>You are Anon >Years ago, you ended up in Equestria by pressing Esc to exit full screen mode >Since then, you've built a circle of friends, a career and a family here >That last one was the cause of the letter you were holding >Written by Ms. Cheerilee, it asked if you could meet her after school tomorrow >Just a routine teacher-to-parent talk, nothing to worry about >Sounded fine >You didn't really care for the finer details of Equestrian education, but the few times you'd seen Cheerilee she was very nice and welcoming >She seemed like a friendly pony and a good teacher >It's afternoon now >You put away the newspaper and take a look at the clock whilst sipping your coffee >Half past three, time to head towards the school house >Luckily it's a relatively short walk, around ten minutes from your house >Once you get there, you knock on the wooden door >"Come in!" you hear that familiar, comforting voice from inside >Promptly, you swing the door open and step inside >Cheerilee's sitting behind her desk in a rather comfortable looking chair >"Hello Mr. Anon, good to have you here. Please, have a seat." >You do as you're asked and take place across Cheerilee >She leans forward to extend her hoof to you, which looks like it's taking a good amount of effort >Her chair creaks loudly as she does so >You shake her hoof, but it's difficult to maintain eye contact >Her shoulder is covered in thick layers of fat >And indeed, she seems to have acquired two more chins since the last time you met her >"Would you perhaps like some coffee, Mr. Anon?" >Shit, that silence was probably a bit too long >Gotta keep your focus "Sure, thank you." >"Maybe some cake too, to go with it?" >Cheerilee gestures over to an opened box, containing a half-eaten cake "Yes please, that looks delicious." >"Oh trust me, it is", the teacher says, followed by a warm, good-natured laugh >For some reason, you don't doubt her statement for a second "So how have things been here?" you ask >"It's been great, thank you for asking! All students have been doing very well, and I've really gotten a connection with the class." >She beams with that happy expression of hers "That doesn't surprise me. With a lovely teacher like yourself, even the most annoying of kids would calm down and pay attention." >Maybe that one came out a bit too cheesy >Cheerilee blushes and thanks you for the compliment, then moves on >You talk to her about what kind of subject material will be talked about in the coming few months >The conversation itself is rather uninteresting, but the purple mare's enthousiasm and the cheer in her voice keep you paying close attention >Not to forget the way you scan her voluptuous body whenever she gestures with her hooves >After a while, you have the opportunity to ask her some questions >Because you don't know how high school et cetera works here, you ask Cheerilee about it, and she's happy to explain >It really gets worth the effort when she stands up and sketches some of the different levels of education out on the chalkboard >Her belly hangs against her hindlegs when she leans forward in order to visualize her words >Her hips, too, are comfortably sized >You can only imagine how she'd look during gymnastics class >Sadly, the school system in Equestria isn't grossly overcomplicated like it was in some countries on Earth >After just a minute or two, Cheerilee's scribbled everything down, ans she returns to her chair >Again, her seat lets out a noise that would leave you to question it's quality, if not for the size of the pony lounging in it >The teacher cuts herself a second slice of cake, and another one a few minutes later >She's chewing most of the time when you talk to her >As the conversation goes on, you completely lose yourself in admiring the purple mare's overweight figure >It is for this reason that you have a nasty shock when a cleaner peeks his head around the door, asking if you and Cheerilee could please clear the classroom >The mare turns to you, and asks whether you know enough or want to continue the conversation at her house >You decide that you want to know a lot more about Cheerilee and choose the latter >Together, you pack her stuff and get ready to leave the building >Like the true gentleman you are, you pick up her bag and carry it for her >The fat pony puts a hoof on your back and leans into you in a token of gratitude >Five minutes later, you both arrive at a small cottage that's as friendly and nice-looking as its resident >After making coffee, Cheerilee comes back from her kitchen with a plate full of donuts to share >She places it down on the table and hoofs you one, then takes one for herself and leans back onto her couch >"I hope you won't mind if I get comfortable?" she asks "By all means, go ahead. It's your home, after all." >She laughs, and lays herself down onto the couch, her belly spilling over to rest on the cushion in front of her >She then continues to enjoy her coffee and snack >The view is nothing short of breathtaking >Her hindlegs lay crossed, giving away a peek of the pony's massive flank >Once again, it's quite the achievement that you manage to look her in the eyes >It doesn't take long before your talk is about your personal lives instead of that boring old school system >Cheerilee talks about what she likes doing in her spare time, and unsurprisingly, eating out with friends and baking all kinds of goods are on the list >She steadily eats through her donut in the meantime >Before long, her sugary confection is finished >The teacher looks at her empty hoof in a mock sadness >"Eh, Anon, could you please hand me another donut? It seems I've run out" she says, followed by a smile >You laugh, and get up to take another donut from the plate >You decide to grab one covered in chocolate sprinkles, which looks absolutely delightful >And it seems you're not the only one who thought so >"Oh, Anon, I was hoping you'd take that one. Chocolate donuts have to be my favorite." >You sit on the front edge of the couch and give Cheerilee her food >Then, you put your hand on her belly, and when no complaints follow, start slowly rubbing across the expansive form of her chub >"Mmmmhhh..." the gluttony mare moans quietly when she takes a bite >You extend your rubs to include the pony's giant flank, and carefully reach around a few times to grope her ass >This continues until this donut, too, has disappeared from Cheerilee's hoof >The mare's eyes are half-lidded as she licks her lips, collecting the last bits on chocolate in an incredibly sensual way >She puts her hoof on your leg and lets it travel up to your side >This is the moment >You lean into her embrace, and kiss her >She smells sweet, like sugar and frosting >Before you even dare to think about it, the pony's tongue comes pushing between your lips >The taste of chocolate comes with it, and you welcome it into your mouth >Cheerilee starts rubbing your back with her hoof, and you do the same, starting at her shoulder >Slowly, you work your way down her side, your hand curving with her round and squishy body >The feeling of her super soft and warm fat turns you on immensely >You repeatedly pinch her doughy layers of fat carefully >Once you can't reach any further down her legs, you slowly start turning inwards >Your passionate kissing continues as you do so, which you take as a sign of approval >Your fingers caress the chub on the inside of her large thigh >Eventually, you reach her nether regions, which are steaming hot >You feel Cheerilee gasp when you touch her clit >Gently, you rub it, then move on to the obese pony's marehood >Your hand slides between her fat lower lips, and it's engulfed in her warm fluids >After some more teasing, you bend three fingers and shove them inside her >And holy shit is she wet >Not to be outdone, Cheerilee starts caressing your crotch >Her hips begin to slowly rock back and forth, pushing her body into your hand >You break the kiss, and start moving down her massive body, kissing every inch of it as you go >Once you end up between her legs, you put your hands on either flank and lean in to tease her clit with your tongue >Stimulated by her juices running over your chin, you lick it in all possible directions >Sometimes you suck lightly on it, other times you circle around it multiple times before touching it again >Moving down, your entire face is covered in hot fluids from the obese mare >She moans quite loudly as you eat her out, putting pressure on every last fleshy bit of her vagina >But all good things must come to an end, in this case to make place for other good things >You unzip your pants and pull them down, along with your shorts >Your dick finally has the space to stand fully erect >Cheerilee leans forward, and carefully licks the tip of your boner >Slowly but surely, she works her way down before she starts sucking it >Then, she suddenly takes all of it in her mouth, without a single problem >The sudden warmth is incredibly pleasing >She starts bobbing her head back and fourth, blowing you with all her passion >You return to playing with Cheerilee's clit once more, and it's clear that this is greatly appreciated >Finally, you pull away from her mouth, and position yourself between her hindlegs once more >You drag your cock down from her belly over to her pussy, and slowly insert yourself >The mare was even softer on the inside than on the outside >Her hot cunt was tight yet impossibly soft >It wrapped itself around your dick perfectly >You gently start thrusting back and forth, causing Cheerilee's belly to sway back and forth with the rest of her beautifully plump body >Once you pick up some speed, the many excess layers of fat located all over her body jiggle and bounce whenever you ram yourself into her >The lovely, overweight pony's breath goes from loud, to heavy, to continuous moaning and gasping >You slam into her fat pussy over and over, hilting your entire length into its soft folds time and time again >When you start coming close to your peak, Cheerilee cums, and washes your enitre crotch in her sticky mare cum >"Anoooooonnnnnn...~" she moans >You speed up one last time, racing towards the point of no return >You can feel it coming closer >You look at her firm thighs, her round hips and her squishy belly, all of them shaking back and forth heavily from your pounding >When you feel you're ready, you slam into her soft pussy, and blow your load deep inside of her