>it wasn't exactly easy to ignore natural urges ever since you first came to Equestria >months had passed, and each day only got harder to deal with such things >it was almost like the ponies had a sixth sense to when you wanted to just relieve some tension >as sweet as Fluttershy was, she seemed to always nose her way in and back out when you looked a little frustrated >you weren't against enjoying a mare, but the difference between species might raise a bit of alert or something >either way, you didn't want to outright risk it, just in case >today seemed like as good as any for another attempt at maybe easing some stress >sun was shining, birds were chirping, and you were ready to tear a hole in your pants >ironically enough, there had been a bit of sprucing up you needed on your clothing >Rarity's small boutique was nearby, so it seemed like the best option >another thought crept into your head as you made your way to the place, wondering just how much privacy you might have there >did she have dressing rooms? If so, would you fit? >you sighed and shrugged, deciding you may as well try for it >before long, you had arrived and were instantly hassled by the marshmallow pony the second that bell chimed >”Oh, dear! Your attire looks to be in such shambles!” she said, her magic tugging at areas in the fabric >you try shrugging it away here and there but ultimately give up and let her usher you into a couple of areas of the shop >”Why didn't you come to me sooner, darling? You've been treating these clothes like Applejack treats her hat,” she mentioned and held a tape measure to your leg >you explain to her that you just want some simple patch work done to close the holes >her response is a more confused look to you with her head tilting to the side >”Well.. I could do that, but wouldn't you want something to show off?” she nearly pleaded >you shake your head and repeat yourself >the white unicorn gives a small, “Hmph,” and turns back to float over a needle and thread >you quickly stop her and ask if there might be a changing room >”Oh, yes, dear. Just over behind the curtains there,” she said simply and lunged the needle towards your leg >a jump back and suggest tossing the clothes over to let her work and you just stay in the dressing area until she's done >”If you insist,” she says, apparently still a bit upset you turned down her idea of giving your clothes more flare >within minutes, you're finally undressed and toss the articles of clothing over the curtain rail and watch as they magically lift away >finally, you're alone >or, at least as close to it as possible and still comfortable now >you settle back against the wall, tugging your boxers down and sighing in relief from the freedom >your hands are quickly getting to work, giving a good grip and stroke as you settle down onto the small footstool >minutes in, you're already stroking and cupping your very pent up balls like you were back home >it felt so good to finally get this pleasure again, though it was a little odd to be doing it in such a place >still, you had small fantasies of getting a thrill out of masturbating in public >this was close enough without that kind of risk >that was until you heard the ding of the bell from the front door opening >you slow your motions, nearly sweating in the moment, as you listen closely to who may have come in >”Oh, there you are, Sunset!” Rarity's voice called out >you hear the light trot of hooves from within the boutique, holding your member in wait >listening in, you hear them discussing plans for a Gala dress for Sunset >fabrics for this, jewels and gems for that, you weren't exactly too interested in anything more than yourself right now >after a bit, you start up again, breathing a tad deeply and using your leaking pre-seed as a natural lubricant >the friction and slick motions seem to cause a bit of noise as you continue >it isn't long until you're losing yourself into the sensation, not realizing that the talking ponies have gone quiet >you're so lost in the moment that you don't hear Rarity begin rattling off a few issues with your pants, her voice becoming louder >those hooves trot closer to the curtain until you see the fabric shift and freeze >your pants come through the slit between the joined curtains, flowing open just enough to catch the gaze of those blue sapphire eyes behind red glasses >”I just couldn't seem to..to, uh.. Wh-what is that you're doing?” she asks curiously, pulling the pants away from your reach >you notice her eyes have drifted down to your loins, which you still held firmly with one hand >just as you try to cover yourself, the curtains fly open more, displaying you fully to the marshmallow pony and her bacon colored mane friend behind her >”Is that a..normal thing you humans do?” Rarity asks, setting your pants down nearby and moving in a little >you could see the small bit of embarrassing curiosity on her face and the utter bewilderment on Sunset's >”Um..do continue..if you, uh..must,” she says a bit softly, now outright staring at your maleness >you hold yourself at the base and let her look freely, unable to go soft at all for some reason while you let her and her friend look on >Sunset Shimmer seems to move in closer now, almost neck and neck with Rarity with their noses not much than several inches away >a white hoof lifts and brushes tenderly along the underside of your shaft >the velvet touch makes you give a light gasp and twitch for them both, making Rarity bite her bottom lip and nod some >”Go on~” she says a little breathy >you can't think of much else to do and finally start oblige >each stroke of your erect member makes you feel that much better, watching their eyes follow your hand up and down >you had never masturbated in front of anyone before, much less two ponies >it was a nice thrill to it, having two mares eager to see you pleasure yourself right in front of them >the more you worked your cock, the more heavy your breath became >you could even tell that Rarity and Sunset were getting into it, breathing a bit more deeply >when you grunt, the white coated unicorn glances up and smiles sweetly, nodding approvingly to you >”That's right, dear~ Just keep going..” she said softly and inches closer to the head of your shaft >you swallow hard, doing your best to not lose it completely as she sniffs to your aroused nature >Sunset follows along, doing the same and even giving the side of your mushroom top a small lick >the feeling almost sends you over the edge before you slow your stroking and dribble out a little bit more of that silky substance >”Oh, my! W-what does he taste like?” Rarity asks in a hushed tone >”Kinda salty..” her friend whispers. “I..kind of like it..” >without hesitating, the purple maned pony leans in and runs her tongue swiftly over the end of that rod >you moan a little as they watch and see your clear liquid dribbling and drooling to the floor >”That better not stain,” Rarity speaks up and gives you an annoyed look before resuming watching you jerk off >you grin a bit but stay silent, letting them continue their voyeur fun >you keep up a steady pace for a bit, catching glances to the white pony's eyes above the rim of her glasses a few times >Sunset seem more than happy staring directly at your shaft, occasionally whispering small bits of encouragement >”Yeah.. That looks nice,” she'd say, nodding to herself and almost not even blinking >Rarity look back up at you and tilt a brow some >”Does..does it do..more?” she asks, her blue eyes drawing back down to your exposed lap once again >you tell them it works much like a stallion's if they want to see it finish >this seems to draw them in much more, their hinds shifting from side to side >you pick up the pace a bit, almost laughing at their head movements following each stroke >while you work it, you look them over, almost cheek to cheek at their close proximity to each other as well as your length >a white nose eased close, almost touching your member as you hear a soft voice from below >”Keep going.. It's..really nice~” she says and smiles up to you >the orange colored friend nods in agreement, giving a small, “F..faster..” >you can only do as they wish, working it up more and grunting a little as you give a look around the area >the windows were completely uncovered, so any other pony wandering by might get a free show as well >the thought seemed to exhilarate you more, pumping your flesh a bit harder and faster >as you do this, your pre seems to drool out again, swaying and slinging along with your motions >the clear liquid meets the white pony's chin, making her give a light gasp before tilting her head up and allowing her friend to clean her properly >”Th-thank you, Sunset, dear,” she says and uses her hoof to rub at your shin >you shiver and draw a bit closer to your need >”Please, I want to..see it finish,” she begs and leans her head in >you pause just long enough to watch and feel her lips kiss the underside of your head, staying there a moment while she runs her tongue up it >how you managed to hold off from that, you'll never know, but you were glad >the other mare moved in and lightly suckled to the side of that sensitive tip before pulling back and licking her lips >”Come on, we want to see you shoot like a stallion,” the orange coated pony said, her hips wiggling more >”Just..don't stain the fabric,” Rarity insisted and glanced around to make sure nothing could be ruined >you pant and agree, getting your particular rhythm down to head to the finish >”Oh, oh! Are you close? Don't hold it back!” the seamstress urged, now cheek to cheek with her friend again >their eagerness to see you climax helps coax it along that much quicker >you curl your toes and announce it, seeing them both watch in anticipation as they grin wide >the first dribble of seed makes Rarity give a slightly disappointed look >then the second rope comes >the arc is high and slings across her glasses, face, and mane in quite the fashion >she gives a startled gasp and shuts her eyes as you glaze her offered face with another strand until you turn to her eager friend >the next blast of semen nails her nose and cheek, having her give a shaky coo in the warmth of it against her >her head tilts and dips down, allowing you give your last few batches into her mane and along her face and back >a stray jolt of excitement has you change targets as the very last, weak rope strays into Rarity's coat along her neck and one of her hooves below >you settle back and pant heavily, finally feeling better at having that tension gone >before you can gain your strength back, you watch as Rarity makes a rather annoyed look, removing her stringy glasses, rolling her open eye at you >”Could have at least not got in my mane, dear,” she said, keeping her glazed eyelid shut >Sunset seems far more happy with the outcome and turns to her friend, licking at her cheek and brow, cleaning your spunk from her >the sight seems spur you from your relaxed state, watching as they begin licking and cleaning each other to get all of your cum free from their coats and manes >as you watch Sunset lapping the fresh highlights from Rarity's purple mane, you smile and rub their ears gently >”Mm, thank you, sweetie~ You know, you did get my eye.. I think I might have to see that ending again..” the white pony teases >you chuckle and let them clean up before moving to your lap and running their tongues over your wilting shaft >”You think you'd be up for another show sometime?” the marshmallow pony asks >how could you say no?