> Spring.
> A time for picnics, kite flying and of course, estrus.
> You look around the streets of Ponyville.
> The usual hustle and bustle of the market is gone.
> Most of the mares have hidden themselves away, preparing their bodies for the next couple of days.
> The unprepared ones skitter through the stalls, hurriedly stocking up on cucumbers, bananas and the odd eggplant.
> You laugh to yourself as you watch Trixie the randy and flustered awkwardly try to bargain with one of the ponies for a particularly large carrot.
> The two mares argue for a while before the shop keep relents and gives Trixie what she wants.
> Victorious, Trixie struts off with her prize: a large, phallic shaped carrot and a box of strawberries.
> Somebody is going to have a good night tonight.
> Carrot Top gives a heavy sigh as she looks on sadly towards the direction Trixie bolted off to.
“That carrot was probably for her personal use” you muse.
> You would have felt sorry for the mare if not for the fact that she was the one who chose to display and sell her produce on “sex week” of all the days.
“Silly, horny ponies” You chuckle.
> Taking a step forward, you continue on your way towards Ponyville’s largest landmark, the Crystal Castle, and towards your own silly, horny pony.
“Hey Starlight! I’m here –“
> A flash of pink darts out from around the corner and slams itself into you crotch.
> The sudden impact of pony to crotch has you bending over in pain.
> Glimmer takes no notice of this, instead opting to bury herself deep into your pants, her face eagerly nuzzling your most private of parts.
> At any other time you would have enjoyed having Starlight so happy to see little Anon, but having been sack whacked like the stooge you are, you are currently slightly less than eager.
> Even through all the pain, you can feel her hot breath through your pants.
> Unf.
> Hot.
> Slowly, you pry her away from you lap, taking great care to ensure that she will not wriggle away from your hold lest you want a repeat of the power dash into you goods.
“Unn, Glimmy” you grunt out as you finally pull her away from yourself.
> Her face is flushed with a soft red, mixing in the rosy color with her already pink coat.
> She gives you a glazed look.
> You boop her nose to get her attention.
> She shakes off her estrus fueled daze and looks up at you.
> Adorable as always, Glim.
> “Anon! What took you so long? I told you I was in heat. Usually you’d jump at the chance to rut me, what changed?”
> The purple maned pony glares at you.
> Even when she’s angry you can’t help but find her cute.
> As you look at your marefriends scowling face.
> You could tell her that you went to the market to pick up some “supplies” or…
“You didn’t know Glimmer?” An awkward look sets itself upon your face.
> The pony in question tilts her head in confusion, unsure of what it is exactly you were expecting her to know.
> You sigh.
> Glimmer stands up from her seated position and looks at you worriedly.
> You give her another sigh, this one sounds much sadder than the last.
“We humans kind of have estrus too.” You pause and look down towards her to gauge her reaction.
She looks ecstatic, most probably due to the thought of having you and her estruses align and all the fucking that will surely result.
“But the problem is that during our estrus, we lose all of our sexual urges. Basically, it’s an anti-estrus.”
> And as you say this you see her deflate, like Pinkie does when she’s in one of those moods.
> Ponies are weird.
> Shoving the random thought out of your head, you focus once again on Glimmer.
> She wears a look of utter devastation on her face.
> “N-No sex?” She asks hesitantly.
> You boop her on the nose.
> She scrunches and looks up at you.
“I was joking. That was just a little pay back for the crotch tackle. You have to be careful around my package if you want to fiddle around with it later”
> The wording of that left the mare crimson with embarrassment.
> Well, it’s not like you couldn’t do it with her during her estrus, now could you?
> You aren’t that kind of monster.
> Having given Glimmer time to settle, you wait as she begins to piece together your words.
> You watch as her expression changes from embarrassment, to understanding, to anger, to self-admonishment before finally settling on a cold scowl.
> You won’t lie, she looks kind of hot like that.
> Having angered the needy pone, you begin the lengthy and difficult process of appeasing her.
“I bought some strawberries and whipped cream for estrus”
> A hint of excitement flashes through her eyes as you say that.
> Without giving you time to react, a forceful tug pulls you towards Glimmer.
> Her horn is aglow with that colorful unicorn magic of hers, signaling the fact that she is using magic on you.
> Not one to poke an angry cougar, you let her pull you towards wherever it is that she wants to pull you to.
> It turns out she wanted you in her room, asap.
> Again, you aren’t one to argue with a horny marefriend.
> There isn’t even time for you to take off your pants before she has you laying on her bed, her lithe body is pressed against yours, grinding into you like there’s no tomorrow.
> Your arms snake around her, holding her close as you let her have her way.
> Glimmers head buries itself in your chest as rides into you.
> You can feel the wetness of her marehood, rubbing against you, pressing down hard onto your cock.
> Your hands grab along her waist as you let the small pony straddle you and hump herself silly.
> Honestly, you are really turned on right now.
> You wish you could unbuckle your pants and take yourself out, but every time you try to do so Glimmer swats your hand away.
> So for the time being, you let Star have her way.
> It wasn’t really that bad.
> It felt like an interactive porno.
> Her hot, shallow panting filled the room, mixing in with the sounds of flesh against clothe.
> The sweet, musky smell of Glimmers heat had your head spinning.
> You wanted her, badly.
> The ragged panting of Glimmer sped up as she approached her climax.
> You could tell that she was enjoying herself from all of the small moans and squeaks alone.
> You look up at Glimmer.
> Pleasure and frustration was written all over her blushing face, her eyes are clenched hard and her muzzle scrunched up into a cute, focused frown.
> Her hooves land on your chest as she reaches the end of her one pony show.
> Jerking and releasing her juices all over you, she collapses under her own weight.
> Luckily enough, her head lands just under your chin allowing you to hug the exhausted mare.
> Kissing her damp mane, you reach your hand up and scratch behind her ear.
“All better now?” You ask.
> She nods weakly, panting as she tries to catch her breath.
> You smile and hug the mare in your arms.
> “I-I’m not done yet Anon.” she chokes out.
> Quirking an eyebrow, you crane your neck to look down at the tired little mare.
> How horny can she be?
> Not that you are against rutting her non-stop, all night long, but still, she looks exhausted.
> Slowly she pushes herself up, her legs like jelly, wobbling under the weight of her body.
“Listen Glim, maybe you should take five min—“
> “Pull your dick out and fuck me like rabbit, Anon” She says sternly.
> Your already hard member just became diamonds.
> Your hands move like lightning, pulling your pants down at a speed only comparable to the most lonely of virgins.
> You barely have your pants down before Glimmer begins pushing herself onto you erect penis.
> She moans as she slips the head of your cock into her folds.
> Your lay back, enjoying the enveloping heat that is your marefriends eager pussy.
> With a forceful “plop” Glim sits herself on your lap, clenching herself around your meat.
> You grab her flank and give it a soft squeeze.
> She falters and nearly collapses onto you.
> The mind is eager but the body unwilling.
> Seeing this, you lift up the poor mare and lay her down on her bed.
> “Anon, what are you—“you silence the pink unicorn by raising her rump and pushing your hard manhood inside of her.
> She yelps in surprise, before melting into a puddle of moaning sex.
> Starlight lets you take care of the work as she buries herself into her pillow.
> You thrust yourself into the happy, sex-starved pony.
> Squeaks escape her as you push your length into her heated sex, needy moans sound out as you pull back.
> The harder you thrust, the happier she seems.
> That is enough of a hint for you, for soon enough you are fucking her like the primal lust beast you are.
> You friends always did call you a fucking animal.
> “Anon!~ Anon!~” She calls out.
> The more she yells, the faster and harder you fuck her.
> “Anooooon!” She shouts as she reaches her second climax.
> Having made your special somep0ny cum, you begin to work on your own climax.
> Glimmer is not one bit against this as you spot a happy, fulfilled smile on her face as you rut her into the sheets.
> With every bouncing thrust you can see her smile get a little wider and a little more fulfilled.
> Soon enough you have reached your limit and you begin to release your thick, milky seed into the sluggish mare.
> As you release stream after stream of cum into your mare, you feel her clench and tighten around you.
> “Anon~” She whispers happily.
> A few more thrusts and jerks later, you are spent.
> You collapse next to the lethargic pony.
> She smiles at you and you smile back.
> Pulling her close, you cuddle the tired little sack of cute mare-ness.
“I think I like estrus” you say without much thought.
> She giggles “I knew you would, you jerk”
> You grab her flank and give it a teasing squeeze.
> You earn a squeak and a scowl in response.
> Her legs intertwine themselves around yours, as the two of you lay in bed.
> You can feel the mixture of love juices leaking down her leg as hugs you closer.
> A content sigh escapes her.
> You smile and begin to shut your eyes.
> “Anon, you said you bought some strawberries and whipped cream~” Glimmer suddenly says, her voice laced with a hot, sultry tone.
> Your eyes shoot open.
> Maybe estrus might be a tad more difficult than what you expected.
> “Round three?”
> Yeah, just a bit more.