“So, ever used a reverse glory hole before?” You stopped chewing your sandwich as those words entered your ears. There was a pause. Did you really just hear that? You looked over your sandwich at the cute, innocent mass of pink fluff staring at you with the most normal looking smile you've ever seen. A sip of soda later and you were still feeling the cotton mouth halting you from speaking. Slowly, you looked around to make sure nopony was listening. “Pinkie....what did you just ask me?” “A reverse glory hole, Anon. Have you ever fucked a mare while her patootie was stuck in the wall?” “That's what I thought you said.” You calmly replied. “Now I need to go rinse out my ears with bleach and chlorine to make sure I never hear that again.” Pinkie giggled as she moved from her side to the table next to you, trapping you in the booth. “Aww, don't be a stick in the mud. It's just a question.” Another sweep of Sugarcube Corner to ensure there were no eavesdroppers. “Pinkie, that's not a question you ask lightly. Why did you even bring it up??” “Because I've never been fucked before while my big booty is stuck in a wall before.” Pinkie rolled her eyes. “Isn't that obvious?” Her insane logic was giving you a headache. “Pinkie...where did you get the idea from?” Pinkie's eyes lit up as she reached into her mane and pulled out a magazine. “Rarity was hiding this under her mattress. She got all embarrassed when I asked her about it so when she wasn't looking, I took it home.” She picked up the magazine and held it sideways, letting the pages flip until she reached the centerfold. Poised for the camera was a well toned, soft looking mare butt sticking out of a wall. A quaint picture was sitting above her exposed privates. The cheeky mare was winking for the camera and her ponut was glistening from the stage lights. “PINKIE!” Your face was cherry red as you closed the magazine and shoved it back into the hammerspace of her mane. “One, that's stealing. Two, that's LEWD!” “Hehe, see something you like in there?” Pinkie couldn't hide the shallow blush peeking through her pink face. “It looked really kinky...and fun....I wanna have that kind of fun...” You sighed. “So you invited me to lunch, made me a sandwich, and waited till I was mid bite to bring this up? Why?” Pinkie's grin deflated. “Anon, are you thicker than a bowl of oatmeal? Why do YOU think a cute mare like me would bring up sex like this?” “How should I know?” You shrugged. “I was hungry and you said there would be food. Doesn't take much to grab my attention.” “If you only knew.” Pinkie scoffed as she moved herself closer. “Anon...We're going to frick frack.” “Is that some sort of pony thing you haven't told me about, Pinks?” You grabbed your sandwich and took another bite. “Oh gosh, you're not just thick, you're outright clueless.” Pinkie groaned as she moved herself onto your lap. She craned her head back to look up at you as she began rocking her hips. Her plump, soft rear was grinding against your crotch slow, stopping you from eating as a moan escaped your lips. “P..Pinkie...” You sputtered, looking at the empty tables once again. “You're...making it hard.....to eat.” “Anon, I swear to Celestia that if you don't put down the sandwich and start eating my pussy, I'll put you in the hospital for a week.” Pinkie huffed. “Bucking stallions, never have a clue in their skulls...” Your pants were getting tight as Pinkie's bubbly booty continued to bounce against your crotch. “Okay, okay! Message received loud and clear! You want to fuck me, I get it!” Pinkie hopped off your lap in a flash. Her annoyed frown had vanished into a bubbly smile as she hopped to the kitchen. Her tail was in high spirits, allowing you to gaze at her plump ponut and drooling pussy. “Through the back. The Cakes will fire me if I get caught screwing somepony in the shop again.” “Again?” You asked as you stood up. The sandwich was still in your hands as you followed Pinkie Pie out of Sugarcube Corner. “Huge stallion. Almost ruined the display cases by rubbing his cock against it. Had to “tame” the wild beast before he ruined our glass counter.” Pinkie pulled you along through Ponyville in a hurry to get to her home. “Shame Mister Cake burned that table. It was comfortable on your back with ten inches of dick inside you.” Pinkie let out a sigh as she opened the door to her home. “Come on in, Anon. Time for some FUN.” She grabbed your hand and nearly dragged you into her bedroom. Pinkie pushed you on the bed and giggled as she grabbed her pet alligator. “Go play downstairs, Gummy. Pinkie needs a little private time.” You looked around the room for a moment. “Um...Pinkie? Where's the wall?” “There's walls all around us, silly. It's my bedroom after all.” “No no, I mean what wall are you gonna stick your ass through?” “OHHHHH!” Pinkie giggled as she reached around her bed and slid something across the floor. “Right here! I didn't want to ruin the walls with my butt so I made a glory hole instead!” Pinkie's “glory hole” wasn't at all like you expected. Instead of an actual hole in the wall, Pinkie had put a chunk of drywall on wheels and cut a hole in it. There was a small clip for her tail and a picture of her goofy grin on one side and a small shelf affixed on the other side. “Pinkie...part of the fun of a glory hole is not seeing the other person. This is just fucking with extra steps.” “No way! It'll be fun!” Pinkie giggled as she hopped onto the shelf. She pulled her hind legs forward while inching her body back. Pinkie's plump rear barely fit through the hole, making for a very tight fit. “There. Now just clip my tail out of the way and go for it!” Pinkie leaned over and peeked from her side of the wall.” You stood there for a moment as your glory hole target wiggled her eyebrows at you. The glory hole idea was stupid. This was all stupid. Nothing seemed to make sense. In your brain's absence in trying to figure out what the hell was going on, your cock decided to take command. Even as confused as you were, the sight of such a sexy pussy, plump ponut and thick booty was enough to arouse you to full mast. “Anooooon? We aren't camping. Stop pitching a tent and send some hot dick my way already!” Pinkie Pie giggled. Slowly, you pulled off your pants and let them sink to your ankles. Your cock bounced free of your underwear, letting it stand proud for a moment. Pinkie's juvenile teasing vanished as she spotted your dick. Her bottom lip was stuck under her teeth as she watched your cock get closer and closer to the glory hole. “Yes yes yes! Come on, Anon. Fuck my pretty pink pony pussy as hard as you can!” Pinkie begged for it hard. Your hands reached for her cheeks and spread them apart. You let go, allowing her fat ass to clap once or twice before pushing her tail out of the way. Pinkie shuddered as she felt the tip of your cock press against her slit. “Oh gosh....oh yes...ohhh Anon!” Her pussy was gushing now, dripping honey all over your crotch as you slowly pushed yourself inside her. Pinkie's moans rose in pitch as you bottomed out, forcing her ass to jiggle and squish against your abs. There was a small pause as you both adjusted to each other. You could hear Pinkie panting softly as her body gripped at yours still tightly locked inside her. Pinkie gasped as you began to pull out, only to thrust hard and cause her cheeks to jiggle once more. “Guh....haaaah....buhhhh.” Pinkie sputtered and groaned as another hard PLAP filled her bedroom. Her hind legs were twitching while her brain went fuzzy. “Diiiiiiick.” Pinkie moaned as another fast thrust made her ass wobble. You peeked over the fake wall and spotted Pinkie drooling all over herself. Her face was comically warped in pleasure, eyes rolling in the back of her head while her tongue had plopped out of her mouth. “M...M...Mooooore!” Pinkie managed to beg. A deep thrust made Pinkie Pie yelp in surprise. You continued your thrusting, finding it harder and harder to keep going as every coo, moan and sigh filled your ears. “You ready for it, Pinkie? Ready for what you've been begging for all day?” There was no clear reply as you started thrusting as fast as a jackhammer. Pinkie's sputtering increased as you pulverized her pussy, doing your best to please her before the big bang. You felt her body tighten up around you and it was too much to hold back. You pushed your cock as deep as you could and burst, filling up Pinkie with your cum. Her body tensed up again and again as a flood of fluid dripped down the side of the fake wall. “Gaaaahhh....oh....my....gosh!” Pinkie moaned. A wet slurp filled the room as you pulled out of her tight pussy. You stared at the mess splattered all over Pinkie's rear and a feeling of regret washed over you. “I'm feeling a bit generous today, Pinkie. How about a two for one?” “What...do...OH MY GOSH YES!!!” Pinkie shouted as she felt your cock pressing against her asshole. “YES YES DO IT FUCK ME NOW GO GO POUND MY PONUT!” It didn't take any more convincing. Slowly, you entered her ripe ponut, making the cotton candy mare break down. In seconds, she was gushing all over again and her whole body was twitching. “I should have figured you were an anal slut, Pinkie. You DO have the sexiest ponut in Ponyville.” You continued your pounding, cherishing every clap of skin against skin and the out of control moaning from Pinkie. The poor mare was thoroughly broken. “Anoooon...diiiiiickkk...yeeeessssss.” She moaned your name again and again in time with your thrusts. Her ass was too much. Even after just nutting, you could already feel the primal fire welling up inside you. “Ready for the double cream pie?” Pinkie screamed as you came that time. The tip of her poofy mane bobbed above the fake wall for a moment or two before the exhausted mare collapsed onto her post. Her chest was heaving hard as she struggled to get a lungful of air. “Jeez, you okay Pinkie?” You pulled out and walked around the fake wall to spot Pinkie's enormous grin. “Just....dandy...” She barely replied before letting her head slump onto her forelegs. All you could do was roll your eyes as you gently removed the horny mare from her silly device. “You're a total mess, Pinkie. Lets get cleaned up.” You let Pinkie Pie sit in the shower for a moment before taking off the rest of your clothes. “Suppose it wouldn't hurt to clean up as well.” You mused as you started the water and held Pinkie in your arms. A bit of bubbly shampoo and nice, warm water rinsed off any trace of the dirty deed from both your bodies. “You gonna be okay, Pinkie?” You asked as you helped her dry off. “Mmm....nap...” She mumbled, barely able to stay awake. You picked her back up and set her into her bed. As you pulled away, her forelegs latched onto your arm. “Cuddles.....Pinkie want cuddles...” You let out a sigh. “Fine....but only till you fall asleep.” You slid into her tiny bed and held her close. “Happy?” “Uh-huh.” Pinkie smiled as she buried her face into your chest. In seconds, the silly mare was fast asleep. It seemed too cruel to simply leave her so you closed your eyes along with her. Slowly, you fell asleep along with Pinkie, both of you cuddled up together with a big smile.