As usual, a work modified to my tastes. Old story, can't remember the original author. _____________________ "Good evening girls," Leslie said with a smile. All eyes turned on the stunning 20-something brunette on the stage of the private showroom. Leslie stood naked in front of her assembled friends, displaying her magnificent young body to them for the last time. She had firm, B-cup breasts with stiff pink nipples. Her waist was exquisitely narrow, her belly flat as a board. Her lean, supple legs seemed to go on forever. Leslie had perfected her body through the strictest regimen of diet and exercise; the result was a flawless, sculpted form which was driving the all-woman audience wild with desire. Her straight, lustrous dark hair fell all the way down to her rock-hard ass; her hairless cunt displayed invitingly at the audience. "I've been in pain for over a decade," she continued. "I love it." The audience gazed admiringly at the proof of Leslie's pain. She wore studs through both nipples; there was a ring in her navel, and a stud in her clit. Tight strands of razor wire circled Leslie's wrists and throat; whenever she moved, the blades pricked her, sending tiny drops of bright, red blood trickling down onto her smooth, white breasts or onto the floor. Her breasts and belly were crisscrossed with pink sores from a recent whipping. "As you all know from intimate experience, I've been hurting myself since my early teens," Leslie said. "I've done it all: whips, electric shocks, branding. I've been stretched on racks. I've slow hanged for hours on end. All of it's been wonderful, and I wouldn’t trade it for the world. But lately I've come to feel that I've reached the limits of what pain can give me. In the past few years, I've developed quite a talent for hurting myself without causing any permanent damage to my body. If I chose to continue in this vein, I could look forward to a long life of blissful agony, and that's a fine thing.” She spread her hands, smiling helplessly. "But it's not enough. Lately I've been feeling empty, like something's missing from my life. I've thought long and hard about this, and I've come to an important decision. My pain is always incomplete because I'm always still alive at the end. I've tortured myself a million times, but I've never tortured myself to death. That's what's missing, and that's why you're here now. I know you all enjoy the sight of a beautiful young woman enjoying her agony--and who doesn't? So I've decided to give you a special treat, a special show. I'm going to kill myself, slowly and with as much pain as possible, right here before your eyes.” Everyone knew why they were here, but hearing their friend actually say those words sent a flare of sexual energy through the room. Several ladies resumed groping themselves, or each other, but all kept their attention on Leslie. This was her moment. "This is the death table," Leslie said, her voice quivering with anticipation. She ran her hands lovingly over the smooth, polished oak. "As you can see, it's equipped with a large circular saw. That's what I'll use to finish myself off. I can't wait to feel that blade between my thighs, tearing through me!" Next to the table stood a charcoal brazier. A large hunting knife was heating in the coals; its blade glowed cherry red. "I'd like to begin by removing my nipples and cunt. After all, I won't be needing them anymore. I know that a few of you are cannibals; if you'd like to try some of my meat, you'd be more than welcome." "I'd sure love to taste your cunt steak, Leslie!" It was Ellie, a beautiful 19 year-old flat-chested blonde who had slept with Leslie on many a night. "It's yours," Leslie said proudly. "We can cook it for you over these coals. What about my nipples? They sure look tasty to me. If nobody wants them, I'll eat them myself." "I've never tried human meat before." This came from Ellie's best friend with benefits, Jill, a wispy teen brunette who had lived next door to Ellie all her life. "What's it like?" "It's not just human meat," Ellie pointed out. "It's woman meat. Trust me. I've tried both, and women taste a lot better than men. Leslie's offering you one of the tastiest parts of her body." "OK, you've sold me!" Jill decided. "I'll give it a try, Leslie, if you don't mind." "Of course I don't, Jill. Why don't we each take a nipple?" "Sounds great!" Jill enthused. "When I'm done, of course, you guys are free to roast and eat my entire body." Leslie grasped the hilt of the knife and pulled the glowing blade from the coals. "Well, here goes! I'll do the nipples first." Gently, Leslie tugged at her left nipple until it was nice and stiff. Pulling the firm, pink flesh peak away from the breast, she sliced slowly across with the blade, severing her nipple at a pace she could feel. She hunched over, mouth hanging open, her features somewhere between agony and rapture. After a few seconds, she sliced it free. Gasping in pain, she grinned and held the severed nipple up triumphantly. The audience applauded. Her breast was smoldering. The red-hot blade had cauterized the wound instantly. Leslie set the nipple on the charcoal grill, then began to massage her right nipple. Again the nipple stiffened; again she sliced in, this time with even greater relish. Leslie stumbled as she placed the second nipple next to the first. "Now for the cunt," she whispered, drawing the knife to her crotch. "God, I can't believe I'm finally going to do this! I've been dreaming of it for so long. Here we go!" With an eager glint in her eye, Leslie used the tip of the blade to stab herself just left of her clitoris. She gasped and bent over, struggling to keep her hands steady as her body convulsed in orgasm. Leslie closed her eyes, concentrating on what she was feeling. Everyone watched her with rapt attention, more than one raking their own pussies with their nails in empathy. She leaned back on the table, and worked the knife through her cunt, her hands moving rhythmically in a sawing motion as if she were fucking herself with the red hot knife till she had cut her pussy out. The smooth pink flesh went onto the grill with a satisfying sizzle, and she sagged, sweat dripping from her chin, panting hard through hooded eyes. Everyone in the room had seen that look before, when Leslie was in a deeply sexual state, floating through waves of agony and ecstasy. Right now that look was more intense than ever. "While my meat's cooking, I think I'll go ahead and nail myself to the table," Leslie said, her eyes revealing she had absorbed in everything she was feeling, "I'm in so much pain, just as I wanted, but it's kind of hard to stand up. Ellie, would you keep an eye on my nipples and cunt? I don't want them to burn." "I'm not about to let that gorgeous steak burn," Ellie asserted, taking Leslie's spatula. "I want to eat you medium rare." Jill helped Leslie onto the table and handed her a mallet and two steel spikes. "These nails will make me a part of this table," Leslie explained. "I will be perfectly joined to it." Leslie spread her legs wide and placed the sharp tip of a spike against her foot. The mallet rose and fell; Leslie howled as she drove the spike through her foot and into the oak table. Her hand trembled as she placed the second spike over her other foot, but she managed to drive the nail straight and true. "Yeessss,” she hissed, then breathed for a moment before turning back to her gathered friends, “for obvious reasons, I need some help now," she gasped. "Jill, would you nail my hands to the table, please?" "Would I!" Jill grabbed the mallet and two more spikes. "Leslie, I’m always ready to nail you," her laughed. "Now's your chance," she smiled. "Hurry. I want to feel even more." Jill quickly positioned the nail over her right palm and drove it home as she screamed in anguish. Leslie panted as she rode the agony, her open mouth curling upwards in a breathless smile. "The last one goes through my wrist," she whispered, "I want to be able to operate the remote control for the saw..." "I see you've thought this through," Jill said admiringly. "OK, Leslie, here goes." Leslie nearly went blind with pain and ecstasy as the fourth nail entered her. She was now completely secured to the table, ready to be sawn in half. Jill pressed the saw's remote into her greedy palm. "How's my meat coming, Ellie?" Leslie asked softly. "The nipples are done. Do you want yours now?" "No, I'll wait until the cunt's ready," Leslie decided. "Won't be long," Ellie assured her. "OK, good. I'll start the saw..." Leslie pressed the remote, and the blade began to whirl. Slowly the deadly steel disc made its way up the track towards Leslie's ruined crotch. "I kept my clit," Leslie whispered. "And I know I'll come when the blade hits it. I'm getting so horny, just thinking about it..." "Jesus, you're sexy," Jill exclaimed. "Watching you suffer is really turning me on." "Maybe Ellie can help you," Leslie whimpered. "There's not much of me left..." "Don't worry girl," Ellie said, grabbing Jill's crotch. "Eating pussy makes me horny as hell. We’re not getting any sleep tonight." She presented Jill with a golden-brown cunt and two dark, roasted nipples, all on a silver platter. "Here's your first taste of a girl meat. Enjoy!" Jill lifted the tender morsel to her lips and bit tentatively. "God, it's delicious!" her enthused. "Here, Leslie. This one’s yours." She popped the other roasted nipple into Leslie's eager mouth. Leslie was delighted to discover that her flesh was every bit as exquisite as she had hoped, and a perverse thrill ran through her at the thought that she was eating her own flesh. Ellie sat down and dug into the cunt steak with a knife and fork. "God, you're good!" Ellie muttered around a mouthful of tender, young cunt. "Mmm! It just melts in your mouth." "The blade's close," Leslie whispered. "I can feel the gentle caress of its breeze on my clit. Oh, God..." Suddenly the sultry sound of tearing meat filled her ears. "Oh, God, yes, it's inside me!" Leslie cried out. "God...yes! clit...the pain...I'm coming, oh, yes, yes, yes..." Ellie set down her plate and bent low. She raised her short, white skirt to expose her hairless, moist pussy. "Get over here, Jill," she said, her voice husky with need. Her friend had her fingers inside her before she finished the sentence. Slowly the blade made its way up into Leslie. "I took a blood coagulant earlier," she explained softly, "to minimize bleeding. If only I had words to tell you how wonderful this is for clit's gone; I shouldn't even be able to come anymore, but I can't seem to STOP coming...I'm beyond orgasm now, in a world of pure pain, pure feeling, pure joy...I can feel the blade moving through my intestines, my stomach..." Ellie whimpered as she listened to her friend's last words. Ellie's hands were ablur as she fingered Jill, and herself, to orgasm. There was a sharp buzzing sound as the saw cut through Leslie's sternum. "It's so incredible...I'm almost totally bisected now...I can't believe I'm still conscious. I'm so lucky! I can feel myself starting to fade, though. I love you both. Promise me you'll keep fucking; you're a cute couple..." Leslie began to gurgle as the blade severed her jugular vein. Ellie felt Jill slam her fingers all the way in and curl them to squeeze her sweet spot, and that pushed her over the edge. Her orgasm blossomed in the glow of her friend's death, and it would remain the best she ever had until her double suicide with Jill a year later.