Prompt: [Insert picture of a sad EQG Pinkie Pie here] >I spend all day trying to make other people happy >But no one seems to care about my happiness >They think I'm some kind of clown that no matter what happens will always be happy >I guess cheering up other people during the day helps me to forget about myself >But now it's 2 in the morning, Nonny, and I feel like dying [End of prompt] >Oh no. >No no no no no. >You groggily rub your eyes as you sit up in your bed. >You could hear the apparent sadness in Pinkie's voice over the phone as she spoke. She has very seldom sounded like that. "Pinkie, I'm not angry with you, but I need you to listen to me very carefully." >You try to sound as firm as you possibly can with her without sounding like you did when she first called. >She had woken you up at 2 AM. Yes, you were a bit annoyed with her. >All that had been replaced with concern now though. Pinkie rarely calls you this late with something other than a random idea she thought of, or a funny joke. >No, this time was serious. "Are you listening?" >You hear her just barely whimper on the other end of the line and she sniffs. >"Yeah..." "No, I need you to tell me. Are. You. Listening. To. Me?" >She sniffs again. "Y-yeah. I'm listening, Nonny." >Good. "Pinkie, you have absolutely no idea how much we all love and care about you. Your family loves you, your sisters love you, and your friends, myself included, all love you." >She doesn't say anything in response, but you can hear that she's still there through some very soft background noise. "If you did die right now, we would be completely and utterly devastated. All of us would, because of how much we all love you." >You hear her sigh a little. >"Well, I'd hate for you to be sad..." >Wait. That's her point. >You're coming off as you not wanting her to do anything stupid for your benefit. Like, she would be wronging you if she killed herself. >That's not what you mean. You need to fix this. "You know Pinkie, you're right." >She sniffs again and takes a shaky breath. She's crying. "We don't take your feelings and wants into consideration. You go out of your way to make us and everyone else happy all the time, and we take you for granted. I'm... I'm sorry that I didn't notice sooner." >She doesn't say anything, but you know she's still there. >You cover your phone's microphone and yawn. You want to sleep, but you want to make sure she's not going to do anything stupid before hanging up. "Look Pinkie. Let's meet up and talk tomorrow, face to face. It's late and we're both tired. Promise me that you won't do anything stupid tonight, okay?" >She sniffs again and lets out a breath. >"Okay, Anon..." "Cross your heart?" >She sighs again. "...Hope to fly, stick a cupcake in my eye." >You take a breath of relief. That makes you feel better. "Alright, good. Get some sleep, okay? I'll be over first thing in the morning." >"...Okay." >You smile a little. "Okay. Goodnight." >"Goodnight..." >You hang up the phone and stare at it for a moment, thinking. >Poor Pinkie Pie. >How long has she felt like this? Why didn't you notice before? >You guess you never though that she was one to get depressed about stuff. She's silly and fun and she likes to make people laugh all the time. >That doesn't mean that she isn't human though. She's still capable of sadness just like everyone else. >Shame on you. >You groan and lay down again, setting your phone down on your nightstand and yawning. >You'll fix this. Tomorrow. --- >You park in front of Sugarcube Corner and shut off your engine. >You step out and walk toward the front door. >Today is unusually cloudy. >The physical embodiment of laughter and joy is feeling down. It must be affecting the weather. It wouldn't surprise you. >You step inside and head to Mrs. Cake behind the counter. >She smiles when she sees you. >"Good morning, Anonymous!" "Good morning, Mrs. Cake. Is Pinkie here?" >"Oh yes. She's just upstairs in her room. She wasn't feeling well today." "I know. She called me at 2 this morning. I told her I'd come visit." >"Oh dear. Well, hopefully you can get her to feel better." >Yeah... "Let's hope." >You head toward the back and go upstairs to Pinkie's room. >You finally come to her door. It's bright pink, covered with heart and kitten stickers, and a sign that says "Pinkie's room! No frowns allowed!" >You knock on the wood softly. "Hey Pinkie? It's Anon." >A moment of silence passes before the door slowly creaks open and Pinkie pokes her head out from behind it. >She looks terrible. Her eyes are bloodshot, and her hair is a mess. She looks like she only got an hour of sleep last night >"Hey, Nonny." >Despite how she must be feeling, she gives you a weak smile, which you return. "How you doing?" >She rubs her nose and sniffles as she drowsily looks down a little. >"Mm... I dunno. Could be better, I guess." >You can't help but smile a little at her attempt to put on a brave face. >You sigh and shake your head some. "Well, how about we talk a little bit? You and me?" >She looks up at you again and nods softly. "Okay." >She opens the door and you step inside her room. >It looks bleaker than usual. >Nothing has changed at all. This place still looks like its ready for a girl's party. >Streamers draped over her bed, glitter, stuffed animals, pink everywhere, etc. >Looks just like it did when you were last in here. >It feels different though. Empty. >You pass by the small alligator in the glass tank on Pinkie's dresser and look at him. "Hey, Gummy. How are ya?" >He just stares at you blankly and grumbles. "Oh, how interesting." >You laugh a little and turn around to face Pinkie. >She's smiling softly and standing there in her pajamas, which consists only of a pair of blue short-shorts, and an oversized t-shirt with a picture of a cat sitting next to a cheeseburger that's hanging off of one shoulder. You cross your arms and stare at her. "So, what's going on, Pinkie?" >Her smile fades and she sighs again, rubbing her arm. >"I don't know... I'm just... I'm just sad. I've been thinking about stuff and... you know..." "Well then let's take a seat and let's talk about it." >You take off your jacket and set it on the floor by her bed. "I want to help you, Pinkie. I want to make sure you're okay." >She looks at you, searching your eyes for something. Maybe an excuse or a lie or something that would make her believe that you didn't actually want to help her. >"Are you sure? I... I don't wanna bum you out, Nonny." "Pinkie, it's my day off. I chose to come here because I care about you. Hearing how sad you were last night completely broke my heart, and I want to do anything I can to help you with whatever you need help with." >Her shoulders slump at that and she looks down at the ground in shame. >"Oh, so you're only here because I made you sad..." >That's not even a little bit true. "No- Uh uh. No." >You step toward her and hold her shoulders. >She looks up at you with fresh tears beginning to form in her eyes. "I'm here because I want to be here. I want to help you. I care about you." >Her lower lip quivers and she sniffs once as you speak. >"Even now? I'm n-not being all happy and stuff like normal, I'm-I'm being all droopy and sad." You shake your head. "That doesn't matter. I don't care if you're sad or grouchy or scared, you're still Pinkie. You always will be." >Her eyes seem to get bigger as you speak to her. "Your friends and family, me, you have made all of us so happy so many times before. We haven't truly shown our appreciation for you like we should've, and I am so, so sorry. Pinkie, I want you to know that all of us care about you. Not just when you're happy, but when you're sad or lonely too. I'm sorry if we haven't shown that in the past, but I, for one, would like to start now." >A few tears roll down her cheeks and she finally breaks down into open sobs. >You wrap your arms around her and draw her in for a tight hug. >She openly cries into your shirt and you just rub her back softly "It's okay... It'll all be okay..." >You both stand there as you softly rock her back and forth, letting her know that she's loved. >You feel her wrap her arms around your waist and squeeze you tight. >You can feel her tears begin to soak into your shirt after a couple minutes, but you don't mind. She needs this. >You both stay there together for a long time, saying nothing to each other. >After a few minutes, her sobs begin to soften into shaky breaths. >"I-I just- *sniff* I just f-felt like nobody r-really cared about m-me, you know? Like, for me... *sniff* I thought that s-somebody else funny w-would come along some day and make you all laugh, and th-then you'd all forget me." >You continue to rub her back softly. "Pinkie, believe me. You are impossible to replace... There's lots of funny people out there, but there's only one you. It's you that I care about." >You feel her squeeze your back a bit more. >"I... I care about you too, Anon..." >That makes you smile. >You rest your head on hers, smelling her cotton candy scented hair. >A couple minutes pass by and she finally seems to calm down. >She sniffs again and you release each other. >"Th-Thank you, Nonny... I really needed that." >Her eyes are even more red than they were and parts of her hair are sticking to her wet cheeks. Everything about her would otherwise look abysmal, but that smile on her face... That genuinely happy, Pinkie Pie smile, makes her look wonderful. >You smile at her and move a lock of her hair off her cheek. "Feel better?" >She sniffs again and wipes her eyes, but nods at you. >"Y-Yeah. Much better." >Good. >You smile back at her and she moves in to give you another hug, which you oblige her with. >You softly stroke her curly hair and you feel her twirl a finger around in circles on your back. >This is what she sorely needed from someone else. >Not a Pinkie-styled party for her, not a game night, nothing big and exciting like that, no. >She needed to be reassured that she was cared about. Genuinely loved and cared about by someone else. >That person just happens to be you. >Lucky. >You both stay there for a few more moments before she takes a deep breath. >"I'm tired." >You laugh a little at that. "I am too." >She slowly looks up at you, still smiling. >"Could you, uh, stay here for a bit longer? Help me get to sleep? I, uh, I don't want you to leave. Not just yet. >You chuckle at her. "Sure, I guess I can snuggle for a little bit." >There's always time to snuggle. >"Yay!" >She sniffs again and smiles wider at you. >You wrap your arm around her and lead her to her bed. >She lays down and looks at you with her huge smile that you just love to see on her face. >You kick off your shoes and crawl next to her. >You lay down and she wraps her arms around you as she moves in close and curls up in a little ball. You wrap your arms around her in response. >She stares at you, her smile never fading, and she gets cozy and close to you. >"Thank you again, Nonny... Thank you for caring." "You're welcome, Pinkie." >She leans in close and gives you a small kiss on the lips. >It doesn't last for more than three seconds, but when she pulls back, you can see her blushing bright red. >You have no doubt that you're blushing as well. >You stay locked on each other's eyes for a long moment before she breaks contact and relaxes on her pillow. >She shuts her eyes and wiggles as close as she can to you. >You smile and rub her shoulder slowly as she drifts off to sleep. >She's such a sweet girl. You're glad that you got to help her feel happy for once. >It made you feel pretty happy too.