Why ==== There are few things in the world as beautiful as a rainbow, and you're lucky enough to be watching one up close. She says she has a new trick, but right now she seems to just be showing off. Darting between the clouds, her trail lingering in the air for several seconds before fading out, you watch as she pulls twists and turns that you're sure should be impossible. She's an amazing pony, and you're enjoying every minute of watching her - it's like an air show from back home, but far more attractive. As your eyes follow her across the sky, you can't help but marvel at her body, and especially her wings. Slicing through the air as if it wasn't there at all, you watch her tail ripple as she turns harder than you can imagine, and her wings go from a hard, flat surface as she glides, to coils just waiting to erupt once again, pushing her ever faster through the air. She might not be trying for a sonic rainboom, but you have no doubt she could do it. What she is trying to do is a new trick, she hasn't even named it yet, but she does have a basic outline scribbled down on paper which she handed to you before she began. You see lots of arrows, and different coloured crayon, but can't make head nor tail of it. As you study it, you hear her call down to you - she's about to begin, and she wants to make sure she has your full attention. You have no trouble giving it to her, as you watch her rise into the sky, arms outstretched as she beats her wings, getting higher and higher. You assume the green circle is the starting point, and follow the arrow upwards for a few inches, trying to predict her next move. The next arrow is down - right down. Pulling up slightly below the ground. That surely can't be right, but you have faith in Dash's abilities - that girl could fly her way through the head of a needle, as far as you're concerned. Sure enough, as she reaches the peak of her climb, she turns back, wrapping her wings inwards to reduce air resistance, closes her eyes, and drops. All the way to the ground. A few feet from the ground, she opens her eyes, and her wings. She's too close. She knows she's too close. She can still pull this off, you assure yourself, as the almost makes a 90 degree turn, but instead smashes into the ground, bouncing and flipping a few times before lying there still. Too still. Really too still. You rush over to her - there's no blood, but you're pretty sure her wing isn't meant to bend like that. She's also not saying anything, though she is still breathing. You carefully pick her up in your arms, making sure not to move her too much, and rush to the nurse. When you arrive, Redheart looks irritated for a fraction of a second upon seeing who it is, but quickly drops back to her usual serious self, and has you carefully put her onto a hospital bed. And then wait outside. It's protocol, apparently, and she won't start work with you there. Absurd. The wait seems like hours, though in reality it's closer to minutes, and you're told to come back in not by a white pony, but a blue one - Dash is already awake. Redheart says there's no lasting damage, but she'll have to keep her wings unstrained for a couple of days, at least. As per usual, she says that it's okay, she'll just sleep on your sofa. You didn't offer, but you're not going to look like a jerk by turning down an injured pegasus who can't reach her own home. She's a bit shaky still, but she can walk - she is GOING to walk. She refuses to be carried, and it took the both of you to convince her to not fly. As it's getting late, and she needs her rest, you escort her to your home, and start rooting around looking for some spare sheets. You don't have any, but you suppose she can have your duvet for the night - you'll just stay in your clothes. That's fine too. As you bring your neatly folded duvet through, you see her trying to flex her wings, and wincing as something goes wrong somewhere in them. She sighs, and slowly folds them back to her side. You sit down next to her and wiggle your fingers - you may not have a special talent, but your hands have let you become the best masseuse in ponyville, and your job at the spa keeps you in rent and food, if nothing else. She gets the idea and mumbles "thanks" while trying to stretch out a wing. It doesn't get very far before she has to stop - making a crude Z shape on each side. You tell her to face away from you, and lightly grab her right wing with one hand, while you start to smooth out the feathers with another - while a misaligned feather doesn't pose any danger to her, other pegasi have told you they hurt like a bitch and take forever to realign alone, almost always requiring help from others. As you work your way along the crippled wing, fixing the gaps in her otherwise constant, smooth pattern, you feel the tension in her wing begin to relax as she gets used to somebody touching her most precious positions, and lightly sighs as the dozens of minor pains begin to fade away. Reaching the tip of her wing, you stroke your hand along its now smooth, silky surface as you shift your position to favour the other wing. Brushing your hand over her back as you move across, you hear a minor squeak of protest before she whips her tail up into your face, and she tells you to keep your eyes on the wings. Yes ma'am. You get to work on her left wing - giving it the same treatment as the other, not dealing with the structural or muscular damage, but laying the foundations for what you're going to do next. As she's more relaxed now, it takes much less time, letting you run your fingers down her feathers without protest, her breathing becoming noticeably heavier as you tickle across the damaged plumage, fixing it from base to tip with skilled fingers. Then you can get on to the real work - the crash bruised the muscles and highly likely cracked the bone, though due to the somewhat more magical nature of the ponies, those injuries are considered "minor" and not worthy of medical attention. They'll be healed in a few days, or faster if the area is stimulated - which is exactly what you plan to do. Grabbing the area just above the first bend, you begin to massage the inflamed area and, with your other hand, slowly pull the bend out. Dash gasps in pain as her aching muscles complain at the intrusion, but it quickly passes - the massage loosening the damage and letting her body do the real healing work. She sighs in relief as you release the wing, one of the bends now straight, and holds it out for you to start on the other. This one is near the tip, in one of the areas designed to bend freely - you've watched it as she turns in the air, one wing catching the air, and the other letting it flow around, almost letting her pivot around a point. You lightly grasp the bottom of it, and begin to rub up and down, ignoring her gasps as you vary the strength of your grip, and not listening to her light moaning as you slowly bend the wing back into its natural position, somewhere she should be able to leave it to heal comfortably. You release it, and tell her to try moving it. She gives it a test flap, and doesn't wince at all - though she still shoudln't fly on it, she seems happy enough. She looks at you with thankful eyes, and you notice a slight blush on her cheeks - you know it's a very intimate procedure, it's why it earns you so many bits - but you always assumed Dash wasn't into people of your... gender. Or species, frankly. You suppose it's just physical stimulation, so you tell her you're almost done, just the other wing to go, now. This wing is bent almost exactly like the other, except the first break is much less serious, and the subwing is even further away from its natural position. The first almost fixes itself, her wings are so sensitive, it only takes a few minutes of rubbing - this time she fails to stifle a moan - before it can be pushed back into place, eliciting a gasp, though you're not sure whether it's of pain, or pleasure, this time. Telling her to hold her wing straight, you grab the next bend in both hands, and start rubbing it with both, alternating between the two. A moment later, her other wing springs out, complete with the expected gasp of pain - it's not quite ready to move so fast, but it's not really something she has any control over. As you continue to rub up and down, the wing beginning to quiver beneath your hand, she buries her head in the nearby pillow to quiet the noises. This break is worse than you'd assumed, and so you realise it'll need a stronger approach to fix. Normally, pegasi would use their mouths for this - not just because they don't have hands, but also because the saliva lubricates the wing. The thought of what you're about to do elicits a rather potent reaction in your pants - something you hope she doesn't notice, as you're sure she wouldn't appreciate it - as you tilt your head round to the tip of her wing, and stick out your tongue. Running it down the warm, fuzzy surface, you hear her moans even despite her attempts to stifle it. A few more licks, and she pulls her wing back away from you, and raises her head. Taking a moment to catch her breath, she looks at you, fire in her eyes, and demands that you continue. For as long as it takes. And then the wing is back in your face, more insistent this time - you're not convinced this break CAN be fixed like this, it may simply need more time. It's a bad break, and for anypony else you'd turn them away and tell them to just wait it out and let their natural magic run its course. Dash, however, insisted, and you're not willing to risk turning her down. So you get back to work, running the tip of your tongue along her entire wing this time, close to giving up the pretense of a massage as the pressure in your underwear makes it difficult to concentrate on the could, medical reasons behind what you're doing. Running your hands along the break, your saliva lubricating the run, you notice her tail begin to flick, and both wings begin to wobble. Getting a litle more adventurous, you lie forward, resting your chest against Dash's back running your hands around each feather in her wing, the each bringing forth a new quiver - not just from the wing, but from Dash herself, too. Pulling your head down to the base of her wing, you give it a testing nibble - neither of you are pretending to massage any more - and take the groan of approval as a positive sign, as you run your teeth along the top of her wing, bringing forth a quiet, constant moan from the bottom of Dash's throat, getting quieter and quieter until she gives in and throws up her head, the true volume becoming apparent as her wings stretch to their limits - the break in her right wing snapping into its correct place moments before all the stiffness in her wings vanishes as they drop to her sides, as her moans die away, her forelegs give in, and she falls to the ground - taking you with her. You toll on to your side, being careful to only push down on her wing, not push it out of shape, and look her in the eye as she whispers "Thank you" as her exhausted body finally gives in and forces her to sleep. You sigh, your own desires remaining, as you carefully pick her up and carry you to your bed - you do, after all, only have the one duvet, and you're sure she won't mind sharing, not now. Who knows, even given your massage, it'll take a day or so before she can fly at full strength.