>You and Luna casually sit in her room, the princess filling out a bit of paperwork. >She's been so into it that she hasn't said a word in a good hour. >This is despite the fact that you've been in here with her the entirety of said hour. >Strike up a conversation, it's getting weird. "So, Luna." >"Yes?" she asks without looking away from her paperwork. "Tell me...what's up with your flank?" >She turns back to you with a slight blush. >"Wh-what!?" "S-sorry, I meant, uh, the black spot." >She calms down, then looks at her flank. >"The black spot?" "Yeah, I mean, is that part of your cutie mark?" >She shakes her head. >"This is just a birth mark. It has always been on my flank and, well, plot." "Pretty unique. I haven't seen another pony with one like it." >"Trust me, Anonymous, everypony has noticed." >This made you curious. "What do you mean?" >She stops writing, puts down her quill, and sighs. >"This mark and I have been through much. From ridicule as a child to flirtatious compliments through my adolescence and adulthood." >She looks up at the ceiling, her hoof resting on her cheek. >"I remember Celestia's antics too well. 'Look mother, Luna has messed herself yet again! Quite a big mark it has made on her hiney!'" "Sounds brutal." >"We haven't gotten to the worst part," she says grimly. "'Luna, Luna!' the other children would cry, 'How did you get such a large mark on your rear? Were your mother and father so cross with you that their spankings gave you such big bruises? What did you do to make them so angry, you delinquent?'" >You were doubting the kids really talked like that, but stranger things have happened. >"Rumors had spread that I was quite the troublemaker, but I was a saint. I swear on my mother." >She could probably tell you millions of fucked up childhood stories. >She sighed again. >"Then came adolescence." "How bad were the pickup lines?" >"'Dear Luna, those are quite fine marks on your flanks. Mind if I give you more?'" >Ouch. >You physically cringed from that. >"'Beautiful Luna, how did you receive those marks? Do you truly enjoy that much roughhousing in the bedroom? I am the same way.'" >She slapped her face with a hoof. >"Truly, they were Cassahoovas of their time," she sarcastically stated. "And you still get these remarks?" >A scroll encased in her magic finds its way over to you, then opens to reveal a letter with pictures of Luna's flank and butt taped on the inside. >"I currently have a stalker who somehow manages to get past my guards to take pictures of my posterior and flanks. I received this just two days ago." >You read the letter as you enjoyed the free pony butt you were getting. "Dearest Princess Luna, Why must you fight so hard against my love for your blackened flanks? If you were to surrender yourself to me for just one night, I would happily leave you alone for the rest of your life. All I would do is add a bit of white to those dark flanks of yours, you know. However, until that day comes, I will have to continue taking these photos. Here are your copies to prove that I am still able to slip by your guards. By the way, shape those fellows up. They are the worst at finding intruders. -Yours, Secret Admirer." >Christ, this guy was either nuts or stupid. >Probably both. >"My guards are still hard at work searching for him. Perhaps you've seen a suspicious figure roaming around the castle?" >You frown. "Sorry, can't say I have." >She shrugs, then goes back to her paperwork. "So are you sensitive about someone making fun of them?" >"That would imply I resist the urge to break out in tears and run to my room every time a pony insults them." >She lifts her head from her paperwork, realizing what she just said. >"...possibly." >Childhood trauma will do that to you. >If anything, now you know not to insult her black butt marks. "Point taken." >She rubbed her flank before continuing her work. >Once again, the room fell into silence. >She was at her paperwork. >You were lost in your thoughts. >Specifically, you were thinking about that stalker guy. >You'd love to help Luna catch him, but the problem was that you didn't know how. >What would bring him out of hiding? >Well, what did you know about him? >He wanted to fuck Luna silly, was taking pictures of her, and seemed to always be hiding somewhere inside the castle. >If even the most elite guards were having trouble finding him, clearly searching for him was out of the question. >Luring the guy out seemed to be your only option. >Again came the "how" part. >Maybe doing something that pissed him off would do the trick. >What would, though? >Go back to what you knew about him. >Fuck Luna silly, taking pictures, hiding in the castle. >... >What you just came up with may not make Luna happy. "Luna." >"Yes, Anonymous?" "I think I've got an idea on how to catch that stalker guy." >She perks up, turning away from the paperwork. >"Do tell." >You take a deep breath, slapping your hands together. "Okay, you're probably gonna hate me for this, but...I think, if this guy's secretly hanging around the castle, we're gonna have to bring him out by making him mad." >She nods. >"And how do you suppose we do this?" >You avoid looking her in the eyes. "...we're gonna have to make out." >Her eyes widen. >"Excuse me!?" "Well if he wants you so bad, don't you think it'll make him mad to see you kissing someone else?" >She frowns. >"But...couldn't we find another way?" "You wanna think of something else?" >Luna snorts, looking away." >"I..." >She leans down somewhat, her chin on her curled hoof. >"...let's just get it over with." >Awesome. >Even if it was fake, making out with Luna was pretty fucking awesome. >"Where do we enact this plan, then?" "Somewhere out in the open. A place with tons of hiding spots for him." >"The courtyard. That is one of the most spacious areas of the castle. We will try there." "Sounds good." >Out in nighttime Canterlot Castle, the moon glows brightly, providing you and Luna with some natural light out in the courtyard. >The entire trip to the courtyard was full of uncomfortable silence. >Luna looked away from you the whole time, but wasn't able to hide her faint blush. >This was as good for you as it was for her. >You got to make out with her and she got to catch her stalker. >Everybody wins. >Except for the stalker. >When you and the night princess reach the middle of the courtyard illuminated by the moon, you stop and look each other in the eyes. "You ready?" >"Yes. Hopefully, wherever he is, he's watching us." >You and Luna look around yourselves, then back to each other. >Then, you both lean forward, closing the gap between your lips. >Once they touch, you're filled with a sudden vigor. >You were actually kissing her. >You felt her lips on yours. >Nice, soft, moon pony lips. >Opening your eyes, you found Luna looking uncomfortable as the two of you kissed. >Why not try and make it more enjoyable for her? >Your hands reach behind her head and caress it, your fingers running through her starry mane. >She closes her eyes at your touch, letting out a light moan as her hooves wrap around your back. >She liked it. >Quick, do something else to make it more genuine for the stalker. >And more enjoyable for you two. >In a quick motion, you pick up Luna by her black spotted butt and pull her into your chest. >"Ahhh!~" >Surprised by her sudden outburst, you accidentally drop the princess onto the grass. "Oh shit, sorry. I didn't hurt you, did I?" >"Anonymous," she starts, getting up, "when you touched my birthmark, it..." >She shudders. >"It felt so GOOD." "So-" >"Do it again." >This time, she's the one to begin the make out session, pushing her lips onto yours to restart the session. >You return her kisses, then pick her up by her butt once again, hugging her as you two continue to go at it. >"Mmmm~" she purrs as your hands grip and squeeze her rump. >As your tongues wrestle in each other's mouths, your hands caress her bottom and flanks, while her hooves work on rubbing your back. >The deep moans she makes as she delves further into your mouth send you into overdrive, your body finding itself more motivated to press back into her. >Your back begins to tingle as she continues rubbing her hooves into it, but in a good way. >You pinch her flank, and this makes her hooves squeeze you tighter. >"Mmhmm~" >One hand carries her by the butt, the other one keeps running through her mane. >Pleasure practically courses through your entire body as she and you keep going. >Her chest trembles as her breaths become labored, shivering from the ecstasy you're delivering to her. >Her warm coat against your chest just makes you feel even better. >If this could last forever, that'd be- >"You jerk!" >A rustling comes from the bushes beside you and Luna, but you pay it no mind. >You're both still too focused on each other. >"Luna was supposed to be mine!" >Whoever it was yelling at you, you didn't care. >Your tongue fiddled about in Luna's mouth, eliciting a sharp, pleasured moan from the moon princess. >"Stop it!" >"INTRUDER!" >As you and the blue alicron keep making out, a fight breaks out next to you, then ends as quickly as it started. >"You! You're the one taking photographs of Luna!" >"So what if I am!?" >"Princess," a guard asks, "what do you demand be done with him?" >Luna opens her eyes, then pulls herself away from you, gasping. >"Take...him to...the dungeon for now." >"To the dungeon!" >The guards carry off the stalker into the castle. >"Anonymous, please set me down." >You place the alicorn on the ground. >She looks up at you, then away, blushing furiously. >"That was...too real." "Does that mean you liked it?" >"...yes." >Even when it was supposed to be "fake", you knew how to pleasure a lady. "Seems those black marks of yours also hide a nice, sensitive spot." >"When they had been touched, the feeling nearly caused my body to collapse from so much pleasure. It was almost too much to handle." >She gets up from the ground, shuddering. >"N-no more." "Aw, what?" >"This will be the only time I allow you to touch me in such a way. Do not attempt it again." >You groan. "Fine, but you'll have to live with knowing that you'll be missing out on more flank action." >"This bothers me none." >You follow the moon princess as she shakily re-enters the castle, disappointed you wouldn't get anymore free make out sessions with her. >At least you caught the stalker, right?