Mmmmmmmm… Outlaw.

I don’t know what I’m doing, but this is happening. How could it go wrong? Anyway, as I read, I’ve decided to take notes or something, and write down my THOUGHTS and FEELINGS, because fanfiction is business AND pleasure.

Oh, and I never read the pre-rewrite Outlaw, so this should be interesting.

So, uh… here it is.

Chapter 7: Strange Friends, Strange Places


Yeah, so where the last chapter left off, Mach was in Gawd’s office and she had a job for him that involved a stable. Should be interesting to see where this goes.

Gawd is well written. She’s in character and it’s a sensible cameo appearance. Nothing too crazy like the… things in PH. It feels right in this story.

So Gawd is sending Mach to go feel around in a mountain stable. Stables are always fun for early-story protags to explore, but this stable sounds like it’s going to be very different.

Mach getting pushed around by Gawd is amusing in a very weird sense. He’s so arrogant, but he’s also a complete weakling.

>“Yeah, Mom…” Reggie sighed miserably in a vibrant display of reluctant obedience.

This is a very Reggie sentence. She was one of my favorite characters in the main story, so it’s great to see her in Outlaw, and very in-character too.

>My stomach churned nervously and I shuddered at the memory of Garrote’s eviscerated entrails, but I accepted my effects from the griffoness and set to re-equipping them.

Including this in here is good. There are too many stories in which characters do awful things or awful things happen to the character, and then they’re never mentioned again. Of course, they can get brought up too much and then you get ANGST, but here it is done in a way that feels right. Reminding Mach and the Reader that it happened, but without dwelling on it.

Heh, Mach getting bullied for his wings. That’s the first time that’s come up so far, right? Much better than starting out chapter one with “I have fuckhuge wings.”

>“Because you have the attitude of a spoiled little cub, that’s why,” Reggie shot back. “Did you ever grow up? What kinda grown stallion blames a whole race of people fer his father’s attitude? What kinda grown stallion blames his father fer ruining his life, fer that matter? You’re more of an immature little punk than I am, an’ I’m younger than you. That’s sad, pal.”

It’s so good to hear characters calling out the MC for his or her faults. It actually makes the MC more likeable, in my opinion. Mach has plenty of real faults, and pointing them out makes him seem more real.

>“Lucky me,” I said with a roll of my eyes.

Quiet, you little shit.

>“I ain’t got time to show you around,” Reggie snarled, and I shivered when I heard a guttural growl rumbling in her chest that underlined her words.

I love the way her voice is described. One of my favorite things about griffons is how scary they can be, and reminders that they are basically eaglelions are a good way to show that.

So Mach is a bit claustrophobic.

>What if

Mach pls. He seems to have an active imagination.

Oh boy, the stable is dead. How will the fasthorse react to the imminent spooks?

Oh shit.

>I shot a suspicious glance over my shoulder at the stable’s antechamber. It looked just as it did when the door had opened. None of the walls had compressed like a massive trash compactor and the floor was as level as level could be.

Panic attacks are just the best, aren’t they?

>Laziness may have been one of my biggest flaws, but I never abandoned the mission. There was a job I needed to do, and by Polaris, I was going to get it done. Heaving my battle saddle up onto my back again, I secured it and headed back towards the open stable door.

This makes me like Mach just a little bit more. The best part of having a jerk of a character, is the flaws make the good things stand out. Balancing it to make it work isn’t easy, though, but so far I’m liking his characterization.

Okay, so the stable is very abandoned. Am I going to get some ghouls?

>Remember, stable residents! Your body is your number one priority!
>An unhealthy pony is a dead pony!
>In the radioactive wastes, stay fit or you'll be paste!

What’s this now?

>Fresh blood

Awww shit. All this damage to the halls… huh. Okay, so it’s not a ghoul, it’s something bigger or stronger than that. The gouge mark makes me think blade. Maybe a claw. Hellhound? This early in the story?

>An Enclave helmet

SHIT. I want to say it belongs to a character we’ve seen, but I’m not gonna make an ass of myself yet. But this is probably recent, someone coming after Mach?

And of course the name got scraped off.

>Integrated into each helmet were many features that PipBucks came with standard. Maps and E.F.S. systems, and probably the most helpful at the moment—infrared spell matrices for night ops.

Muh technology.

Oh god. What the hell is this?

Minotaur? I mean, it makes sense. The stable would be like its labyrinth.

>“I wrath at you.”

Iron Will?!


Good match up, big guy versus speedy quick.

That white gouge on the wall makes sense now. His horns.

>The air ducts

Yes. Yes Mach. You’re claustrophobic, so you better just climb into those nice, cramped vents. This is going to end so well for you.

Ah! A skeleton!

Oh and now you’re stuck. You’re not using your brain.

(As someone who has gotten stuck in a crawlspace before, I am feeling Mach’s pain.)

Okay good, you’re out.

>“If you wanna leave here alive,” the creature rumbled in its gravelly rasp, “You need the will to survive!”

I actually laughed.

>I flailed my legs like a lunatic when the hatch dropped out from beneath my hooves and I plunged downward.

This is some funny imagery, not gonna lie. I think I’ve said this before in the thread, but you describe actions very well.

Oh, what’s this? More Enclave pones?

>Lieutenant Marshmallow Sundae

That’s a cute name. As is her nickname.


I’ve heard this name mentioned a few times by people who read Outlaw the first time around. She must be significant?

Oh, so Marshmallow is quite strong. Or… Mach is really that much of a wimp.

>“Cap, I thought I told you to quit calling me Fluff,” the mare growled, and I felt myself grinning when I saw her chubby cheeks puff up in anger. Her white coat made them look an awful lot like her namesake.

Someone’s been slacking on their PT…

Oh, she’s bulking up. Pegasus trooper trying to be earth pone stronk. Cute.

>“The documentation states that the purpose of the minotaur was to work as a life coach and fitness instructor,”

That is just perfect. Exercise stable. The mere thought of Iron Will marching around and screaming at ponies to drink their muscle milk makes me chuckle.

>“Nerrrd,” Marshmallow whispered to me, barely stifling a snicker. Her chortling caused me to snort and we both had to stifle bouts of laughter, earning us a death glare from Brightlance.

Poor Brightlance.

>“He wouldn't have lasted a minute in the squared circle!"

Marshmallow is becoming a favorite of mine.

This dialogue is very amusing. When I’m able to picture the character’s facial expressions and what they’re doing as they speak without too many descriptions, it reads well and feels natural.


Angry greek wind pone. But seriously, I saw this name and googled to see if it was DEEP. Couldn’t make any connections. For a moment, I thought it was going to be the name of that greek hero that killed the minotaur in the maze, but no, that was Theseus.

>“What I did doesn’t matter!” I shouted, pushing past Marshmallow so that I was standing directly in front of Aeolus. “Contrary to what you may think, I actually care about my fellow pegasi! I didn’t do what I did because of the wastelanders. Sure it helped my decision, but in the end I did what I did because I care about my family more than anything else in the world. The only other things I value as importantly as my family are my friends and my wingponies, in that order.”

This. Mach just got bumped up a few ranks on my favorite character list.

>I gestured to the two mares behind me. “I’ve never lost a pony under my command, and I damn sure won’t let today be the day that changes. Can you make that same boast?”

...But that might have been better to keep to yourself, Mach.

>“That’s… not me,” I said uneasily, and I saw ears twitching all over the room.

Here we go again.

So at this point in the story, has the coilgun worked like, at all? It broke in the lab, has he even fired a shot from it?

Oh, that was clever of Mach. Or maybe it wasn’t. Enclave is gonna keep coming after him for that coilgun now.

It’s a little odd having Gawd refer to herself in the third person like that.

Now, I haven’t read the pre-rewrite Outlaw (someone needs to come up with a better way to say that) but from what Gawd just said, she pointed Mach in to Sanctuary, saying that a friend of hers went over there to clean it up. That’s Krieg, right? And Sanctuary is Buckston?


Okay, time for more of a general, um, “review” thing.

RIght, this chapter’s title makes a lot more sense after reading the thing. Like I said, the opening negotiation scene was good, especially with how in character both Gawd and Reggie were. Their cameos worked and everything felt right. It also kinda made me realize that having a character interact with others that already have strongly established traits is a good way to build characterization for your own character… if that makes any sense.

For example, Mach’s immaturity and shitty attitude were made especially apparent when Reggie – a teenager – called him out on it. It was addressed and executed well.

The stable. This is now probably my favorite “spooky stable” only being eclipsed by the stable in MN7. The way “clues” were presented to the reader to build suspense as to what was in the stable, I loved that. Especially how things like the poster, the blood, and the wrecked hallway made me want to guess what it was, and it wasn’t obvious enough for me to guess correctly.

Iron Will was funny, hell, the entire concept of the stable was funny. I imagined Iron sitting in the reactors radioactive glow doing curls for 200 years. The guy was also pretty damn scary, but that was mostly the whole ghoul thing. The way I pictured him was creepy.

Brightlance, Aeolus, and Marshmallow were all minor characters – or at least they seemed like minor characters for now – yet they had a ton of characterization in such a short time. They weren’t cardboard when they easily could have been and that made the whole chapter more interesting. Brightlance seemed pretty neutral, but Aeolus might develop revenge fantasies and try hunting Mach down. Brightlance also seems a little… mysterious... for now. I take it that was intentional.

I’m excited for the next chapter, I think at one point you said that there would be Greaser in it, which is a character that I had been wanting to read about for a long time now. Buckston should be fun to explore too.

Also, in the notes I mentioned that I had thoughts as to who the helmet belonged too – I was very wrong, but my predictions were that it would belong to Solara, Gust, or Gale. The former coming to find Mach, or the latter two trying to hunt him down.

Overall, good, fun chapter.