>"C'mon, Anon, just a few more rounds!" "Urgh. Fine. One more, OK?" >It IS pretty sunny out. >Then again, when isn't it? >Considering Ponyvile has a team of pegasi from Cloudsdale dedicated to making the skies clear for ponies to enjoy. >It's only your typical Utopian society. >They have everything, weather control, easy to live in conditions, pretty much no conflicts whatsoever... >Everyone is friends with everyone, it seems. >I guess the secret to making world peace a reality is simply; "Be a pony." >You don't know why you're so bitter about this. It's paradise. >Maybe too much of a good thing? >Eh, whatever. >Speaking of too much of a good thing, you're hanging out with Rainbow Dash while you're on your break. >She's a close friend. Seems you hit it off from the moment she hit you. >Full force. >Crash landing. >Ouch. >You honestly couldn't think of a better first impression for what hanging out with Rainbow Dash would be like. >But considering you're on your break right now, it's not as welcome a pleasure as it usually is. You're already exhausted. >It doesn't help that you're losing 3 - 0 to her at horseshoe toss. >That's rounds won, not points. >You check your watch. >You've still got a decent chunk of time before your break is over. >You don't understand how you've played this many rounds and still have time to spare. >This is not the sort of activity you should be participating in, considering you work for Applejack. >Well, you're not a whiner. You're a winner. >You're definitely not going to back down from a challenge, especially if it's against Rainbow. >You never considered yourself a particularly competitive person before meeting her. >But her brash attitude and cocky swagger ignited something within you. >You've been trying to get the better of her ever since. >That's not going to happen though, unless someone retrieves those horseshoes. >Or somePONY. >You take a glance at your rival in question. >She looks back at you, cocky smile slowly fading into an expectant look. >She can't expect you to pick them up again. >A whiner you may not be, but you're certainly not a slave. "Go on." >"What? Why should I do it? You're the one who lost." "Well, what are you going to be doing after this?" >"Heh! Well, I was getting pretty tired, so I was thinking maybe I'd take a nap." "Take...A nap?" >"You heard me." "Dash, I WISH I could take a nap. Some of us, however have got jobs to get back to. Hot, sweaty and physicaly challenging jobs. Like my job, Rainbow. JOB. Ring a bell?" >She looks away from you, head raised proudly. >"I'm sure you can handle it." >Damnit, Dash. >"Besides, you shouldn't be making me do the work. It's not polite." >You cast a bemused glance at her. "Excuse me?" >"I said, "It's not polite", stupid! Do I have to repeat everything?" "I heard you just fine. But seriously, what? Since when have you ever cared about being polite?" >She snorts, and suddenly shoots off into the air. >She does an impressive - albeit unnecessary - shuttle loop, and hovers at your side, now at eye level with you. >Guess she wants to make a point. >"W-well, what do YOU know?" "I know YOU, for a start. You're far from a "Prim and proper lady", Dash." >"Can we just play the game already?" >Well, that was an unexpected change of subject. >Rainbow Dash is far from one to give up an argument easily, especially one as short as that. >You hate to say it, but you're disappointed. >There's only one thing for it. >Time to tease. "Sure thing, Rainbow." >You smile a smug smile, and proceed to pick up the horseshoes, loading your metaphorical word pistol with newfound amunition. >Once all of the horseshoes are collected, you waltz back to her side, still smiling. >She's pouting at you. >Pouting? Her? Really? >Wow. You feel like you've beaten her already. >Mainly because that's her losing face. >Her head follows you all the way back to the line. "Well, then, let's go. Ladies first." >She scrunches up her face a little more, a blush becoming apparent on her cheeks. >You love it when she gets like this. It's one of your prime motivations for trying to win against her. >"N-no, I won the last one, so you get the first throw." "Thank you, Lady Dash. How FAIR." >"Sh-shut up." >The blush on her cheeks becomes progressively more firey. >All this exaustion is starting to feel worth it. >All the teasing in the world isn't going to win you the game, however. >You begin to aim your horseshoe. >You take a quick glance in rainbow's direction. >She's looking at the sky, a red glow noticeable through her fur coat. >You grin, and put your head back in the game. >Swinging the horseshoe back and forth, you begin to generate momentum. >Sticking your tounge out the side of your mouth, you concentrate on the game. >Steady >S t e a d y >S T E A D Y >"HEY!" >CURSE YOU, RAINBOW DASH >Fortunately, you were anticipating such sabotage, and the shot doesn't go far off course. >And it still lands respectably close to the pole. >Not too close, but a good starting shot. >You glance at her, and your smug smile returns. >She has a smile on her face too, despite her failed attempt to impede your success. "Need something?" >"Nah, slipped my mind." "Huh." >She begins to reach down for a horseshoe, but you pick one up before she gets there. >You present the horseshoe to her, inches away from her mouth. >She glares at you, and continues to as she slowly flutters down, grabs a different horseshoe and accends once again, without losing face. >This is fun. >She then faces the the pole, preparing to throw. >Then, you notice something. "Hey." >She stops and looks at you. >"Yeah?" "Let's make it fair this time." >She raises an eyebrow at you. "You've got an altitude advantage. How about you stand on the ground?" >"What?! But you're...You're tall!" "Fine. Move down to my arm. That way we'll throw from the same point, more or less." >"B-but..." "You telling me you won't be able to win from there?" >The classic bait. Foolproof. "I...I'm telling you t-that I'm...I'm...Grr..." >She grumbles, and decends a few feet, blushing again. >She's not resisting as much as you expected her to. >Guess you've really gotten to her. >She doesn't say anything to you, and gazes back at the target. >You're not done with her yet, though. >She swings back and forth, and then, just when it looks like she's about to throw it... "Good luck, fair lady" >She just about stops herself from letting go of the horseshoe. >"HrrrrrrrrrmmmmmMMMMM!" >You laugh, loudly. >"I-I-IDIOT!" "What's wrong?" >"...Don't you ever call me that again!" "OK, OK. I'll stop now." >You feel that she's had enough for now. You need to finish the game before you're late, anyway. >"Good!" >She starts building up momentum again. >You just stand and watch. You don't care weither you win or lose now. >As far as you're concerned, you're satisfied. >She stops and starts a few times, obviously flustered. >Each time she does, you can see her getting progressively more and more fustrated. >You can't tell if her cheeks are heating up from anger, or from embarrassment. >"RrrrrrAGH!" >She just throws it. >No build up this time. >It goes far, and lands far away from the pole. >She's going to explode, you can feel it. >"...T-THAT DIDN'T COUNT!" >Called it. >Not high enough altitude, nor of enough patience to dive and get it, she simply drops to the floor and gallops full speed towards the horseshoe. >However, doesn't take into account the terrain below her hooves. >You hadn't been playing far from Apple Jack's farm, as she practicaly met you at the gate with the horseshoes and pole. >You found some broad, flat area nearby to play on. >Well, as flat as you could find it. It was still pretty bumpy. >Her hoof catches on a dent in the ground, hidden by some grass. >"W-Whooaaa-oof!" >It was quite a spectacular fall. >You'd laugh, but you've laughed enough already. >Besides, that looked pretty painful. >Without thinking, you run to her side. "Are you OK?" >Hmmmnn...It's nothing..." >You can't lie, you would've let her get herself back up. >She's recovered from worse, MUCH worse than what she just took. >But for some reason, you just couldn't resist. >You reach out with your right hand, and firmly grasp her right hoof, but not roughly. >She reacts in surprise, and darts her head up to look at you. >You find yourself staring into her eyes. >She stares back. >You're so used to having those eyes scowl at you, that you never really got a chance to...appreciate them. >They're a sweet pink, although you only ever thought of them as red. >She appears to be looking into your eyes too. >You wonder what she's thinking... >Your heart begins to race. >Wait, What? Why are you so excited? >She's done nothing but treat you like dirt since you got here, and you the same way, ever since you met her. >You don't...LIKE her, do you? >She has the brightest blush on her cheeks. Much brighter than before. >"A-Anon...Thanks." >Her voice seems...strained. >You start to worry about her being in pain again. >You put your hand under the frog of her hoof and lift her up. >Your sudden movement seems to snap her out of her trance. >"Uh...H-HEY!" >She quickly regains her footing and moves away from you, avoiding eye contact. >She looks angry. >You both sit in silence for a second. >A mere moment however, and she quickly bounces back. >"...Thanks for nothing! I got back up by myself!" >Still blushing, still angry. "Good." >It's all you can manage to say. >You're still trying to recover, yourself. >You feel like someone is punching your ribcage from the inside. >You try to look into her eyes again, but she avoids your gaze. >"U-uh...w-we'll finish this later. You...YOU DON'T WANNA BE LATE!" >She propels herself off the ground, and her blue colour is soon lost against the clear sky. >What's her problem? >...What's YOUR problem? >What happened just now? ...anon... >You've been friends with her for years, and something like that...never happened before. >You suppose you've been busy lately, and haven't been able to compete with her as often as you used to, but... >She couldn't have changed too much, right? ..ey...anon...! >You you have time to work that out later, though. Right now, you should probably get to wo"ANON FOR PETES' SAKE!" >Oh. >"Come ON, ANON! If have to carry ya over here, you'll be doin' more work ta make up for it!" "I'LL BE RIGHT THERE!" >... >Well, it looks like your break just ended. >Damn. Your back hurts.