After getting back from dealing with the bandits the girls settled back down at the bar. Their clearing of the roads had given them a bit of notoriety and a couple days later there were more requests being put in at the Tavern. “My this sure is a lot of requests, I almost wish there were more patrons of this establishment so we didn’t feel so obligated to take them.” Rarity said. “Well most jobs don’t need six people.” Miss Cake said “Maybe you should split up, might do good for a newly formed party like yourselves to have a little more personal one on one bonding.” “That’s not a bad idea.” Barb said “And doing more quests means more money and more notoriety.” “Money!” Rarity smiled “With enough of that I’ll be irresistible to high class men!” “Notoriety?!” Twilight gasped “With enough of that I’ll be sure to get called back to the palace by the princess!” The group agreed and split themselves into three groups of two. Twilight and Pinkie would work together on one job, Dash and Shy would take the other and lastly Rarity and AJ took the last. “Seems like we’re gonna be escorting some fancy noble guy to Ponyville.” Applejack said. Canterlot was the capital city of the nation of light but Ponyville was another of its larger locations, it had the big city feel but was more low scale. “Think this is the place.” Applejack said as they arrived at a small estate “We’re supposed to meet our client uh…Tenderhoof?” “Seems like he’s a recently appointed noble” Rarity hummed as they waited at the door “Should be nice to learn about him.” The door opened and the two were greeted by a rather handsome thin wood elf. Unlike High Elves that were considered formal and sophisticated, or Dark Elves who had an air of mysteriousness around them, Wood Elves were more relaxed, while they had they beauty of High Elves they were more grounded and down to earth, familiar with trees and woodlands. “Well hello sir.” Rarity put on her best smile “We’re your escorts, I’m Rarity and this large brute is Applejack.” “What was that?” AJ growled a bit. “Oh, thank you.” The man said “Well I wasn’t expecting sure a beautiful lady to be protecting me.” “Oh, I don’t mind at all, it’s nice to be appreciated.” Rarity said “Anything that can help show how committed to others the Crystal Conclave are.” “Hmm, oh yeah.” He nodded paying her little mind “my servants already packed the wagon so we just need to hit the road. I’ll get the last of my things.” “Hmph.” Rarity pouted a bit “He barely noticed me.” “What was that about calling me a brute?” Applejack huffed. “Well it’s not as if you’re the most elegant.” Rarity said “I’m sure a fine noble like Tenderhoof views you as nothing more than a mass of muscle to scare off monsters.” “You sure know how to test someone’s patience.” AJ growled “If you think all that matters is social status or upbringing, I don’t know what to tell you, just looking or acting like a noble ain’t gonna get you nowhere in life.” “We’ll just have to see about that.” Rarity said “Come we should get to the wage we don’t want to keep the client waiting.” ------ The first day of the journey wasn’t to much of a struggle but Rarity was still frustrated, no matter how much she tried to flirt with Tenderhoof he paid her little mind, he seemed more focused on watching AJ, sketching her in an art book or thanking her for scaring off animals. “It must have been nice growing up in such an important family.” Rarity said “having the rich elven heritage around you all that time.” “Yeah it was fine no complaints.” He was still mostly ignoring her as he watched AJ moving some supplies around their makeshift camp “Applejack thank you so much for doing all that lifting.” “Oh, it’s no problem.” She smiled “Anything to help out.” “It’s so nice watching you work.” He said “but all that work must be tiring, if you ever need a break or want to relax please just say so I’d hate to see you over work yourself.” “How kind of ya.” She smiled a bit “Well…” (Seduction AKA Charisma Check DC 15 on AJ- Rolled 8 + CHA Modifier (2) = 10. FAIL) “Well you know my back’s feeling mighty sore.” She took a seat and smirked a bit “Shoulders too.” “Oh, allow me.” Tenderhoof stood behind her and rubbed her shoulders a bit. “Hmm, yeah that’s the spot hun.” AJ moaned a bit. The half-orc groaned a little as she let her body get rubbed down slowly, the soft hands of the wood elf pressing on her shoulders and upper back, the tattered cloth like top she wore slipping a bit. “Oops.” She let out a girlish giggle before standing up “Well there’s a stream near here so why don’ I go see if I can catch some grub.” Tenderhoof decided to go to his tent while AJ was fishing and Rarity tended to their other supplies. “I don’t get why he seems so interested in her and not me.” She pouted a bit “huh?” Hearing some noises, she followed it back towards Tender’s tent. “She wouldn’t…” Rarity hissed a bit seeing the shadows grinding together in the tent “ugh that savage slut! I’ll show her.” Rarity stormed off while inside the tent Applejack was on her back moaning as Tenderhoof fucked her. She knew it was bad practice to sleep with clients but he was kinda cute, and she was kinda horny. “Hmm that’s the spot.” She moaned as he held her hips and thrust into her, breasts wobbling on her chest “More of that, you know how I like it.” “Of course.” He said holding her tight waist and leaning down to kiss her breasts and abs as he did so “Your body is so impeccable, really.” “I see you like strong girls.” AJ squeezed him to make sure he was getting in deeper “You’ve got good tastes.” She moaned a bit more feeling him grinding deeper into her, body shuddering as she resisted her own need to climax, feeling his cock twitching and shifting inside her warmth. “OHH!!!” She let out a powerful orcish groan as she felt him cumming inside her, body shivering with pleased desires. ----- “So, done with your little rendezvous?” Rarity asked Applejack with a rather peeved look on her face. “Huh?” Applejack shrugged. “What’s your problem, we’re supposed to be working together and you’re off seducing the client.” Rarity said “Is that how you orcs operate, just brutishly taking what you want?” “You outta watch how you speak.” Applejack growled a bit “Just because you think all nobles have to like fancy ladies like you don’t make it true. Tenderhoof wanted a lady with a bit more heft to her ain’t my fault you can’t cut loose.” “So, you think this is about cutting loose huh?” Rarity laughed a bit “I know more than well about cutting loose.” “Oh really?” “Yes, I’ll show you.” Rarity adjusted her robes a bit. “This outta be rich.” Applejack just laughed and walked off. Rarity meanwhile walked all the way to Tenderhoof’s tent, she’d show Applejack that she could be spontaneous and cut loose to. She opened the tent and found him reading. “I was just seeing if you needed anything before bed.” She smiled “Are you comfortable I know someone like you probably isn’t used to sleeping in tents like this.” “I’m fine actually, kinda reminds me of home.” He said “We used to sleep under the stars there.” “I see.” Rarity grumbled at her fumbling of speaking with him again “Well it’s a bit chilly tonight so if you need to be kept warm, I can help with that.” (Seduction Check DC 15 on Tenderhoof- Rolled 17 + CHA Modifier (1) = 18. PASS) “Do you mean with your magic?” he asked. “No silly.” She slowly exposed her breasts “I mean with my body heat.” Rarity slid next to him, rubbing her soft curves on his body, smirking as he started feeling her back. “Well I could use a little company.” He said reaching around to rub her ass a bit. “Fufufu.” Rarity smirked “I knew you had good tastes.” “I hope I didn’t offend you earlier.” He said “I so often get approached by our kind about things like that and so rarely see a woman of Applejack’s build that it’s hard to pass up.” “I see, so you are a tad more partial to her?” Rarity pouted as he rubbed her breasts with his soft hands. “No, it’s not quite that.” He said “When you get to eat steak all the time it gets old and sometimes you want something else, but that doesn’t mean I don’t know a good roast when I see one.” “HMM!” Rarity moaned as he slapped her ass a bit “Oh milord how naughty.” His hands ran over her body, skin far smoother and well cared for than the weathered feel AJ’s had. Once he’d had a good feeling up of Rarity Tenderhoof had her face away as he lined his sizable penis up between her soft cheeks, pressing them around his rod as he started rocking his hips forward and hotdogging her. “Oh, that feels good.” Rarity moaned feeling the smooth sliding sensation on her butt, the slight pants of her lover making her giggle. In his excitement the man’s penis would occasionally slip out while between her buns and he’d have to readjust, but before doing so he’d slap it against her ass a little, turning Rarity on more. Once Tenderhoof was good and rock hard again Rarity took over, this time she moved him onto his back and straddled him. “You like it a little exciting right, a little rougher?” she smirked sliding down on his cock “Ohh yes…HMM!” Slowly she started bouncing her body up and down, breasts loudly thumping, ass clapping against his legs as she did so. “Oh yes!” she moaned moving faster and faster “Don’t stop!” The two both groaned and moaned, Rarity feeling her insides squeezing on the cock as she fucked it, moaning louder and louder. “God yes…OHHH!” she moaned throwing her head back, hair swishing around “AAHHH!” She shivered feeling her body squeeze down on him as she did so, orgasm running through her. She laid her head down and groaned a bit. ----- “Well the jobs done.” AJ said after she and Rarity got back on the road to Canterlot, having said their goodbyes to Tenderhoof who assured them he’d seek them out if he ever needed bodyguards again. “Indeed, it is…” Rarity sighed “I owe you an apology.” “Oh?” Applejack tilted her head. “I was quite rude.” She commented “It isn’t my place to judge others like that, and your right I do keep a high view of nobles that is unflattering of others like you, I must work to change that.” “Ah don’t worry about it.” AJ put her arm around her “You ain’t so bad, sometimes you gotta be fancy and sometimes you gotta be rough, I’m sure being half elf half human you get that.” “Oh, I assure you I do.” Rarity laughed “Now then…please remove your arm from my shoulder.” ------ AN Thank you for reading. Feedback is appreciated. Feel free to message me any questions or concerns. Suggest what you want to see in the future. Till Next Time!