[SFW, F/F, Vore, Implied digestion, Unaware, Micro]

“Sunshine, sunshine, ladybugs awake. Clap your hooves and do a little shake.”

?The purple filly and the pink princess both fell onto their backs, laughing together as they always did at the end of their little dance.

“Alright Twilight… As much as I know we’d both enjoy playing together some more, you have some homework that needs to be done for Princess Celestia.”

“Oh don’t worry about that. I finished all that the day I got it.”

Cadence raised a brow. “Oh really? Then why don’t you go and show me and I’ll double check your work.”

Twilight got to her hooves in a second and dashed off out of the room, returning a few moments later with a stack of papers, trapped in her magical aura. The next half an hour was spent as Cadence looked over the work, checking to see that Twilight had not made any mistake. She hadn’t. Twilight sat still, attentive to any signs on Cadence’s face.

“Well it all seems to be right. I think somepony deserves a reward for all their hard work.”

Twilight bounced up and down in excitement as Cadence produced a lollipop in the shape of a heart from behind her back, obviously having it for some time since she sent Twilight to collect her work, knowing full well it was bound to be finished. Her magical aura gripped the stick as the wrapping was cleanly pulled from the treat before floating over to Twilight. The pink aura that held it afloat was soon replaced with a purple one as Twilight pulled it closer to her mouth and began to suck on her treat.

Cadence produced another from her back, this one too a heart as she unwrapped it and placed it inside her own mouth. The two enjoyed their lollipops for a few moments before Cadence removed hers to speak.

“Wanna play Hide ‘n’ Seek?”

Twilight’s head bounced up and down furiously, causing Cadence to smile.

“Alright. You go and hide and I’ll seek.” She turned back around, facing the wall as she began to count down from 20.

Twilight turned and bolted from behind her, running out of the room and into her own. She looked around for a good place to hide but the same thoughts kept running through her mind.

‘She’ll look for me here… Hide somewhere else.’

She turned back out and ran down to the next room. This one was Shining Armor’s room. She’d never think to look for her in here.

“9… 8… 7…” Twilight dived under the bed, scooting as far back as she could as her eyes kept focus on the door which remained slightly ajar.

“Ready or not! Here I come!” The sounds of hooves on the floor rushed past the door, alerting Twilight to her safety for a while longer.

Choosing to relax rather than be on edge the entire game, she removed her lollipop to lick rather than suck. As she removed it, she noticed it was worn down to a tiny ball on the tip of the stick. Her ears drooped a little when she realized she was now probably going to be stuck here for a while with nothing to keep her busy.

‘What if I just restore it?’ The thought ran through her head. It was certainly possible with her training in magic, what could go wrong?

Focusing her magic on what remained of the lollipop; it began to glow with a deep purple glow. She shut her eyes and could feel the flow of magic around her. It was a very quick sensation and it left her feeling stiff and a little cold.

Her eyes slowly opened but what she saw startled her. In front of her was a vision of a room in her house except it was all tinted pink. She was trapped in a pink surrounding, holding her still inside it. Her head couldn’t turn but her mouth was free to open. She did open her maw and released her tongue, licking on the wall in front of her face. It was the lollipop for sure. Somehow, she has instead of restoring it, grew it to an unimaginable size around herself. It would be a matter of time before Cadence found a giant lollipop under Shining Armor’s bed and caught her.

As she licked at the lollipop from the inside, slowly creating a cave into through the candy, something caught her attention. What she was looking through wasn’t a vision into Shining Armor’s room like she should be seeing, but in fact her room. She could see her Smarty Pants doll on her bed and from her perspective; she was above its height.

‘What’s going on here?’

A warm sensation ran down her back as well as an echoing scrape that seemed to intensify as if something was scraping on the candy itself. Twilight tried to turn her head but the hard encasement prevented her from moving anything more than her mouth and tongue. Her prison began to rock as she was turned around by force, only to face the giant face of her foul sitter.

“Where are you hiding Twilight?” Cadence called out, the volume of her voice intensified by the crystallized sugar.

Her maw opened wide as her tongue stretched out towards Twilight. Twilight screamed out but of course, her tiny voice couldn’t be heard and her prison blocked out any possibility of being heard.  The tongue made contact with the lollipop and began to roll up slowly, giving Twilight a good view of the inside of Cadence’s maw and dangling uvula. The throat seemed to quiver to the taste, like it was waiting to just swallow up that whole piece of candy with the filly centre inside.

Twilight squirmed and screamed, knowing full well it wasn’t helping. The only way she was getting out was by licking herself out. She set your tongue on the candy and licked furiously at it, carving a small cave through but her tongue only managed to reach so far. She couldn’t move her head to lick anywhere else but ahead. In a matter of a few moments, there was a large gap in front of her face but that was all she could muster. Her horn was incapacitated. It was frozen in the candy and even if it was free to her use, she didn’t have the magical strength to escape after that spell that got her in this situation in the first place.

Cadence continued to search for Twilight, leaving her room and checking Twilight’s parent’s room. She lowered her head to the ground, peeking under the bed and opening the closet but just couldn’t find her. She took another long lick of her lollipop before shoving it into her mouth where she sealed her lips around the stick and began to suck on it, really tasting the flavour. Turning back around, she exited the room to try somewhere else.

Twilight struggled as breaking the insides seemed to be her best bet if licking it and magic weren’t a viable option. She could only watch as she struggled as Cadence’s tongue ran along the front again, clearing another thin layer of the candy. To Twilight’s delight, it connected with her efforts and broke a tiny hole between both of their licked efforts.

“Cadence! I’m in here! Please get me out!” Twilight screamed out but those pleas were quickly replaced with fearful screams as Cadence’s maw opened wide again and wrapped around Twilight’s prison, sealing around her.

The tiny hole in front of Twilight now remained facing up at Cadence’s palate as her tongue rubbed up and down the back of the lollipop. Twilight couldn’t believe it. She was inside Cadence’s mouth and at this rate, soon to be in her belly too. Saliva slowly was pouring into the candy, dribbling onto Twilight’s face as she coughed and choked on the thick, warm slime.

She couldn’t take it much longer. She rocked and flailed in her prison, trying to force a hoof free to aid in her escape. A loud ‘crack!’ rumbled around her. She must have begun to break a piece. She continued her struggles and heard another and another. She would surely be free any second.

Twilight pushed all her effort into her struggles until she heard one more final ‘crack!’

“Finally! Now to get Cadence’s attention.” Twilight tried to get back up, but she was still pinned to all four hooves by the lollipop.

The candy didn’t remain flat on the tongue anymore. It got up and began bouncing up and down with the tongue as it flicked it around the maw. Twilight could see, the stick that protruded from the lips had a little piece still stuck to the tip. She hadn’t broken her hooves free at all. She had broken the candy free from the stick.

Cadence felt the lollipop break free and pull the stick from her lips, looking it over before throwing it away in the trash. She flicked the candy with her tongue, wrapping her tongue around it and even hiding it under her tongue for a bit. She could feel it wearing down now and she was getting a little more concerned for finding Twilight that sucking on a little piece of candy. Her tongue curled down under the remains of the lollipop and flicked it back.

Twilight could feel herself getting sick as she was thrown about, pushed from one cheek to the other and being sucked on from all sides. Cadence’s thick tongue curled around Twilight, sealing her in a layer of saliva coated muscle as the tongue rubbed the candy from every side as it did, slowly wearing down its structure.

Twilight let out another scream but it was drowned out by the inflow of saliva as the tongue uncurled and rested atop her, pressing her into the floor of the maw. Saliva was pouring in Twilight did her best to spit it all back out, occasionally being over flown with it, she was forced to swallow some of the foul slime as she attempted to spit and cough it all back up.

She could see the palate of Cadence’s maw once more as the tongue lifted and bent down, scooping her up onto its surface. Twilight laid motionless on the tongue, free to breathe in the warm, sweet scent of Cadence’s breath.

“It can’t get worse…” Those words ran regret through Twilight’s mind as the tongue flick backwards, propelling Twilight down the tongue. A shrill that could have deafened ponies exploded from Twilight’s maw as the remains of her prison slid along the tongue and slipped over the edge, falling into a closed sphincter that began to open slowly around her hooves.

She struggled to get out but there was no escape. The sphincter now was around her neck, only the candy keeping it from squeezing her tightly but it was soon over as it rose up higher, sealing over the top of the lollipop and began to push it further down.

Cadence gave an effortless swallow, feeling the deformed heart shape of the candy sliding down her throat. A quick cough erupted from her maw as she felt the treat get stuck in her throat for a second. Pressing her hoof to the lump, she easily pushed it on its way as it slipped further into her body, disappearing behind her furred chest.

“Alright Twilight. You win. You can come out now… Twilight?”