
Bellepheron, Crystal Pony: 600 Armor, 200HP

(Dislike: Females, Homosexual Masochist, Passive-Aggressive, Polite, Singer)

Appearance: a somewhat androgynous Crystal pony stallion, covered in small tungsten basilisk scales. Portions of his armor could be detonated, sending out small clouds of lethal shrapnel. Formerly a famed singer, he discovered that his performances were more enticing when the 'audience' was trapped, unable to escape from his symphonies of discordant, anarchic tones. An avowed stallion-lover, Bellepheron's distaste and eventual hatred of mares began during a performance where a duet of his ended with him being dumbstruck by the mare's wonderful solo. He left, never finishing his own. While travelling away from the Empire, he became enamored of strong stallions, entrancing them into dominating him for days on end, doing as they wished and pleased. Afterwards, he would leave a kind note and flowers. It is unknown as to how, when, or why, he became an assassin for hire.

Status: executed by Clemency with aid from Lont and Dante, in Stalliongrad's Upper Residential District.

Abilities: Reverb+4, Entrancing Gaze+6, Auto-Cover Shield+10/20, Basic Mezzo Fortissimo+6 (Tremor), Grandmaster Crystal Runes+10/+14: Cover Shield, Sleepy Lullaby, ?????

Bigmaw, Minotaur Gunner: 600HP, 5DR

(Brutish, Minotaur, Night Vision, Veteran: Melee Combat)

Appearance: a 10 foot tall, 700 pound Minotaur Elder in the early prime of his life. Heavily armored and muscled, is a well known combat hardened veteran. A mercenary who doesn't care what he kills or how. Recently accepted a contract to test out an advanced (to Equestrian technology, that is) prototype weapon built off re-engineered schematics from a captured Operator weapon, and refined for his muscle bulk and stature. Considered to be one of the best in the open mercenary business due to his savage, unrelenting nature. Brutish, coarse, professional, and unafraid of danger, Bigmaw is quite the threat, though seems to have some sympathy for those he is hired to oppose.

Ganet Crox: A heavy, powerful, somewhat crude 25MM spike-cannon weapon, built in secret by rival black marketeers of Las Pegasus in Stalliongrad's industrial district. While this prototype weapon just barely functions, it is still tremendously powerful, owing to a charge of an unknown, condensed energy-mass flux, capable of launching a 25MM spike at roughly 1,000FPS, easily capable of puncturing even heavy Royal Guard armor with ease. A large bayonet and axe under the massive barrel, combined with his strength, give Bigmaw the ability to crush those stupid enough to think they can withstand his strength at close range.

Status: brought down by Hollow, Kraut, Jeff, Thrill, Dante, and Roust after an intense battle. Killed by Roust using the Ganet Crox. The weapon was then eaten over the course of three days by the Changeling, partly to repair her armor.

Weapon Abilities: 1d6+20 <Spike. Master Melee+6 when equipped

Abilities: Basic Perception+2 (Thermal Enchantment), Expert Earth Smash+2 (Frontal Area Stun), Expert Intimidate+5, Master Melee+4
FEARLESS - Cannot be Intimidated normally (Can be effected by Thrill)

Kroza, Unicorn: 100HP, 1DR

(Aggressive, Intellectual, Masochist, Natural Caster, Quick)

Appearance: a young, midnight black unicorn stallion with a bright yellow mane. Always smiling, even during combat. It unnerves those whom see it, as he is a Deathseeker. Very quick and annoying to deal with. Often shields himself, after launching two or more attacks in sequence. Severe masochist, enjoys being tortured to the point of collapse. Pain is literal pleasure. Was paid by an unknown female party to 'kill someone whom killed them', afterwards assuring them that the target was definitely on the train. The Operators have no idea what to make of this, as the only persons that could possibly have matched such a description were either sleeping, not in combat, or dead. None of the Operators, nor the ponies aboard, nor former comrades, were the answer. A trail of blood suggesting the unicorn had simply loosened the zip ties and left, falling off the train from the door closest to the flatbed, was found. Nothing more is known.

Cutie Mark: a set of 3 rings, middle being a rainbow colored ring that fluxuates, outside ring black, inside white

Status: executed by Jeff and thrown off the Razorback train on the way to Crystal Waypoint Station.

Abilities: Tracking Poison Skull Lance+4, Basic Shield+2, Expert Intimidate, Expert Negotiation, Expert Casting+2, Expert Teleport+2, Expert Mana Bomb+2

Marrowgrin, Minotaur Slaver: 500HP, 2DR

(Cunning, Efficient, Polite, Slaver, Veteran: Combat)

Appearance: an 11 foot tall, shaggy brown furred minotaur with black hooves and a bronze nose ring in his snout. Relied on his innate physical strength, and an extremely powerful regeneration enchantment to see him through open conflict. A soft spoken, for minotaurs, slaver, working for Horizon. Bought Sweet as a slave at an unknown date, and used her as his personal problem solver, handling her for contracts and assassinations. After Sweet's first 10 Enchains, forced her to continue with a minimum of 15 more, though it isn't known if 25 is where the Enchains stopped. Filed her teeth down and sharpened them, ensuring that the Juggernaut would starve to death without him. Responsible for her mental degeneration, though the short, medium, and long-term effects aren't clear. While an avowed slaver, he allowed Sweet to go with the Operators, possibly from the resulting guilt and shame of traumatizing a peaceful, young pegasus beyond all rational limits.

Status: brought down by Thrill, Hollow, Jeff, and Kraut, with Roust taking the brunt of his fury. EXECUTED by Jeff in Stalliongrad's newer Industrial Square.

Abilities: Block+10, Regenerate+30, Basic Demoralize+3, Basic Earth Smash+5, Expert Negotiation+2, Master Melee+15

Tomb Bringer: a 5' tall, round headed steel mace with an extraordinarily malicious semi-sentient, capable of causing a painful armor-bypassing effect, as well as creating an immense stone fist to crush enemies with. May use a 1d6+10 <Agony Strike every turn, or a 1d6+100 <Ruiner's Fist blow, once per day.

Sivret, Warlord: 1,500HP, 10DR (Fragile)

(Cannibal, Charmer, Cunning, Dishonorable, Elite: Combat, Runebound, Natural Speaker)

Appearance: a dusky silver gryphon, former warlord of Gryphon Vale. An increasingly tyrannical gryphon, he had begun demanding higher donations to feed a relentless craving for pony and gryphon flesh, eventually giving into the madness and ordering executions of hunters and warriors that could not pay his exorbitant tolls. Had his body Runebound several times to provide a cheap, easy way of increasing his resilience against physical harm instead of Enchaining, as well as giving him the ability to see some of the world's Airstreams, a complete opposite from his mate, Sha'Ro's ideals.

Status: executed by Spiral, along with the aid of Pikeman, Clemency, Cu'Nir, and Swe.

Abilities: Basic Raptor's Eye+10, Master Melee+15, Master Evasion+20

Unique Ability: Master Permafrost Enrage:+25, utilizes the Permafrost Hooks, causing lethal ice damage in a blinding cone of white to all enemies in melee range.

Unique Item:
Permafrost Hooks - a pair of lightened tungsten hooked blades, inscribed with gryphon runes of permafrost and cold. Added 2x 1d6+20 <Permafrost attacks when used.

Sha'Ro, Gryphon Enforcer: 1,000HP, 20DR

(Cannibal, Cunning, Elite: Combat, Ruthless, Sadist)

Appearance: a flat white gryphon huntress, Enchained 20 times to strengthen her body, muscles, and increase her flight speed. A cannibalistic gryphon, fearful of little except losing her wings.

Status: executed by Natalia and Cu'Nir in Warlord Sivret's private arena.

Abilities: Taunt+8, Basic Raptor's Eye+10, Basic Furious Strikes+15, Expert Evasion+10, Master Bluesteel Wings+25

Sharonel the Lancer, General: 250HP, 2DR

(Ancient: Armor, Elite: Combat, Ferocious, Honorable, Purposeful, Quick)

Appearance: a long dead, white maned, tan coated Royal Guard. Numerous scars cover her entire body, most noticeably a large wound in her front chest, tan hooves cracked. Formerly a General of Celestia's elite Royal Guardians, and the commander of the Solar Guardian's, Celestia's elite of the Guard. A masterful earth pony. Can be considered a Naghtmare, although the age of her body limits her capabilities and once vastly formidable strength. Since she is unable to regenerate, she cannot withstand as much harm as an earth pony. Her armor was so aged that it does not protect her much. Lived for a total of 1,083 years. Incredibly swift, powerfully precise lance attacks. Brutal and unforgiving in combat. Honorable to a fault, can be enraged by mentioning Celestia wrongfully. Carries the stigma of her long-dead warrior-children being barely controlled spectres. Called Hwyn`Fer, or Our Mother, for her matronly attitude to all her warriors. Guided her army of 5,000 ponies into destroying a force of 25,000 conscripts under Nightmare Moon's war against Celestia, then the Solar Tyrant. In the ensuing counter-attack, all her warriors were slaughtered by Nightmare Moon. Was a great companion of Chrysalis when she was Princess. Now-Queen Chrysalis bet that she would be freed without violence. Ordered to remain at Old Canterlot, Sharonel despaired slowly over the course of a millenia without dying, her will unable to both counter Tyrant Celestia's command, and to allow the spectres of her army to roam about murderously.

Cutie Mark: three lances facing upwards, one white, one black, one red - largest

Status: deceased. Filth convinced her to leave this world peacefully, in turn giving him a token of her appreciation for his understanding.

Unique Items: ALL LOST!
Magnus, the First Marquis - Enchanted silver lance, burning skull effigy, +2 1d6+2 - CAN BE DESTROYED
Armored silver saddle - +1 DR - CAN BE DESTROYED
Ancient Royal Guard armor, ornate - +1 DR - CAN BE DESTROYED

Abilities: Basic Intimidate+2, Expert Melee+2 (can split between 4 targets)

Unique Ability: STORM VOLLEY: 6x 1d6+3 Lance strikes on up to 3 targets every 4th round when ENRAGED

Final Wish: have her name carved in the center of the Grand Foyer, alleviating her spectral kin and allowing her to join them. -unfulfilled