>"......and that's when Pinkie realized we were planning a surprise party all along!" >Twilight giggles, and you let out a chuckle as you walk alongside her. >The both of you had been swapping stories as you followed Celestia, Luna, and a very distant Pinkie back to Canterlot Palace. "Quite humorous, Twilight. It reminds me of the time my fellow Sorcerers and I tricked a pair of Space Wolves into bedding daemonettes." >You let out another laugh at the memory, and Twilight frowns, looking up at you. >"You really hate them, don't you?" >You scowl. "Do you mean the Wolves, or the Emperor's lapdogs in general?" >"The...ones in general, yes. They were willing to attack the Princess just because you were there. And then they went right for you. You didn't talk to them, didn't try to reason with them, just...just fought them. What can cause so much hate?" >You fall silent for a few heartbeats as you and Twilight walk behind the Princess and your bouncing pink friend. "A broken bond, Twilight. A friendship strong er and older than any you can imagine, shattered in the cruelest of betrayals." >Twilight's ears flatten, and she looks distressed. >"But surely, over time, I mean, you can repair that bond, right?" >You keep your eyes forward, and you note Luna stealing glances at you over her shoulder. "No, Twilight, it can't." >Her nose scrunches up in a way that you note distantly as being quite adorable. >"I don't accept that, Anonymous! I don't know how you can accept that, not after what you've...after being friends with us. You hated us at first, didn't you?" "That's different. You were...are, xenos. My instinctual hatred of your kind is nothing but a holdover from the...from the Crusades." >Her face is still scrunched up in that expression. >"How is it any different? In fact, I'd say it makes more sense, even, if that hate was an instinct! You overcame it! Surely you can..." >She trails off, as she sees you staring off into space. >Remembering the Crusade. >Remembering fighting alongside the Wolves. >Remembering Prospero burn. "No." >"But-" "No. Let's not talk about this." >Twilight stomps a hoof on the ground. >"Why not! There's no reason for you to be this hatef-" "You know NOTHING of my reasons, Twilight Sparkle." >You whirl on her, mindful of Celestia's eye on your back, but too angry to care. "When it comes to what I've seen and what I know, you know nothing, Twilight." >She lets out a little frustrated whimper. >"Then teach me!" "....What." >"Teach me about what you've seen, what you lived through!" "No. Warp no. No more of this, Twilight. We're nearly at the castle." >You turn around as you watch Celestia slip her way inside. You take it as a good sign that she trusted you alone with her student. >Twilight opens her mouth to reply, and you ignore her and push the door open to the castle foyer. >She was your friend, but there were some things you just couldn't talk about. >Not with her. Not with any of the ponies. >Save maybe Pinkie, but you'd be damned before you burdened her psyche even more. >Your eyes widened as you beheld tables up and down the hall, each absolutely groaning under the weight of so much food. >Ponies, many in formal attire, chat and eat around the castle hall as a few other ponies play music on instruments. >Actual instruments. How charming. >You can already spot Pinkie, literally digging her way into the nearest cake. >You see Fluttershy, hiding under a table and staring at you. >Rainbow Dash, Applejack, and Rarity are nowhere to be seen. >Celestia walks past you, seating herself at the head of the massive table, and gesturing for you to follow. >You and Twilight both seat yourself near her, the purple unicorn grumbling to herself as Luna sits next to Celestia. >She's staring almost as hard as Fluttershy. >Celestia clears her throat daintily, and the din in the feast hall dies down. >Celestia raises her hooves to address her subjects, and a quiet field of golden light pulls Pinkie out of the cake and sets her on her flank in a seat next to Twilight. >"My beloved, noble subjects. I have gathered you all here today for a small celebration, and an introduction. Today, an attempt was made on my life." >The nobleponies gasp, and you can swear you see a monocle pop off an eye. >You roll your eyes, thankful for your helmet. >"Shocking, I know. Creatures, monsters not from this world, attempted to destroy me. They were only stopped by the bravery of three beings. My faithful student, Twilight Sparkle..." >She holds a hoof over Twilight, who beams proudly at the quiet applause. >"....her friend, Pinkamena Diane Pie." >She indicates Pinkie, who cringes at her full name, but waves at the crowd anyway. The applause are a little quieter now. >"....and lastly, Anonymous of Prospero. An otherwordly thing himself, but one who defended my sister and I in our time of need. I urge you to make him welcome, my subjects. And in recognition of their bravery, I grant them the Equestrian medal of courage." >Her horn glows, and a gold medallion appears on your shoulder-pad, while two others appear wrapped around Pinkie and Twilight's necks. The nobleponies clap quietly, a bit taken aback. >Celestia holds up a hoof, and the tender applause die down. >"These three, I believe, are deserving a celebration, so I have thrown together this little feast in their honor. Now let us celebrate!" >She sits down daintily, before levitating a piece of cake onto her plate. >Then she starts eating the cake like a starving man drinks water. >You stare in shock as pieces of cake fly onto your shoulder plate. >Nop0ny else seems at all surprised. "Is she....is she going to be allright?" >Twilight seems miffed that you've noticed her mentor's behavior. >"The Princess has an appreciation for the finer things in life!" >Pinkie giggles. >"You sound like Rarity, Twilight." >"I do not!" "You really do." >She scowls at you, and you watch as a muffin levitates off of a plate, caught in a purple aura, and hurls itself at your head. >You catch it with your own telekinesis, before pulling your helmet off and popping it into your mouth. It felt good to taste again. "Why thanks, Twilight. I WAS quite hungry." >Her scowl deepens, and she pouts at your side. >You chuckle at her annoyance, before a forced cough interrupts your levity. >You turn your head, to spot a white stallion with a blonde mane standing behind you. >The white pony glares at you, his blue eyes narrowed. >"You're in my seat, peasant. Remove yourself from it at once or I will remove you myself!" >Is he serious? "Are you serious?" >"Quite! A Prince is serious in all of his dea-don't you turn away from me!" >You grab another muffin and take a bite while Twilight giggles from her place next to you and Celestia continues to drown in cake. "So Twilight, let's continue an earlier conversation. Tell me about that time you tried to....study Pinkie Pie." >She opens her mouth to reply, but stops as she notices a blue glow envelop the muffin you hold in your free gauntlet. >It starts to lift out of your hand. >"You WILL listen to me, Ape. You might have saved Auntie, but that doesn't mean you can-" >Your hand lashes out, and you feel your fingers close around his horn. >You give it an experimental tweak, and you hear your muffin drop to the floor as the white pony winces. >You turn to look at the white pony. "You shouldn't have done that." >"Unhand me, you ruffian! I am Prince Blu-" "Twilight, how much would it hurt if I snapped this imbecile's horn off?" >Twilight's face goes a pale shade of mauve, as Blueblood's gets even whiter. >Celestia even stops her cake-devouring to give an approving grin. >"I...I mean...there's nothing saying we can't be reasonable, is there?" >You give his horn one last painful wrench before shoving him away. "Don't touch the muffins." >Twilight regains her composure as Pinkie laughs herself silly in her seat. >"You know you just made an enemy, right?" "What, that buffoon?" >"That was Prince Blueblood, Anon. Celestia's nephew." >Oh, shit. >You glance past the cake-consuming Celestia to stare at Luna, who jumps in surprise. >"Oh, oh no Anonymous, no no no! Blueblood is not...not ours! We have no foals....just yet." >She gets a look on her face that makes you faintly ill. "....Right." >You lean back so that Celestia and her cakes partially obscur you from Luna, and vise versa. >Twilight and Pinkie are both laughing now. >Pinkie continues to laugh at your discomfort, while Twilight grows a bit more serious. >"But I think you're right, Anonymous. We should continue our earlier conversation. Tell me about where you came from. Tell me more about that place you showed me at that first party. What was it called, the Warp? >Your fingers clench on the tabletop. "Not now, Twilight." >"C'mon, Anon, we're friends. Tell me? Why did you hate them so much? Did the Warp have something to do with it?" "Twilight, I'm already going to be giving lessons to Trixie, I'm not going to tutor you, too." >Twilight looks like you told her you ate ponies for breakfast. >"You're teaching....teaching HER!? TRIXIE, OF ALL PONIES?" >You suddenly remember that Trixie had wanted to kill Twilight while possessed by the daemon bolter. >Perhaps their dislike of each other was mutual. >Wonderful. Just...wonderful. >You rest your head in your hands, as if dealing with a headache. >Twilight's still sputtering, and Pinkie has joined Celestia in a pastry-eating contest. "Twilight." >"Trixie!? Really? She's such a, such a- "Twilight, please." >"Such a jerk!" "Twilight, I just returned from the dead less than three hours ago. Can we have this conversation at another time?" >She sighs, defeated. >"Fine, Anonymous, what do you want to talk about?" >You glance past Celestia, at Luna, who looks away as she sees you looking, then at Fluttershy, who keeps staring. "Why do Luna, Fluttershy, and Rarity attempt to undress me with their eyes constantly?" >Twilight turns a curious shade of red. >Her ears twitch, and she stares at you, before looking at Fluttershy and Luna, who have returned (or remained) to staring. >"Let's....let's change the subject." >You shrug, smiling behind your helmet. "Not fun being asked something awkward or annoying, is it?" >"No, fine, I won't ask you about the Warp, or how you came back from the dead, or why still hate those other Astartes so much." "Very good. Now my turn to ask a question. Where are the Apples, and Rarity and Sweetie Belle? Where is Dash? Where is Scootaloo? Those three fillies deserve honoring as much as we do." >Twilight's face falls, before she gestures you closer and leans to whisper in your ear. >You straighten, seconds later, your blood running cold. You turn to Celestia. "Princess, I need to go back to Ponyville. I apologize for cutting the celebration short." >She waves you away, still consumed with out-consuming Pinkie Pie. >You rise to your feet, backing away from the table, while Twilight looks at you sadly. >You weave the Warp around you, and teleport back to Ponyville. >Back to home. >You re-materialize in your home, already looking around for your weapons. >You grab your force sword and Gebta's old bolter, mag-locking both weapons to your hips. >You didn't want to use them, but you would if you had to. >Tzeentch help you, COULD you use them if it came down to that? >You didn't know. >You didn't want to know. >The sound of knocking reaches your door, and you growl in frustration before answering. "What the hell do you wa-" >"The GREAT and POWERFUL Trixie has come for her apprenticeship!" >A great explosion of sparks and dancing lights fills your vision as the showmare unleashes a pyrotechnic display on your porch. >She was still clad in your old armor. "Trixie, we talked about the name, didn't we? And I thought you weren't going to come until next week. I'm busy." >Trixie falls back to all fours, looking at you a bit sheepishly. >"Trixie is afraid the answer to both of those questions are...well....um." >She suddenly seems to break down. >"I CAN'T GET THE ARMOR OFF!"