>Be some semi-intelligent Anon. >you have a speech skill of 80 and charisma of 7, and a unarmed of 100 and strength of 10. >Day 482 in Equestria. >You have been able to smooth talk most of the ponies into giving you things you need to live here. >You got muffins for life from Derpy, a job from Applejack, a place to reside from the Mayor. >You also mugged the diamond dogs for about... 6000 Bits. >It's about 8PM, when you see your bro, Rainbow Dash. >"Hey Anon, what's up?" "Nuffin but 'dis muffin." >You swear you're addicted to muffins. >She rolls her eyes. "Oh, haha. I was wondering if you wanted to go to the bar.. But I can see you're busy with the muffins." "Heh, you kidding? I can always go for some drinks with my main bro!" >When you say bro, she winces. >Something's nagging at you, so you decide to try to have her . "Something the matter...?" >"N-No it's nothing" >Niggerplease.jpeg "I can see that something is displeasing you. You winced when I called you bro. You’ve been doing it for about 2 months now..." >"It's fine. It's nothing, really." *REQUIRES A SPEECH SKILL OF 90 OR HIGHER* > Shrugging, you decide to try again later when you're both drunk off your asses. >With the power of lazy writing you both are drunk off your asses, walking back to your place. >Somehow, when you're drunk, you gain a +30 in your speech skill. "So...*hic* bro, what was that about earlier..?" >"Wazzat?" "Ya know, when I asked you*hic* bout that flinch after the word bro." >She looks like she's thinking, then she talks. *SPEECH CHECK PASSED* >"It's just, why am I your 'Bro'? Why can't I be more than that?" "Wha... what ya mean? Like a super bro or something?" >"No," Dash says, walking ahead of you. "More than that. >Her already unstable walking is made even more unstable. >Her tail is lifted up into the air, giving you full view of her nethers. >You swear you saw a dynamic entry point there, cause your intellect just dropped to zero. "Super Ultra Mega Bro, with benefits?" >She stops in place and looks at you. "W-wha?" >You shrug "err... friends with benefits?" >The hell is coming out of your drunk mouth? You're talking to a horse. >A sexy... amazing... blue...horse.... *weird slurping noise* >No, bad drunk brain! >But you wants it... You needs it.... >Shaking your head, you hear RD speaking to you. "Whazzat mean?" "Iz like we're dating... But not unofficially." >That's not even CLOSE to the right answer. Why are you doing this brain!? >You're the one who drank a barrel of hard cider. >Iz not my fault pony booze is weak! >Before you could go back to arguing with yourself, you hear RD talk again. "Like a trial period?" "Ya, if iz dun work out, we can just be friends again." >Why are you still talking? Everything that's coming from your mouth is wrong. >Because you wanna give this a shot. Rainbow has been here for you, through thick and thin. >She has saved you, almost as much as you saved her. >Well, in different ways of course. >You've saved her by talking her out of stupid stunts >She has saved you by helping you rebuild your house after the Diamond Dogs destroyed it. >Three times. >You had to use all the bots you took from them and then some to rebuild it. >You stew in your thoughts, before getting knocked out of them by a door. >That you ran into. >It's attached to your house... >You hear RD laughing her drunk ass off behind you, as you grumble to yourself. >You reach into your pocket, and unlock the door. "It wasn't THAT funny..." >She drunkenly walks into the house. "Yeah it was." >In your drunken mind, you recall something. >Something about Pegasus wings and how they're incredibly sensitive to touch. >You lurch forward, and even with your sneak of 5, you somehow manage to get behind her without her noticing. >you quickly tackle her, and pin her to the ground. =Clop= >Her wings are splayed out, and you move your hands to her right wing. >"A-anon! What are you-" >She lets out a moan as soon as you start massaging her wing. >You feel your pant leg get damp, as her crotch starts to leak fluids. >you start to lower one hand to her crotch. >You stop when you feel a mass, just above her marehood. >They're small, but you immediately know what they are. >You grope one, and not but a few seconds later she starts shuddering. >Was it that good for her? >That damp feeling on your leg? It turned into a feeling of sticking your leg in a river. >She was gushing out juices like a damned faucet. >Then your drunk ass noticed one more thing. >It's been there for a while, trying to say hi, and making a tent in your pants. >It seems Rainbow noticed Lil Anon Jr. too, "A..anon? I don't want to leave you hanging..." >You don't even recall why you were doing this in the first place, or your morals for that matter. >You drunkenly pick her up and carry her to your room. >Orr... bathroom it seems... >Not really caring, you kick off your shoes and undo your soaked pants. >All with one hand. >The other hand is holding Rainbow under the flank as you two kiss. >You stumble over your discarded pants, and over to the tub. >Somehow, without falling over, you manage to get in the tub. >Now you know why you got into the bathroom. >You like your bed not full of marejuices. >Or puke, knowing how much you both drank. >No ones done that yet, thank god. >In the tub, Rainbow attempts to stand up, but lost her footing and falls marehood first, on your fully erect member. >Dash squeaks out in pain, and stays there, rigid and unmoving. >You can feel her marehood squeezing your member; tightness that of a virgin. >She soon, though, starts to move. You can see some tears building in her eyes. >Her mouth quivered a bit, and she loosed a quiet whimper. >You decide to see if you could help her with her pain. >You lean forward, and put your hand behind her head, pulling her towards yours. >You lock lips with her, and move your left hand down to her now fully extended wings. >Toying with the tip of her left wing, you hear her groans of pain subside little by little. >Dash's squeals of pain seemed to have melded into moans as she shakes her hips, grinding into you. >She pushes away from the kiss and lets out a small groan. "You're not hurting, are you?" you ask, still concerned about how she initially reacted. >"N-no. *pant* I... it sorta feels nice," Dash says, moving her hips side to side, wincing from her actions. "I kinda... like it." >What. >You were not expecting that at all. She must really like it rough, you think. >In your drunken stupor, you push your head back up and lock lips once more with her. >She doesn't squander around, shoving back with equal force into the sloppy kiss. >You bring your hands down, roughly slapping her flanks on either side. She lets out a moan in your mouth, not once deterring from the kiss. >You slap her flank once more, harder than before and elicit a loud groan from her. >The kiss the two of you shared had gotten extremely fervent as your tongues danced in one another's mouths. >Dash started to move herself up and down on you with some trouble due to her tightness. >Roaming your hands on her bottom, you reach down and find where the two of you are intimately bonded. >You lightly start to squeeze around, probing your fingers around her bottom. Little squeals from Dash are what you get in return. >As you squeezed around, you felt another opening back here. You forget what it's called, but it had something to do with a mares sexual... stuff. >Fuck, too hard to think right now. And fuck this as well, it's getting played with too. >Taking your fingers, you spread alongside the area, forcing a long moan from Dash. >Her movements on you have sped up, shoving harder into you. >Feeling for the right time in her hole, just as it was opening, you shove a finger inside. >Dash shoves hard against you from the action, taking you fully into her. >She lifts her head from the kiss, panting hard for air. >You feel your crotch drown in marejucies, as her maregasm went full blast. >The entire lower half of your body was now soaking wet. It helped you were currently in the tub. >Her shuttering soon subsided, and she focused her eyes on you. >There's a slight look of awe in them. "Y-you're still hard." she mutters out. >You could see a smile start to creep across her face. The new look in her eyes scares you a little... >"Let's move..." "What, out of the tub?" >"I mean a new position... I wanna be on all fours. And if you even think of pulling out while moving, you'll regret it." >This new request scares you a little, especially the last bit. >You think on just how to accomplish this. Suddenly, a thought pops up in your drunk head. >A smile creeps across your face, forcing Dash to drop her smile. >"A-anon?" she questions, unsure of what you mean to do. >You immediately grab her body and hold her close to you. >With a mighty hop, you jump on top of the tubs side, inciting you to roll over and fall on Dash. >You hilt yourself deep inside her, your entire weight now on the mare. >Dash winces from the pain, but you could see a smile planted on her face. >She must have enjoyed that more than you thought, the dirty mare. >Pulling Dash close up to your crotch, you lift her body and move her on the side. >Now this next part was gonna be tricky in your stupor. >You start to move around, lifting her backside up when you needed to, rotating yourself until you were lying on her back. >It took a while, but you somehow managed. You felt like you needed a reward or something for accomplishing that shit. >Oh wait, here's your reward! Dash was still forced on the ground with her stomach flat up against it. >You had to lean over just to make sure you kept in her. >Dash begins to struggle up, but with your help she's soon on all fours with a pleased look on her face. >"Now I want you to thrust me as hard as you can!" >Now you see why she had you turn. >She wasn't able to move that well due to the tightness of her marehood. >You pull out until the tip is barely in her marehood., and hear her groan out a mixture of pleasure and pain. >With all of your might, you plunger your member deep inside of her. >Dash lets out a loud moan bordering on yelling. You hoped your neighbors were asleep. >Wait, fuck that shit! You hoped they woke up hearing your awesome skills in action! >Pulling your member back out, you slam it back into her with the same force you used before. >Dash squeals this time, making you smirk. You wanted to hear more of her squealing. >... >... >That's the thing with being drunk. You have a tendency of forgetting some of the good bits. >You recalled you were going at her for all hours into the night, and in many different positions. >As your memory started working over the nights events, you find yourself lying on the ground in the bathroom floor. >Dash was currently lying on top of you, fast asleep while holding either side of you. >Feeling around, you could feel your member was still in her. You were surprised at that. >You hear a groan from Dash as she shoves her head into your chest. >"What the buck happened last night...?" >She moves a little bit, and recalls a little of what happened, cause, well. Your dick was still in her. >She turns three shades of red, and pulls of of you. >"I..I... Ohmygod..." >You grab her head, and pull her into your chest. "What I remember of last night, was amazing..." >She pushes away from your chest with a hoof, and looks into your eyes. >She looks for a long moment, and closes in on you face, and pecks your lips with a kiss. >"Same here...." >You wrap your arms around her and hug her. >The hug last for a while, until you look around the bathroom. >It looks like Katrina passed through here. >The floor is almost flooded with... >You take some in your hand, and taste it. >... This shit tastes like Skittles. >You pull away from dash, and flip her upside down. >"Hey, wha-" You take a long lick along her marehood, and she quiets up. >Tastes like fucking skittles. "Dash, I fucking love you." >You look down to her face, and see her blush, "M..me too, I love you too." END