>"C'mon, Anon, just a few more rounds!"
"Urgh. Fine. One more, OK?"
>It IS pretty sunny out.
>Then again, when isn't it?
>Considering Ponyvile has a team of pegasi from Cloudsdale dedicated to making the skies clear for ponies to enjoy.
>It's only your typical Utopian society.
>They have everything, weather control, easy to live in conditions, pretty much no conflicts whatsoever...
>Everyone is friends with everyone, it seems.
>I guess the secret to making world peace a reality is simply; "Be a pony."
>You don't know why you're so bitter about this. It's paradise.
>Maybe too much of a good thing?
>Eh, whatever.
>Speaking of too much of a good thing, you're hanging out with Rainbow Dash while you're on your break.
>She's a close friend. Seems you hit it off from the moment she hit you.
>Full force.
>Crash landing.
>You honestly couldn't think of a better first impression for what hanging out with Rainbow Dash would be like.
>But considering you're on your break right now, it's not as welcome a pleasure as it usually is. You're already exhausted.
>It doesn't help that you're losing 3 - 0 to her at horseshoe toss.
>That's rounds won, not points.
>You check your watch.
>You've still got a decent chunk of time before your break is over.
>You don't understand how you've played this many rounds and still have time to spare.
>This is not the sort of activity you should be participating in, considering you work for Applejack.

>Well, you're not a whiner. You're a winner.
>You're definitely not going to back down from a challenge, especially if it's against Rainbow.
>You never considered yourself a particularly competitive person before meeting her.
>But her brash attitude and cocky swagger ignited something within you.
>You've been trying to get the better of her ever since.
>That's not going to happen though, unless someone retrieves those horseshoes.
>Or somePONY.
>You take a glance at your rival in question.
>She looks back at you, cocky smile slowly fading into an expectant look.
>She can't expect you to pick them up again.
>A whiner you may not be, but you're certainly not a slave.
"Go on."
>"What? Why should I do it? You're the one who lost."
"Well, what are you going to be doing after this?"
>"Heh! Well, I was getting pretty tired, so I was thinking maybe I'd take a nap."
"Take...A nap?"
>"You heard me."
"Dash, I WISH I could take a nap. Some of us, however have got jobs to get back to. Hot, sweaty and physicaly challenging jobs. Like my job, Rainbow. JOB. Ring a bell?"
>She looks away from you, head raised proudly.
>"I'm sure you can handle it."
>Damnit, Dash.
>"Besides, you shouldn't be making me do the work. It's not polite."
>You cast a bemused glance at her.
"Excuse me?"

>"I said, "It's not polite", stupid! Do I have to repeat everything?"
"I heard you just fine. But seriously, what? Since when have you ever cared about being polite?"
>She snorts, and suddenly shoots off into the air.
>She does an impressive - albeit unnecessary - shuttle loop, and hovers at your side, now at eye level with you.
>Guess she wants to make a point.
>"W-well, what do YOU know?"
"I know YOU, for a start. You're far from a "Prim and proper lady", Dash."
>"Can we just play the game already?"
>Well, that was an unexpected change of subject.
>Rainbow Dash is far from one to give up an argument easily, especially one as short as that.
>You hate to say it, but you're disappointed.
>There's only one thing for it.
>Time to tease.
"Sure thing, Rainbow."
>You smile a smug smile, and proceed to pick up the horseshoes, loading your metaphorical word pistol with newfound amunition.
>Once all of the horseshoes are collected, you waltz back to her side, still smiling.
>She's pouting at you.
>Pouting? Her? Really?
>Wow. You feel like you've beaten her already.
>Mainly because that's her losing face.
>Her head follows you all the way back to the line.
"Well, then, let's go. Ladies first."
>She scrunches up her face a little more, a blush becoming apparent on her cheeks.
>You love it when she gets like this. It's one of your prime motivations for trying to win against her.
>"N-no, I won the last one, so you get the first throw."
"Thank you, Lady Dash. How FAIR."
>"Sh-shut up."
>The blush on her cheeks becomes progressively more firey.
>All this exaustion is starting to feel worth it.

>All the teasing in the world isn't going to win you the game, however.
>You begin to aim your horseshoe.
>You take a quick glance in rainbow's direction.
>She's looking at the sky, a red glow noticeable through her fur coat.
>You grin, and put your head back in the game.
>Swinging the horseshoe back and forth, you begin to generate momentum.
>Sticking your tounge out the side of your mouth, you concentrate on the game.
>S t e a d y
>S T E A D Y
>Fortunately, you were anticipating such sabotage, and the shot doesn't go far off course.
>And it still lands respectably close to the pole.
>Not too close, but a good starting shot.
>You glance at her, and your smug smile returns.
>She has a smile on her face too, despite her failed attempt to impede your success.
"Need something?"
>"Nah, slipped my mind."
>She begins to reach down for a horseshoe, but you pick one up before she gets there.
>You present the horseshoe to her, inches away from her mouth.
>She glares at you, and continues to as she slowly flutters down, grabs a different horseshoe and accends once again, without losing face.
>This is fun.

>She then faces the the pole, preparing to throw.
>Then, you notice something.
>She stops and looks at you.
"Let's make it fair this time."
>She raises an eyebrow at you.
"You've got an altitude advantage. How about you stand on the ground?"
>"What?! But you're...You're tall!"
"Fine. Move down to my arm. That way we'll throw from the same point, more or less."
"You telling me you won't be able to win from there?"
>The classic bait. Foolproof.
"I...I'm telling you t-that I'm...I'm...Grr..."
>She grumbles, and decends a few feet, blushing again.
>She's not resisting as much as you expected her to.
>Guess you've really gotten to her.
>She doesn't say anything to you, and gazes back at the target.
>You're not done with her yet, though.
>She swings back and forth, and then, just when it looks like she's about to throw it...
"Good luck, fair lady"
>She just about stops herself from letting go of the horseshoe.
>You laugh, loudly.
"What's wrong?"
>"...Don't you ever call me that again!"
"OK, OK. I'll stop now."
>You feel that she's had enough for now. You need to finish the game before you're late, anyway.

>She starts building up momentum again.
>You just stand and watch. You don't care weither you win or lose now.
>As far as you're concerned, you're satisfied.
>She stops and starts a few times, obviously flustered.
>Each time she does, you can see her getting progressively more and more fustrated.
>You can't tell if her cheeks are heating up from anger, or from embarrassment.
>She just throws it.
>No build up this time.
>It goes far, and lands far away from the pole.
>She's going to explode, you can feel it.
>Called it.
>Not high enough altitude, nor of enough patience to dive and get it, she simply drops to the floor and gallops full speed towards the horseshoe.
>However, doesn't take into account the terrain below her hooves.
>You hadn't been playing far from Apple Jack's farm, as she practicaly met you at the gate with the horseshoes and pole.
>You found some broad, flat area nearby to play on.
>Well, as flat as you could find it. It was still pretty bumpy.
>Her hoof catches on a dent in the ground, hidden by some grass.
>It was quite a spectacular fall.
>You'd laugh, but you've laughed enough already.
>Besides, that looked pretty painful.
>Without thinking, you run to her side.

"Are you OK?"
>Hmmmnn...It's nothing..."
>You can't lie, you would've let her get herself back up.
>She's recovered from worse, MUCH worse than what she just took.
>But for some reason, you just couldn't resist.
>You reach out with your right hand, and firmly grasp her right hoof, but not roughly.
>She reacts in surprise, and darts her head up to look at you.
>You find yourself staring into her eyes.
>She stares back.
>You're so used to having those eyes scowl at you, that you never really got a chance to...appreciate them.
>They're a sweet pink, although you only ever thought of them as red.
>She appears to be looking into your eyes too.
>You wonder what she's thinking...
>Your heart begins to race.
>Wait, What? Why are you so excited?
>She's done nothing but treat you like dirt since you got here, and you the same way, ever since you met her.
>You don't...LIKE her, do you?
>She has the brightest blush on her cheeks. Much brighter than before.
>Her voice seems...strained.
>You start to worry about her being in pain again.
>You put your hand under the frog of her hoof and lift her up.
>Your sudden movement seems to snap her out of her trance.
>She quickly regains her footing and moves away from you, avoiding eye contact.

>She looks angry.
>You both sit in silence for a second.
>A mere moment however, and she quickly bounces back.
>"...Thanks for nothing! I got back up by myself!"
>Still blushing, still angry.
>It's all you can manage to say.
>You're still trying to recover, yourself.
>You feel like someone is punching your ribcage from the inside.
>You try to look into her eyes again, but she avoids your gaze.
>"U-uh...w-we'll finish this later. You...YOU DON'T WANNA BE LATE!"
>She propels herself off the ground, and her blue colour is soon lost against the clear sky.
>What's her problem?
>...What's YOUR problem?
>What happened just now? ...anon...
>You've been friends with her for years, and something like that...never happened before.
>You suppose you've been busy lately, and haven't been able to compete with her as often as you used to, but...
>She couldn't have changed too much, right? ..ey...anon...!
>You you have time to work that out later, though. Right now, you should probably get to wo"ANON FOR PETES' SAKE!"
>"Come ON, ANON! If have to carry ya over here, you'll be doin' more work ta make up for it!"
>Well, it looks like your break just ended.
>Damn. Your back hurts.