>Day 1 >I got hired as a janitor at some high up place >The janitor part sucks, but the pay is promising >Starting work tomorrow night, so I am told >Can't go tonight because I am suppose to memerise these demands >They say failure to follow them will lead into much worse then being fired >So on the safe side, I won't write this down with all the other stuff I do >I feel like this journal stuff of my job will make it a lot more fun >Day 2 >Really wish I had a car, but with how things are here it would be destoryed anyways >So walking to work is all I can do >Whatever, keeps me in shape >Anyways I reached the place and got to work on time >The halls were pretty dark, lights were flickering from time to time >Looking for the janitor's closet was difficult, it wasn't even marked in anyway >Only reason I found it was because of some short dude appearing in front of me after the lights went off for a while >Scared me pretty bad, but I tried to remain calm and ask him where the janitor's closet was >He showed me it and gave me the mop bucket to start working >After that he laughed evilly once the lights went off and vanished >If someone finds my journal after my death, you will know what happened >Day 5 >Nothing exciting happened in the past few days that was worth noting >Today the lights were fixed and they told me it was a harmless prank >So good news is I'm not going to die >Or so I hope >I think they trust me enough to not kill me themselves >That could just be hopeful me, since I have only worked here four days now >At least I haven't told anyone anything secretive about the place yet >Dunno who I'd tell anyways >Day 7 >So the short dude from before told me not to worry about any noises I may have been hearing tonight >Of course I worried greatly once he told me this, thanks asshole >But it was just the giant robot they were fixing up >Not really a secret on that one, they are just re-working some model called P.O.N.E. >I'm still worried thanks to that creepy short guy >Those horror movies I have seen prove to me you can't trust power tools in a science place at night >By the way, cleaning is still the same >Never really talked about it before, but it is real easy once you remember where stuff is >Sometimes I luck out and don't have to clean a thing >What a life >Day 15 >Longest I have ever been without updating this thing >Anyways, I have been told they will finish the new adjustment of the model in a couple of days >They want me in there cleaning up once it is done >I know nothing of the room so I can only pray it isn't that big >Knowing my luck it will be >Maybe they could increase my pay some more once I do this >Or I could end up stuck in a room with a robot named P.O.N.E. and it starts spazzing out from the update to the model >Really need to stop watching horror movies before going to work >Another time >Day 17 >The room is huge and everything is a mess, the workers must of thrown a party from how well it was worked >That may of grabbed some attention if someone did find this journal of mine >Or stole it >Doesn't matter, the model they worked on is huge >I think I saw this thing fighting evil monsters before it was being re-worked >It was different from before though >This new model had to be even bigger, maybe because it was standing on two feet >Oh I get it, it was a Pony robot named P.O.N.E. as some code name >Well that makes me see the difference now, it is more humanoid now >Still a little horse, heh, but humanoid >The model was sleeping the entire time I walked in there with my supplies >Even when I left it slept, guess they turned it off or something >Either way the model is killing me because of one big, no two big reasons >It has a pair of almost lifelike feet >The only thing missing from it was the little bit of wrinkles really >Looked like two big, soft, pillowy cushions, the arches of the toes rested on a big, metal platform >The view was heavenly, I would of gotten a closer look if not for my fear of losing the job >And this kills me because of a now obvious reason >I just cleaned the place fast and got out >Glad these pants were a little loose >Day 18 >Kill me >Turns out I was suppose to clean the feet, apparently they were somewhat dirty >I told them I never knew that part >They hinted at it with the soles in perfect view of me >Luckily they didn't expect me to get it right away so I am not fired yet >So I got my stuff and cleaned everything like I normally would >Took a deep breathe, turned to the feet with a serious look >Almost did things I would of regret being seen >They felt so cold, it was strange and unnatural, but I liked the feeling of the softness against my hand >So soft I could fall asleep on them >Ahem, anyways >I brought my mop bucket over and got the mop all wet and ready >After that I gulped and took another deep breathe for some focus >Brought the mop up and started brushing from the toes downward >Even went one step ahead and got the tops of the model's toes or whatever else I could reach >Carefully brushing between them was the hardest part >They were hard to clean without almost hugging the large feet >Once those were done I started going down >Seeing the soapy water slowly trail down to the heel while I worked drove me a little mad >So mad I hurried up my mopping of the model and grabbed a towel >Got up close and started drying those feet the best I could >Dying even more from the thought of possibly being fired if a camera is there >I mean, I had to actually hug them if I wanted to dry the tops of the toes or even between them >So I ended up resting my head between the first and second toe with a blissful smile >Even gave one a kiss, so they may fire the weirdo that is me >Day 19 >Best news I've heard all day, I did a great job to the point I figured out they have no cameras in that room >Others new is they are doing another update so I just clean the halls for a few days >Not even the lunch room, wonder why >For the update news I have no clue whatsoever >Said something about it being a personal complaint from the big girl herself >I feel if people do find this story, this day on finding out the gender may be the best for those who are into it >For now I will just not update till that time I guess >Curious about that damn update more then I should be >Day 22 >Almost had this journal for a month now which is very nice >Didn't think I would be keeping something about me being a janitor >Also did not think I would want to clean in that big room again, but I do >The update is still being worked and all so I only clean the halls >Managed to some what find out what it did at the very least >Some science mumbo jumbo about helping heat having an easier time escaping to prevent the model from overheating >With an added cooling sort of thing for where it releases >Dunno what that means at all but it sounds pretty cool >Honestly I just want a pleasant view of the gorgeous feet again >Knowing that they have no camera in there makes it less stressful >Hope the model doesn't switch on and catch me or anything >Day 23 >Once again, kill me >Before I go on why, I should mention they are trying to change the model's name >Something that works off the lines of A.N.T.H.R.O. or something >No one will care about that, just give it a name if you haven't already >Now onto the serious part that bothers me >The mumbo jumbo before is something that humans do >Which means I have been cleaning up sweat and helping cool down the large pair of feet >Joy that is me on how I both love and hate this >Sometimes a man just can't help himself on having a taste >Tasted like warm water mixed with some lemon juice >May of been from the lemon scented soap I use on them, maybe not >I don't drink that stuff so I can't tell >But the warmth from the sole felt nice on both me and my tongue >After I did a few more tastes I gave them a massage >Wasn't that hard at all with how big they are >Shame I won't get any credit or praise for the work >Hah, was cute hearing the little gig- >... >Day 24 >I did not go to work today >Had to call in sick for some time to think >So I heard something giggling >Sounded like a woman if anything >Yes this is just a panic update incase I die, horror movies again >Just when I was having fun I get scared again >Day 26 >Spent enough sick days and went back with whatever courage I had left >Turns out I am getting a raise pretty early >Something about me doing a very good job that someone suggested it >Gave me another day off for good measure >One extra day to gain the courage I really do not have >Day 27 >I found out who suggested the raise >Not a fun way to find out at all really, so here is the story >Went to work like usual, got the stuff I needed >Cleaned the halls and everything else so I could do the big room last >Finished and went into the big room like always >This time something felt strange, like something was watching me >I just shrugged it off at the time like it was no big deal >Cleaned up the room with only one thing left to clean >Walked up to the large, pair of feet I left for last with a deep breathe >Picked up a towel and started drying the sweat that remained on the soles >Got some ice to put in the towel to help cool them down >Was pretty hard to get between the toes with it, sometimes the ice fell out and slid down very slowly >It left them a lot more cool feeling at least, kinda nice >Afterwards I put away the supplies and started another massage >Using both hands and putting some pressure on the heel to start the rub like last time >Slowly moved upwards into the softer center before spreading my hands apart to rub outwards >Caressing the soft sides of the foot I worked on >Moving up to the toes very easily, not noticing the platform was gone >Either way I gave each of them a massage from the arches to the sides >The toes of that foot gave a small curl after I finished and made my way over to the other foot >It was then I noticed something was up, along with something on my shoulder >Turned my head around to see a smaller version of the much larger model >Except it was powered on, and giving me a very smug look >It talked very innocently enough at first, thought it may just say keep up the good work >I was dead wrong >She did praise me, saying no one else even tried doing something like that >So she doesn't want me to stop doing this every time, even some more >Tried being tough and ask what she'd do if I refused, that is when the small model powered down and I thought I won >Nah, she apparently went into the bigger model and brought her foot down on top of me to pin me down >Her large, heavy toes just slowly scrunched on my body while giving me that same smug look from before >The refusal deal came with being fired and possible accidents of being crushed >After saying that she just wiggled her toes on me for good measure, kinda hurt >So I had no choice, so I agreed and gave her toes a kiss in hopes that will help prove it >Since she lifted her foot off me, told me to get up, and pet my head with her big toe I have to guess that is a yes >Waved me off afterwards as I gathered everything and put it up before heading home >This was some experience, maybe I could write a story on something like this in the future >Would be for the best if people are into it