>Days had passed since you had seen the light of day >Changelings didn’t exactly treat their ‘Guests’ with the highest regard, and by guests, you mean prisoners of war. >A recent changeling raid on Ponyville had resulted in your capture, your final memories before being caught had you pressed with your back to a wall, terrified for what was to come. >Before you could even attempt to escape from the situation, one of the changeling’s horns lit up, and everything went dark. Attempts to recollect anything after resulted in an intense headache. >At the very least, your eyes were beginning to adjust to the low light conditions, and this gave you the opportunity to get a good look at your surroundings. >It was a small room, with stone walls and flooring, the hard cool texture was not pleasant to say the least, the only way in and out was the metal door opposite you. >Not that you could leave even if you wanted to, the tight metal shackles above your head were keeping your hands in place, leaving you with little room to move. >Keeping track of time is also difficult with the lack of light or any other indicators; you couldn’t tell if you had been here for hours or days. >You didn’t want to give up hope, you knew that someone would come to save you; it was only a matter of time. >Before you could think any more on your current situation however, you heard what sounded like the clicking of the door opposite unlocking. >The sudden light that came with the opening of the door left you blinded, and your retinae burned, forcing you to shut them. >You could hear a clicking sound moving towards, slightly reminiscent of the sound of hooves meeting the ground, ‘maybe help had arrived’ you began to think to yourself. “W-who’s there!?” >… >The silence was painful, whoever stood before you clearly did not intend to answer you. >You had no choice, but to slowly begin to pry your eyes open; you squinted in an attempt to not hurt your eyes any further, and the sight before you made you reel in shock. >Well, as best as you could, the restraints weren’t giving you much room to manoeuver. >Before you stood the Queen herself. >A dark, towering, commanding figure if you’d ever seen one. >She looked down upon you; her face was stoic, making it impossible to tell what she was thinking. >After what felt like hours, her expression began to lighten, and her mouth curled up into a devilish grin. >”What is your name, and what are you?” >Her tone was dominating and authorative, you thought it best to appease her for the time being. “M-my name? My name’s Anon and I’m a human.” >She leaned her head down, closing the gap between the two of you, and placed a hoof on your chest, upon closer inspection, her legs appeared to have holes in them, as did her mane. ‘Odd.’ You thought to yourself. >”And tell me, Anon… Are you afraid?” >You could feel breath on your face as she said this; it was warm, unlike the room you currently found yourself in, and with her now close proximity, you noticed her sharp fangs. “A-a-afraid...N-no!” >As hard as you tried, you weren’t particularly convincing, as evidenced by your captors sudden bout of laughter. >“Ohh, you’ll be perfect~” >Her voice was low in tone now, with a quiet but noticeable buzz as she finished her sentence. >The black chitinous figure then began to trail her hoof down from your chest, getting lower and lower, just stopping short of your member. >She gave you one final glance, with a particularly malevolent grin, before pressing her muzzle up to your face…and going in for a kiss? >’What the fuck’ was all you could think as the Queen of the Changelings sensually locked lips with you, parting them with little to no resistance in your shocked state. >She then pushed her tongue into your mouth; the suddenness off the kiss caught you off guard, you had no idea what was happening anymore, but something deep down inside of you told you to return the gesture. >Admittedly you didn’t have any experience with this sort of stuff, so you tried your hardest to imitate her motions, pressing your tongue against hers in an attempt to mimic her; the taste was indescribable, yet somehow sweet. >You began to loosen up a little, starting to feel a little more comfortable, only for Chrysalis to take the lead once again, wrapping her long tongue around yours, and giving it a massage of sorts as she slightly squeezed on it before loosening once again, repeating this motion as the kiss continued. >It was all over too soon for you as Chrysalis pulled her head back; breaking the intimacy of the moment, leaving you panting and helpless for whatever was next in her plan. >”My oh my, that was easier than I had expected, you didn’t even resist.” >You wanted to say something, to refute her claims, but you knew what she was saying was true. >”Now, keep submitting to me and you may just get a reward from your mistress.” >She began slowly rub a hoof along your member, giving you an idea of what she had in mind with her ‘rewards’. >You could feel yourself hardening under her expert touch; it was almost as if she knew exactly what buttons to press, and you didn’t know if that was a good thing or whether it would come back to haunt you. >A couple of gasps and moans escaped you as Chrysalis went to work on you, continuing her assault on your cock as she began to plant a passionate kiss after kiss on your neck, the feeling of her smooth lips and tongue caressing you was almost euphoric. >She knew full well that you were putty in her hooves, and she intended to keep it that way, taking her head from your neck and moving down to the member she had been rubbing. >Her horn began to glow with a dark green aura which quickly manifested itself around your pants and promptly yanked them down. >Free of any constraints your member rose to boop Chrysalis’ muzzle, eliciting some light laughter from her. >”Someone’s eager aren’t they?” “…” >”And I must say, while I have seen better, I’m sure you’ll work just fine.” >You couldn’t tell if this was a compliment or an insult, but you didn’t think too hard on it, not with Chrysalis mere inches from your dick. You could feel her hot breath on the tip, teasing your exposed, sensitive member. >You tried to buck your hips forward, only when you did…you didn’t seem to move anywhere. >Chrysalis was holding you in place with her magic now; you couldn’t put up any form of resistance if you wanted to. >”I see you’ve noticed the magic then, but don’t worry, submit to me, and this will be the most pleasurable experience you’ll ever have.” >And with that her magic enveloped your body like a soft blanket, warm and comforting. >But at the same time, you could feel it rippling and vibrating, giving you a massage of sorts. >You felt amazing, and the main attraction was yet to begin. >Chrysalis began to slowly plant kiss after kiss on your member, starting from the base and working her way up, culminating in one last kiss on the tip. >The feeling of her soft, tender lips on your sensitive member was amazing, euphoria spread through your body, and you couldn’t help but groan in pleasure as she teased you. >Chrysalis licked her lips as she finished up, savouring the taste. >Once again, an evil grin spread across her face, as she began to move one of her forelegs up to your member, lining up one of holes with your cock. >It slid in with little resistance, and seemingly tightened as it got towards the bottom, not tight enough to hurt, but tight enough for Chrysalis to get a good grip on your dick. >I guess that’s changeling shapeshifting magic for you. >Now that everything was set up, Chrysalis began to lick at the lip, before taking it inside of her mouth. >With each bobbing motion she took you deeper within her, you could feel her tongue at work throughout the whole time as well. >Licking your length up and down, wrapping around it, getting as much of a taste as she could. >She was also using her foreleg to help with the stimulation, rhythmically moving it back and forth in sync with her head movements. >All the while looking up at you with those big green eyes of hers, you’d probably have thought she looked cute were it not for how you got into this situation. >As your cock made it deeper and deeper into her mouth and towards the back of her throat, you could hear her gagging and slurping, trying to get all of your length inside of her. >However, you could only hold out for so long, you were receiving stimulation and pleasure from everywhere; you could feel your loins begin to heat up, desperate to release its load into the Queens throat. >With one final push, Chrysalis forced her way down your length, taking it down as far as she could. >Pure, unfiltered pleasure would be the best way to describe it, you could take no more, and so you released your load into her. >String after string of hot seed made its way to the back of her throat, which she seamlessly swallowed. >All that could be heard were groans of pleasure and the audible gulping coming from Chrysalis. >When she was sure you were fully spent and had no more to give, she pulled back, leaving your spent member out in the cold air, and stopped the magic that encapsulated your body. >It was a hard feeling to describe, but you felt drained, and not just in that department, maybe that was more changeling magic. >All you could do was pant, and listen to what Chrysalis had to say, as she put a hoof under your chin, raising your head to look at her. >”You’ve been such a good slave Anon; there was just so much love inside of you.” >She leaned in, and gave a simple peck on your lips. >”This could become a regular thing if you’re willing to keep submitting.” >She released your head, leaving it to fall back down. >And with that, she turned and left, closing the door behind her. >All you wanted to do was fall asleep, you felt like you had no energy left within you. >As you drifted to sleep, your thoughts went to her offer. >Submit to her? As much as you hated yourself for even considering it, you just couldn’t resist her. >Submitting couldn’t be that bad, right?