you free. >You stayed with her because you do care for her. >She was grateful that you did stay. >However, she did not like that you were still serving as her Retainer. >She said that your purpose was served and you could relax. >Her changeling drones would take over. >But you insisted. >After about a few days of it, she finally gave up. >So now you're spending the day tending to Chrysalis's every need and desire. >Well, almost every desire. >You still wouldn't get intimate with her, despite her pleads. >At one point, she even tried using magic to force you to mate with her. >That didn't go far when she saw herself in the mirror with such a crazed look. >She apologized and avoided making contact with you for a week. >It wasn't all her fault, since it was that time where her race goes into heat. >But you assured her that you weren't angry. >Things eventually returned to normalcy. >For the most part, everything is going fine for you and Chrysalis. >That is until you soon catch a case of the sniffles. >You think it is just some allergen that's causing it, and you think nothing of it. >But that sniffle turned into a cough and that into a sneeze. >To think you'd come down with something is crazy. >But you don't want to worry the Changeling Queen. >So you hide the fact that you're sick. >You think you would get better eventually. >This continues for a few days. >And it only gets worse. >However, you keep up the charade and go about your day. >Today, you help Chrysalis with her changeling operations. >You were out at a dig sight where a group of changelings in construction outfits blast away at hard rock. >They are adding a new section to the hive. >Chrysalis nods at the progress they are making. >She smiles. >"I think this will make a good place for a hatchery...when I start brooding that is." >You look down to see how happy she is. >You wonder if changelings can feed off of other emotions. "Yeah. And with these designs, each egg should get enough love to...t-to..." >You sway to-and-fro and bring your hand up to your head. >Chrysalis notices you acting strange and becomes concerned. >"Anon, are you okay?" >You try to answer her. >Opening your mouth, all you could get out was a tiny squeak. >In that moment, your legs buckle. >All the strength and energy disappears. >You fall limp. >The last thing you hear is Chrysalis screaming and loud buzzing from all around you. >"ANONYMOUS!" >You are Chrysalis, Queen of the Changelings. >And right now, you are freaking out. >Anon fell over. >He isn't moving. >Your heart stops and time seems to freeze. >You don't know what to do. >All you can do is call out to him. >Nudge him. >You hope that you'll get through to him. >That he will wake up. >It isn't work. >You're losing your composure, and your subordinates are starting to freak out. >Every changeling in the hive goes into a frenzy. >They are flying all around. >Their buzzing echoes through the caverns of your hive. >You can't think straight. >Anon could be in trouble, and you can't think. >Then you recall one of your mother's talks about ruling your hive. >>"Changeling drones will mimic what ever is in their Queen's heart. If you show weakness and fear, so do they. You must be strong of will and sharp of mind in any situation. Remember these words, and be the leader I know you can be..." >As much as your mother buts in on your life, she is right. >Time to take a stand and be the Queen of your hive. "SILENCE!" >The changelings in the air quickly land upon hearing your order. >They bow towards your direction. >You point to four changelings before you with a hoof. "You four, take him to my chambers. And be careful." >With a nod and a little bit of magic, they lift him up and carry him off. "NURSE!" >With a booming voice like that, no changeling couldn't ignore you. >After about ten seconds, two changelings land in front of you. >They look slightly different, having a green cross etched into their chest. >"My Queen," they spoke in tandem. "Anon will be in my royal chambers. Figure out what is wrong with him and report! And hurry!" >The salute and fly off faster than they arrived. >They know what would happen if they failed. >You stand there and let out a sigh. >There are still changelings standing around, as if they were waiting on an order. "What are you all standing around for? GET TO WORK!" >Not wanting to infuriate you, they all resume back to their work. >Now that things are back to normal, you can focus on Anon. "Please be okay..." >Return back to your chambers. >Anon lies on your bed with only his underwear. >He is still breathing, but they were deep and heavy breaths. >You were scared, but you bottle up that emotion. >Can't have your drones going crazy again. >However, his entire body is covered in tiny beads of sweat sweat. >Both nurses hover their horns over his form. >They glow a sickly green as they try to diagnose what happened. >It pains you to see him like this. >After 10 long, nervous minutes of hoof biting, one of the nurses walks over towards you while the other tries to wipe him clean of sweat. >You regain your composure and stare down at her. >"My Liege! it seems that A-non has come down with the case of the Changeling Flu." >Seems you've been panicking for no reason. >"But, it seems that he has put his body under a lot of stress." >Damn that human. >He always acts like this. >You should have been more firm and told him to not work so much. >But he's more stubborn than you are. >Nonetheless, you are still worried for him. "Will he be fine?" >The nurse smiles. >"Yes, if he stays in bed for a few days to recover. We treated the ailment. But he will be weak." "I see." >You let out an exasperated sigh of relief and place your hand over your heart. "Thank goodness..." >The second nurse stands before you and bows with the first. >"We shall take our leave now." >Now you are alone with Anon. >He is calm. >The sweating ceases. >This is good. >For now, you'll let him rest. >Sitting at the side of the bed, you caress his cheek with your hoof. "Idiot..." >He feels so warm. >You run your hoof through his fine hair. "I don't know what I would have done if I lost you." >Your tears begin to roll down your cheeks. "You mean too much to me to die." >You stare for a minute at his lovely face. >So serene. >His lips were enticing. >Your heart skips a beat. "I know you wouldn't let me do this when you're awake, but..." >You lean in close and give the sleeping human a light kiss on his lips. >You savor this moment and etch it into your memories. >A light smacking sound of your lips parting from one another echoes through your mind. >You lie your head on his chest and hear him breath. "I love you, Anon. More than you know." >That was when you made a promise to nurse Anon back to health. "Rest, my number one loyal servant." >Throughout the day, you stay by his side. Part 2: Promises >Open your eyes. >That was a good night sleep. >You are not sure what happened yesterday. >It doesn't matter now. >Today, you will help your Queen with any job she has for you. >You wonder how the construction on the hatchery is going. >Lift your arms to stretch seems like lifting a large rock. >They barely moved an inch. >You see that you aren't strapped down to anything. >It is then you noticed that you weren't in your own room. >With the décor as elegant as it is and the feeling of black satin around your body, you are sure that this is your Queen's bed chambers. >And where are your clothes? Why are you only in your undergarments? >Did you do something last night with your Queen? "Oh no... I've soiled the Queen. If her mother finds ou-" >You try to whisper to yourself, but the light humming and buzzing of wings quickly diverted your thinking. >You are sure someone is coming. "Shit it's bad. If they see me in this bed, they will get the wrong impression that I mated with Chrysalis. I need to get out of here!" >You do your best to sit up straight. >That doesn't happen at all, since you feel like jelly. >Moving isn't an option. >The doorknob begins to jiggle. >Time seems to slow in that moment. >Thoughts race a mile a minute in your mind. 'What will they think?' 'What if I have fertilized my Queen?' 'What if her mother finds out?' 'Oh no...I'm dead. It's all over!" >You do the only thing you can do: Pretend you aren't there and close your eyes. >If you can't see them, then they can't see you. >You sit there for a bit before realizing that the idea is dumb. >You open your eyes and turn your head towards the door. "Time to accept my fate as her mother's whipping boy." >The door opens up to reveal Chrysalis waltzing inside with a steaming bowl of...something in her magical grip. >You get a good look at her to see her attire. >Her mane is tied up into a ponytail. >The front parts at her horn as two long braids fall to either side like twin tails. >She wears a cute pink nurse's outfit, and her pink hat has a green cross on it. >Pure white knee-high stockings grace her hind legs; however, her forehooves were bare. >"Ah! I see that you're up, lover boy." >You blush; though you're not sure because of her words or what she is wearing. >"Didn't think you'd turn a lovely shade of red." >You murmur under your breath. >"Hm?" "W-What did we do last night?" >"What? You don't remember?" >She places the bowl on a tray and slowly climbs on top of you. >Her mane cascades around her face. >Your heart begins to race as she lies on top of you. >Her fangs lightly scrape against your neck. >"Last night was memorable...didn't think you would drive me that wild." >You did screw her. >But if she acts this way, then you don't think it matters. >It feels nice the way she licks her light scratches. >She coos into your ear. >Her hot breath causing your loins to rise to the occasion. >"Ooh! Seems my lover is ready for another round." "Y-yeah..." >Her forked tongue slithers all around your ear, tickling your ear and bringing you closer to penetrative status. >She moans as her rear lightly rubs against your crotch. >Her magic rubbing your penis into a frenzy. "I...I want to fuck you, Chrysi." >You move your hands and rest them onto her plump ass cheeks. >For chitin, it's pretty malleable. >She moans as your fingers wiggle their way to her rear entrance. >"Anon...Anon...oh Anon...h-hah...Anon...Oh Ano-" >"Anon!" "Whahaha!" >You snap out of your daze to find Chrysalis's snout only inches from your nose. >She glares at you looking a bit miffed. 'Was that a wet dream?' >You attempt to move your hands. >Your arms won't budge an inch. >"I said that you passed out yesterday. Turns out that some human I know got sick and didn't tell me about it!" >You wince at her words. >She puts a hoof on your gut and pokes you a couple of times. >"You know how much I worry for you? Every day you try to overwork yourself just to make me happy. But all it does is make me worry. What if you got hurt...or worse? " >Now you feel like shit. >All this time you worry for her and try to make her life easier, but in the end you just worry her sick. >What kind of retainer are you? >Can't even make your Queen happy. >You shift your gaze away from your Queen. >You don't deserve to look at her. >She sighs and lies her head against your chest. >"Sorry for getting angry, but I just don't want to lose you." >Feel her cheek rub against yours as a show of affection. >"Just promise me that once you're better, you'll take it easy? A queen can't have her servant do all the work." >You lie there for a few seconds. >You rub your cheek against hers. >Smile. "I promise."