>Strange, really… “We haven’t all day, Amethyst.” >You’d once berated Candy for recommending this whole thing >...Yet here you are >”Alright… I presume you know the process?” >You don’t grace the notion with a reply, instead relaxing into your chair, eyes now closed >You try and steady your breathing, focusing on the gentle crackle from the fireplace >Thoughts soon roll in of happier times and welcoming friends >Their faces are long since forgotten, but their voices are pristine >”...I’ll take that as a yes.” >An audible ‘Pop!’ is had as a spell is cast >A feeling of comforting warmth overtakes the entirety of your sleep-deprived body >Naturally it’d take you more than a mere minute’s rest and relaxation to calm your mind and body so, but going on two days with four hours of sleep tends to run normality into the ground >Just as you’re beginning to enter the ethereal dreamworld, though, there comes a low, calm voice >The voice of Amethyst Star, Canterlot’s top-rated hypnotherapist >”Allow yourself to begin to relax.” >Your brow slightly furrows in anger >”You and only you are in control of how much, or how little, relaxation you—” “I’m plenty relaxed.” >”—will feel… and how successful this session will be.” >You’re plenty relaxed >Someone could come in and chop your fucking kneecaps off and you’d be unable to give two fu— >”And now, with every breath you take, allow yourself to relax deeper…” >You’ve always been relaxed, hell, you were born too relaxed… the doctors thought your ass was dead on arrival >”Every sound you hear… be it the gentle crackling of the fire, the sound of my voice, or even your gentle breathing...” >You really can’t count the amount of times you’ve tried this whole ‘Relaxation’ thing by yourself >”Just allow it to relax you deeper, and if you’ll focus on your breathing…” >Shit’s never worked, no matter the amount of wasted hours spent on those useless fucking books >”You’ll notice just how calmer your breathing is, and how much more controlled than it was.” >But, hey, what do you know? >”Release any burden you feel in your shoulders.” >You’re just the some retard who happens to be the nation’s wealthiest non-equine >”Allow yourself to accept support…” >Taking in a breath, you slowly exhale >Come on, just trust that Candy knows what she’s talking about... >”And trust in the knowledge that you are supported, even when you cannot see it.” >Easy now, easy… >Just think of something nice, like Candy always said she did when she gets upset… >Ah, here we go >You hear them >Their voices >Some ecstatic, some yelling, others casual as if it’s just Tuesday >”...Let go of any tension in the shoulders, any burden in the back… allow yourself to release the load.” >But one rings above them all >It was the reason you signed up in the first place >”You are strong.” >It’s her laugh >”And you are more powerful than you yourself imagine.” >You wanted to protect that smile >You wanted to give her a reason to get up in the morning, a reason to go keep going when everything else seemed grim >”And as you have supported others in your life, so allow yourself to be supported.” >Your body slowly slips into the world of sleep as your mind continues on >Your senses of skin and touch are muddled, your body completely numb while the brain churns through the feelings being forced through it >”My words are just part of a much bigger world of love and support out there… and as you breathe into this…” >There comes the occasional twitch, yes, but besides that your body sits as motionless as a corpse >”There may be discomfort, tension, stress, something else I may have not named yet…” >”But realize grief is normal.” >Your hand jerks at that, curling into a fist >”All emotions are normal.” >She doesn’t know the first thing about grief >”But grief is a powerful process that needs support to move along and to transform over time... >These Equestrians don’t know the first fucking thing about grief >About hard life >About what it means to keep going when God has abandoned you in a foreign planet >”And as I say every word with respect, I do not know the exact relationship between you and your loved one…” >A few more twitches come, nearly waking your body from the state >”So as we go through this process, some phrases may resonate theme… and some may not.” >Focus on her voice, Anon… >”And you will simply filter and focus in on the images, feelings, words, and emotions that resonate for you.” >Focus on calming your body down into that numb state... >”And if you come back to this at a later time, you may find that others resonate instead.” >Slowly unclench the fist… that’s it >”The process is not linear or straightforward, but with the right support you can get through this and come through the other side with even greater learning…” >Breathe in… breathe out >”Greater strength.” >Ease into the chair as if were an old friend >”And I do not know what has happened, or what you are feeling right now…” >Ease the tension in the neck, allow the muscles to fall asleep and erase all semblance of worry within >”But I know that sometimes we feel pressured to box up our emotion, to process them from the few days off from work or school…” >And focus on her words… >”...But know you are not alone.” >... >...... >So far, so good >Well, as good as it could be, considering the constant bursts of anger and contempt that’ve been spiking from his subconscious >You’ve been trying to eat away at the later, which, to some extent, has worked >Hey, not as filling or as satisfying as love, but it’ll do to quell the gnawing hunger “...But you are not alone.” >You take a deep breath, now in sync with his breathing >A small trick you picked up on— >”Alone.” >You blink, looking at the man >His eyes are wide open, set straight forward >Unmoving, unblinking >That’s not the weird part, though >That would be how you can’t detect any emotion coming from him >You’d expect something to be resonating from him by now >You were previously able have a semi-reasonable read on his emotions the whole time, despite him being a creature of alien design >But now? >The absence of it is more worrying than any reading he could have given off >Your spell on his body slowly gives way as he reaches for his chairside table >One hand grabs a bottle of wine, the other a glass >His eyes slowly drift down to the glass >His fingers go limp, letting the thing slowly roll out of his grasp >It shatters on the wooden floor below, sending hundreds of shards in every direction >Your eyes widen at this as you jump slightly in your seat >And, without a second thought, Anonymous begins to drink as if his life depended on it >You’d expect him to stop for a breath halfway through the bottle, but no >No breaks for air are had >Your eyes are a mix of fear and worry as he finishes the thing, a low whistle coming from the man >You can feel trickles of anger coming from the man, but those are few and far between >When he slowly turns to you, though, that’s when you see it >His eyes >Behind the poker face and political smile, you can see it all as you two lock eyes >Rage >Pure, unmolested rage >”Thank you very much, Amethyst, but I think that’s all I can handle today.” >He gestures to the door, a slow nod escaping him, smile unflinching >”I’ll be sure to call again if I ever feel like I need your services in the near future.” >He reaches under his collar, producing a small chain >It bears a small, blue gem >He rubs gives it a small, visible squeeze before clapping twice >”Tote Bag, if you’d be so kind as to escort the good doctor out…?” >Much to your surprise, there comes a muted voice from the thing >”Of course, right away, sir.” >”Very well, carry on.” >He tucks the thing back beneath several layers of clothing before returning his eyes to you >You shrink ever so faintly under his gaze >”Again, thank you for everything… this was enlightening, to say the least.” >A brief burst of joy comes from the man, followed by another splash of anger >Your lips move before your brain “O-oh?” >He nods, checking his watch absentmindedly >You also notice that his boot’s tapping impatiently against the floor, crunching shards of glass all the while >”Found out what’s wrong… or something that’s close to the root of the issue.” >He slowly makes to stand, idly stretching once he’s reached his full height >The hulking man makes his way to the fireplace, eyes pointed at the massive art piece that lay just above >And, for a moment, you dare to give it a glance >When you do, however, you feel your eyes widen >It’s a portrait of a woman… >A human, much like Anonymous, but distinctly different >Long, silky hair >Eyes of a beautiful, vibrant shade >Face curvy and accentuated by thin lips, of which are pulled into a happy smile >And, for a moment, you feel it >You feel it radiating from him in waves >Love >The intensity of it dwarfs anything you’d ever felt before >Be it by Cadance, Celestia, or anything in between >This… >This changes things >”Right this way, Ms Amethyst.” >You blink, tearing yourself away from the sight >Tote Bag is at the door, a happy smile on her face as she notices the look on Anonymous’ face >”Psssh, I told you you’d be fine!” >The maid excitedly waves you in, a smile now on the young mare’s face >Your eyes flicker between her and Anonymous, unsure of what to do >When he turns to you, though, you look into his eyes once again >You’re already out of the door before a moment’s passed >There comes a soft ‘Clink!’ as the door is shut behind you >Silence reigns king… >”So, how’d it gooooo?” >You blink, sucking in a deep breath “Well, it could have gone better…” >As if on cue, you both jump at the sound of shattering glass >Your eyes lock, hers then flickering to the door before she calls out, all but banging on the door >”Sir, is everything alr—” >The sound of tumbling and crashing furniture is her response, followed by a string of enraged cursing >Snapping wood and bookshelves crashing down force your ears to cup to the side of your head >Above the cursing and frantic shouting, though, there comes a word >A very distinct word that gives you a an surge of emotions that you’ve not felt since you were a nymph >”Alone!” >”S-sir?!” >Her panicked calls and knocks are drowned out by the sounds of chaos from within Anonymous’ study >”Sir!” “We should go.” >She looks to you, eyes wide >”I, b-but, we can’t just… what if he’s—” >You shake your head, unable to find words >And, as another string of curses if followed by the crashing of blows, you turn and make for the stairs >You came here to make allies with Cadance’s closest friend >You came here in hopes of possibly scoring an ace in the hole for the trials and tribulations that the future holds >But, then again, you came here thinking that the rumors were just that >Rumors >Reaching the front door, though, you can’t help but freeze as a stray thought hits you >Your… >Your spell couldn’t have caused this, r-right?