>Anon, why are you such an asshole! You never show up to school, and when you do, you're either ignoring everyone or you're a complete jerk. Can't you tell that me and the girls are trying to change you for the better!
You are anon, you fucking hate this school and all the fags here. Which is why lunch time is great so you can sit alone in peace. But today Sunshitshitter ruined your peace by yelling at you like a house wife infront of everyone.
>What do Anons?

>Your answer is quick and loud
>The sound of your slap overpowers everything and everyone in the cafeteria
>Sunset slowly turns her face back to you with tears in her eyes and shock on her face
>She steps back away from your fury
>"Wh-what do you mean! I have never done anything to you!
>You grind your teeth and have to stop yourself form punching her square in the mouth
"How can you not remember?"
>She stares at you quizically
"You fucking bitch. I go through all that and you dont even fucking remember!"
>You kick the table beside you sliding it a good five feet
"All I did was laugh at you! That's it! I laughed when you fell. Who wouldn't laugh when the queen bitch gets a little comeuppance?"
>She stares at you confused until her eyes suddenly widen
"Oh now you remember what you did? How you made a couple of guys from the football team kick the shit out of me. How about how they threw me into a locker so hard it broke my collarbone, or when I was on the ground in pain one of them kicked me so hard in side that he broke two of my ribs?"
>Those tears in her eyes are now running down her face
>"N-no. I never meant for-"
"WHAT? NEVER MEANT FOR WHAT SUNSET? Me to get a punctured lung and end up in the hospital for a month?"
>She shakes her head slowly with her hand over her mouth
"You know what the worst part of it is Sunset? I come back from the hospital and suddenly you are "redeemed" and everyone is just fine and dandy with the shit you did. The same people that watched me get beat to a pulp and did nothing to stop it."
>You glare around the lunch room and watch the faces turn away in shame
"As for you fucking accusations I will handle them in fucking order."

>You hold up three fingers and lower the pointer
"One. I "never show up" because I have to regularly go for treatments and checkups for what YOU had done to me."
>You lower your ring finger so you are now flipping her off.
"Two. I ignore and act like a jerk to "everyone" because I don't give a fuck about any of you. You are all as guilty as she is for not stopping her and then forgiving her for fucking bullshit."
>She winces as you slowly lower your middle finger
"As for number fucking three and your wanting to change me."
>You shoot her a glare that could melt steel beams
"I don't NEED changed. All I need is for you to stay the fuck away from me so I can finish my time at this god forsaken building we call as school."
>You take a step forward and get right in her face
>You whisper just loud enough that she can hear it
"And Sunset I despise you and everything about you. If I had half a chance I would push your ass into traffic. If you were on fire I would pour gasoline on you. Stay the fuck away from me for your own goddamn good."

>Sunset stares at you wide eyed for a moment, tears running down her cheeks, before she scurries back to her table of friends
>They all look livid at how you had treated her
>In fact Applejack is currently holding back Rainbow Dash so she doesnt come over and fight you
>When Sunset gets back to the table she wraps Rainbow in a hug and starts crying into her shoulder
>Rainbow freezes for a moment before wrapping her arms around her
>With the imminent threat of a fight gone you grab your shit and storm out of the cafeteria
>About halfway into your class after lunch Principal Celestia calls for you to come to her office over the intercom
>You are surprised it took that long for someone to squeal
>When you get there she is giving you the stink eye as you sit across the desk from her
>"Anonymous. I hear you slapped Sunset at lunch today."
>You dont bother answering and just look away
>"I hope you realize that Canterlot High takes these things very seriously. Assaulting another student is a very serious offense."
"I dont suppose it would make any difference if I told you that I was eating lunch peacefully and she came up shouting at me?"
>Celestia narrows her eyes and stares at you for a second
>"Not much of a difference no. You could be looking at suspension or even expulsion for this."
>Fear does grip you for a moment at being expelled
>It quickly passes as you realize it would free you from this school
>She sighs at you and rubs the bridge of her nose
>"Go sit on a chair outside my office Anon. I will talk with you again in a minute."
>As you open the door to leave her office you almost walk right into Sunset
>Fear fills her eyes for a moment before she takes a few steps away from you
>You ignore her and go sit and wait for her to blab everything and free you from this school
>She is in there a while
>Almost an hour before she comes out with fresh tears on her face
>She shoots you a look as she walks by

>A look filled with...pity? Sadness?
>It wasn't the fearful look from before or the the glare from earlier
>It made you uncomfortable and angry
>"M-Mister Anonymous please come back in."
>You once again take a seat across from your Principal
>"After speaking with Miss Shimmer I have come to a decision."
>You nod as you stare into your lap waiting to hear the hammer drop
>"I have decided to let you off with a warning."
>Your head shoots up eyes wide
>"After speaking with Sunset Shimmer she explained that she had hurt you first in some way. While she refused to elaborate she vehemently denied that you did anything wrong."
>You were shocked beyond belief
>Why didnt she throw you under the bus
>The Sunset Shimmer you knew would never miss that opportunity
>"Now while you are only getting a warning I want to remind you how dire an act like you performed is. If I find that you assault another student again I will not be as forgiving."
"I understand. Thank you."
>She smiles at you
>"Dont thank me. Thank Sunset Shimmer. She is the one that fought to keep you from being punished. Now go back to class."
>You get up and silently walk back to class
>Was this her game? That you would "owe" her for getting you off?
>This doesn't change anything.

>Be the next day at lunch again
>You are sitting there eating the foul mash that they call taco salad
>Just as you finish your last bite you hear a chair being pulled away from the table
>You look up to see Sunset tentatively sitting down
>Glaring at her you ask
"What do you want now?"
>She just sits there silently
>You look over to her table of friends where they are all sitting on the edge of their seats staring at you
>Rainbow looks like she is ready to sprint over here if needed
>You look back over to sunset who is staring at her hands on the table
"Dont think that you fixed anything by talking to Celestia. I wont forgive you that easily."
>She flinches a bit

>She fiddles with her hands again before looking up at you
>"Can you just listen to me for a moment? I know I dont deserve it but...just listen please?"
>Once again you are taken aback by her manners
>You glare at her for a bit before you turn your head away from her
"Fine you have a minute. Talk."
>She smiles just a bit before frowning again
>"Anon I understand why you hate me and I will probably never get you to feel differently."
"Damn straight."
>She winces at that
>"Anon I deserved what you did yesterday and a lot more. I made a lot of mistakes that hurt a lot of people."
>She looks into your eyes
>"Some more than I ever realized."
>You flinch at the regret you see in them
>She cant have changed
>People just dont just change like that
>"While I hate it I can learn to deal with the fact that you hate me, but please dont blame everyone else."
"Why shouldn't I? Sunset they just watched as I was beaten like a sack of flour."
>You can see the tears starting to form in her eyes again as she looks away from you
>"Because they thought that if they stepped in that they would be next. Because they thought they might get worse. They expected me to do worse."
>You shut your mouth and look at Sunset
>Actually LOOK at her for the first time today
>Her shoulders are hunched and she is shaking slightly
>Tears are dripping from her cheeks and her fists are clinched so tight that her knuckles are white
>She must really be beating herself up over this
>Then when it finally hits you you almost fall out of your chair
"You...You really have changed haven't you? Its not an act to get pity or some sort of power play?"
>She shakes her head
>"Im trying. The girls showed me what kind of person I was and you showed me how bad I hurt people."
>You lean back in your chair and stare at the ceiling
>If the queen bitch has actually changed...
"I dont forgive you. You and those assholes hurt me a lot. I could have died from internal bleeding alone."

>Its funny how those tiles blur when you stare at them long enough
>Its definitely not tears
"I had to have seven surgeries to try and fix the damage that was cause."
>You think you hear her choke back a sob
"When I got back my friends were all glad to see me. The same friends that never even once checked up on me while I was gone. The same friends that just forgiven you immediately for what you had done."
>You clinched your fists as the anger fills you for a moment before you let it go
>Bringing your head forward you feel the tear slide down your cheek
"I dont know if I can forgive them for abandoning me Sunset."
>She wipes away her tears on her sleeve
>"Please try Anon. If not for me than try for yourself."
>She gets up to leave when you stop her
"Why? Why do all this?"
>"Because I missed you, the old you. I missed the class clown who would make us all laugh. I missed the guy who could sweet talk Ms. Harshwinny into not giving us homework. The guy that would hang out with Pinkie and make all sorts pranks."
>She wipes her eyes again and smiles at you
>"And then after yesterday I realized I am the one that ran that guy away. I made you suffer more than when I had you hurt. You lost your friends and who you were because of my idiotic actions and I wanted to anything I can to fix it."
>She turns and goes back to her friends where she once again cries one of their shoulders
>You push your food out of the way and lay your head on your arm
>and proceed to cry into it