>Sunday comes up, and you jump out of bed >You start to make breakfast, but there is a small change: you took one of the donuts and swap it with some slices of oranges >You still had your hot cocoa and marshmallow pancakes tho. You need to change that >And that change will happen today! You don't lose any time and go to dress up. Sadly, you finally snapped about how much black baggie clothes you bought >After some hard digging, you managed to find some black shoes, a black jean, and hard a grey shirt with a black blazer >Man, you went from a Doomer to a Vlad >You get in your car, and give Twilight a call >*Ruuuu* *ruuuuu* *clic* "Hello?" "Are you presentable this time?" >"Don't worry. Chad didn't let me had the end of it. I don't want to repeat that if that will happen every time." "Great. Look, I'm going to your place. Let me know if you need something before I go there." >"A double quarter pound extreme. Extra sauce." "Got it." >At Twilight's place, both of you get ready for the next test >She straps you to a chair with a strange mechanism >"Alright, this test will work like the RE4 electric chair. Don't worry, it was specifically designed to only send small sparks of lightning to your body, so it won't kill you." "How the hell did you even got your hands on this stuff?" >"Erotic S&M RP of my past. Don't ask." "Please tell me you aren't one of those bug chasers." >"VDs are lethal. I pass on that." >She pulls a lever, and the machinery starts up. >"Alright: Electric Test. Start!" >The sparks of lightning start to surround your body. It's not a pleasant sensation "Argh... Twilight..." >"Hold on. I'm going to raise the intensity." >She turns a knob right, and the sparks are more frequent >She reads the signs of your genome: Its slowling changing >"It's working anon! I'm going to rise further" "Yeah! It's not like this freaking hurts!" >She rises the intensity even more, the sparks really hurting your body "Twilight....!" >"Don't give up anon! Is working!" >The genome started to mutate >"IT'S WORKING!" >You Chad up for a moment, break the leather strains, and grab the electric bars, blocking the output "ENOUGH!" >The machine overcharges, and parts of the machinery explode, surrounding both of you in smoke >When it goes away, you are resting on the leather chair "Ugh.... Let's not do this again." >"Don't worry. It looks I won't be able to fix the machine." >She looks at the screen, and glooms a bit >"Oh no. The cells... They went back to normal." "Wait, so I just subjudge myself to torture for nothing? Great." >*Ring!* >>"Twilight, your friends are here!" >"Thanks mom!" "Amazing, thots are going to ruin our progress." >"No. They aren't the Rainbooms." "Uh? So who are they?" >Well, this is a surprise >Twilight has been hanging out with other girls >Sophie Sofisticata: The leader of the debate team and lead director of the drama kids >Starlight: an amish girl which parents allow her travel far from her community to have a more advanced education >And Scrible Dee: the Queen of Spelling Bee of the state, and small time fanwriter TS: "Hi girls!" All: "Hi Twilight!" TS: "I wasn't expecting you." SS: "Well, we were discussing recent events, and we were passing by. Would you like to join us?" TS: "Well, I'd love to but I am busy right now." SD: "Busy? How?" "She is with me today." >You walk up to the door "Hello ladies." S: "Whoa Twilight. You didn't tell us you had a boyfriend." >Both of you turn red TS: "Him?! No! I-!" "We-! Ehhh... Aren't... Uh." >The girls laugh SS: "What are you guys doing anyway?" "Ummm. It's... Complicated." SS: "May we know?" >Twilight looks at you, but to be honest it isn't a life or death secret *Shrug* "Let's show them." SD: "A Chad genome?" S: "You do know how insane that sounds?" "Trust me, some months ago I would have called her a retard and moonwalk out of there. But after what I been through, You could tell me it were giant squirrels from outer space and I'd believe it." SS: "But if that is true, why it was a positive evolution for Twilight, but a negative outcome for Anonymous?" TS: "Well, we are still investigating that. Our DNA structure has changed a lot so we can't take an older sample and compare them." S: "And what if you find a "Chad" and a "thot" and compare them?" >Twilight and you look at each other for some time before coming to a decision "It may be extreme." TS: "If anon changed really hard, it may hurt the test subjects." S: "It was a possibility." >The girls keep reading the notes >Twilight's mom comes with tea and cookies "Let's take a break for now. What were you discussing before coming here?" SS: "Oh, just about recent politics about minorities in our community." >Suddenly, a Chad ourbust comes to you, your based redpilled knowledge shining in all the room "Minorities? You mean blacks and inmigrants?" >"Yes. Is sad how they are usually oppresed by many white communities in the state. Maybe if we have inclusion programs or we start to-" "Sorry but I have to stop you right there Sophia. People like me has to listen to people like you rambling about this "oppresion" in America. That... That just doesn't exists." >The entire table looks right at you SS: "W-What did you just said?" "It doesn't exists. Yeah, is true there are racists and people who live under a concept of "white guilt" and "superiority" with other races, but these recent years had give them more oportunities than the ones decades back." >As you were talking about welfare, education programs, and the slow globalization of the world, it is obvious to you that most of their arguments were bluepilled >Now, most /pol/acks would just show them the facts and REEE them, but something else came to your head: you choose to give them a chance >Slowly, you were debating with them about how massive inmigration has made both countries lost some of it's own culture making the people fell out of place in the world, how usually trying to make any points about differences backlash at one regardless of the fact that a shit person is shit without the trait of it's skin, and how is even if they are 50% of the crimes, the other 50% are worth of praise ".... And they don't need defending. They have guns for that." >The girls laugh at the remark SS: "Wow anon, I though you were another of those internet trolls who only wants to hate on anything different to a german nazi." "Well, it's true they brought nazism, but they also brought good drinks and cars. What I'm trying to say is that if maybe we stop being so jugdmental about our differences and start accepting them, we may create a world where everyone can live in peace and harmony." SS: "Oh yes!" S: "Totally." SD: "That's right." >Twilight nods, approving your attitude ".... Well, it's not like they know about work, the lazy ni-" >*DUN!* *DUN!* >The clock already shows is 7:00 PM >This distraction made you lose your Chadness again "Uh? Wha? Oh, is really that late?" SS: "Wow, we really had a good time debating." S: "We have to go. Twilight, thanks for letting us have a jolly moment in your humble abode." TS: "Oh, it was nothing." SD: "And thanks for debating with us anon. We insist in you joining us in our next meeting." "Ehhh... Yeah! I'll think about it." >The girls wave goodbye, and left Twilight's home >"That was really something." "Sure. Umm, Twilight, did you noticed the ourbust?" >"Looks like it happens when you are involved in social events." "Looks like it. Well, I guess I should go too. It's getting late." >"Well, take care anon." >You hug the little girl, and go home >The next week was a better one >Some students started to hang with you, ate healthy again, and change your wardrobe from black baggie clothes to more colored fitting clothes >Your Vlad time passed quickly, and you became a generic Brad: a cool guy to hang out >There was only a new problem: You couldn't stop Chad'ing out >Now you understood: whenever a social situation needs a based cool guy, you will fill up that hollow place >Before you knew it, you got a new job as a mechanic, brake the running record again, passed tests without study, become the counter party in the debate team, and flirt with the chicks (no kiss or sex tho) >Even with all these advantages, is kinda worrysome >Now you got the help of Shining, Brad, and the H6 >Now that Friday has come, the owner of the garage let you run some tests in the back >Twilight had two petri dishes with your saliva, and trying different "simulations" >"Alright. Chad simulation, scene #1: start." SA: "Anon, want to go karaoke?" >No reaction TS: "No results. Follow the second part..... Now!" >Flash, Sunset and Applejack start boasting about your singing skills and how they want an encore >The cells starts to react, some changing and some vibrating. TS: "Positive reaction. Let's take a moment, are you writing this down Scribble?" SD: "Yep. Positive reaction so far." TS: "Perfect. Chad simulation, scene #2: start." RD: "Come on anon, lift those weights!" >No reaction TS: "Hmmm, nothing. Part 2 please." >Shining Armor brings a CD player, and turns it on. >https://youtu.be/CGfKi6kpdTQ SA: "Yeah anon! Let's get those gains!" FS: "Fuck yeah! Time to get big!" >The cells react giving a big energy output TS: "Energy increased, positive reaction. Shining, you can turn off the CD player now." >You come inside the back room "Well, that was the last car. How's everything here?" TS: "Perfect so far. We are about to start the last scenario." "Great, I don't want to miss this." >The girls get close to the table, and Twilight gives you some water and 4 more petri dishes >A while later, you bring the 4 samples of saliva and lay it on the table TS: "Ok, final test. Chad simulation #3: start." >The girls spit on the petri dishes. It's obvious they are thots, but each has a different level of sluttery TS: "Now, let's see..." >Plate 1, Applejack: The cells were rejected at first, but then they were assimilated. No much changes besides a small appreciation for country music and apples >Plate 2, Rarity: The cells were absorbed. It had an increase of endorfines, but returned to normal. Spit turned golden brown and reacted to club music. It turned into Guido spit >Plate 3, Pinkie: erratic absorbtion. Pinkie's orgy made several changes on her DNA, changing the sample multiple times. Rise on sugar cravings >Plate 4, Fluttershy: no reaction. Her gentle DNA structure was assimilated instantly. It enhances the 2nd party's DNA, but doesn't turns it into Chad genome >Plate 5, Rainbow: Turned into Thad DNA. High energy, but very egocentric. Wants electrolites >Plate 6, Sunset: Death of the sample. Confirmed for thot genome. The cells mixed and quickly turned neutral. It became normie DNA TS: "those were quite the results." >You grab a cup of water while reading the report "Hey, aren't you going to take the test?" TS: "I may had changed anon, but I bet it would be just as Sunset's. I've been under tons of men." >You give Twilight your cup, and she takes a sip "That's a shame. I wanted to know what would a reformed virginal thot would make." TS: "keep dreaming." "Well, my job's over. The guys want to beat this joint?" TS: "They were speaking about going to the carnival." "Sounds fun. Let's go." >Everybody leaves the garage, as you turn off the lights and lock the place >What you didn't saw is that the cup's border started to shine >7th sample, Twilight: The DNA has complemented eachother in a new superior genome. More cooler than the Chad, and more pure than the virginal >A Real Human Sample