>"Aww, did you forget your sleeping bag, Anon? That's okay, you can share with me! There's plenty of room for both of us..." "That's so nice of you Fluttershy, are you sure it won't be too snug?" >The timid girl unrolled her sleeping back and jumped in. >"See? There's plenty of room for us Anon." She wiggled her toes reassuringly. >Wait what? "I think you need to replace that Fluttershy." >Her eyes look down towards the spot you were pointing at. >"Oh no!" She gasped. "What could have happened to it?" >Applejack scoot over towards you and gave the damaged sleeping bag a quick once over. >"Looks like some of your critters decided to chow down on your sleeping bag Fluttershy." >She stood up and beckoned the both of you to her apple themed sleeping bag. >"Ya'll can sleep with me." She gestured at her sleeping bag. "Got more than enough room. It'd be like circlin' up the wagons." >You knelt down and lift up the opening. "Why would you need an enormous bag Applejack?" >"Applebloom, Big Mac, an mahself occasionally go camping and to save on packing we just use that." She replied while grabbing her tooth brush and paste. >"Thank you so much Applejack, it looks like it's nice and toasty." Fluttershy smiled while rolling up her damaged bag. >You finished helping Fluttershy with her sleeping bag and went to brush your teeth after Applejack left the bathroom. >You were nearly knocked over when Fluttershy and Applejack ran over you and into the bathroom. "Where's the fire you two?" >You call out as you crawl into the bag and settle in. >A few minutes later and the door opened. >"Ah see you've made yourself comfortable Anon." Applejack spoke. >Looking up you noticed Applejack wearing a small little white sleeveless shirt and a pair of orange boy shorts. >"Which side would you like?" Fluttershy asked her friend as she picked up her stuffed animal. >One quick glance is all you took at Fluttershy and you quickly looked away. >That little yellow nighty was nice, but the black lacy panties with a pink butterfly shaped bow really turned you on. >"Ah suppose it don't really matter Fluttershy, we'll still be nestled up against Anon either way." >Fluttershy blushed and gingerly made her way into the bag on your right while Applejack crawled in on your left. >The three of you lay on your backs in the dark without a word. >You had no idea what Aj and Flutters were thinking about, but you were too busy trying to keep from popping an awkward erection before you finally drifted away. >Your neck twitched a bit as you woke up and felt something nibbling on your ear. >A moment of panic and you realized that you were sandwiched between Applejack and Fluttershy. >The smell of lilacs and crispy apples flooded your nostrils. >Damn they smelled good. >Applejack mumbled and smacked her lips. >You had your arms wrapped around her midsection, while she used your arm as a pillow. "Fluttershy, wake up." >You whispered to the sleeping girl spooning against you nibbling away at your ear. >She responded by draping her leg over yours and sighing. "Come on Flutters, you're killing me here." >Applejack stirred in your arms, her long blonde hair tickling your nose. >Your penis wasn't doing you any favors as it slowly expanded like a snake slithering its way into the Garden of Eden. "Flutters?" >"What in tarnation is all that racket An." Applejack paused mid-sentence realizing her position. >She shifted closer to you and giggled. >"You're pretty comfortable Anon." She sighed. "Nice and warm too." "I must have rolled over in my sleep Aj. Sorry about all this." >She was silent for a moment before taking a deep breath and exhaling. >"Ah'm actually glad it turned out this way." She finally replied. "What?" >"Ah asked Pinkie to invite you because Ah wanted to get to know you." She answered. "Well. I don't know what to say Aj." >"Don't ya like me Anon?" She asked with a hint of sadness in her voice. "You're a very great friend of mine Aj, just like all the others." >"I know that Anon, but do you think we could beAAAH!." Applejack let out a surprised yelp. >Your erection had pressed up against her cheeks. "Oh shit, I'm so sorry Applejack, it's just that Fluttershy is behind me nibbling on my ear and rubbing up against me." >"So you're getting horny on account of sleeping with us Anon?" She teased. "No, well I mean yes, but." >You winced as you felt Applejack's hand brush against your dick. >"Would you be willing to give me a chance Anon?" She asked again as her fingertips danced on your shaft. >Thinking back you realize that it isn't often that a cute girl like Applejack confessed to you. >What the hell, go for it. "I'll take you up on that Applejack, but I don't think this is something we should be doing so soon." >Applejack turned around and spoke to you face to face. "What if Ah told you that Ah'm as ready as Ah'll ever be for this Anon?" >You stuttered a half-assed reply and made her chuckle. >She firmly grabbed hold of your shaft and spoke. "Anon. Ah'm hornier than a frightened porcupine right now and you're taking responsibility." >You gulped. "Yes ma'am." >She chuckled and brought her lips to yours for a deep kiss. >Going with the flow you wrap your arms around her and pull her closer. >"Doggonit Anon!" Aj snapped as she broke the kiss. "Ah'm not some small timid thing like Fluttershy, go ahead and grab me right!" "Keep it down, you'll wake everyone up." >You hiss back at her as Fluttershy sighed in her sleep, her leg still wrapped around you. >Applejack bit her lip and apologized. >"Let me give you a hand there Anon." She took your hand and slapped it onto her wide hips. >"Now don't be afraid to put some umph into it." She teased as she took hold of your cock again. >Giving you a sudden stroke that caused you to gasp, she leaned in and whispered in your ear. >"Getting caught makes this more exciting, don't it Anon?" >You stuttered as she resumed her strokes and enthusiastically massaged her rump. "I never took you for a naughty girl Applejack." >Her breathing slowly became more and more shallow as you kneaded and gripped her ass. >"All work and no play." She moaned. "Now you're gettin' into it sugar cube." >You gave her neck a little lick and some gentle bites. >"Ah want you to feel this Anon." She whispered as she shifted around a bit, her hand still firmly gripping you. >Just as you were going to question her, you feel a wetness spread across your glans. >"That's how ready Ah am for this rodeo Anon." She says, her voice wavering in anticipation. >She wasn't lying, her arousal spread about your head in a nice thick coat. >As you adjusted to this new sensation Fluttershy inadvertedely dug her fingers into your sides, causing you to jerk forward. >A high pitched moan escaped from Applejack's before she was able to cover her mouth. >The slippery sensation had traveled from the tip of your penis all the way down to the base where her fluids were quickly coating your groin. >She shuddered as shocks of delight ran up her spine from the twitching of your pecker. >"Hurry Anon, this stillness is killin' me!" She whispered, wrapping her arms around your neck. >You painstakingly moved your hips back, relishing the sensation of her wet lips sliding over the top of your dick. >Applejack shivered and whimpered as her thighs tightened around you as if to crush your rod. "Not so tight Aj." >You slowly thrust forward through the small gap, brushing against her little bud much to Applejack's delight. >"Quit yer fussin' Anon." She gasped in time with your small thrusts. "Besides it looks like someone else decided to join in on the fun." >Fluttershy murmured incoherently as her hips slowly rocked back and forth effectively rubbing her crotch against your outer thigh. >The friction from Fluttershy's crotch was lowering your boxer shorts until you could feel a wet spot dragging itself back and forth on your thigh. "It feels like a slug is racing back and forth on my thighs Aj." >She lightly bit your neck to keep from guffawing. >"Just keep going Anon, I'm close." Applejack panted. >The walls of flesh surrounding your shaft felt slick as you kept thrusting. >Fluttershy must have subconsciously felt your oncoming orgasm as she picked up her pace. >She frequently let out these cute little gasps and squees as she approached her climax as well. >Applejack's little nub was making itself known to your cock more frequently causing her to dig her nails into your shoulders. >You knew your were reaching your limits, but the sudden pain pushed you over the edge. >Your dick twitched spraying hot ropey strands of semen all Applejack's luscious thighs. >She gasped and bit your neck to keep from moaning out loud, her body shuddering in pleasure. >Fluttershy eeped and bit the back of your neck, her body trembling as the wet spot on your thigh grew in size. >Your groin was covered in both your fluids as the flow of your semen trickled down to a stop. >Applejack panted in your arms, relishing the aftershocks of her orgasm. >"Trying." She gasped for breath. "Trying to fertilize m'ah orchard Anon?" >You tried catching your breath to reply, but could only smile in response. >She let out a content sigh and released your pecker from her plump thighs. >"You made a mess of m'ah britches Anon." Applejack gave you chest a friendly smack. "Ah'll just wake up earlier and shower Ah suppose." "You sure?" >She giggled and nodded. >"Besides, who knows what a miscreant such as ya'll would do to poor defenseless Fluttershy." "I'm not the one who started stroking my junk Aj." >You attempt to defend yourself as you pull up your drawers. >"Ya know Ah'm just joking Anon." Applejack answered. >She caught you off guard and kissed you before snuggling up against you and yawning. >"Ah'll see you in the mornin' Anon and we can talk about us as well." "Sounds good to me Aj, goodnight." >You give a quick kiss and set your chin on top of her head before closing your eyes and letting sleep take you. >I can't believe you just did that! What were you thinking Fluttershy?! >You're just lucky that they thought you were asleep! >I'm sorry Anon, I couldn't help myself, but it wasn't entirely my fault. >Fluttershy's fingers snaked their way down to her slit where she began to slowly slick herself while taking a deep breath of Anon's hair.