THREADS: 1: 2: >"Thank you for accepting my invitation Anonymous, I appreciate your company" says Princess Celestia as you walk into the large halls of her castle >"Please, make yourself comfortable" she says as you walk over the fancy red royal carpet "Thank you Princess. Now what was it you wanted to see me for?" >You rethink your words. That last phrase might have come a little rude, but with her, it was always good to know what were her intentions from the start. >"I heard you've made great acquaintances on your stay here and I wanted to talk about it." >"Hey mom, I'm makenin a lots a new friends at Ponyville! I just don't know what could go wrong!" you think on saying, but at the end you just agree with her. >She seems thoughtful, it seemed something was bothering her. >"And what about 'Special acquaintances'. Any lucky mare?" >The questions seems a bit off to you >You did had a crush on Pinkie, but other than that, there was nothing you could call yet a "special acquaintance" "No, your highness" you respond >"Hmm, I see..." >She seems a little disappointed of the answer. Maybe she was planning to start a conversation from there. >Strangely enough, she doesn't persuades on the subject >"Nevermind these questions, let's walk a little around the royal gardens, shall we?" "Sure thing your highness" you say >You don't want to upset her, you felt a great respect towards her >The canterlot gardens are wonderful >There is posible every kind of marvelous creature inhabiting the colorful flora >The chirping and singing of every bird made it a mesmerizing experience >Every section was carefully designed to enhance the aroma of all flowers >Though it seemed like something extremely elegant to you, Celestia seemed unamused >It was understandable since surely the beauty of the garden came like nothing new to her, but her face showed something else >It's time to set the sun now... >You notice her horn glowing, but you don't see anything nearby being affected by her magic >No, it was the sun itself setting on the horizon what's being moved by her magic >This defied everything you knew about stars and planets from your homeworld >"Isn't it beautiful? The sun will rise and hide as long as I keep doing it, but the days turn so long.." >You can hear the wind rocking the leaves on every three as the warm sunset abandoned Equestria >"Being a Princess can get lonely sometimes..." "I know that feel princess. I don't have a lot of friends either. But you're not so bad, once I get to know you. Them ponies said you were scary, but you're pretty nice to me." >She lowers her head >"Really, do they say that?" >You don't know what to say next >She sighs >"It's always the same...I am responsible for the wealth of all my subjects. Sometimes I just want like any other pony, live like any other pony, age like any other pony..." >You think on patting her on the back, but that seemed highly disrespectful >Not to mention you don't only want to pat her, you want to downright hug her >Something in her words make you empathize with her >"I feel so...untouched" >You feel strangely aroused >It was a shame that such a beautiful flower remained uncut. You feel like doing it yourself. Her shiny fur and her pristine white coat and her wide... >You stopped your own thoughts before your boner poked someone's eye "What do you mean by that?" you ask >She meekly smiles >"'s nothing" some of the usual calm comes back to her >"Forgive my silliness, it was uncalled for, I can't thank you enough for coming" >The sun finally sets in the horizon, it was now up to Luna >You feel you're boring her, so you try to bring the topic of what she brought you here for "What are your views on Can town's future government plans " you ask her. She laughs politely >"Let us not talk about politics today Anon, I invited you as a friend. You consider me your friend, don't you Anon?" >You slowly realize there was no important official matter she wanted to discuss, no royal meeting you had to attend, no report of friendship you had to deliver >She called you to be in company of someone, just for the sake of company, without having to be an authority figure, just for once >Figuring this up makes you a little sad "Why yes princess, close friends" >"Well, I'm flattered. You are a real gentleman Anon. I must admit that I too consider you a close friend. I wish our friendship grows stronger each day. Come on in, let's have some cake, we are being expected for dinner" >Interiors, dining hall. The extensive table is fabulous >The dinner was absolutely delicious, it could have been better if you weren't so concerned on eating like a dog in front of the princess, who delicately chew every meal >"I really shouldn't have any more cake, maybe just one slice, what do you think Anon?" "I think the decision is up to you Princess Celestia." >"Hmm, maybe more bite" >She looks adorable when she argues with herself >She eats a small piece of cake. >"That was delicio--" >A loud belch interrupts her >She immediately covers her mouth, but the gas was already out >"Ah...I am deeply sorry, I don't know what got into me..." >You tried to ignore it, but it seemed to be a big deal for her. You had to do something about it "Princess... that was awfully humble of you. I liked it. Do it again...please" >She stares at you after saying those words. Her face changes from a second to the other and starts to laugh >"I'm sorry, I know I shouldn't be laughing, but, it's been a long time since someone actually encouraged me to be...well...myself" >You too laugh and continue talking "I like it when you're being yourself, Princess... Maybe you could rip a giant fart in my face, you know, like friends are wont to do." >She stops laughing >Oh oh >You should have stopped when you had a-- >"Hahahahahaha" >False alarm, you breath relieved >"Oh...Anonymous, you are so funny. Who know, if I keep eating like this I actually might >She winks at you, you blush as now the idea of being farted by her sounds actually erotic >"Anonymous, please prolong your stay, just a little more..." >You would have stayed even if she didn't insist, so you agree. >"Come, walk me to the balcony, it is a beautiful night" >Put cake in your pockets to ensure future face farting "It certainly is, Princess. And we really are such good friends. Best friends even, I'd say. I was thinking, maybe we could have some special best friend time. We're best friends and all, right? Just to be ourselves. >You chuckle "Y'know, we walk, talk, fart in each others faces. Like friends" >Talking about taking risks, you literally gave yourself away with this whole charade >If she was going to banish you, it was worth trying, something inside of you told you she wouldn't do it >Her face turns red, she seriously ponders an answer before speaking >"This...this sounds so wrong...but" >Could it be? was she actually giving in to a peasant like you? It seemed like a dream, you were not going to believe any outcome for this >"Yes! I'll do it, I'll do your dirty bidding" >You blush, you knee before her to at least show some respect on her >"Only on one condition..." >She caresses your face gently, making you look at her >"Come, follow me..." >You follow her to a private room. No one is allowed to interrupt >She doesn't say anything all the way there. >You are shaken, adrenaline pumping through your entire body, powerful like an electric discharge >You enter her private bedroom, covered with red velvet and silk drapes, a really wide room >She closes the door behind her >Celestia bends over >"Please...before I change my mind, before reason strikes back to me...just...touch me..." she begs >You start touching her tenderly >"...uhh...ahhh...don't stop" >juices leaks between her legs >"I'm a...dirty girl..." >She looks at you with the corner of her eye, with a huge embarrassment reflected on her face, an embarrassment that she needed, to break free from herself at least once, to feel, for a little while, mundane. >"Say it...say I'm dirty" >You obey, feeling quite dirty yourself >Fingers are nice, but you decide to apply some tongue. >You continue teasing, not giving her what she wants >"Ohhh~ No....-- Uhhh..." >She can no longer keep balance >"Do me?" >Your mouth is busy >"I know...Ahh~ I know you don't...just...hnnn--just...make me believe" >You don't want to lie to her, if you actually loved her, you wouldn't be doing this >You feel it would be a waste to let go this situation without having your own share. You pull out your own genitals out of your pants " You're a dirty nigger and I want to ravage your marehood with my niggercokc 1203vmx2." you say, as you prod her with your cokc >"Uhhnngggg~" she twists in pain >Her tight loins explored for the first time. Tears well up >That clearly takes her by surprise, for a second there, you could swear she was about to reject you, yet she returns on her submissive position right after >"Go on..." >You are clearly too big for her, you are hurting her, but she remains silent >She rocks too much with every thrust] >"Don't matter what I tell you, no matter what you see, just don't stop..." >Tears start to roll from her cheek >You continue, not believing your cokc is too big for her >"hnn...hnnn...hnn...hnnn..hnnnnmmmmm~" >Her loins turn immensely hot >"It's...coming...hggnnnnn~" >Your cock is literally boiling, you feel blisters forming on it. She squirts a hot burst of mare juices >You remove your cokc both satisfied and inmensely mortified >"'s...over" >She cleans herself. It's all over, the mood dies >"This was...nice" >She is still crying >"I'm fine, don't mind me. This...this never happened...understood?" >You put your clothes back on, then you two embrace in a loving hug "This was the best thing that has ever happened to me. I love you Princess" >She jumps startled, she was not expecting that >She smiles gently, like always. >"No dear...this wasn't meant to be .You made me feel alive...for one night at least." >"I can't put you through this, through all the questions, and gossips, and..." >She sighs >"I must stay here, in this Ivory Tower, forever...but thanks...I appreciate your feelings, I will cherish them forever" "That's all for tomorrow, Love. It's still tonight..." >You gently kiss her. Your words reach her like nothing before >"You stubborn...Ahh..." >She smiles... Days go by. Everybody needs Celestia. Crisis in Saddle Arabia. Politics. Boring meetings. There is one thing that keeps her afloat. You turn into her secret lover. Meeting her in secret to keep her dignity. How much would this last? How long until you both figure out that only one of you two will age eventually? Only time will tell. END