“...And, that should do it! A plan to improve the school’s curriculum to be set in place next year!“ Twilight Sparkle beamed, straightening her papers. Cheerilee softly clapped. “I’m very impressed, Twilight! Your plans will help the young ponies learn so much more in better ways!” “Hm...And you finished with an hour to spare, too.” Mayor Mare noted, eyes drifting to the clock. “I think that might be a new record in most efficient meeting or conference,” she joked, chuckling to herself. “Aww, thanks!” Twilight blushed, rubbing the back of her head, turning off the projector. She pauses, before looking back at the mayor. “...is there really a record for that?” “Well, I’d better get going! See you ladies later!” Cheerilee said, grabbing her bag as she got up. “Aw, leaving so soon, Cheerilee? Do you really wanna spend your extra time doing more paperwork?” Mayor Mare chuckled, propping her shoes up on the table. Cheerilee paused, she looked over her shoulder to see the mayor acting so casually. “I...suppose it couldn’t hurt to stay here with you two for a little while longer…” she said hesitantly. “Thaaaat’s the spirit! You’ve probably done so much in the past few weeks, even in the middle of summer. Just take a few moments to kick off your shoes, and just forget about work for a bit.“ she said, leaning back in her chair as she slips off her high heels, revealing her nylon stockings. Cheerilee bit her lip, looking over at Twilight, who seemed to be doing the same thing, taking off her sneakers and socks, sitting in a chair across from Mayor Mare and stretching. She sighed, “Well, if you insist…” She said, slipping out of her flats, sitting back down in her original chair, hands on her lap, her right leg unconsciously bouncing up and down. “C’mon, you’re too stiff! Don’t worry about work, we have a whole hour just to ourselves.” Twilight nodded. “Yeah, it’s nice to just pretend you have no worries, even for just a moment.” she slumps in her chair, sighing in relief. Cheerilee took a deep breath, letting her shoulders drop down. Trying her best to forget about the paperwork she has to do, “Haaah…” “Thaaaat’s the spirit.” Twilight winked. There was a long silence in the conference room as the three relaxed. The only sounds breaking it were the soft breathing or sighing of one of the mares. “Mmm...still, just sitting here for an hour’s gonna get boring fast.” Twilight mused. “Well, if we want to spice things up a bit…” Mayor Mare chuckled, starting to unbutton her shirt. Cheerilee gasps. “Mayor Mare, you can’t be serious! Asking about that sort of thing in a conference room? What about the security cameras?” she exclaims, pointing to the camera in the corner. Twilight tilts her head, firing a beam of magic from her horn. The camera suddenly sparks, before tilting down. “What security camera?” She smirks. “T-Twilight, you’re...okay with all of this!?” Twilight nods, “I’m open to the idea. Pluuus I kinda find the idea of doing it on a desk...really hot.” She blushes. “T-this all seems incredibly scandalous!” “Aw, c’mon Cheerilee, don’t act like some innocent virgin. I know for a fact that you and I had quite a few flings back in college. And also some with a different pony.” “Oooh…” Twilight’s eyes widened, looking between the two with curiosity. Cheerilee began to blush furiously, trying to find some sort of response. “Well...I...You…!” “Hey, if you don’t want in, I’m not gonna stop you.” Mayor Mare got up, placing a hand on her shoulder. “I wouldn’t force you to do something you’re not comfortable with.” Cheerilee paused, she wanted to run and hide, and yet, she couldn’t deny that she missed those fun college nights with Mayor Mare. Maybe she was a bit too stressed. The thought of getting naughty with her college buddy and Princess Twilight actually got her a bit flustered and intrigued. It’s been a long time since she had a real spark in her love life. This was just too exciting to the point that it was overwhelming. She sighed, “No, it’s fine. Let’s do it. Just…does it have to be here?” “Well, if you’d like, we could take it to your classroom…” Twilight smirked, steepling her fingers. “...In this room is fine.” Cheerilee said flatly, removing her shirt. She couldn’t risk the smell of their sex juices lingering during the school year. “I thought so.” She tilted her head, her horn glowing. In a flash, she reappeared completely nude, her clothes dropping to the floor. “Aw, come on, Twilight. You’re taking the sexy out of it if you just get naked instantly!” Mayor Mare complained, taking her sweet time to strip, undoing one button at a time, getting down to her belly, revealing her black lacy bra underneath. “Well, maybe I just wanna get to the actual foreplay already, huh?” Twilight pouted, tapping her foot against the floor impatiently. “Well, she has a point, Twilight,” Cheerilee noted, “We have an hour to do this, why rush things?” She began to strip as well, lifting up her shirt to reveal her bare breasts. Twilight’s eyes widened, “Woah ho ho! Going commando today, Cheerilee?” Cheerilee looked away, still easily flustered. “I didn’t have any clean ones, today, ok?” She huffed, tossing her shirt aside. “Besides, I have panties on!” She grabs her pants, slowly pulling them down, before she freezes partway through, realizing what panties she has on. “Hm? What’s wrong, Cheerilee?” Mayor Mare asked, undoing the hook on her bra, letting it fall off her body. Twilight looked over curiously, “Oh sweet Celestia, no way!” she gasped, covering her mouth to poorly stifle her laughter. “What? What’s going on, Twilight?” Twilight spent a good ten seconds shaking in silent laughter, pounding the desk before she answered. “Those...are Applejack’s panties.” “N-No, they’re mine!” Cheerilee stuttered, trying to defend herself. “Then why does it have Applejack’s cutie mark on the back?” Twilight grinned, pointing at the three apples on Cheerilee’s bottom. “Ooh, you’re right! What are you doing with her panties, you naughty girl, you?” Mayor Mare teased. “Did you actually...do it with Applejack? Or was it Big Mac?” “That doesn’t matter right now!” Cheerilee shouted, taking the panties off and throwing them on Twilight’s face. “Fine, fine, but I better get the juicy details later!” Twilight said, peeling the panties off of her face. “Hm. even smells like apples.” “Hmph,” Cheerilee responded, now being the second naked mare in the room. Mayor Mare continued to strip, now being topless, she slid off of her skirt, revealing the lace panties that matched her discarded bra. She removed her stockings, sliding them off her foot, letting them dangle from her toes before slipping them off, until she finally dropped out of her panties, making all three of the mares nude, save for Mayor Mare’s collar. “Well, what should we do now?” “Well, we’re not going to get anything done until we get nice and close, right?” Cheerilee said, walking over to Mayor Mare, giving her breasts a light squeeze. Mayor Mare moaned, leaning her head back as she was being fondled. “Hey hey, don’t leave me out.” Twilight said, walking over with arms and wings outstretched. Cheerilee grinned, pulling over Twilight as all three of them gathered in a circle, pressing their breasts against each other. Every slight movement meant pleasure for at least two of the mares, making them shiver in delight, which leads to them involuntarily rubbing their tits against each other even more. Eventually, they started to get more physical. Each of the mares cupping one breast each of the adjacent girls, squeezing, tickling, and rubbing, using their fingers to rub and pinch their nipples. But breast play could only satisfy the horny girls’ desires for so long. Cheerilee suddenly grabbed Mayor Mare by the back of her head, pulling her in as she locked lips. Mayor Mare jolted by the sudden advancement, but soon closed her eyes as she slipped her tongue into Cheerilee’s mouth, just like she had done so many times before back in college. Mayor Mare broke the kiss, much to Cheerilee’s disappointment, but she pointed out that it would be rude to leave Twilight out, and wanted to give her a taste. She leans forward, pursing her lips to invite Twilight. Twilight reciprocated, kissing Mayor Mare. The princess closed her eyes, losing herself into the moment as her partner slipped her tongue in, brushing tongues together. While her eyes was closed, Mayor Mare reached around and gave her ass a squeeze, making her jump in surprise, before breaking the kiss, smirking. Now that Twilight had her fill, she wanted to give some love to Cheerilee, too. Using her magic, she pulls the teacher towards her, grabbing her by the cheeks to kiss her. Cheerilee lets out a small moan into Twilight’s mouth, shivering as the magic aura disappeared from around her body. Twilight wraps her arms around Cheerilee, before tracing her fingers up her back, grinding her hips against her. Before they got too far, Mayor Mare tapped both of them on the shoulder, pointing at the desks when she got their attention. “Well, are we done with the foreplay?” “I guess…” Twilight said begrudgingly. “I’ll get us into position,” She says, horn lighting up, before teleporting all three of them onto the desk, legs interlocked. Their vulvas rubbing against each other. Cheerilee was flipped around, laying on her knees with her ass up. Mayor Mare made the first move, grasping onto Twilight’s thigh, slowly moving her waist up and down, rubbing herself against the other two. Twilight retaliated by grinding in the opposite direction, Every time she thrusted up, she brought herself down, and vice versa, her leg stretched out above Cheerilee’s ass. Cheerilee gripped the edges of the table, letting out loud moans as she shook side to side. She couldn’t see what the other two were doing, but it made it all the more exciting. All she knew is that their movements were driving her crazy, making her scream things that would cause suspension in a school environment. “F...Fuck me! Fuck me harder! I...I need more! Smack my ass, call me a dirty girl, tug on my hair, shove something in my ass, just something! Augh, you’re gonna make me cum already!” Twilight giggled, “Is this what she was like in college?” “This is only slightly subdued.” Twilight almost broke her rhythm laughing, the three of them making such a fuss, they didn’t hear the knocking on the conference room door...