>After the scene in Shining's house, things had gone downhill >First the girls got word of how you treated Twilight, so the entire school knew how much of a "real" jerk you are >Then, due to your lack of exercising, your body quickly lost mass and strenght >To make things harder, your lost alphaness made you lost your social charms, making you slowly getting casted out >Your self-esteem went down, stopped hanging out, start eating junk food at home while listening to sad songs, wasting your youth away in front of a PC, seeing magi-pup episodes and wanking off to their characters seeking some sort of escapism >You started to dress in black, hoping to go unnoticed by people >Even started smoking, not like is so bad because you are 18, but since you had a good endurance, it was hard on your health >But you didn't care. Maybe if you accepted to be a normie, you could have been a beta like Flash >But now even that is lost: you are a Doomer. A man who doesn't carry any hope for the future, and just lives day by day. >At your job, you stopped carrying boxes due to your lack of strenght, and went to the cashiers >A wagecuck doomer. A sad end for our Chad Anonymous >Forcing an unnatural smile, you wave goodbye to a customer "Thanks for buying here. Next?" >You stopped looking people face to face, you only look at the tray to check the groceries >You glimpse feminine hands. You didn't noticed the colors because you are more focused on her stuff >Some blips later, the final result comes up "That'll be $15.50. Cash or card?" >"Cash." >Your eyes widen a bit, and look at the female: is Twilight >"Hi anon." "Hey Twilight." >You keep packing the food in a bag >"Ummm... How are you? What you been up to?" "Working." >"...." "...." >"Anon, I want to-" "I'll cut you right there Twilight. We know what you did and what it costed. There's nothing you can do to change that." >"But let me help you." "Help me? You ruined me!" >You didn't noticed, but you clenched your hand while you held a pack of juice >It didn't hitted you until you heard the explotion and the following complains of people who got stained >Your boss finally snaps, and yells you to get into his office >He only gives you a check and tells you "don't come tomorrow" >Fired >You leave the store angry, trying to hold back the tears, but your bad luck doesn't end there: your car has been towed >"Anon, I'm sorry. I didn't wanted to..." >She realizes what happened as you start to tear up. "I.... I had it everything: friends, a job, all the girls I wanted. But then you had to come and ruin it." >You turn around and see her to the eyes "What did I do to you?!" >She just walks up to you slowly and hugs you. You would fight back, but this was the only honest human contact you have after a month >"I'm sorry Anonymous, but if I knew what would have happened, I wouldn't have done that. I know I turned you to the worst, but you turned me for the better. And I promise I will help you." >You finally break down, and cry away as you hug her as tight as you can >After you calmed down, she invited you for some juice. You didn't order, have to save up now >"Ok, so what we know is that a Chad's DNA can change a thot. But what can change a normie?" "If you don't know, less I do." >She takes a sip of her drink >"But it has to be something. If it's chemical, there must be some cell that activates the Chad inside us." "Well, why don't you study that while you are at it? I have to check the papers." >You put on your headphones and start reading the "jobs" section >"C'mon anon, put something from yourself too." "Sorry Twilight, but figure out what I have to do to be a little bit better is the least of my worries now. I don't have a job, I barely got money, and don't think I will keep this check: I have to pay utilities soon. I'd rather talk about how was your life so far." >"Trust me, you don't want to know." "Believe me, I do. My life has been going downhill. I'm just a Doomer who isn't sad and desperate enough to pull the trigger. You must've had the best month so far." >"Not at all." "What?" >"Look, after our last meeting..." ---- >Twilight has tried to keep things normal, but she had a new "guest" that spoke to her everytime: Chad >Meeting with friends >"Oh, God, I can't believe you hang with these sluts." "They aren't so bad." >"They had an orgy with an old man, a dog and a horse. And it's really obvious the redneck is in love with the pompous whore." "Don't talk about them like that!" >"It was about Midnight, right? Look, we all have our inner demons and we fight them accordingly. You don't need these girls anymore, you barely got anything in common." "Well, we-" >"Magic events and orgies don't count." "Damn it!" >Food >"Stop eating hamburguers, Jesus." "What is wrong with hamburguers?" >"Nothing, if it's just one. Not twenty!" "Cheeseburguers are small." >"But you didn't get cheeseburguers. You got the double quarter pound extreme with extra sauce. You know you basically ate 10 pounds of beef?" "But I-" >"Metabolism won't help you forever, Twiggy Piggy. I'm going to keep you in shape from now on." >Boys and personal time >Timber sent you a sexy pic of him showing off his body and member. >You lock your door, and get a small box with all your "toys". >"Miss Sparkle, what are you doing?" "Can you let me be? I need some alone time." >"I remind you that two persons live inside you now. Well?" "I just want a quickie." >"No toys. That ruins your sex drive. You know how you females make us feel? We have to compete with a piece of plastic, and the worst part is they always win." >"But I can't fuck Timber everytime I want. I don't want him to think I'm a slut." >You can feel the gaze. He is looking at you with a "really?" face "Argh..." >"Fingers only Twilight. And you better leave him, he looks like a guy who rapes girls in school camps." >Even magical encounters in dreams "What? Midnight Sparkle?!" >>"It's only a matter of time Twilight! Soon I-" >"Can you two stop? I'm trying to sleep." >Oh no >>"Silence! You are-" >"Look babe, I know those guys in CPA were mean, and having magic is amazing. But being a grudgy bitch won't help you in life at all." >>"Eh? You don't-" >"I know what I am talking about. We share the same body. Come on, give me a hug and let's all go to bed." >Chad rises his arms and walks towards Midnight >>"S-stand back!" >"I just want a hug." >Chad hugs Midnight without problems, his massive arms making sure of keeping her in a safe spot >"There we go. There isn't meanie schoolmates, just you and me in a big hug." >She doesn't answer, she is just enjoying the hug "Well, at least I can sleep in peace I guess." >>"It feels good." >"Oh, I can make you feel great!" >The dream changes into a room, you outside of it "What?" >"Now, the safeword is Chad" >>"What?! No! Chad! Chad!...... Oh, Chad~<3! >"That's my name, don't forget it." >You heard the pounds of love for 8 hours until you woke up. You felt really tired like if you didn't slept at all --- "Wow, sounds hard to live with him." >"I don't know how you did it." >You had small recolections of ever having Chad inside you. You always though it was only your conciousness >"Hey wimp, why are you playing videogames? If you take one hour, you can have massive gains!" >"Mom's food is good, but you need to get a better diet. Momma's "lil' boy" isn't so little anymore. Eat more greens and fruits." >"Why do you jack off? There are easy girls out there. Get your swag on, and I let you know who to bang. No thots, only real bitches." "I guess I didn't mind him too much. He was more of a concious. Then again, I don't have magic that can materialize my mind into a body." >You make a sign to take Twilight's drink, and she let's you have it >"Maybe that is the main issue. If we can make Chad go back with you, maybe you will get your Chadness back." >You take a sip "But he also said it was chemical. You even said so." >"True..." >You two keep quiet for a while >".... Maybe you are right. If I investigate a bit, I may have something." "Well.... Good luck. Thanks for the juice." >"No, thanks to speaking to me anon. I really needed it." >She gives you a hug and waves goodbye. You finish the juice, and throw it away >After the small talk, you finished your errands: you got your car back, paid the bills, and finish housework >You change your clothes, and try to relax. Tomorrow is Saturday, so you will have all day to find a new job >You close your eyes, and let dreams come >It's always the same: you are inside a hole, slowly sinking into some sort of molasses, and everytime you struggle it gets more hard to rise from it >It finally ends with you giving up and letting the creamy substance swallow you >But this time was different >You are fighting again, trying to take it off you and climb up the walls, when suddenly a rope comes down >"Take it! We don't have much time!" >You take the rope and start climbing up, leaving the hole of molasses behind >"That was a close one." "Ugh, thank you.... Who are you?" >"How about you look up and find out." >His voice sounded really alpha. When your view rises, your eyes widen and you get the biggest smile: Chad is in front of you "Yeah! Chad! I'm going to be based again!" >"Sorry, but I can't help you." "What?!" >"Your DNA changed, and your unhealthy lifestyle made it impossible to me to do any changes. I could even kill you now. But you did something right." >You think for a bit, and it comes to you "It was because I drank from the same box of juice with Twilight! I just have to eat her out and get my chadness back." >"It won't work. I already told you, your genome changed drastically. But you are a bit right: help Twilight find out how your chemical components can change you, and you will be a Chad again. Maybe something even more magnificent." >For the first time in a long time, you feel hope again "Yes! I will help her!" >"Good!" >Chad checks you out >"And while you are at it, get some clothes that fit. Time to wake up." >He snaps his fingers, and you are back in reality >You feel very refreshed, no tired at all. The Doomer side of you is vanishing as a new hope gives you strenght >Your DNA and Twilight have the key. It's time to become a Chad again!