>You quirk an eyebrow at Pon, and begin to form a question, but he cuts you off >"Now, Anon. Let's...I mean, this scene has actually been cited as the reason for an increase in inter-species rutting - so from the bottom of my heart and on behalf of the industry, thank you." >The crowd applauds lightly >That sounded like a save to you, but you let it pass >"Now! I think the next one is a mare that we've all been wanting to see you corral" "Uuuugh...." >"Now now, don't Buck your duties on t-" "Please no puns, please?" >Pon laughs >"But that's half the fun! Come on, Anon? Give it a shot and I'll quiet down for you" >You shake your head "Quieting down? Sure you're not a little horse?" >Pon groans >"Ok, ok, point taken. But this next mare you bed, Applejack - she is a mare's mare, correct?" "I haven't heard the term "bed" used like that in a while, but I guess? She owns and works on a farm - Sweet Apple Acres - and regularly participates in iron pony competitions and rodeos." >You're still not over how pathetic rodeos are here >Just jumping and running contests >Instead of a pony riding on another pony lassoing another pony?! COME ON. That would make it all worth it... >You snap out of your reverie as Pon whistles >"So... you're sayin' that she could take any stallion she wanted?" >A couple mares wolf whistle, and you grin "I'd like to think we tied." >"Well, you're the only colt who could've! Let's start the tape again, yea?" "Sure, Pon." >The lights dim again >You pull out an apple and take a bite, doing your absolute best Takeshi Kaga impression >Mares swoon >Or maybe they're swooning because they've been clopping for an hour now >Whatevs. Soon you'll get your solid gold lewd lawn ornament and go home /~/~/~/ >"Didja have t' be so loud?" >The camera turns and shakes a bit as you try to set it on the nightstand >Rarity cleaned up and left a couple hours ago >Let's just say.... the shopkeepers were very interested in what happened this morning "You must let the artist work, AJ." >"Hmph. Load ah' hooey, ifn' you ask me." >The orange apple mare trots infront of the camera, giving a little wave >"This good?" "Eyup." >"Do me ah favor an' never say that again. Specially not as foreplay." >You laugh, and she scowls, stomping a hoof "Well, alright, alright. But can you blame me? That was hilarious." >"Ahm' tired of you just wreckin' us, Anon! You needta learn yer lesson!" >You quirk an eyebrow "My lesson? Oh, do tell." >You walk into camera view, standing arms akimbo infront of AJ >Revengencer is at half-mast >"Gah, git that outta mah face. Sit! Yeesh." >You do so, crossing your legs infront of you "Now. What is this 'lesson' I need to learn? Specially from YOU, of all ma-" >AJ grins and launches herself at you, catching you off guard >You slam into the ground, and she does her best to keep you pinned by your shoulders >Bringing her head down next to yours, she whispers "Don' take yer guard down near ah mare [spoiler]in heat.[/spoiler]" "Y-y-y-you're in h-" >AJ breaks out laughing, and you shove her off of you >"HA HA ha, hoo, boy you should've seen th' look on yer fa-" >You growl and lunge at AJ, and her reflexes take over, honed through years of kicking stationary trees >She dodges, in other words >You need to go out and get /fit/, son >You grab air as she rounds on you, tackling your side >The two of you roll, eventually with her on-top >She presses her chest to yours, grinning >"Now. Ahm I gon' have tah break you in, or are yah gon' moan under me like a good lil' colt?" >You narrow your eyes, and she returns the look with a smirk >"Ah like 'em feisty." "And I'm like, twice your height." >You begin to sit up, and AJ realizes the predicament she's in >She moves to the side and knocks out your arm, forcing you to fall back onto your elbows >She stands ontop of you, forehooves on your shoulders >"Be a good colt fer once? For me? I've had my eye on ya fer a while now, an I can make it good for you-" "Ha ha fuck no. You make me work shirtless in your orchard all the damn time - now I know why." >AJ smirks. "Well it took ya long enough. But ah don't think ah need your permission right now..." >Her tail swishes down between your legs, your rock-hard erection twitching at the sensation >Damn you, Revengencer! Don't become an -eager- horsefucker! >She lowers herself on you, resting her hot pussy against your dick >Apparently she missed, but your squirming is stopping her from picking back up >"Mn- d-dangit, Dangit colt, wo-jus-just stop yer-" >She sighs in exasperation as you continue to make it difficult on her because of reasons >She leans forward and opens her mouth, chomping down on your shoulder "OWW, Hey, FUCK! That actu-AH!" >Fucking distraction >She raises her hips and lowers them, impaling her on your cock >Fuck why did it have to feel SO GOOD >It's like a hot, wet vice made of velvet, moulding to your cock >You let out a soft moan, and she chuckles around your shoulder >Once she's sitting on your lap she releases you, and you rub the bite mark, checking for blood "No, seriously, that was NOT cool." >"Mmm, you'll live. Remind me next harvest time tah take you to th' barn..." "Are you seriously asking me to remind you to fuck me?" >She bounces on your dick, and you rest, propped up on your elbows >You have to admit - it's nice not being the instigator sometimes >But fuck, if that bite left a mark- oh hey, Jr's under sudden pressure >"Aaahn! Aaah...Mmmh, an yer' not even winded..." "Heh. You ain't seen nothin' yet." >"Now now, jus' lie there an' let me take care of yah." "Yeah, how about no." >You reach down and grip her flanks - perhaps a bit too roughly - and hold her in place as you thrust up >"Nnh! Nmf! Ah!" >Now that's more like it. No way some marshmallow pone is gonna- >"Ye-ah!-think that's good enough?" >She looks at you with determination in her eyes and starts to slam down on your hips as you thrust up - surprising you with the force behind it, your hips rest on the ground again >But only for a moment "Bitch you don't even know wha-" >"Ahh- all, all ah'm hearin' is excuses~" >Cheeky cunt >You growl, baring your teeth as you start to fuck into her as hard as you can >Channel your hate, let it flow through you[spoiler]r dick[/spoiler] >"Uh, uhn! Ah! Th-there we go! Ah! Nn!" >She orgasms again, and you keep pounding up into her >To her credit, she keeps slamming down into you >This is less sex and more "can I fuck my partner into submission" >You continue like this for a few more minutes, the loud *thud* of your hips meeting and the occasional grunt the only sound breaking the afternoon silence >"Ng-AAHN! FUCK!" >She spasms ontop of you, and you can feel that was a hard one >her legs are currently wobbly - TIME TO STRIKE >You begin to fuck her as hard and fast as you can, doing your best to keep her up off of the ground >"Aaah! HA-AAAH~" >Leaning forward her mouth finds yours, and you welcome her tongue >You can fight this two-front battle >She invades your mouth, trying to force your head back in submission >You will not yield >She begins to get her bearings again, her legs squeezing your hips >wow they're actuall- yeah actually fuck that's beginning to hurt >You turn your hips slightly to give her some indication, but she keeps up the pressure >Gotta fuck through the pain - can't let her win! >You release her flank with one hand and grip her tail, yanking hard >You can't go out like no bitch >Your distraction isn't working >Dammit jim I'm your penis not a doctor >You let go of her hips, and you can just FEEL the smugness radiate off of treekicker >But you have a backup plan >Planting your elbows on the ground behind you, you gain +5 leverage >And fuck if you don't use it >You focus on just bouncing your hips - and the mare riding 'em >Every so often you gain enough air clearance that her legs don't touch the ground >She's moaning into your mouth, too stubborn to let go and just let you take over >not that you're stubborn or anything. This is her fault. >Fuck if this isn't hot, though >Your dick is getting wrecked, but you honestly don't care >She breaks the kiss, and you count that as a victory >"Haaah! AAAH! Hmmn-*gasp*" >That's more like it >"N-now! Now! Ah-AH! G-give it to me n-now!" "Hah! MM, fuck, I was wondering when yo-" >"Y-yah s-AH!-seem to be gett'n tired, s-so do it!" "Y-you c-uugh-nt!" >She flicks her tail down and slaps your balls, the sudden sting making you gasp >"S-shoot, stud!" >Damnit don't rush me I'm- oh shit I'm almost there >She gives you another gentle whip, and you feel yourself begin to lose it >Gotta keep up appearances >You grip her hips and pump as hard as you can, her hips jiggling with each thrust >Considering her ass feels like it's pure muscle, that's an achievement >"Nn-AAH! NNNN~! NAAAAHHH~" >She spasms on your cock, and it's enough stimulus to throw you headfirst over the edge >Moaning, you empty into the apple pone, still thrusting weakly the entire time >Fuck your brain is overloaded, but you ain't goin out like no bitch >Breathing heavily you collapse on the ground, and she collapses ontop of you >Her inner walls milking you on reflex >Breathe, stupid. Breathe. >Her muzzle is near your mouth, breathing in time with you >Huh. Breath-sharing, I guess? >You move your head, and she moves hers with you >Aww. "You're alright, treekicker." >You feel her weakly chuckle, wrapping her forehooves around your chest /~/~/~/ >*click* >The lights stay down for a few more moments, letting you reflect >How interesting. Eating an apple when it was AJ's turn on the screen. >Did she taste like apples? >You must know. >I mean, you parted on great terms >Snuggled for a few minutes more >She broke out some cider >You fooled around again >She's going to pay you when she goes into heat >Good times. Always a plus, fucking one of your employers >Besides, you loved that pie of hers >"Anon?" "Hmm?" >"You seemed lost in thought there, buddy. You alright?" >You look around - the lights are back on, and the audience is just staring at you "Oh, yeah. Sorry. Just kinda thinking-" >"About that totally hot scene?! I haven't seen such naked powerplay in years!" >You laugh "Sure, let's go with that." >"So, I have to ask - it's in my contract - what happened with this mare? Does she still swoop in and take what's hers?" "Hey now-" >Pon laughs, and you look at him with your best 'dis nigga srs?' face "We are still great friends. She makes a damn good batch of cider; always makes sure I have a barrel." >"Well, that's gotta make you popular!" "Mmm. She does ask for payment every now and then..." >The crowd devolves into cat calls, offers of other alcohol and general cheering >Pon lets the crowd go for a while, before calming them down >"Now, we have one last mare left - and it's a doozy! It's the newest Princess of Friendship, Twilight Sparkle!" >A ghost of a frown covers your face, but you mask it quickly >"Tell us, Anon. Why is this scene so much different than the others?" "That.... that you'll have to figure out on your own." >You grin and tap your temple, and Pon gives you a pouty face "Why not just fire it up and see for yourself?" >"That's a wonderful idea! Stagehooves!" Pon sits back and clops his forehooves together like some sort of royal. "The pornography, ladies! Chop chop!" >You two share a laugh as the lights dim once more