As I go about my task in the barn of Sweet Apple Acres, I hear the Crusaders frolicking in the fields outside. Hour after hour, day after day, taking in fresh baskets from the siblings to be checked and sorted into barrels, for ripeness or spoilage as it be. Out the window, I see the sun setting over the Everfree Forest when she trots in and plunks down the last two baskets of the day. Seeing my smiling reaction to her apricot-tinted form, she sits beside me and takes half of the final haul for herself. "Well hey there, bud, Ah reckon' you've had yourself a fine old workday today?" gesturing toward the stack of sealed barrels to my right. I stutter something to the effect of "sure", and try not to stare. It's hard. The last light of the day beams in through the paned windows of the farmhouse, illuminating her brilliant yellow mane, from which she removes her hat and shakes out for wonderful dramatic effect. I'm definitely staring, and she gives me a wry smile as she notes the effect she's having on me, before setting down her basket and stretching. I take the chance to stretch also, and slip a peek at her splayed-out body while her head faces away. Smooth, amber fur, dusky jade eyes, those cute freckles dotting her cheeks... "Ya okay there?" I snap to, falling off the bench and backwards onto the dirt floor. She snorts and huffs into a fit of laughter at my expense, "ahah! Y-you're so funny, you know..." She calms herself down, and her eyes take on a glint that wasn't there before - playful, mischievous, even. She raises herself off the bench and turns toward my supine form, as I struggle to get up off ground. "No need for none 'a that, my little farmhand..." she stomps her hoof on the ground beside my head and gives a stern look, clear instruction to stay where I am. She walks over to the side of the barn and lifts a rope off a hook, grabbing it with her teeth as she walks over to the apple barrels and retrieving her hat from the bench. She returns to me: "Now listen here, bud, Ah know what you've been thinkin' this whole time, and you did a fine job with them apple hauls this past week." She cocks her head and scans my full body, "But, we're gonna do this on MY terms, understand, boy?" I nod demurely. "Take off yer shirt" - I sit up for a moment and strip myself of the checkered button-up, before a hoof presses me back down to the ground - and feel a light touch as she then drops her hat at onto my face, blocking anything from my sight but the vaguest impression of color. "Girl's gotta preserve some sense 'a decency out here..." and before I can say a word, my arms are yanked up by her hooves, and bound by rope horizontally from the elbow to the wrist. "No touchin', either, 'less Miss AJ has it in her to let ya." Finishing her task, she binds my legs just above the knees and at the ankles, so that by the end I'm shirtless, blinded, and thoroughly hog-tied. "Strugglin' ain't gonna get ya nowhere, kid," she warns, "but don't you worry. Ah know just the thing for a rowdy young man like you..." I feel teeth manipulate the zipper of my jeans, and my heart flutters with the closeness of her head, her mouth, to my maleness... And sure enough, she slips my pants down to my knees, though with my current situation they clearly won't be going any farther. My prick is visibly straining against the briefs I'm wearing. "So... this is what's got ya all excited." Something soft and warm brushes against my thigh, and I let out a soft moan of pleasure from the feeling. "Heheheh.. just from bein' touched, even? Well, now... If that's what works.." I feel the plushy tip of her hoof draw circles against the bulge in my crotch, and involuntarily I seize upwards, possessed with desire for the feel of her touch, but this only draws her away. "Well now, didn't Ah just say we do this my way? If yer so impatient to get rubbed..." she never finishes, instead moving up and flicking my left nipple, while her mouth falls onto my abdomen, slurping and licking just above my crotch for nearly half a minute, teasing me into a frenzy of shivering and moaning and pleading. The heat, wetness, softness of her tongue - I can feel her laughing into my skin as I writhe pitifully on the dirt floor, desperate for further stimulation, but she simply stays like that, tweaking my nipple and licking below my stomach, reaching down to massage the inside of my thighs, stimulating every part of me BUT the one that matters, and I'm helpless to stop her. Not that I would EVER want this to stop... Eventually I calm down, my moans subside, and her tongue and hooves no longer send me thrashing. This was apparently what she'd been waiting for. "Are you gonna behave now, little boy?" Rapid nods from underneath her hat in assent. "Good. Now, help Miss AJ get these offa you..." and she wriggles my underwear as far down my legs as they will go. "Golly, that's quite a member you've got there" - it's as hard as a rock by this point, so she's hardly exaggerating - "wonder how long you can last..." She slides a hoof up the inside of my thigh, before finally resting it on the side of my prick. With the other, she rubs around the crown, gathering my precum and smearing across me as far as it'll go - but, inadequate to lubricate the whole dick, I also hear her spit a gob of saliva into her hoof, and she then lathers me in it, excrutiatingly slowly, and my hips quiver as I bite my lip under the darkness of her hat. The squelching sounds of masturbation resound in my brain as she slides her hooves up and down in tandem, one for each side of my cock, sometimes dragging them at a snail's pace, other times pumping them quite rapidly. Precum gushes like a fountain, which aids her task, though she notably never allows me to come close. "Holdin' on there, bud?" Quick nods. "There's a good boy. Ya know no lady's gonna ever want you back if you're impatient with her, right?" That sentence followed by an especially languid slide down the underside of my prick, turning my useless legs into Jell-O. "That's why Ah'm trainin' ya. Nothin's worse to a girl than a man so selfish he doesn't consider her needs first..." She enthusiastically pumps my dick with her soft and by-now soaked hooves. "Not sayin' you don't get ta relieve yourself, but this practice is good for you!" Bad for my sanity. It's all I can do to not thrash and hump through her hooves in the hope of orgasm, but pleasing Applejack and following her rules are what's best for me... so I endure it, for minute after minute, as she expertly paces her strokes to never let me get even close. Eventually, I can deal with even this, and relax as best I can on the dirty floor. Her stroking stops. "Well, well, looks like you can handle the build-up. Tell ya what, give ya thirty seconds, and if you can hold yourself in... well, Ah'll let you help yourself.. to me." That got my heart racing again, and my dick is rock hard by the time she begins her finale in earnest. The farm pony's flat, fuzzy hooves race up and down the sides of my cock in tandem, rubbing it and pumping it like a madman, while I desperately, hoping beyond hope, stifle the fireworks pleading to go off in my brain and groin. Her sultry voice counts down inexorably - "Sixteen", "Fifteen", "Fourteen", - and I focus on the numbers as she gives the fastest hoofjob of my life, ignoring the burning desire fuelled by her heavenly hooves and instead concentrating on math. "Eight", "Seven", "Six", she really does speed up, and tears well down my face as I fear I will fail, I won't hold in time, and will lose the promise of truly - "Zero"! Sensation vanishes from my cock as it thuds with a pint of blood, but I maintain my composure. After my breathing settles and my erection subsides, the hat is stolen off my face as I behold my beloved captor - smiling, panting, and flushed with arousal the same way I am. Her half-lidded eyes descend down to me, and she plants her lips on my mouth, sending waves of a very different euphoria through me as I kiss my love for the very first time. Her lube-soaked hooves wrap around my head, as she drunkenly explores my mouth with her tongue, very warm, very wet, and tasting lightly of apples and hay. She lies atop me for what seems like an hour before breaking off to breathe, and shies away from my glance, evidently embarassed with her display of passion. "A-Ah, well there, that was unexpected..." She takes one look at the big, dopey grin on my face and beams a wide smile. "A promise is a promise, I guess..." she turns to reveal her very wet snatch below her swinging tail. "Y-you... you want a taste before we begin?" I practically shout my assent, and she chuckles. "Not my favorite... but you earned it, fair and square." She positions herself above my chest and lowers her dripping pussy towards my face. "C-come on... get Missus AJ nice and ready." Planting herself onto me, I eagerly suck at her folds, delighting in her lightly-sweet precum while I explore everything she has to offer. Brushing over a tiny little button near the top of her snatch brings a gasp, but I know our true satisfaction lies ahead... so I swallow as much of the apple pony's peachy pre-cum as I can, replacing it with saliva as she had done with me. I lay my head back, and she lifts herself up from my chest. She positions herself above me again, this time face to face, her golden locks falling lazily over my face. "Y-you ever done this before?" The look I give is answer enough. "Gosh... it's a privilege, then, bud!" She slams herself onto me without warning, taking me entirely, while I experience the fullness and luxury of her pussy over every inch of my cock. It's almost *too* much, but with what she'd just subjected me to, I can handle it. What I can't do it move all that much, so I leave my education to her, while she writhes and pulsates on my cock, bending it this way and that so I might feel every inch of her incredible sex, before she finally gets to the business of fucking me in earnest. She raises herself off me and falls back down, and the expression on her face is the adorable mien of a creature in absolute ecstasy. As her legs weaken and she can raise herself lower and lower, she reaches grabs my back and embraces me tight, burying her head into my neck and frantically slapping flesh against flesh. I do what I can to thrust my hips, but leave the heavy lifting to her; thrusting and grinding my cock into the deepest recessess of her womanhood, and after dozens of seconds of frantic, mindless lovemaking, she shrieks into my shoulder and I feel a flood of warmth gush onto my prick. I take my turn in earnest, slamming into her, hilting her, and peaking into her deepest recesses, flooding her womb with shot after shot of pent-up seed. After our mutual contractions subside, she falls over onto her side, and we cuddle there and kiss, her hooves roaming every inch of our bodies. "Applejack." "Yeah, bud?" "Your mane is dirty."