>You are anon. >Today is a special day. >What makes it special? >Its Fruity Funday in Ponyville! >What is Fruity Funday, you ask? >Well you of all people should know. >After all, you're the one who came up with such a silly holiday. >But since you're so forgetful, I will tell you anyway. >Fruity Funday, as it implies, is an entire day dedicated to the celebration of all things fruity! >No, not that fruity, you're not gay. Or at least, you don't think you are. >But, you're getting off topic. >In the last year around this day, you start this thing, using your own personal bundle as an example, and with the help of the resident apple farmers, it became an official thing! >Everyone loved it! Almost as much as Cider season! >How is that possible? >Well, it's because everyone who agreed to participate, made their own special blend of drinks, be that a juice, smoothy, some kind of soft drink, or even their own approximation of a cider! >Of course, there was also some alcohol, you all told Berry Punch not to bring her batch out until /after/ the children left. >She didn't listen. >It was terrible. >You had kids flapping around, some literally, slurring questionable comments, "compliments", innocent racism, the closest things they know to cursing to any individual they really liked, really didn't like, or anything that confused them. >Like you in particular. >One little rich filly confessed that she had a major thing for you, and she would do anything to get her all to yourself. >They way she put that really set you at unease. >Especially when she explicitly showed you the /thing/ she had. >You and the crew were nearly slapped, both figuratively and literally, with a heavy lawsuit. >Sharp and blunt objects were thrown as well. >Mostly at you for starting the whole thing. >But that's not gonna happen this year, you're sure of it! >You have officially banned Berry from bringing anything she makes to the festival. >And if that don't work, you have a "No Berries" in the back. >Speaking of the mare, as you walk through the decorated market with various stalls left right and center you carve out a shortcut route looking out for any suspicious looking purple pones. >That's yours in the center. >You wave at your stand-in at the stall, who flails enthusiastically in response, swinging her arms, well, her entire body about in acknowledgement. >She's then begins to smoosh her cheeks and make funny faces, stretching it in ways that shouldn't be possible. >As far as you know, it's not, unless you want to die. >But Pinkie finds a way. >That's another one of these ponies that happened to be crazy about you. >Yeah, she had some of the cider too, but she's crazy about you in a kind of... off way. >"Anon! Hey anon! I think I figured it out this time! Twilight's going to help me tonight, see! It'll work this time I'm sure! We're going to be come one! One, I tell you! The first ever human pony pony human wombo combo dilio fusion ha!" >You showed her your Dragon Ball Z collection ONE TIME. >Her favorite arc was the Majin Buu set, and she lost her shit over the fusion technique. >She thought it was silly dancing, but then she saw the flashing lights, and then Gotenks happened. >"We will become more powerful than any pony ever imagined!" >You turn away. >"Where are you going, Anon? Come back!" >You round the corner, looking for berry's old stall. >Once you've found it, you're surprised to find that her little sister is watching the stand. >As you get closer, you can see her hoof moving around in a circular motion, her face is scrunched in deep concentration and she's biting her lip. "Watcha doin there, shorty." >She gasps sharply in surprise, her working hoof jerking back to her quickly. >It's covered in dripping moisture, and glistens in the midday sunlight. >Her face is flushed, and she's panting heavily. >"Oh, hey Anon! I was just trying to flatten out this bit of pulp that turned into Jam. I don't know how my sister makes this stuff!">You're not sure how that works yourself, so you just shrug and observe as shows you the container of said pulp-turned-jam. "Why, don't you leave it like it is, Pinchy. It looks fine, to me. Everyone likes Jam" >"But Anon, you don't understand!" >No, you don't. >You reach down and pet her mane, and she smiles, pressing her head into your palm. >Ponies love petting. >You wonder how that feels, actually. >You always pet your close pony friends, and they always welcome it, sometimes even ask for it. >Directly. "I don't need to understand, squirt. Who knows, maybe it could be your special talent." >She beams at you, "You really think so?" >You shrug. "Maybe." >She looks down at the bowl of jam with contemplation. >"You... wanna give it a try?" >You look down at her an ponder over it for a few seconds. >You aren't really fond jam, but you don't want to break her heart after saying what you did. "Maybe later, kiddo, I gotta get back to my own stall so we can all start this thing before Pinkie gets impatient starts turning my set into confetti or something. Although, a fruit salad sounds nice. Why didn't I think of that..." >She looks torn, but confused by your drifting speech. "So, where's your sister? I haven't seen her around. She's not trying to sneak around is she? She knows the rule, no more alcohol." >You can talk with Ruby about this stuff, she knows how her sister works. >Being the only one in the house besides Berry, someone has to make up for and take care of her with her drunken antics. >Must be rough. >She even looks downcast at the mention. >"She's really upset about it Anon. She said she wasn't even going to leave the house this time. She said she felt ashamed. That she's a dunce, an idiot, a total disgrace to the fami- ow. I mean, I wish she would at least come to uh... help me work her booth." >You see a tear come to her eye. >feelsbadman "I'm sorry to hear that. When you see her, tell her she's still welcome to work her stand. Just no booze.">She smiles, "I'll be sure to let her know, Anon! She'll feel so much better when I tell her!" >You nod and spin on a heel, waving your hand as you leave. "You take care, okay? And good luck." >"You too!" >You barely make it five feet when you hear, "Is he gone yet?" >You stop. >Ruby sighs, "And we were so close." >You shake your head and keep going. >Looks like that sign's going to get some use after all. >Couple hours later, things have already kicked themselves into gear. >The towns ponies are milling about from stall to stall, checking or trying various fruity goods. >A few have stopped to your stall as well. >Some to apologize for tossing all those things at your head last year. >Then apologized more for not apologizing sooner. >It almost sounded like they were afraid of you. >Or maybe they were afraid of your glaring pink coated co-sailspony. "Ponka, please." >"But anon, those ponies tried to kill you for something you had no control over. I tracked them all down, and told them they had to apologize to you face to face!" "Really? Well, that's nice of you to go that far, Pinkie, but why are they only just doing it now?" >"Because I told them they all had to do it on the next festival day." "Why?" >"To make sure!" "Of what?" >"They do it!" "... And it had to be today for that?" >"Of course! I knew I'd be helping you with your stuff, so I would be right there to see them all apologize to you face to face with my face in front of their face watching their face come within face memorizing so you could recognize their faces when they finally face you when they apologize to you face to face!" "... Why would I... Nevermind." >You're actually surprised the let you have another one anyway. >You were sure that the first would be the last, after how it ended, even if it did have an amazing start. >But you guess Pinkie may have had a hoof in that too. >"Of course! I couldn't let a friend's dream be crushed just because a few ponies got upset!">You've long since learned to ignore Pinkie's ability to read your mind, and decide to watch the crowd of ponies. >Amongst them you spy a particular combination of pink and yellow, timidly avoiding any and all contact with any pony that get's to close, shaking like a leaf as she her eyes dart about like she's looking for something. >She's closing in on your stall, and you can't help but be concerned when you see her in such a condition. >She seems extremely uncomfortable. >You've heard about her anxiety issues, but you didn't think they'd be /this/ serious. >You'd heard she'd grown out of it a bit, and this town is filled with ponies who all know each other by name and relation, so you wonder what the problem is. "Hey, Fluttershy." >You say as she comes too close to walking right into your basket of serrated pineapples. >Pineapples are a bit hard to come buy, and slow to grow, so you used a bit of magic, and soil from the Everfree to grow them in time for the forest. >The magic was a growth plant potion the local shaman prepared for you, and the soil had it's own properties that aided in the pineapples being how they are. >They may be, like, a lot sharper and spinier than your average, but the taste is amazing and totally worth it. >They're you're best seller right now. >"Whoa, Fluttershy, you almost walked right into those! You better watch where you're going! You could have toppled Anon's Precious Prickly Pineapples!" >You didn't come up with that name, it was all Pinkie. >"O-oh, sorry, I didn't mean to almost knock over Anon's nice, juicy, delicious... round... thick..." she's drooling. >She's just staring at your pineapples and drooling. >Totally spaced out. "Uh... Fluttershy?" >You wave your hand in front of her face. >You snap your fingers in front of her eyes. >"What? Where am I. Oh, hi, Anon." she responds like she'd only just noticed you. >Probably did. "You okay Fluttershy?" >"Oh yes, I'm perfectly fine. Nothing's wrong at all. Why do you ask?">You raise a brow. "Well, you seem kind of off, tonight..." >You reach behind you, digging into a large basket of fruit and grab am apple. >You have a good assortment of fruits ready to get juiced, blended, or slushied at customer preference. >You told Ponks she about your fruit salad idea, and she went all sushi chef on you. >She even brought a fuggin grill >Outta no where. >It's off though. Apparently no one here likes fried fruit. >Bur anyway, you wanna try something. "Are you sure?" >In one of Pinkie's stories about her and her friends' adventures, she told you about a time when Fluttershy went "batty" and raided Applejack's farm during a fruit bat infestation, or something like that. >She said Twilight had fixed it but... "Care for an apple?" >You lift it into view, and she freezes. >She stares at it for a moment, licking her lips. >For a moment, you think her pupils slit, before she blinks and shakes her head. >So it was true! Then again, magic pony horseland. >And a story from Pinkie always sounds bullshit, but it's always real too, >"Oh, maybe you're right. I am feeling a bit out of it. Nice to see you all, but I gotta go. See you la-" >You lurch forward and snatch er tail before she could leave, yanking her back and causing her to yelp. >Maybe that was a bit too rough. "Are you sure you don't want to sample my goods first?" >You bring the apple to her face, right before her nose, and her eyes cross as she focuses on it. >Her eyes slit again and she begins to drool once more. >"Mu-mu-mu, mu-mu-mu. Must-" >Your hand gets slapped by an orange blur, and the apple goes flying, before it gets lassoed mid-air. >You rub your sore hand and turn to the perpetrator, who expresses her disapproval with a look and a drag of one hoof, the apple somehow nestled on the brim of her hat. >"Now, don't you be tryina start any problems again during yer own festival anon. Ah know Pinkie done told ya, but don't be gettin' all curious about it. 'Specially t'day of all."