>Night Duty Unto Death in Equestria
>Be Dizzy Dancer
>It has been six months since you joined the Royal Night Guard Recruits and your training comes to an end
>You have worked tirelessly to attain your first rank and find yourself before both Princess Celestia and Princess Luna on this auspicious occasion
>Every fiber in your being explodes like a million fireworks, but you show nothing more than the stoic demeanour of the elites
>The Princess of the Sun speaks first to you in her usual charming coolness
>”Dizzy Dancer of House Escapade; we welcome you this night.”
>You bow smoothly in response
>”Verily! We are pleased to see how far you have grown in your time here.”
>The Lunar Princess holds her head high and her majestic mane shimmers in the moonlight
>”It is with open arms that we welcome you to join the ranks of Equestria’s finest soldiers.”
“Yes, Princesses, it would be my honour.”
>Princess Celestia steps down from her throne and slowly begins approaching you
>Her wings spread wide and her horn swells with magic
>Awe-inspiring, if ever you have seen!
>” Sir Dizzy Dancer… Do you swear on your hide to protect the lands of our rule for all time?”
>You nod and stare ahead
“Yes, Princess!”
>Princess Luna soon steps down and joins her sister in both pose and magic
>The two circle you slowly and you steel your will for whatever may come
>”Sir Dizzy Dancer… Do you swear on your wings to protect the crown at all cost?”
“Yes, Princess!”
>The two stop as Princess Luna stands before you and Princess Celesta behind
>They speak in a chilling unison as their wings fold to their sides
>”Sir Dizzy Dancer… Do you swear on your lineage to serve only us?”
>For a brief moment, you hesitate
>You try to think of exactly what the Princesses mean
>There is little time to contemplate their words, however, as a sudden force catches your back legs from behind
>”Hmm, Sir Dizzy Dancer seems to have reservations, dear Sister.”
>Princess Luna’s magic glistens before you are forced to your knees
>You feel your back legs parted quickly
>”I fear he may. We must have absolute loyalty.”
>From your current vantage point, you see the imposing form of Princess Luna
>On your knees, the Princess can easily stand over you
>She strides in a deliberate manner over you until her tail hangs before your nose
>A wet sort of something drips from above and you shift your eyes
>The Princess’ shame is vividly displayed for you and she makes a knackered sound
>”Sir Dizzy Dancer, show us your loyalty.”
>You take the hint as the Princess of the Night nudges ever closer
>Sticking out your tongue, you make your first move
>A guttural sound, almost like the purr of lion, rings out
>It makes you pleased with yourself and you stretch your tongue a bit further
>The Princess is simply soaked, mostly before you even started, and her tangy lust fills your throat with each pass
>Her taste is curiously pleasant, though you really cannot place the exact flavor
>Honestly, it is not bad
>The muffled voice of the Princess of the Sun fills your dulling mind
>”I believe he is ready for his trial.”
>You are suddenly yanked from beneath Princess Luna
>Princess Celestia takes your head in her magic and forcibly kisses you
>Her tongue is hot and she wastes no time in exploring your mouth
>Despite your best efforts, you feel your own maleness raise to the occasion against the cold tiles
>Your aggressor pulls her mouth free and licks her lips
>”Hmm, your kissing could use some practice.”
>Princess Celestia quickly flips you onto your back and you stand to attention
>”The bindings, sister.”
>You wonder with your half-conscious mind as Princess Luna looks down to you
>Her horn glows and your body is enveloped in a warm feeling
>It fades quickly enough and you look over your front hooves to find them restraint with ebony magic
>The Solar Princess next uses her magic to cover your belly
>As the spell travels downward, you feel your groin ache with a light squeeze
>Golden magic wraps firmly around the base of your sex
>An unconscious pulse courses into your groin and you feel the magic band tighten
>”Ah, very clever.”
>Princess Luna smiles as she begins eyeing you
>”Yes, Sir Dizzy Dancer?”
“Umm, would it not be better for me to provide you with my services on my own?”
>You smile as best you can and raise your bound hooves
>”Do you object to the restraints?”
>Before you can answer, a solid golden ball is thrust into your muzzle
>”Hush now, soldier. Trust in the system.”
>You try to talk, but the ball wedges your jaw in place
>A bead of sweat forms on your brow as Princess Celestia stands above you
>Her eyes are fiery and a little unhinged
>This is a side to your Princess you cannot say you have ever seen
>With great care, she lays herself upon you
>Your erect self pulses from the warm feeling and maddening pressure before the magic band shrinks further
>Blood seems to rush from your head and you feel hazy as your cruel mistress continues to tease
>Princess Celestia chuckles as she looks to her sister
>”Another fine sword to add to your armoury, dearest Luna.”
>”But, can he wield it?”
>A mischievous and wholly wicked grin crosses the Dusk Princess’ features
>With every throb of your shaft, the Princess’ magic squeezes in return
>You cannot think of a time you have been in more agony than right now
>Princess Celestia slides from your body until you feel heated breath against your exposed skin
>You look up as best you can to see your Princess’ face toying with you
>Her tongue flickers out before caressing one side and you shutter
>Your back legs buck despite you trying to control yourself
>Princess Luna’s face finds its way beside your own on the cold floor and her mouth presses firmly into your own
>Every little touch causes the golden magic to grip you tighter
>Your sex feels swollen to the point of bursting as tears begin to well in your eyes
>A sudden rush of warmth makes your back legs rattle as your feel a long muzzle embrace your length
>The feel of the Princess’ tongue doubles while she swallows you
>You feel like the slightest touch would set you off, but the golden band continues to hold
>Neglected your desperate orgasm, your hips buck against the ground
>You try to tell yourself you are honoured and that you are beyond lucky, but you brain and balls only scream to thrust harder with the distressing need to unload
>Almost as quickly as it began; Princess Celestia pops you from her heavenly mouth and sighs softly
>”I believe this one is ready to accept our gift.”
>Princess Luna smiles and draws away from your face
>”I agree! Let us bestow the gift of the night upon him!”
>You look up with teary eyes as magic pulls the golden gag free from your mouth
>Gasping for breath, you swivel about to see both Princesses on either side of your body
“I-I passed?”
>”Yes, you have!”
>The voice of the Princess of the Night rings in your head
“T-That’s great… Am I free to go?”
>”Not until we give you the powers you will need to guard the darkness.”
>You feel the world tug around you as powerful magic is called upon
>From your laying position, you witness large male protrusions form on both of your captors
“I… I think I’ll be…”
>Before you can finish, Princess Luna fills your once empty mouth with her magically endowed rod
>You are not really sure what to do in this very moment as basic training did not cover any bit of this, but the Princess seems content just to lightly thrust into your throat
>The taste is not awful, you think, as your vision is blotted out by a soft dark belly
>Your backside is slightly shifted upward and you gasp at the realization of what is happening
>A thick, familiar tongue strokes your tight bum down the center in graceful strides
>Honestly, not bad at all
>When it ends, you barely are given a moment to breathe before the Sun Princess’ flaring shaft knocks at your backdoor
>”Surprisingly unsullied…”
>You are not even sure what that means, but thinking is completely useless now
>The moment of penetration makes you wince, but there is no screaming with nine inches of palpable Princess in your muzzle
>You breathe sharply through your nose as a bit of unusually fragrant seed dribbles from Princess Luna
>Swallow feels difficult just do to the thickness of it, but you muscle through
>Your belly burns with an icy sting from the strange liquid
>It is unmistakably the taste of magic; something basics did teach you about!
>Having been focused on suckling Princess Luna like a foal, you only just realize that your butt is being liberally taken
>Despite their sizes, the Princess’ shaft seems to curve, bend, and contour to your every groove
>Princess Celestia grits her teeth as she slides inch by inch deeper into you
>Her belly presses into your unwavering maleness as she closes in
>You only catch a glance at your mistreated sex, but you are certain it should not be such a reddish colour
>The Princess of the Night seems to pick up the pace and you try to finish her as quickly as you can
>Wrenching your jaw to one side, you feel her glide down your throat and gag a little
>Pearly hooves pin your neck and head as Princess Luna lets out a please roar
>The taste of thick, gooey magic floods your mouth at such an alarming rate that you feel it flood up and out of your nose
>Princess Luna keeps your throat plugged as she continues to pulse and spurt into you
>At the same time, Princess Celestia’s movement begin to become jerky and uneven
>You feel as if you will blackout when a sudden pressure releases your engorged shaft
>The maniac Princess picks up the pace and you slide forward with each strong thrust
>Your abused sex leaks over your belly and seems to pour out as the Princess works you over
>With a final rough buck, Princess Celestia hilts herself into you
>A flood of molten magic spills into your backside as you spasm and cum over your chest
>Princess Luna finally releases your face with a sloppy smile on her own
>”T-The ritual is complete…”
>She drags herself to her hooves and you watch as her magical shaft recedes into nothingness
>It is a few more minutes until the Princess in your belly unloads enough to remove herself
>You are battered, sore, and three different kinds of filthy, but you have endured the trials set before you
>Honestly, not bad at all
>As you weakly climb to your hooves, you feel like the ocean is in your belly
>Princess Celestia smiles to you with the face of a caring mother again
>”We have given you all we can. May your hooves stand strong and your wings beat proudly.”
>You simply nod, having no energy to do more
>A sudden feeling of icy hotness slithers up your spine and straight into your brain
>Your front legs give out and you double over back to the floor
>Through blurry eyes, you see the Princesses smiling at your fetal form
>”Be born of the night and be made in an image befitting of me.”
>The Princess of the Night moves a moonbeam over you
>Once bathe in the light, your body is engulfed by etheric matter
>Your ears widen and frizz as sound becomes tangible in new depths
>Feathered wings grow sharp, flexible, and dark in colour
>A pair of fangs push from your maxilla until they hang over your bottom lip
>Your eyes contract as even the moonlight becomes as bright as daylight
>Princess Luna smiles with a warm and loving grin before helping you to your hooves
>”Tonight you join the ranks of the finest Equestria has to offer. Stand tall, Sir Dizzy Dancer.”
>You do as you are told and find your body feeling remarkably energetic now
>You test your new wings and admire your freshly darkened coat
>The large windows open under the pressure of magic and the night air rushes inside
>Without a word, the Princess of the Night and you dive from tower
>Honestly, you have never been happier