>On one of your leisurely strolls through town, you’re assaulted by falling paper. >”Calling all Pegesi p0nies, meeting tonight!” Dash shouts as she wantonly disregards all littering laws. >You read over one of the pamphlets. “Hey Dash! What’s this all about?” >She flies circles above you and replies. “Cloudsdale needs water to make rain clouds. P0nyville was nominated this year.” >Yeah, that’s right. After The Factory got wrecked Cloudsdale had to work overtime just to maintain the weather status quo. >She starts to head off, telling everyp0ny to meet at the library. >You think you see Fluttershy running off. She must need to get home to prepare or something. >You head home with flyer in hand. >Even though she can’t really fly, you’re sure Scootaloo would love helping in some way. >Her and her friends are already there, bouncing a ball in the yard. >They all greet you and you demand hugs. >Cute kids. >When you bring up the flyer and this ‘Tornado duty’ thing, she oddly doesn’t seem interested. >Well, you can’t force her. >You let her know you plan on attending the meeting regardless. Rainbow’s still a friend and this seems important, so you want to be there to help. >As you head out the door, you hear Scootaloo call to you. “Dad wait,” She hops up next to you. “Maybe I can find some way to help too.” >You smile at her and pick her up, “Every little bit will help I’m sure.” >Twilight’s library is packed with winged p0nies, all chatting among themselves. >You get a weird feeling that one of the local foliage is staring at you, but you shrug it off. >Dash greets you and looks a bit confused when she see’s Scootaloo. >Scoots drops her head a bit. “I know I’m not exactly a good flyer, but... maybe I can find some way to help you.” >Dash looks up at you, “I don’t even have wings and I want to help.” You stick your tongue out and wink. >”Ok pip squeak.” Dash says with a chuckle. “Pretty sure you’ll be useful... Your dad on the other hand, eh.” >Scootaloo laughs at the joke and the two of you head inside. >A minute later Fluttershy is led in by Dash wearing... is that a tree stump? Weird p0ny fashion. >You all sit through an educational film. Makes you wonder how old it is. Definitely seems 1950’sish and very propaganday. >Followed by Rainbow giving a speech about getting something called ‘wing power’ over 9000 or something. >You’re not paying too much attention. You’re busy talking to Twilight to see how you can help. >She has a few odd jobs like record keeping, water boying, and spotting. >Your discussion is interrupted by some meat head shouting in agreement to something. Followed by the entire assembly. >When it looks like the crowd starts dispersing, you find Scootaloo and tell her what you were talking to Twilight about. >She seems kind of sad she can’t help with the flying, but is just happy to be involved. >The next day, you two meet everyp0ny at the track. >You leave Scootaloo with Twilight to help her set up some windmill thing. >Dash is shouting words of encouragement to all stretching Pegesi. >You rush over and help untangle Blossomforth from herself. >There’s not a lot you CAN do. So you occupy yourself with handing out water and giving words of encouragement with Dash. >When she jokingly says that your hands are good at massaging, you suddenly find yourself molesting wings, hundreds of them. >On a break you ask Twilight what the windmill she brought was for. >Her answer goes right over your head and you just nod and walk away. >When you finally see Fluttershy, you smile and say. “Hey there, want a wing rub? I saved a special one just for you.” >”Oh no thank you.” She says in a more shy way than normal. >This is concerning to you. “Are you ok Flutters.” >She shakes her head. “I just want all this to be over is all.” >As the flyers start, you and Scoots help Spike with numbers and math. Between you and her, you do an ok job. >Math was never your thing. >Was she ever awestruck when Dash did her run. >Star Hunter finishes his rather impressive run and you note the power, or whatever. >Up next, Fluttershy. >You give her some words of encouragement and a smile before she takes her place. You’ve seen her scared and upset before, but this is different. You’re actually a little worried about her. >She sets off at what could be described as a leisurely speed. >Actually, you’re pretty sure you could run faster than her. >The windmill thing barely moves. >You triple check the number hoping you’re just reading it wrong. >You look down at Scootaloo and even she’s giving you a worried look. >Twilight and Dash whisper something among themselves before Dash goes over and tells Fluttershy about her .5. >She actually smiles a bit... Until Spike makes a comment about how .5 is less than one. >Fluttershy’s knees start shaking and her her pupils dilate. >You get up and head towards her when it looks like she’s hyperventilating. >Before you can reach her, she starts running. >You and dash catch up to her pretty quick. >”So some punks poked some fun at you when you got stage fright,” Dash says. “Big deal. You’re not going to quit because of that, are you?” >You grasp your chest and take a breathe as Fluttershy turns with tear filled eyes and sobs, “Ye-e-e-es.” >They exchange a few more words, but you can’t really hear it over your heart being broken. >You apologize to Dash and take off after Fluttershy. >Ever since you learned she only wanted to take care of you and care for you and not.... you know, RAPE you, You’ve become quite fond and somewhat protective of her. >Seeing her like that just hurt so damn much. >You knew she had issues, but not the full extent of them. >You eventually find her under a tree. >A Weeping Willow actually. >Very appropriate, but it’s still a tree brain. >Some of her animal friends are around her trying to comfort her. Including Angel, whose brushing her hair. >She’s still crying. The animals don’t scatter as you approach, they recognize you. >She gives out an pathetic squeal between sobs. You sit next to her and rub her back. >”Fluttershy, I’m sorry.” You say as she looks up at you. >You brush the grass from her cheeks as she says. “Why are you apologizing? You didn’t laugh at me for being weak and pathetic.” >You start trying to find the words to help her. >Out of the bushes you hear. “HEY! You ARE not pathetic, OR weak.” Scootaloo hops out all sorts of determined. >”Just look at me!” She marches over to a now shocked Fluttershy. “I can’t even fly... How do you think that makes me feel? Your .5 or whatever is still a lot more than I can do!” She gets nose to nose with Fluttershy. “But I’m still giving my all to help. So? Are you going to just give up? Or try and do better?” >Fluttershy gulps, then seriouses the fuck up. “You’re right, all I need is to practice more... It may not be much, but I can still help.” >You smile at the both of them. “Yeah, you’re the best around, and no one’s gonna ever keep you down!” You direct that statement to the both of them. >She starts training real hard. If ever there was a time for an 80’s montage, this would be it. >All her little animal friends pitch in and Angel finds an oversized baseball cap. >You admit to yourself that Fluttershy in sweatbands is quite adorable. >She works hard with you, Scootaloo, and the animals, you can tell she’s improved. >You’re all kinds of pumped for her. >You see her off at the start line, and lean in to whisper in her ear. “Do your best, no matter what happens even the smallest drop in the bucket can help to fill it.” >She smiles as you give her forehead a peck before giving her the pistol fingers and shouting “You got this shit!” as you walk away. >She puts up a good try. Hell of a lot better than last time. >She manages about a 3 wing power thing. >As she circles around to get her score, you grab her out of the air in a hug. “You did so much better Fluttershy!” >She ‘eeps’ and Scootaloo hops circles around her. “I wish I could do that Fluttershy, you’re awesome!” >Fluttershy blushes and thanks you two. She doesn’t seem too thrilled with her score, but the praise you two put on her reassures her. >”But... but it’s not a 10.” She says as her face starts to drop. >You let her go and tilt her chin up to look at you. “Hey, that 3 could be mean the only difference between breaking that thing record and failing.” >”Yeah,” an 80’s hairstyled Pegasus says. “Besides, that was a great improvement for such little time.” >The assembled group nods and murmurs agreement, except for that meat head, he shouts again. >The next day, every Pegasus that is able assembles for this tornado. >There was a sort of flu outbreak or something, and many are missing. >Twilight does some calculations and is doubtful that the group will even be able to manage the 800 thingamajigs they need to move the water. >You suggest Rainbow keeps that to herself, no need to demoralize the troops and all. >You and Scootaloo give Fluttershy some last words of encouragement. >”Just do your best.” Scoots says. “You’re my hero for just being here.” >You give Fluttershy another hug and help her stretch. “Just do your best, do your part, and no matter what happens I am so proud of you.” >She smiles, Her smiles are so sweet. “Thank you,” She says. “See? I’ve always said you were kind.” >She picks up Angel and hands him to you. >For this moment, the two of you put aside your differences for her. >You help Twilight set up her big windmill thing, and get ready. >You make sure Scootaloo and Angel are anchored to a tree as the Pegasus take off. >You’ve never seen a tornado in real life before. >It’s actually quite terrifying. >You hold on for dear life as Twilight shouts out the ever rising numbers. >It holds at 798 for a brief moment. Your heart drops. >All that work.... Come on.... >799. So close, almost there. You can do it. >800! As soon as that magical number has been reached, the water in the basin rockets skyward and straight into Cloudsdale. >You’re so overjoyed, you almost take your hands away, but think better of it. >The cyclone slows and dissipates leaving the town Pegasi. >Fluttershy makes a breathless, yet graceful landing in front of you. “Did you see me? I helped!” >You unanchor Scootaloo and she bounds around Fluttershy. “You did it, you’re soooooo cool!” >Fluttershy giggles, “I.... I heard all the kids make fun of me and I thought about quitting.... but then I heard you two and your kind words.” >Dash zips up. “Great job Fluttershy!” >She can just blushes. >Sometimes all a friend needs is for you to have faith in them. Friends support each other. >Even if you don’t think you can make a difference, the smallest bit of help could make a huge impact.