[17:40:37] Vesu would rather stay on his back, curled up against him as she nuzzles his neck [17:41:29] Phoenix_Down smiles warmly as the mare nuzzles into him, shaking his body a bit so as to encourage the mare to get off [17:43:54] Vesu giggles as she tumbles off his side, landing softly on her back next to him. [17:46:04] Vesu laughs, wrapping her hooves around the pegasi again, this time latching on to his side "Oh no you dont~" [17:46:20] Phoenix_Down smiles at the mare, an unstoppable good mood at being in their favorite spot as he looks her over, her beautiful silver body laid out before him, the slightest hint of their future showing on her stomach, before she latches back onto him [17:47:45] Phoenix_Down stumbles to the ground as Vesu latches back onto him, rolling playfully with the mare [17:49:54] Vesu giggles as they both roll along the meadow, her sweet laughter echoing around them as they both come to a stop, as she stares deep into his eyes, a loving glint on her own [17:52:59] Phoenix_Down feels his ears fill with the siren song he has long since fallen for as he comes to a stop, staring back into her eye, their shared love visible to each other without the spoken word [17:53:32] [come aaaan, let me take that patch off and see that beautiful white orb hiding behind it~] [17:54:18] [anything for you~] [17:55:40] Vesu giggles, unnoticing as her eyefold untangled, left behind on that roll as she stares back at Phoe with both eyes now, one a blind white marble, but still with a glint of want in it [17:56:47] Phoenix_Down stares into Vesu's two beautiful eyes, the glint of desire in them both not going unnoticed as he wraps his hooves around her body, bringing her forward for a passionate kiss [17:58:30] Vesu closes her eyes as she is pulled into a kiss, her hooves reaching behind him as her hot mouth welcomes his tounge with long awaited passion [18:01:56] Phoenix_Down battles Vesu's tongue as his hooves move around her body, running gently down her sides and stomach, lingering for a moment as he feels their future before continuing down to her legs [18:07:03] Vesu feels his hoof stop on her stomach for a second, loving as he caresses against her, and the shared wonder, before finding his hoof suddenly between her legs. With a giggle she returns the favour, her hooves wondering over his body, slowly running downward [18:16:23] Vesu presses herself closer, her lips wrapped around his with lustfull strenght as her hoof reaches down wards, gently teasing against his underside as she unconciously grinds against his exploring hoof [18:17:57] Phoenix_Down pulls Vesu close, his hoof feeling Vesu's wet marehood grinding against his hoof as he finds it, the mare already showing her eagerness subconsciously [18:22:14] Vesu feels herself pressed against him, giving a soft moan down his throat as her own hooves find his stallionhood, grabing it in a gentle hold [18:24:06] Phoenix_Down gives a low pleased sigh, his tongue still locked in battle with Vesu's as he feels her find his member, his own hooves still rubbing against her wet opening [18:27:57] Vesu smiles, knowing she has found what she was looking for with that pleased shiver the stallion showed her as she begins gently stroking him, herself still grinding her now wet underside against his hoof, this time quite conciously, and quite amorously [18:36:23] Phoenix_Down moans back in Vesu's mouth as she works his member, his hoof grinding back into Vesu's marehood as she writhes on top of him [18:41:34] Vesu presses her eyes closed from pleasure as her exited folds are teased, increasing her stroking as her soft hooves wrap around his throbbing member, her tender touch running up and down along his shaft, teasing it for all its worth [18:48:31] Phoenix_Down bucks his hips forward at the mare's ministrations, moving his hooves to her flanks, pushing her rear up above his still attended to member [18:50:55] Vesu giggles at the sudden buck, before she feels herself lifted upwards as his member falls out of her reaching hooves, left upright and poised under her as she looks back at Phoe, both eyes showing an exited, slightly scared look of want [18:51:44] Phoenix_Down grins, as he drops Vesu back down onto him, his member stabbing deep into her body with one quick push as his body bucks upwards to meet hers [18:54:44] Vesu gasps, both eyes wide with pleasure as she is roughly pierced, his throbbing shaft thrust between her wet folds, and driven deep into her hot, fleshy walls as she tries rising upwards, her weak legs not carrying her as her insides embrace the stallion tightly [19:01:08] Phoenix_Down lets out a pleased sigh as Vesu's walls wrap tightly around him, bucking his body upwards as he uses his hooves to push Vesu up and down on top of him, his member twitching inside of her happily [19:04:42] Vesu yelps at the hard buck, pressing inside her and launching her rump upwards a bit, before she screams in delight as she is dragged down onto him again, him pressed so deep and so fast into her soft walls as she bounces on top, tongue lolling out of her mouth and a look of extacy in her eyes as she locks gaze [19:11:29] Phoenix_Down 's eyes meet Vesu's sheer pleasure as a mixture of love and lust is shared between them, his hooves still bouncing Vesu on top of him as he drives his member hard into her, each thrust sending a wave of pleasure through his body as he fills Vesu's tight opening with his hard member [19:15:00] Vesu eyes her with lust as she is held, and rammed into again and again, each thrusts and each second he spends inside her building her exitement, her moans of pleasure mixed with his grunts as they both sing the lover's song, her wet folds kissing and caressing his shaft as they do [19:25:51] Phoenix_Down keeps his gaze on his lover's beautiful eyes, her necklace hitting his chest softly every time she comes back down on him, the pleasure in his whole body building up as their hips meet, sending the feeling of bliss through his whole bod [19:32:03] Vesu moans as spikes of pleasure rip through her whole body, her eyes locked with his as she nears extacy, her wet folds and soft fleshy walls closing around his member in tight embrace as she bounces on him, her prized necklace swinging along with her thrusts [19:38:33] Phoenix_Down stares into Vesu's amber yellow eye, the pressure in his loins building up as his waist hits against Vesu's the sound of their bodies hitting each other sending him over the edge, his body rocketing into Vesu's at this point, his member poised to explode "ahhh.... Vesu, I'm about to..." [19:44:02] Vesu moans as the intense pleasure tingles under her skin, staring back at the firey pegasus with love and lust in her eyes "P-Phoenix, c-Ah!-c-come~" [19:46:47] Phoenix_Down thrusts one last time, his eyes never leaving hers as he hilts insideof her, his member firing off his hot cum deep in her body as he holds her on top of him, her tight walls milking him for all it could [19:51:09] Vesu feels the throbbing member reach deep into her waiting folds, his hilds bringing her over the edge as he pumps load after load into her, her eyes locked with his as she lays on top, shivering with joy [19:52:35] [god Its been too long since I have cum inside Vesuvian matches] [19:52:55] [And ive missed you inside me~] [19:55:30] Vesu stays there for a moment, gently swinging back and forth a bit, before collapsing on Phoe, cuddling against him as she lays on his chest again [19:56:15] Phoenix_Down finally breaks eye contact, closing his eyes in pleasure as he wraps his hooves around Vesu, holding her close, his now spent member still inside of her as they lay together [19:58:01] Vesu rubs her face lovingly on his chest, before...suddenly feeling...tingling in her [formerly] wrapped eye [19:58:53] [/me grabs Vesu before she can move, inserting his member into her dead eye violently and quickly] [19:58:57] Vesu blinks in confusion a bit, before bringing her hoof to her head, noticing only now her missing eye-patch [19:59:26] Phoenix_Down chuckles a bit, not releasing Vesu from his hold "lose something love?" [19:59:35] [hue] [20:00:29] Vesu blood runs cold "i..um...was i without my...?" [20:01:25] Phoenix_Down holds Vesu's chin, bringing her eyes to his, kissing her gently on the lips "yes Love... that silly old thing that keeps me from seeing both of your beautiful eyes" [20:03:53] Vesu is blushing, a hue redder than a moment before from all the fun they had "I...just...thanks Phoenix~" [20:04:34] Vesu nuzzles against him, her blissfull mood returned "You damn damn charmer you~" [20:05:32] Phoenix_Down grins as Vesu nuzzles against him, wrapping his hooves back around her body as he holds her close to him [20:07:22] Vesu is locked in the hug, and for what feels like the first time in over a long long time...doesnt feel the need to cover herself up [20:08:21] Phoenix_Down rubs Vesu's back as they hug together, happy that Vesu lost the patch, preferring to see his lover as she truly is [20:12:55] [ahh.. feels good to be inside my true love again, especially with that eye patch gone [20:12:58] ] [20:13:51] [Feels good to have you all to myself again~] [20:14:24] [yea... Iron band was kind of a last minute thing yesterday] [20:14:39] Vesu groans in pleasure at the back rub, laying with him in the soft meadow [20:14:59] [heh, no worries about that, Phoe. It was fun] [20:15:16] Phoenix_Down closes his eyes as he holds Vesu, on hoof rubbing her back while the other runs through her mane, breathing softly but not falling asleep [20:19:21] Vesu loves the petting and the rubs, his hooves on her neck and back always bring back sweet sweet memories as he cuddles closer, her soft chest breathings softly on top of his [20:23:40] Phoenix_Down continues pet pet petting the mare as they lay in the warm glade together, the world around them fading away as it is replaced with just the two of them [20:28:54] Vesu quietly, as time passes, starts to drift off again.weakly cursing on how can one stallion have such a dream inducing effect on her, she rests her head on his chest, drawing his wings over her. With a sleepy look she looks up to him, both eyes visible with a happy glint "Phoe?" [20:29:38] Phoenix_Down looks at the sleepy mare, his wings now wrapped around her like a blanket "yes love?" [20:30:08] You have changed your nickname to Fake_Green_Sleeves [20:31:01] You have changed your nickname to Phoenix_Down [20:31:27] Vesu hugs the fake green pone, as she drifts off again, still wrapped in his lap "Carry me home" [20:34:35] Phoenix_Down hoists the tired mare onto his back, forgetting the eyepatch entirely as he walks the sleepy mare back to their home