>You wish you could make the dreams disappear. >This one wasn’t as visceral, just one of your worst of memories. >Circling the air above the downed Party Barge, looking for survivors. >For any sign of life. >One life in particular. >”Pinkie,” You whisper to yourself before finally getting out of bed. >One of your biggest tactical successes is also your biggest regret. >It’s still dark, the dawn still hours away. >Are you ok? >Yeah brain, just need to go out and get some air. Don’t worry. >You get dressed and head out. >Just as you reach the door, you hear Scootaloo, “Dad? Are you ok?” >In the dark, you smile. “Yeah sweety, just a dream. Going to get some air is all. I’ll be back in time to make you breakfast.” >You’re sure you see her nod in silhouette before she goes back to her room. >The night air is cool and helps to calm your mood. >You aimlessly walk up a stone path just. >A quirky british voice makes you jump. “Beautiful night, isn’t it Anon?” >You don’t recognize him. Grey coat, black mane, hourglass on his ass.... Bowtie? >You give a polite nod, “Yes it is... Just trying to clear my mind.” >”Yes yes, I see that.” He falls in step beside you. “Mind if I join you in your travels?” >You shrug. “How do you know me? You said my name.” >He shrugs a bit and casually casts his head to the side. “Everyp0ny knows you, or should... But I’ve been watching you for a long time, you’ve captured my interest some time ago.” >This is getting a bit weird. “So what? You’re a member of my fanclub or something Mr.....?” >He chuckles. “Doctor.” >”Doctor Who?” >He sighs. “Why does every one I tell ask that? Just, The Doctor” >Code name? Knows everything about you? Tracked you down alone in the middle of the night? Stalker? >Think so brain. >You reach over and grab him by his tie. “Ok Mr. ‘The Doctor’, You’re going to tell me why exactly you tracked me down like this.” >”OI!” He shouts as he struggles against your grasp. “Watch the bowtie...” >You shake your head and let him go. “I’m not in the mood... Not tonight.” >As you walk off, you hear him softly say. “I know.... You’re carrying around a lot of pain.” >You spin around. “What did you say?” >His eyes... they carry... Not sympathy, but empathy. You see a weight behind them . As if he carries a similar pain. >He places a hoof on your leg. “I think you should come with me... We have many things to discuss.” >Ok Anon, it’s not as weird as it looks.... He’s just leading you to a blue wooden... what is that? Police Box? >You stop, but then your jaw hits the floor when he opens the door for you. >You step in and look around like an idiot. “It’s.... Bigger on the inside?” Man are you an idiot. >The Doctor starts running around a center console thing, flipping switches and pressing buttons. “Ah yes. Time And Relative Dimension In Space.” He gives a flourish as the door shuts behind you. “The TARDIS!” >You nod and wander a bit. “Twilight had a spell that made a bag hold ten times what it should... So this must be similar magic huh? Cool.” >He squints at you. “No, it’s science...” >Science, even better. “Science IS magic to those that don’t understand it though.” >He gives an annoyed grunt. “....Fine then, it’s my magical science time machine, happy?” >He’s funny when he’s annoyed.... Time machine? >He pulls one final lever and the entire room lurches. “What’s happening?!?” >He smiles as you two brace against the console. “Just taking off, it’ll smooth out in a....” The room stops as suddenly as it starts. “Ah, there we go, good girl.” >Whoa whoa whoa... “Take off? What’s happening... Where are we going?” >He sits in front of you. “In order to answer that I need to tell you... “ >What? >“You’re not the only Anon.” >What?!? >“And this isn’t the only Equestria.” >WHAT?!? >”You see,” He starts, “This is a special time and location. Hundreds of versions overlapping, in layers and a VERY special connector that allows me to visit each one.” >You scratch your head. “Soooo..... like a sandwich with a toothpick through it?” >He smiles. “Yes, like that... Not really, but if it helps you understand, then yes exactly like that.” >He’s worse than Twilight was. “Ok whatever, so there are different versions and whatnot... Why does this matter?” >He gets up and in a very animated fashion throws his hooves around. “So many different versions, so many different choices.” He turns back to you. “Many horrible... Killers, rapists, soldiers that care for nothing than death...” >You sigh as he approaches you. “But also,” The Doctor says with warm eyes. “Friends, lovers, fathers, and those willing to protect their adopted home....” He puts a hoof on your shoulder. “You... You’re one of my favorites.” >Why are you blushing. “But... I HAVE killed, I fought and killed probably like so many others.” >He gives your face a slap. “You did what you had to... I know that pain better than any other.” >You’re about to say something, but he turns back to his console and shouts. “SO! I’m going to give you a special present.” He looks back to you. “I’m going to take you home.” >”Um....” You stammer. “You didn’t need to ‘Fly’ me home or whatever... But thanks, I need to make Scootaloo breakfast before school.” >”NOPE!” He chimes in a friendly tone. “I’m taking you HOME home... Back to your world. The connection to your dimension is closing quickly and I should get you back where you belong.” >No... No. This can’t be happening. >What kind of present is this? >After everything you’ve done..... >”Stop Doctor... NO! I don’t want that!” You shout to him as you grab him from behind. >He struggles as you pull him from the console. “But, you don’t belong here... They’re not your people.” >You throw him aside, “They’re my friends and family. I love them... How can I just leave?” You cross your arms defiantly. “I refuse.” >Why’s he smiling so big as he gets up. “Aren’t you just.... BEAUTIFUL!” He laughs and jumps into the air. “You did it! You passed!” >So confused right now. ”Passed what? I don’t get it.” >He gives you a surprise hug before patting your back. “Just had to be sure. Always nice to see one with such strong love.” >You’re too dumbstruck to stop him from returning to his console. >“NOW! for the tricky part... Your REAL present.” He furiously messes with doodads on his console. “Come here for a moment please.” >He points to a red button. “On my signal, press this, then a second later, throw that switch.... or is it this button?” He says pointing to a blue one. >You scrunch your face. “What does it matter?” >”Well, one will stop us and the other will blow us both up...” >You recoil back. “Why are they next to each other?” >He shrugs, “Keeps me on my toes.... READY? Remember, blue button!” He says as he runs to the door. >”I thought you pointed to the red?” >”Yeah, red... HIT IT NOW!” >You close your eyes, hit the red button, and a second later, throw the switch. >You don’t see it, but you can tell he threw the door open quickly, then closed it... You timidly open your eyes and see..... >”Anon?” Pinkie Pie asks before you pass out. >Your vision returns... why is there a breeze? >You turn your head to the side, The Doctor must have moved a fan over to give you air. >You go to sit up and take an offered pink hoof. >And there she is... Her hair’s straighter than you remembered and her eyes are quivering on the edge of tears. >”Hello Anon...” She says with none of her usual enthusiasm. >You try to find words... something stoic for your friend. How many times have you thought about the perfect words to say to her? Your reasoning, your heartfelt apologies... All you can manage is to hold her close and say in a shaking voice. “I’m sorry Pinkie.... I’m so sorry.” >She hugs you back. “Oh, don’t worry. The Doctor told me everything... He pulled my out of the Party Barge just before it went down.” >You pull away and look into her blue eyes. So this IS her, the last moment of her. Say something, “That day was the worst day of my life Pinkie... If only I...” >She puts a hoof to your lips. “Sacrificed thousands, or millions, to come after me? THEN I’d hate you.” She gives you a smile. >You try to wrap your head around what’s happening... “We all miss you... a lot.” >She pushes you playfully, “Of course you do silly. Ain’t no party like a Pinkie Pie party after all.” >You laugh with her and it feels wonderful. “So... wait... WAIT! Does this mean you’re coming back with me?” >”I’m sorry, but no.” The Doctor says, coming from under the console. “That was a fixed point... Pinkie Pie is effectually dead, no body ever found. All of a sudden, bringing her back would cause.... Problems to say the least.” >You drop your head and give a sob. Pinkie lifts your chin. “Smile, we can make the best of this while it lasts.” >You both jump as The Doctor shouts. “INDEED!” He hits the blue button and the room explodes... In confetti. >Pinkie’s hair inflates to its natural bouncy state as she and The Doctor scream “PARTY!” >Pinkie pulls you off the deck and dances with you. >If ever there was a party at the end of the universe, this would be it. Hell, even feels like the ship’s getting into it. >It’s Pinkie, it’s really is her and she’s just as excitable and fun loving as you remember. >You avoid the obvious question until it’s time for you to go home... Your proper p0ny home. >You’re at least able to say your goodbyes to Pinkie this time. You promise to tell everyp0ny that she says ‘hi’ >The Doctor walks you out and makes some cryptic remark about seeing you again... That'd actually be nice. >“So...” You start. “I guess I have a question. I know you said it was a fixed point but... Is it possible to make sure her body is found... for closure... for the ones that care about her?” >The Doctor slowly shakes his head. “I’m sorry Anon. What happened happened. BUT maybe there was no body found because there was no body there at that time....” >He smiles and gives a wink before throwing open the TARDIS doors. >Just before they close, you hear him shout. “Miss Pie, if you could go anywhere at anytime in the universe, where would it be?” >The air rushes around you and with a wheezing sound, that blue box disappears. >The sun is just barely coming up. >Rainbow Dash must have gotten up early, she pulls up next to you. >”What’s up dude?” She asks, wary of the smile you have on your face. >You pat her on the back. “Nothing... Just saw Pinkie is all. She says ‘hi’ by the way.”