>Once again, you are Anon >After a long nights sleep you prepare to head out to find another job >Fluttershy probably wouldn't want you back after what you did to Angel >Oh well, he had it coming a mile away >Getting dressed for the morning you spot Fluttershys socks on your dresser >Still slightly wet from the sweat >You stuff them into one of your unused drawers >Who knows maybe you’ll start a collection or something >Opening the front door you head out towards Carousel Boutique >On your way you pass through the market and hear someone calling out to you >”Hey mr Anon!” >Turning towards the source of the voice you see Apple Bloom running towards you “What is it Apple bloom” >Holy hell is she ever short for 16 >Or are you just tall >Meh not like it matters >You crouch down to be face to face with her as she speaks >”Weeell mah sister was just telling me about what happened out on the farm when you came for work” >Oooh this could get very awkward very quickly >”She told me all about how you tried tickling her feet when she was resting” “And what about it interests you so much that you came looking for me?” >”Well ah was thinking that maybe one day you’d like to come out to the treehouse” >Is she asking what you think she’s asking “What exactly do you want me to come out to the treehouse for?” >”Maybe, ah just thought that you might like some of these” >She presses her shoe on top of yours and gives you a quick elbow to your side >No no NOPE not now so much nope >Quickly moving her shoe off of yours you look back into her face >Oh jeez you're sweating slightly after that “Well I suppose I could consider that offer” >”Great! I’ll go tell Sweetie and Scootaloo right now” >You grab her arm as she nearly speeds off on you “How about we keep this a secret for now?” >”But ah couldn’t keep a secret from mah friends, it’s dishonest, and we apples can’t tell lies” “Well you don’t have to lie, just don’t tell them technically it’s not lying” >”Well if you say so mr Anon” >Getting up from your crouched position you quickly ruffle her hair before she turns and walks off >She almost looks disappointed >You’ll get to her one day >But for now you have priorities >Walking up to Carousel Boutique >The help wanted sign is gone from the window >You sigh and turn around >This seems oddly familiar to what just happened to Apple Bloom >Hearing a doorknob turn from behind you you see Rarity pop out to greet you >”Anonymous! How lovely to see you this morning” “Oh.. hey Rarity..” >”Oh my dear sweet Anonymous what’s troubling you” “Well it seems that I came a little late to get a job” >”What are you..? Oh the sign? It fell from the window last night. I haven't put it back up yet” >Lucky break anon, Very lucky break “So you’re still hiring? >”Of course! I’d be glad to hire you” >Grabbing you by the hand she leads you inside >”Now for today you’ll most likely be doing repair work on dresses, socks, etc etc” >She leads you over to a large drawer full of designs with a small scale version besides them >As she said “Dresses, socks, some shoe patterns you even see one that looks like AJ’s work cloths >All small scale except for the socks >She sure has quite the variety thigh highs, open toe and heel and just plain out socks >”If you are ever unsure of a design just come over and take it to help you along” >”Now if you could just help me get the kit from the top shelf we can get you started” >”Just give me a tiny boost please Anonymous” >Crouching down you cup your hands for her to stand on >She takes off her heels and places her delicate socked foot onto your hands >Raising your hands up to help her along she begins to reach for the case >Breathing in slightly something tickles your nose >Another long silent sniff and.. >Ohsweetholymotherofcelestiahowmuchperfumedoesthisladyuse >Helping her keep her balance you lift her higher >With your fingers so close to her foot >You simply cannot resist >Moving your fingers slightly across her sole you give her the tiniest tickle possible >You can hear giggles from above >She finally grabs the case and asks you to lower her >Placing her foot back on the ground she turns around and gives you a light slap across the face >”Anonymous, While I may promote a nice and fun environment even I do have standards” “Uh, Sorry?” >”You’re forgiven for now, if you want a little more action you may see me after work” >She presses her socked foot onto your shoe >Oh yes yes sweet merciful mary yes >She takes her foot off your shoe and places it back in her heels >”Now if you don’t mind we have some work to get to” >She walks over and turns the closed sign to open >Nothing much interesting happens over the course of the day >Except one fine looking lady who came in with her friend for repair job on a torn pair of socks >She had minty green hair and her friend had some off pink/deep blue hair >They both sat barefooted near you as you fixed up her socks >They were almost wet to the touch and obviously well worn >Shame you had to return them >They may have made a fine addition to your collection >Finally closing hour rolls round and rarity switches the sign back >”Well now that wasn’t so bad was it?” “I suppose not, At least I got to meet a few new faces today” >”New friends could take you places Anon” >”Now about my “Offer” earlier today” >Oh here we go >”Now if you’ll just follow me upstairs” >As she turns you see her kick off her heels leaving them with the rest of them >You follow her upstairs into the master bedroom >Along the way you see Sweetie Belle in the hallway >Rarity motions for her to follow you inside as well >Once you’re all in she points you towards the bed >”Now if you’ll just give me a moment we can begin right away” >Sitting next to sweetie you notice she’s barefoot with her socks on the ground >She knows “So, uh Sweetie why are your socks off?” >”I’m not sure either Rarity just told me to wait for you to come upstairs and take them off when you come” >Ok maybe she doesn’t know >You swear you can hear some loud cracking noise coming from behind the door >Finally Rarity emerges wearing no more than her panties, bra and socks >”I hope your ready Anonymous” >She pulls a small whip from behind her back and cracks it >”Don’t worry, This is just for show” >Oh thank the varying gods of this realm >”Now if you please, lay down on the ground and cloths off as well, All of them” >Well not like you really have a choice anymore >Stripping as fast as you can you lay on the floor >”Now we can begin, Sweetie, I’ll have you join in later” >She presses her socked foot into your face >”Take a loong deep sniff” >Complying you sniff her damp socks >The perfume from earlier has almost completely worn off leaving you with a scent of sweat and some perfume >She presses harder into your face >She may as well be pressing your nose into the back of your skull >She pulls her foot off your face and sits down besides your head >Grabbing one of Sweeties socks she places it on your nose >Cold old sweat is all you can smell >She takes off her socks and leaves them with the small pile with Sweeties >”And now.. Taste them” >She places her toes next to your mouth >You stick your tongue in between her toes >Surprisingly clean but they still leave a sour taste due to the sweat >Still taking sniffs of Sweeties socks every so often >You see her with a confused look on her face as she looks down at her feet >Rarity takes her toes out of your mouth after a short cleaning >You pull your arms from your side and grab her foot placing it near your mouth again >Sliding your tongue all over her feet you continue to get that ever so sour taste of her sweat >”Now now dear Anonymous” >She cracks the whip again and pulls her foot away >”I’ll be the more dominant one here” >She presses the foot that was in your mouth onto your chest forcing you to inhale from Sweetie’s socks >”Would you like to give it a try Sweetie?” >”Uh. sure I guess Rarity” >She hops down from the bed and takes a seat at the side of your head >Giving the best imitation of Rarity she can muster >”Now my dear sweet Anonymous” >She presses her foot onto your nose along with the sock >”Sniff” >Oh the heavenly odour coming from her tiny soles >Rarity turns and see your flag flying proud >She prods it with her wet toes causing you to take another deep sniff >”Now Sweetie i’d like for you to try something” >”Sure Rarity.. What is it? >”First get your feet all nice and wet” >Sweetie grabs her other sock and leaves it on your nose again >She pushes both of her feet into your mouth as your tongue caresses her soles >”Now place them on either side of his shaft” >She shows a quick demonstration with the air >She sandwiches your dick between her wet soles >”Now move them up and down, fast or slow your choice” >She begins to ?quickly move her feet up and down your shaft >Her slick soles sliding up and down as fast as RD can run >After around 30 seconds of constant pleasure you came all over her feet >Wiping her soles down she leaves your pile of seed on the floor next to a few drops of saliva >She and Rarity get up and head into the closet to change >”Please have your cloths back on by the time we come out” >Getting everything back on you quietly slide her and Sweeties sock into your pocket >They emerge a few moments later >”Well Anonymous, It’s been nice having you here today” >’Ya! I’d love for you to come around again tomorrow!” “No Sweetie, I may come back one day though. Just keep an eye out for me” >She gives you the same depressed look applebloom gave you “Don’t worry Sweetie. I’ll see you around one day” >You give her a light hug as she walks off into the hall way >”And now Anonymous, Your payment for the day.” >She gives you a 50 bit coin >Eh it’lll last you awhile >Turning to leave for home >You see Sweetie in the window >Waving goodbye to her you head home >Placing Rarity and Sweeties socks in your “Special” drawer you head off to bed >Now where to work tommorow