Welcome to CanterU: Victory in CU+ Edition! The Story So Far: http://pastebin.com/u/Kiyo3 Yesterday with posts: http://archive.heinessen.com/mlp/thread/14008405 >You wake up in Applejack's bed. >Her warmth isn't next to you though. >In her place is a note Anon, gone to church. Need to think. Love you. >Need to think? >Hopefully not about you... >Right? >Well, it's pretty late in the day. >Late night = late day >And yesterday was a pretty late night... >You'll talk to AJ later. >Right now, you have a small portion of the day ahead of you! A. Dorm B. Another Girls Hall room C. Food >You're already in the girls hall. >And it is a little later in the day. >Let the hormones rage. >You put on some spare clothes and head outside. "Hey Anon. Sleep well?" >Lyra better believe it. "That's good. Um, Applejack was looking for you." >Really? "Yeah. She wanted to talk to you about something." >There's a hole in your stomach. >It grows and grows. >What happened? "She didn't tell me." >Thanks Lyra. >Applejack is getting weird... >What's going on? >... >Nevermind. >Let's see what your friends have in store for you today. A. Rara & Twi B. Rainbro & Flootsy C. Derpy & ??? >You turn back inside. >Might as well wait for Applejack insi- "Good morning, sleepy head." >Derpy? >Shouldn't she be out and about, like a normal college student? "I could ask you the same thing." >True. >What was she doing? "I was at the gym with Rainbow. She went out to jog though." >Must be tiring. "Nah. I like working out. I like the rush it gives." >You know that feel. "Hey, want to come inside?" >Yeah, but you did that last night... "Not like that. Into my room." >Sure. >You don't have much else to do today. >You sit on her bed as Derpy goes to get changed. "So, you hear about that party last night?" >The C.U.M. party? "Yeah. You went?" >Oh yeah. >You went alright... "Thank god you didn't get busted then." >Whoa, what happened? >You left a while into it... "You didn't hear? The cops showed up at the C.U.M. house. Apparently they had evidence of possession." >Derpy looks down and smiles. "It's about time those girls were caught. They were so... mean..." >That's right... >Those girls were the same ones who screwed with Derpy. >But hey, you got to avenge Pinkie and Derpy. >All in one night. "What are you talking about?" >You tell her about yesterday, and your planning skills. >She looks at you in awe. "Did you really?" >Yep. >She hugs you and kisses your cheek. "Y'know, even when you're devious, you're still sweet." >Aw, thanks Derps. A. Bizness B. Leave for another room C. Dorm >Well, it's been fun playing the hero. >But a generic protagonist's work is never done. "Later Anon. And... And thanks!" >No problem. >Later Derpy. >Rainbow's room looks empty. >Twilight's room, however... "No, no... This simply won't do..." "That design is amazing Rarity. Don't worry about it." "I... I can't turn it in..." >You knock on her door. >Maybe you can help. "Yes, who is it?" >Really, Rarity? >It's Anon. "Oh, come in, please." >Rarity lets you in, after some bravado. >Fine Arts majors... >Jesus Christ... "Hi Anon. What brings you here?" >Not much, Twilight. >You were just in the neighborhood. >Just wanted to see how your friends were doing. "Well, I-" "Simply dreadful, Anon! This is a disaster!" >AAAAAAnd it begins... >What's wrong, Rarity? >She holds up a sketch book. "I need to turn this in by today! And none of these are good..." >She seems to be tearing up. >Over nothing, really. >Her designs are really good. >Dresses, body types... >What's her hang up? "Rarity's just worried the studio won't accept her, that's all. And she has no reason to worry. She's really good." >Twilight's right. >Rarity has nothing to worry about. "You really think so, Anon?" >Yep. >And besides, the studio wouldn't have approached her if she wasn't good. >Rarity hugs you. "You're right, Anon. Thank you!" "That's what I was say- Never mind..." >Twilight turns back to her book. A. Bizness (dubs = hardmode) B. Dorm C. Food >Rarity's pressing her boobs against you. >Twilight's too busy getting off to books to notice. >What a way to take advantage... >You try to break her grasp, but she starts moving her hands south... >Twi- "I excited you that much, did I?" >No way, Rari- >Too late. >It's hard hiding a boner after she held you against her like that. >At least she's not going any farther than... >Through your jeans... >You feel her hand grip you. >Oh no... "Shh... You don't want Twilight to hear..." >Actually, you wouldn't mind if she did. >Damn her and her books... >Rarity's strokes get a little faster. >You feel a little guilty, since Rarity's actually good at it... >Can't Twilight save you? "Hey, Rarity, have you seen-" >Thank the gods. >Twilight looks at you oddly. "What're you two doing?" "N-nothing, Twilight!" >Everything. >Help! "O...kay... Anyway, can you help me with this, Rarity?" "Of course, Twilight. I'd be delighted to help." >Rarity removes her hands from the premises and goes over to Twilight. >You should leave. >Like, now... "Ooh, Anon, before you go... my door is always open..." >Jesus, Rarity... >You exit and close the door behind you. >If Twilight hadn't been there... >You could understand Derpy, or even Rainbow at some points, but why Rarity? >Some things are better left as questions. A. Dorm B. Food C. Outside >You just got molested. >And you sorta liked it. >Guilty? >Meh... >You didn't cum, so... no. >Not so much. >But Rarity needs to understand her limits... >And you need some food. Applejack (lounge?): No response >Weird... >You'll find Applejack later. >Right now, you need food. >Apparently you'll have to eat with the masses today. >Time for the food hall. >It's pretty empty. >For a Sunday, that's pretty weird. >You spot Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy on line. >And Octavia and Vinyl are talking at a nearby table. >Cool. A. R&F B. O&C >You haven't seen Fluttershy in a while. >You make your way over to their table. >Rainbow fists you as you sit down. "What's up bro? Finally woke up?" "Hi Anon." >Rainbow, Fluttershy. "So, bro, you wouldn't happen to have anything to do with C.U.M. getting busted last night, would you?" >Oh, do you have a story for her... >A few minutes later, Rainbow is laughing her head off, and Fluttershy is totally in shock. "Did you really do that, Anon?" >Yep. >The whole schabang. "No way... Dude, that is awesome! Just tell me the next time you feel like destroying a sorority, okay?" >Noted so hard. >So, what's Fluttershy been up to? "Just schoolwork and studying..." >How about the dog? "She's great! She makes me so happy..." >Her voice was almost over 2 decibels. >She must really be excited by that dog. >As long as she takes proper care of her... "Of course. I love her..." >Great... >An attachment that can get Fluttershy kicked out. >Good job, Flootsy. "Well, I gotta get out of here. Soccer practice." >Oh, well, later bro. "That reminds me! I need to feed the dog..." >You take care of that, Fluttershy. A. Fluttershy B. Rainbow C. Dorm >Fluttershy wouldn't mind if you tagged along, would she? "Not at all. Let's go." >She takes you back to her room. >No need for Lyra's key today. >She puts down her stuff. "Come here, doggie... mommy's here..." >She sounds so... nurturing... >Why is that dog whimpering so much then? >The dog comes out, obviously reluctant. >Fluttershy scoops her up and holds her. >Correctly, you might add. "We need to get you more food. Don't you worry..." >Fluttershy puts the dog on the bed and starts pouring more food into her bowl. >There really isn't a problem here... >That dog just might be fearful of Fluttershy... >...for being Fluttershy... >Is that possible? >Maybe... >You'd have to ask a science person about it. >Maybe Twilight will know the answer. "Is there anything else you wanted, Anon?" A. Bizness (Trips) B. Business C. Leave >Well, maybe you could hold the dog? "Of course. Just be careful..." >She hands you the dog. >She stops shivering while you hold her. >She even curls up in your lap. "Isn't she adorable?" >Yeah, she is. >How did Fluttershy find her again? "She was wandering outside a few days ago. I can't stand to see an animal all alone..." >That's awfully sweet. >But doesn't mean she can just take animals from the street. "But Anon, she was all alone. Who knows where her owner is... Or if she even has one..." >But is it worth the risk? >Fluttershy could get kicked out of school for this. "I-I... I care about her... I can't just leave her..." >Fluttershy looks close to tears. >Aw, man... >Ok, you won't mention it. >For now... >Later Fluttershy. "Bye Anon..." >That wasn't awkward at all. A. Dorm B. Outside >Wynaut go outside? >It's looking nice out. >You head on outside. >It's a great day to just hang out and chill outside. >Too bad no one you know is there... >How can people stay outside when the sun is shining. >Well, screw 'em. >You find yourself a nice shady sit down. >Time to take in those rays... >... >You're phone buzzes. >What now? Spike: You have mail. Important apparently >Shit, really? >You head back to the dorm. >What's going on, Spike? "Hey Anon. This came for you... er... yesterday." >He hands you a letter with the CU emblem on it. >What's this about? >Reading...reading... >Oh, this is interesting. >You can reschedule your classes this week. >And tomorrow's the last day for Humanity Majors... >Spike couldn't have given you this before? "I... I was asleep..." >True. >Thanks, little bro. >You pocket the envelope. >You might want to change your classes later... A. Stay and chill B. Girls Hall >It's getting a little late. >Maybe Applejack's back in her room by now. >Later Spike. "See you, bro." >You make your way over to the girls hall. >*ahem* Lyra. "Sorry! Here you go." >Thanks. >You briskly walk past Rarity's room and knock on Applejack's room. "C'mon in." >Hey, she's back. "Howdy Anon. Sorry about not bein' here before. Ah had ta think about some stuff." >Yeah... >Is she okay? >Applejack looks away from you. "Ah don't want ya ta think this is about Derpy or Rarity, or us..." >Oh, really? >That's a relief. "Ya thought Ah'd leave ya? Naw. Yer too good ta leave..." >She kisses you and musters a smile. >That's good news. >But what's eating her? "Ah... Ah got this here letter in the mail this mornin'..." >She hands it over to you. >It's addressed from the Apple family farm. >A letter from home? >That can't be so bad. >You open the envelope and read the contents. >Applejack is looking away from you, looking considerably sad. >Why is she so- >... >... >..! >Applejack... >This letter isn't for real, is it? >She nods and looks at you again. "Things on the farm are gettin' bad... Ah don't think we can afford to stay here, Anon..." >She's... She's not serious, is she? >Applejack just goes to you, wordlessly. >You take her into your arms. >That's all you can do... >There's wetness on your chest... "Ah don't want'a leave, Anon." >... "Ah don't want'a leave you." End Day 28+ End Day 28+ >You lean on the shower room wall, letting the water run down. >You never expected... >No... >Not this... >Applejack... >The door opens. >It's Shining Armor. "Hey bro. Something the matter?" >You... don't want to talk about it. "You sure?" >No. >But that's what you feel like saying. >That you should deal with this yourself. >Shining Armor comes over to you and puts his hand on your shoulder. "I understand if you don't want to talk about it. But, look man. No matter what it is, you'll get through it. I've seen you in action." >He goes back to his own shower. "You'll find a way, man. Believe me." >You... >You want to believe. Applejack rapport up! Fluttershy rapport up! Derpy rapport up! Rarity rapport ??? Financial trouble on Applejack's farm Rarity molested you You can change classes tomorrow