Kant's Ego Chapter 1 Raise Me Up The noise outside was deafening, the heavy panting and screams penetrated the Inn walls and our make-shift barricades. I knew there were risks to coming here, but you never think that the worst case scenario would actually happen. "that's a dark-moon alright." The slurred words of the lumberjack weren't news to anyone, especially not the rest of his Holstaurus family. Even I could feel the dark energies; licking up and down my spine. "Momma I feel funny..." Clutching her mother's leg, the young girl's breathing became hampered, her face flashed a staunch red, and her legs began to quiver. Regardless of that she was still luckier then two of her sisters, whom were caught outside when this whole mess started: I could still hear their moans as they no doubt were relieving their frustrations in the basement. Not that it wasn't just mixing with the sounds of carnage outside. I really should leave soon. "Take these and no peaking." I handed my records to the eldest daughter, I couldn't risk losing these writings to anyone. What happened here, what I've recorded: could change the course of our history. She gave a small nod in response. I had wondered if she had developed feelings for me, my question was answered when she shoved my head into her bosom. Wrapped in her arms she pulled me further into the soft cushions on her chest, the womanly scent bleed into my nostrils and flooded my brain. For a moment, despite the chaos, I was at peace in those strong arms. She let me go and planted a small kiss on my lips flashing me a smile. "It's my scent, it'll keep you safe from the worst of it.”  I turned to the lumberjack, he answered my gaze with a huge thumbs up and the face of fatherly approval. Grasping her chin, I brought her into a longer, passionate kiss. “I enjoyed our day Serra.” I let her go, trailing my finger to the tip of her chin and released. She collapsed to the floor clasping my notebooks and panting heavily. It really was a shame to leave her like that, but I had to go on, for my true cause. Nobody really looks up after they've lived in a city for long, which comes across downright irresponsible to me. I'd sneaked around cities like this before, jumping from roof-top to balconies and it was never any residents that would see me, but tourists. Not that gazing into the clouds was really important when you were tightly wrapped into passionate intercourse with whatever came out of the rooted territories. Honestly, I've never quite liked a giant orgy, makes you go mad and lose sight of the little things. Those all important details I treasure so much. Like how those gusts of wind seem to keep the smell of sex down on the streets and off the roof-tops, or just the subtle beauty of the Black Moon. Like an eclipse it seemed to be a hole in the sky and from it's depths a purple mist spewed over the town, driving the local inhabitants mad and bringing out the animal in everyone. Of course at the center of that orb in the sky was a man, getting constantly lavished in the demonic slime's affections. It was kinda nice to think about, being wrapped up in an embrace like that. I stole myself, sealing out the constant shrieks, gasps, and moans. I couldn't let my body get caught up in this frenzy and get captured by the northern army, nor tied down to be a husband, or worse. I had to escape, my true cause was much greater. Finally I was at the fringe of the town, but a new challenge presented itself: the only way out of the village were a road, on which my body would easily be captured or the forest which I might slip though undetected, but only if I could make my way though a small hut-town. The latter was the only real option, but what could have been in those huts? Surely when the city fell they were hit first being on the edge of the settlement, huts are rather comfy after all. Trying to wait out this night was no good either, if I remained listless for too long I would surly be spotted. I leaped from the roof, the die was cast. “Swiftly not quickly” the academy had always told us. Moving in short bursts I slowly began clearing the distance between me and the huts. Concentration however, did not stop me from witnessing the open and lewd displays around me. I saw only bits and pieces of wild flesh, furry tails, flashy scales, and leaping shadows. The latter was my downfall. For in an instant I was slammed and pinned unmercifully into the earthen path. "I" "Caught" "You" My eyes jolted open to witness her two bright yellow eyes, illuminating her sweaty and lustful face. She slowly began kneeling two of her six legs into me, trying to reassure her hold. “I s-saw you jumping around, such a-a nimble body m-may be able to satisfy me.” her words are drenched with the idea of intercourse and we both knew that once we elope I would scarcely have a chance to escape. Struggle, I bent my legs under her and hammered her in the under belly with all I had. Her large spider body only flinched, but even that was enough for my freedom and I moved quickly to the concealment of the hut town. "PLEASE I-I NEED YOU! MY BODY! IT'S SO H-H-HO" I could hear a large body slump over in the distance, probably the spider: poor girl. Must have come to the party to late to take part in any of the festivities, unfortunately, monsters can't last long without a tender touch under the black sun. Part of me wanted to go back and give her what she wanted, but I held back for Serra. I usually don't take that much interest in people not under my investigation, but she had been warm and welcoming. Showing me parts of the town, awkwardly clopping around on those hoofs of hers. The sun always did catch her blue eyes just right and express her soft nature. Her breasts were also quite supple, I could spot her squeezing them in secret to repress her budging nipples,  god how I’d like to expres... SLAP I bring myself back just in time, this was the curse of the black sun: making all manner of creatures crazy with lust and wild fantasy. I had only known Serra a day and already my mind was racing of her. Surly she didn't REALLY think of me in 'that' way, i'd only just spent the day together. Thankfully the hut-town was surprisingly empty given the circumstance, most of the inhabitants must have escaped to the woods like I had planned. The forest was only a clearing away now, it was time for the home stretch, I lunge out of the hut city and... "And how are we doing on this fine evening?" It wasn't their before, how was it their now? "I was waiting for someone interesting like yourself to show up." It was 'her'. Roughly 5 meters away, she stood on a dark withering mass of purple tendrils, Hair white as snow came down to her knees and brought out the slight violet tint to her skin, pupils red adjoined not only her eyes, but all of her slutty yet surprisingly covering attire, wings spread wide seem to welcome me... I would not fall into it's possession, my true cause awaited. "Content with merely gazing over there?" her words rolled off her tongue and into my ears, agitating me, but I refused this excitement. "Go find another man to copulate with, you'll find me ill-suiting of your needs." "Rarely is it that I find a man I can't make...some use of. If it's your member, fret not. I care little for size. To be intimate with another body is my one and only desire, my...cause.” "I'd think you'd scarcely find any pleasure in me regardless of your purpose. I have a certain 'fixation', one your methods could not surmise me off and I refuse to live without." "A fixation?" Slowly, she rolls out her tongue and wets her upper lip. "I have a lot of those, among them is laying with all the types of men and in turn, having others lay with them as well. To be a whole of complete understanding, lost in each others embrace. A peace far better then the heinously strict one imposed upon you by your church. Or perhaps you'd know of this better then I, after all, you do instigate it.” "My doctrine is more liberated then the churches and is far more focused then your rampant sexual frenzies. Do not mistake my alliances for my purpose, because they are simply the means.” “So you would use others just as a means? Such a selfish view, perhaps I might loathe you even more then the church. I wouldn’t dare to deceive anyone as you have done, rather I wish only the beast for everyone, a true co-existence among monsters and men.” “A Co-existence wrought with force, the force of the armies you yourself frenzied on a war-path. The church may oppress it's people, but though that we may remain ourselves and reach beyond mere physical pleasure.” “Pleasure? Such a lovely word and I do love it. I however prefer just that, love. The love discovered by my farthest ancestor, the first demon queen. I will love everything and everything will know love, this is my plan as it's been all along. But consider it altar-boy, what if you could stop lying to yourself and just live truthfully? What if everyone just do what they honestly desire?” She hit me, she doesn't know she did it, but right then and there she touched me in a very deep, very dark place. This was the skill of 'her'. Of the one even astute paladins had submitted to, but I was not a paladin, and I was no saint either. "No...more...lies?" I let each word of slowly, bending  over, clutching my neck. She steeped off from her higher place and walked down to me to place a lone hand softly over my heart. "It's what you want isn't it? I can help you, I can stop the li-" I smacked her hand away and stood upright a few inches taller and stared deeply into her red eyes pouring fire out of my soul into her startled face. "A true hell looks to be heaven wrapped in prettier packages." She's taken aback, no retort this time. “We suffer a hell of lies and resistance so one can know what it means to be truly happy and to know that I would use everyone and everything.” "Is that the existence of such a cruel person? To think nothing of others and only of himself?" "NO, such is the existence of a true individual, lawful in nature, chaotic in purpose, Neutral in heart. I'LL pursue my purpose whole-heartily, all other goals support that, including the happiness that breeds allegiance in others." "So why not make me happy?” The seductive smile returns to her face. “What if you satisfied me in exchange for my assistance? Such an opportunity doesn’t come along everyday you know.” "If you knew my objective, I'd think you'd hate me regardless.” "And what is that?" I made my move then, charging towards her preparing myself for what was to come. If only I had gone with her willingly, I wonder how things would have changed? I made my decision back then that she would not understand me and hence could only hinder my goals, little did I know that she would only work to further them from that point on. As I approached her she set out her arms and made a deep smile, a welcoming one that only brought comfort to me, but her expression quickly turned to surprise as I shifted my movements and broke out for the woods. My brain immediately turned to regret as I thought of what I was escaping. She had been the first person I could talk so openly with, for so long I had to bottle those feelings up and move on, but when I was with 'her'... My thoughts and movements stop as I feel it. In my organs, in my chest, something rammed into it. blood seeped from the wound and I could only stagger into it. “Oh, Oh no.” Just then I could feel an entirely different kind of darkness take me. *********************************************************************************** Dear, Diary I've found it! I've found him! He had taken the train from the capital and even escaped the town after the disaster struck! But then, something really interesting happened! He meet 'her' and DIDN'T bow! He even had a small debate with her! Both of them were so cute using verbose statements and talking so passionately together I could hardly contain myself! He got away from us then and went into the woods, but we'll find him again. We always do, we always have. Bye Diary! ***********************************************************************************