>’Huh!? What? What the fuck!?’ >Startled, your hands move at near light speed, their destination was close, your face. >It seems that someone had awoke, from a nightmare, your body was sweaty, and you could feel your heartbeat a mile a minute. >It felt like it was about to bugger off out of your ribcage. >But on the good side, it was only a dream. Your feet still felt… There. >Your hands were okay, as self-evident by the feeling of blood rushing to them >You were in one piece, thank God! >And, you were still in a warm bed, with your pillows plum, and cold behind you. >A comeback could be easily salvaged from this, and that was what you were going to do. >Placing your pride, and joy, your head back down on the pillow, you move about to get comfortable. >’Hey, what the fuck, these aren’t my covers!?’ >Just noticing, you bring your hands down to the covers, and bring them closer for their judgement. >They were deep violet, with a silk texture. >A little ‘TOO’ expensive for mortals as your self. >This wasn’t the weirdest thing you noticed. >Looking around, this wasn’t your bed, or your room. >The bed, was a king sized, mahogany masterpiece, with a deep brown colour, and a rich silk texture draped all over. >The room was massive, and painted a bright pearl white. >It also, had what seemed to be a flat 2d sun, painted on the walls, like that of a hipster web-designer. >’Where the fuck am I?’ ‘GUARDS GUARDS!’ >‘Oh, fug!’ >You noticed, her. >The one in the bed next to you. >She seemed, angry. >Very angry. >By the evident of the fact that she seemed to have a shine in her eyes, and was out of the bed in a flash, you had startled her. >This wasn’t your bed after all, and you had no idea how you got here. >Well, this is the WEIRDEST thing to happen to you all week. >Then something unexpected happened. >She settled down. >The woman with the multi-coloured hair,. moved closer, almost calming you. What the fuck was happening? ‘A child? But who’s?’ >’A child, what the fuck, I am an adul...’ >You saw it, you hand. >It was tiny, tiny by any standard. >This was alarming, now this isn’t what should be happening. >You looked around at the rest of your body, darting from limb to limb. >All were shrunk, to that of a baby. >Fear. >Fear was choking you, with her shadowy hands. >You never asked for this, why was it happening? Did you commit a sin, were you dead? >The Fear and The Sorrow, that you felt for your passing caused something to well inside of you. >Tears. >Hot, sticky and salty. >FLowing out of you, along with your happiness. >You were dead, no one knew, no more games, no more fun, just hell. >You must have killed 6 million people for this to happened. >Then you felt a hand slip under you. >Still swelling with tears, you didn’t see as the woman with the multi-coloured hair picked you up. >Gently she laid your head over her warm shoulder. >Your watery sadness was staining the front of her night-gown, but by the fact she was rocking, she didn’t mind. ‘There there little one, please don’t cry, shh, it will be alright, I promise, please stop crying.’ >No matter how motherly she was, you still cried, and cried and cried. >Your tears blinded you from the two burly guards that entered the room, ready to kill anyting that wishes ill of the princess. >Truly a sight to behold that graced their eyes. >Upon their entrance was not a manticore, not a griffon assassin, not even Discord. >But was a defenceless child, being mothered by Celestia. >The goddess was rocking the crying child back and forward in her arms, while shhhing the little one. >The only ill the princess was in is if tears could kill, as the front of her gown was soaked. >Regally walking, the princess walked towards, and passed the stunned guards. >They don’t get paid enough for this shit. >Still with the crying child in her arms, Celestia used one of her many magics, to transport her and the child to the royal kitchen. >At this late of night it was empty. All of the cutlery, and food was away, save for a single cake that was left there every night. >The princess smiled as she walked the halls, and saw that. >She’s definitely give that cake an honorable discharge later, but for now, she had more pressing issues. >Swiftly moving, a milk carton was picked out of the large metallica fridge, in the quietest corner of the kitchen. Put there to make sure it wasn’t raided by her no less. >Pulled out, the carton then had a small magical flame placed under it, not too hot as to burn, not too cold as to do nothing. >Her rocking was still as steady as before, but the mysterious child that was in her bed earlier was still crying. >The Solar Princess made a note to punish her mother severely. >The milk, not at body temperature was levitated over, but unfortunately, there were no bottles in the kitchen fit for a baby. >Damn, that was ruined. >Thinking for a short amount of time, Celestia remembered the nursery Cadence had stashed in a quiet corner of the castle. >Like the fridge, it was to hide from a pony, that pony being an apprehensive father to be. >Poor Shining, that colt never learns. >Using the convenient magic, you had acquired over the years [spoiler]Stole from Discord [/spoiler] You teleported a small clear bottle over to the kitchen. >Looking around it, your eyes noticed it had a small crystal heart on the plastic. >Beggars can’t be choosers after all. >Using your magic, you poured the warm milk into the bottle, until it was touching edge of it, separate to overflow. >Screwing the lid back on, the bottle, you levitated it into the child’s mouth. >The crying was still there, poor darling, but it began to suckle. >Suck, suck suck, till the milk smoothly went down, and the crying stopped. >With your left hand, you took hold of the bottle, and brought your face in closer to the child,. that you were feeding. >He was cute, a small button nose, and round eyes. >Not a single head of hair on him, he was bolder than a rock >By your estimate, he was no older than six months old. >He also seem to have clothes that didn’t quite fit him, and not what you’d expect on a baby. >Some sort of blue fabric on his legs, small little black and white shoes the read ‘Converse’ >Leather jacket, and a small little box the read ‘Sony’ >Maybe one of these were his names, but you doubt it. >You weren’t even sure of his name, that saddened you slightly. >But never to fear, the child had finished the bottle, and his eyes were fluttering. >A small yawn escaped his mouth, and then he was asleep in your arms. >The maternal feeling in you was overpowering, and ‘Goodnight sweetie.’ forced it’s way out of your mouth, it felt natural to say it though. >Luna needed to know about this, maybe she could help you find his mother. >It was morning, and you were in bed. >The night before had been a tale to tell, a random child in your bed. >This is the stuff only Discord could dream about. >As you lay in your bed sleepless from the night before. >The ANonymous child was cuddled up you, with it’s head in your bosom. >It gave you the feeling of maternal bliss, watching it’s chest rise and fall, fast asleep. >Maybe you could keep this child, it’s not as if it’s mother…. >What the hell, you were thinking of kidnapping a child, fuck, you needed help. >Speaking of which, you didn’t even know what gender it was. >Feeling a little guilty, you put your hand on it’s oversized pants, and pulled the waist, looking in. ‘A boy?’ >Yep, the little guy was a boy, pretty good. He could be your son. >There is was again. >You really needed help. >Maybe you could get Luna to order a psychologist to the castle. >Speaking of The Blue Devil >You needed to see her, but you couldn’t wake your newest friend. >... >... Slowly, you placed your hand under his sleeping body, and brought him back up to your shoulder, pushing up with your other hand, you got out of bed, him still fast asleep on your shoulder. >Now with you out of bed, you need to see Luna, the sun needed raising. >Fortunately, your dear sister, lived only the hallway down, so quickly, you leave your room and roll out. >Reaching her dark oak door, you push in, and see her lying on the bed. >”Care to tell us who the lucky man is?” >Luna looks at you her, blue eyes puzzled. ”I wish I could say I had a man, but this little fellow was the devious assassin in my bed last night.” >’What? In your bed, out of thin air? Do you take us for a fool, sister?’ “No, I wish I could say I was joking, but he was almost out of thin air. He was crying late into the night too, poor guy misses his mummy.” >’Speaking of thoust, where is the child’s mother?’ "I’m not sure, I'm not even sure where to begin, Twilight could help us, but she is in Ponyvillie." >"We see, maybe you and I could put up lost and found posters." >Celestia, gave the 'fuck you bitch' eyes that she had trademarked specifically for use on her dearest sister. "Luna, he isn't a puppy, that won't work." >"Thoust does not know till it is tried." >Again, the eyes, they were iconic now. >”We’ll go down to the archive, and see about kintracing, but for now… May hold him?” >Oh, was your stone-heart dear sister, showing motherly love? This was too good. >Nodding slightly you walk over to the bedside, and gently place the child in Luna’s arms, as if he was precious gold. >Your dear sister takes to him, and rubs her nose against his. >Laughing can be hear from him as Luna starts to play with his nose >’Guchi goo!’ >It warms your heart seeing your dear sister playing with your chil… There it was again. >He had a mother, and you needed to find her, he wasn’t your child, as much as you’d like to think as such. >After ten minutes of intensive cuddling, and a lack of will to give back Anon, you are headed down to the tailors. >After all, he doesn't have any proper fitting cloths, and that saddened you. >Taking the lengthy walk down the castle’s main hall, you arrive at the small wooden tailors. >Inside is an old white man, with a fabric shirt, gold spectacles, blue eyes, and brownish gray hair. >’Princess’ ‘Cotten.’ >’So, what can I do for my favourite Princess, need a smaller dress’ >You had to hand it to the stallion, even for his age he was pure charmer. >Shame he never settled down. ’Thank you, but no, I need clothes for this one.’ >Moving closer, you show Cotten the small bundle of joy in your hands. >’Oh, and who is this guy then’ ‘Just a child I’m looking after as a favour’ >’Oh, I see… Alright, I’ll have something within half an hour, come back then, he looks like an average size kid, so it should be all right.’ ’Thank you, Cotten. It means alot.’ >’Don’t worry, can’t let my favourite princess down.’