>It's been a week since you met Echo.
>Today you have a day off.
>You never really do anything on your days off any ways.
>Every time you have to go to work you wish it was a day off.
>Every time you have a day off you wish you had to go to work.
>Perhaps you should get a hobby.
>Nah fuck that.
>Just as you're about to read some more equestrian news, there's a knock on the door.
>You grudgingly get up and check who's there.
>Opening the door, you peak out and see no one.
>You walk out into the hallway and trip over a small package.
>Taking a glance down both directions in the hallway, you sigh and pick up the package.
>It's crudely wrapped but still has a label.
>To: Anon
>From: Echo
>She got me a gift?
>It's written in fucking comic sans too, the bitch.
>You bring it in and quickly open it.
>By reflex, you drop it on your laminate flooring.
>What the fuck. It's a dead cat.
>You storm out towards Echo's room.
>What is she playing at? Is it some sort of cruel joke?
>*Knock Knock*
"Echo! Are you there?"
>You continue knocking for another 30 seconds.
>Accepting defeat, you trudge back to your room.
>Goddamn this is annoying.
>The dead cat doesn't stink yet luckily.
>Guess freezing it will be better. Until you can ask Echo her reasons for giving you a dead cat.
>You wrap up the poor animal and throw it in your freezer.
>Satisfied, you lay down on your bed and try to have a short nap.

>You wake up feeling exhausted.
>Something feels cool on your lap.
>You look down and your jaw drops.
>You burst out of your bed and the frozen deceased cat falls down on the floor with a clunk.
>Fuck this, fuck that.
>"Oh you're awa-"
>You look to your left and sure enough, Echo is standing there with a half frightened, half surprised look on her face.
>"You... you threw it on the ground?"
"Echo what the hell! Why did you give me a dead cat? And how come you're in my room?"
>She suddenly starts to tear up.
>"You don't like it?"
"It's a dead cat you crazy bitch!"
>She stares at you with watery eyes.
>You are conflicted.
>She's either still trying to play some joke on you or she is incredibly retarded.
>You settle for the latter theory.
"People.. uh ponies.. They don't exactly give dead animals as gifts. Usually they're you know, alive. And uhh. Not wrapped."
>"So you don't like it?"
"No one would."
>She sits down on her haunches.
>Why do you feel guilty?
"I guess it's just a difference between species or something. Do you bat ponies give similar gifts to each other?"
>She looks at you eagerly, the tears vanished.
>"Well I used to bring home catches to my parents a lot. My dad would give me a hug and a couple bits each time!"
>Dawwwww' wait no, ew.
"That's uhh, cool."
>You force a shit eating smile.
"So which do you want?"
>You try to force a more natural smile
"Hug or two bits?"
>She looks away from you for a second and giggles.
>"I g-guess the first one."
>You walk over to her and kneel down.
>She looks at you in brief wonder.
>You hug her with a firm grip.
>Dat coat man

>Letting go after a few seconds you get up and walk over to the dead cat.
"I'm just gonna freeze this again. That okay?"
>She's not even paying attention.
>Quickly wrapping it up again and shoving it back into the freezer, you see lot's of things around your abode moved around.
>Your couch cushions are all on the floor. Your closet is open and clothes unhanged.
"Echo? How did you find the cat?"
>After a few seconds she calls back with similar eagerness as before.
>"I was out last night, doing buisiness and I spotted a nice looki- I mean like, very nice looking, tender in all the right places nice looking cat in an alley way."
>As you're about to interrupt her, she continues in a louder tone.
>"I did a couple sneaky hop skips toward it. Then, an expert pounce. My teeth sank right into its soft little neck like jello!"
>Conflicted once again, you decide to ignore her story and ask once what you wanted to know.
"I mean, how did you find the cat in my freezer? After you gave me it."
>"Oh!" she calls back, disappointed.
>"I looked around your place for a little bit. Hope you don't mind."
"Uh huh. And how did you get into my place?"
>"You left your door unlocked!"
>Goddamn it anon.
>You could scold her for messing up your apartment, but decide that it wouldn't be worth it.
>This pony seems more trouble than she's worth. A bit gross too.
>Then again, some trouble could be welcoming to your rather boring life.
"I'm going to make some lunch. Want something in particular?"
>"Do you have any meat?"
>Your stomach churns
"Unfortunately no. I really wish I did."
>"You have some in your freezer!"
>What the hell, no you don-
>Oh that's what she means
"I don't eat cats."
>"Then can I have it back?"
>Goddamn it Echo.
"Yeah sure, take it when you leave if you want."
>You decide to take the easy way out and make toast.
>Who knows what she's been doing in your bedroom the whole time.

>Returning to your bedroom, you see her sitting on your bed, pressing buttons on your old music player.
>You had your mp3 device on you when you got transported into Equestria.
>Unfortunately, you had no way to charge it again.
>Like the idiot you are, you drained out the battery listening to pretentious hipster garbage in the first week.
>You should have found a way to transfer those files to somewhere, somehow, then release them to Equestria.
>Loads emone.gif
>"Hey anon what's this?"
>She looks like a curious child.
"A device back from my world. Or dimension or whatever. Plays music through headphones."
>She looks astonished, but then furrows her brow.
>"How come it won't work for me?"
"It's dead."
>"It was alive?"
>You chuckle for a moment at her cluelessness.
"No. By dead I mean that it used to be charged by plugging it into a USB port in a computer."
"Since there are no computers or USB ports in Equestria, and I don't even have my cable for charging it, the battery is drained."
>She looks at you, taking in the information.
>"But why won't it work for me?"
"It doesn't work anymore, it's broken. And there's no way to fix it."
>Saddened by the news, she puts the device back in my drawer.
>Diverting the subject might be a good idea.
"Say Echo, what is your cutie mark?"
>She brightens up instantly
>"OH I never told YOU? It's something that regular, boring ponies can't ever do."
>She stops talking and stares off at nothing.
"Go on.."
>"Oh right. It's echolocation."
>Sounds familiar.
"Refresh my memory on that."
>"It's how I found the way I should be going. We bat ponies have mediocre sight. When flying we need to use echolocation to find our way around."
>Oh right. The thing that you learned back in middle school for no reason.
"So why is it your cutie mark then? Do all bat ponies have the same cutie mark?"
>She smiles with teeth, exposing her two fangs briefly.
>"I'm pretty good at it I guess. Keke."
>You smile back.

>How rare are these bat ponies any ways?
>Her parents must both be bat ponies. Unless there was some pretty freaky fetish stuff going on in some pony's hormones.
>"Now show me your cutie mark!"
>Your freeze for a second. Then start giggling like a school girl.
"Humans don't have them. Sorry."
>She looks you in the eye with suspicion.
>"Are you lying to me?"
"I assure you, humans do not get cutie marks."
>She continues to eye you down.
>"You're lying. It's okay if it's embarrassing like playing with dolls or something. I won't judge."
>She's not letting this go.
"Echo. I do not have a cutie mark. Humans, like many other intelligent beings in Equestria do not get cutie marks."
>"Show me your flank."
>I guess I have no other choice.
"Ugh, alright fine."
>You get up and pull down the zipper on your jeans.
>She's staring at your waist with great interest. Perhaps too great of interest.
>You pull down the right side of your jeans and your underwear.
"See, nothing there."
>"Lower." she commands.
"Echo, there's nothing there."
>"Low. Er."
>You look at her
>She may not even be interested in the cutie mark at all.
>You continue to pull down the right side of your pants. You stop at about half way down your thigh.
>She stares very intently.
>That's probably enough.
"See there's nothing there. Blank skin. I'm right you're wrong.
>You pull your pants back up.
>You've never seen her more defeated.
>"I.. anon. Can I.."
"Can you what?"
>She blushes hard
>"Nevermind sorry."
"You ever read?"
>She frowns and sighs deeply.
>"Not really. My mom used to read silly stories to me sometimes."
"Want to read some awful adventure book I bought for 2 bits at the library together?"
"Yeah like I either read out loud or we just read the book at the same time."
>Her frown turns to a small smile.

>A couple hours pass.
>Holy shit this book is awful. Is this what qualifies as Equestria literature? It sounds like a children's story.
"Sunbeam took the crystal icon from Panka Poe and declared Equestria safe from diabetes. FOREVER! the end."
>Sure hope that wasn't the average book here. Was only 100 pages.
>You look over at Echo.
>Oh, shes asleep. How wonderfully cliche.
>She's laying against your side with one hoof over your chest, another over your upper thigh.
>You feel her mane brushing against your neck. A lot coarser than you imagined.
>Her ears are twitching around, wings tucked in.
>You briefly wonder what her wings feel like. Skeletal? Fleshy skin? Rough like Sandpaper?
>Extending your arm, you lightly tap her wings.
>Compared to her fur it's completely different. Very bony and leathery.
>For some reason she's never carried much of a smell like other ponies do.
>Deciding to be a creep, you smell her mane.
>Only a faint dusty musk flows through your nostrils.
>Most of the ponies at work smell awful. Garbage, sweat, and gasoline all come to mind.
>Maybe females are different? You never really have been around many of them.
>No, one had an extravagant scent of strawberry cheesecake.
>Another had so much perfume you could hardly breathe.
>Why have you seen so few female ponies?
>Apparently there's more female ponies than male ones. But you haven't noticed so.
>Maybe there's more males here because it's a worse part of town.
>You've been feeling a lot more lonely in Equestria than back home.
>It's surprising how little interest ponies have in you. Being such a rare species you'd think ponies would be curious in you at the very least.
>One pony does seem curious though.
>Then again, the pony beside you is no ordinary pony.

>Your mind traces back to your thoughts about her species.
>Do I have to worry about her trying to suck my blood?
>No, she would have control over that.
>It appears she simply takes the blood from the creatures she hunts.
>You hope that's what she does.
>But does that satisfy her enough?
>Does she prey on random ponies at night like a villain?
>The thought is unimaginable to you. But your conscious knows it's plausible.
>What do other pony species think of bat ponies?
>You haven't asked anypony at work. But then again, they would be unlikely to give logical answers.
>Echo stirs slightly, breaking you from your train of thought.
>She looks peaceful. Content. Happy even.
>It's obvious she trusts you.
>Back home it wasn't a good idea to trust someone within a week.
>You don't entirely trust her yet.
>Quietly she's murmuring in her sleep.
>You've never really found ponies very attractive.
>But laying next to Echo here, up close and all, you realize she's cute at the very least.
>You've gotten used to the gargantuan eyes and cartoony colouring by now.
>Pony's bodies are kind of weird too. But Echo's looks actually rather.. nice.
>No tits of course, that's a downer.
>Eh, what you gonna do.
>One word you whisper out for no real reason.
>Probably shouldn't fall asleep with her here.
>She may mess around with your stuff again.
>Whatever. Disturbing her sleep would be cruel.
>You drift off to sleep quickly, thinking about Panka Poe's candy emporium.