>A few hours after the events of the Canterlot wedding. >The changelings have been spread all over Equestria thanks to the barrier spell. >A bunch of them landed in the Everfree Forest. >Wounded and hungry they wander through it >At night they eventually stumble upon Zecora`s hood. >Seeing the zebra inside, they decide that she will have to do for a snack and to take care of their bodies. >One of the changelings (an infiltrator) starts to use a minor form of telepathy to see inside her head so that he knows what form they could try to take on, just to have an advantage. >Sees pictures of Applejack, Applebloom and Twilight show up in her mind. >A devious plan begins to unfold >Three of the five changelings turn into copies of the three ponies >The Applejack one then knocks on the door. >Zecora opens it, being surprised about the late visit >"Dear Applejack, you here so late? What brings you to my door old mate? >The Applejack changeling looks at her confused for a bit and then explains, that Applebloom doesn`t feel well. >Seeing the "young filly" moan in pain on the back of "Twilight", Zecora orders them to come in. >Inside the changelings also tell Zecora about supposed dangers they faced, explaining certain cuts they have all over their bodies. >Fake AJ explaining that her ankle hurts because of a fight with a manticore. >Zecora starts to put a few potions together in order to help what she assumes is their friends. >But the more time she spends with the three ponies the more she realizes that something doesn`t seem quite right. >Still, she helps them. >Applebloom starts to moan in pain again. >"Applebloom dear child, please tell me quick, why do you feel so utterly sick?" >Applebloom begs her to come closer to her >Zecora moves hr head closer to her lips, trying to hear what she wants to say. >Suddenly Appleblooms eyes turn emerald green. >She grabs Zecora's head and forces her into a kiss. >Zecora tries to free herself, but Applebloom shows far more trength than a little foal should have, forcing her down. >Twilgiht comes from behind and pushes the back of Zecora`S head even more down AB'S mouth. >The longer they are in that kiss, the more Zecora feels herself becoming weak. >The fear she may have suddenly starts to melt away and she feels as if something is sucked right out of her mouth. >The AB changeling feels itself getting stronger with every ounce of care for the little filly Zecora has. >Its wounds healing, it stops the kiss. >"Thanks Zecora. I feel already better." >"That is nice to hear, little filly", Zecora proclaims, feeling a bit fussy in the head. >"Doesn't it feel good to help others?" asks Twilight, stroking Zecora's chin. >Before Zecora can ask what is going on, Twilight kisses her too. >this time she actually kisses back, feeling her eyes getting kinda foggy. >Realizing that whatever is going on, her will is faltering, she tries to resist. But before she can muster the necessary strength, she already feels Applejack's tongue licking her marehood. >the sudden violation of her privacy makes her open her mouth in shock even more, allowing the false Twilight to force her tongue down her throat. >Sucking out the compassion and love Zecora has for her friends, the Changelings start to regain their strength. >The AJ changeling has by now focussed its ministration on her asshole, rimming her good and causing Zecora to moan in the mouth of Twilight. >Hey, don't let me out", the AB changleing protests and moves up to them. >Zecora hasn't even time to realize what she is up to when she starts to feel AB tongue lick up her slith. >all her orifices are getting assaulted by the changelings, causing her to moan and shiver. >It doesn`t take long and every resistance she may have had left is melted away in arousal, her free will turning into clay to form by the parasitic power of the changelings. >By now the other changleings who were outside and observed the situation in the hood, have also entered. >"Hey, leave something for us too", one of them protests >"Oh shut it", false Twilight replies, stopping for a second her kiss. Zecora whines and begs to be kissed again. >"Shut it, zebra whore" >Zecora becomes quiet >"Look at her" Applebloom says, licking her juice covered lips. "And they say zebras have mastered control of their will." >Zecora doesn't even question, why AB's voice suddenly sounds like the hissing of a snake. >"I bet we could have our way with her already." >"You think?", one of the changelings asks. >"Well, she looks pretty lose", throws the AJ one in. >Zecora just stands there, dumbfounded and wonders, why no one is licking or kissing her anymore. >She wants more and starts rubbing herself against Twilight affectionately. >"Twilight my dear friend. Please see to take care of my bodies demand." >The Twilight changleing grins and turns to his friends. "Does that answer your question?" >The others all grin themselves and the Applejack changeling grabs her. >He earns a groan from her and putsher on his lap, rubbing "his" pussy against her ass. >"Now it will hurt for a bit" he says and nibs her ear. >Zecora wonders what he means. >Suddenly she feels something icy cld flicker around her taint. >something seems to manifest itself out of nowhere, pushing against her anus. >That something being an orange fat dick the changeling made appear. >He pushes himself deep into her ass, earning a load scream. >The Twilight changeling takes the chance and lets his own cock appear, which he pushes right down her throat. >Zecora gags. It is hard for her to breath. >But the changeling shows no mercy for her pain. >"Take it you slut", he snarls at her, pushing himself balls deep in her mouth. "Suck it" >Zecora obeys. Although a small part of her self had reawaken through the pain, she continus sucking him off. >Her resistance tries to arise once more, but her growing arousal is just too much. >Her juices are covering the floor, which the Applebloom changeling licks up greedily. >The other changleings meanwhile stand to her sides, their erections standing up. >Although she tries to resist, ecora can't help herself. She grabs after their two members and starts jerking them off. >The lewd gangbang continues for what feels like a small eternity, the changelings being sadistic enough to change the sizes and forms of their cocks every now and then, managing to penetrate Zecora deeper than any pony could. >The AJ changeling going so far as to turn his dick into a tentacle that manages to impale her for a few seconds, shattering any form of sef conscious she may have had in an instant. >Leaving behind a dirty zebra whore who the other changelings come on. >The AB one meanwhile is fucking her slit, feeling Zecora constantly contradict her nethr muscles to milk him. >All she wants at the moment is to get off. >while cumming all over her, the changelings are also sucking up her lust and ecstasy and with it destroy the remains of her mind. >All that eventually remains is a quivering sack of meat, drowning in pleasure and cum. >After finally cumming themselves, all of the transformed changelings pul out of her and transform back into their real selves. >Laying on the floor, Zecora let her captors cum on her. >Their cum is bliss for her now and she wants them to cover her entire body in it. >She doesn`T even realize that at the parts where the cum hit her she starts to lose her fur. >The changleings look at their work, hoof bumbing each other. >At full strength and back in shape they enjoy the aftermath of the night. >"Man, that bitch was a nice ride" >"You say it Pupa", one of the changelings say. >While they congratulate each other, one of them (the one who turned into Twilight) looks at Zecora. >Zecora looks up at him. >"Fuck me" she begs. >Impressed by the fact that she still seems to be able to talk, he calls the others. >they all are equaly impressed. >Suddenly the Twilight one starts to smile evily. >"Boys, what do you say we make her a part of our family?" >The others are a lookig at each other. >"I don't know" says one of them eventually. "won't the queen be angry that there is another female one?" >"Screw Queen Chrysalis", says the leader. "At this moment we can assume she is dead. Which means, it is our duty to rebuild the hive" >"But what if she is still alive and comes back?" >"Then we have at least a freaking laying battery for her" he says and leans closer to the well fucked zebra. >He opens his mouth. A stream of green magic starts to flow down Zecora's mouth. >Zecora herself can feel parts of her old personality rebuild themselves. But for some reason she now does not think of the changelings as invaders. In fact, she adores them. And she still craves for cum >"Okay boys", says the leader and starts rubbing himself off again. "Lets baptize the little slut. >After some time and many more cumshots, the cum sucked zecora is nothing more than a hairless mess on the floor. The sperm of her new masters has melted away her fur and sticks right to her skin. >She herself shudders in pleasure, feeling better than ever before in her life. >She tries to move a bit, just to get some of that cum in her mouth, but suddenly she realizes that she cant move at all. >the cum has become solid, building a coccon all over her body. >The changelings are still cumming all over her head and she can feel it in parts becoming hard there to. >She moves her head towards the leader >"Master please tell me, what is happening?" >The leader just leans in closer and whispers in her ear "You become something better" >Then he pushes his dick one last time down her mouth. >After a few pushes he cums in her mouth hard, the cum immediately hardening. >Zecora feels herself getting dizzy. She barely gets air and finally everything turns black around her. >The next morning: The changelings are sleeping all over the place, some of them are eating. >In the middle of the room there is a green, radiating cocoon. >Suddenly the cocoon begins to shake >One of the soldiers wakes up the leader and his comrades. >They all watch as the cocoon breaks open. >Green goo flows out of it and a strange creature breaks out. >that creature being a goo covered changeling with female proportions that resembles Zecora. >The Zecora changeling opens her eyes and smiles diabolically. >Zecora, now a changeling drone herself is filled with a hunger for love, sex and sadistic joy out of breaking others just to feed herself. >Fantasies of going down to Ponyville and making the stories of the "evil enchantress" become reality are filling her head. >But first she wants to satisfy that other hunger she has. >Turning to the changeling squad which she recognizes as her family, comrades and lovers, she naughtily turns her ass into the one she had as a zebra. Lifting her tail she teases them with her marehood. >"Hi there boys, like what you see?" >The growing erections some of them give ehr are answer enough. >She spreads her legs wide >"If that is so, the go on...fuck me!"