>You are a maroon unicorn fluffy with a light green mane. >The tip of your attached horn is glowing as you try to figure out this mystery. >You have brought back a tree rock. >It isn’t as big as the ones the two legged monsters had but there are plenty around here. >You have never really paid attentions to acorns before but you know the fluffy tailed monsters eat them so they must be nummies. >You have brought one into your bush and have got a small stick from under a nearby tree. >You have grabbed the stick in your mouth and have hit the rock several times. >You have only managed to make your mouth sore and drive the tree rock into the ground. >The two legged monsters broke one with a sorry stick, why can’t you? >”Go way! Fwuffy owchie fwen! Gif owchies!” >You hear a strange fluffy outside. >You step out from your hidey hole and see a large earth fluffy pushing some of your fluffies. >”Fwuffy smawty send fwuffy fo yo smawty! Whewe smawty!” >Roseberry is trying to stand up to the intruder, “Yoo go way! Musta smawty nuu see dum dum fwuffy!” >Several other fluffies are puffing their cheeks at the big earth fluffy. >”Owchie fwen gif owchies!” He raises his hoof and Roseberry shrinks away. >You quickly charge and push the fluffy down sending him rolling. >”Yoo bad fwuffy! Yoo go way or Deadmeat gif big owchies!” You try to cause sparklies but the tip of your horn only glows. >The earth fluffy jumps up and turns to face you, “FWUFFY GIF BIG OWCH-“ >He freezes when he sees you. >”M-munsta fwuffy?” He starts to walk backward. >You see the small scar on his shoulder. >”Yoo bad fwuffy Deadmeat gif owchies too.” >He tries to stand in front of you, his legs shaking, “Fwuffy haf herd noa… New smawty wan yoo to go to smawty…” >”Why smawty wan Deadmeat?” You step closer. >He stammers and looks at his shoulder still backing up. >He turns and runs, “Ahhhh! Munsta fwuffy get fwuffy!” >You watch as he waddles away. >He runs toward Snuggle Wuggle’s area. >You lower your head and start to walk that way. >Three fluffies and Roseberry fall behind you. >Roseberry seems agitated, “Dat meanie fwuffy pwace… dey gif Wosebewwy owchies…” >You keep walking. >You hear Snuggle Wuggle screaming, “YOO BAD FWUFFY! GIF BAD FWUFFY OWCHIES NOA!” >You keep walking, your little band right behind you. >You walk around a tree and see a female Pegasus fluffy and four fluffies giving owchies to the fluffy who just ran away. >They are stomping on him and nipping his nose and ears. >”Why yoo wan Deadmeat!?” You yell at the smarty. >The blue green Pegasus with the green mane looks at you surprised, “Yoo hewe!?” >She composes herself and shouts at the fluffies beating the running fluffy. >”Owchie fwens!”, they continue kicking and biting the crying fluffy. “OWCHIE FWENS!” >They stop and look at her. >”Get wif smawty!” >”Fwuffy gif owchies! Speshul huggie noa?”, “Fwuffy gud fwuffy!”, “Gif owchies wike smawty wan!”, “Who dat?” >The four fluffies turn and see you and freeze, “Dat munsta smawty!” >Snuggle Wuggle snaps, “Behin smawty noa!” >You stand face to face with her, four fluffies behind her and four fluffies behind you. >The fluffy the others beat gets up and runs off screaming. >You stare down your enemy, “Yoo bad fwuffy!” >She sneers back. >The fluffies behind you start to puff their cheeks and give raspberries. >The fluffies behind her do the same. >Roseberry lowers her head and stares at the fluffy across from her and says, “New fwen? Wan hugs?” >He trots out, “Yay! New fwen!” >Him and her start to hug and giggle. >You and your opponent see this. >Snuggle Wuggle starts to shout, “Yoo bad fwuffy! Yoo get no speshul huggie! Get back behin smawty!” >The offending fluffy jumps back, “Nuuu! Pwease nuu take way speshul huggies. Fwuffy gud fwuffy!” >You face off again, you with three fluffies behind you and her with five fluffies behind her. >”Snuggle Wuggle smawty of all tings! Yoo herd bewong Smawty noa!” >”Nuu! Deadmeat bewong to Deadmeat, nuu be yoo herd!” You stomp. >”Yoo meanie fwuffy! My owchie fwuffies gon gif owchies to all yoo bad meanie fwuffies!” >”Yoo weave Deadmeat awone or gif yoo big owchies.” >She almost falters but swells up. >”Yoo bad fwuffy. Twy gif smawty speshul hugs and yoo nuu take. Yoo nuu join herd, haf gif bad owwies!” >You look behind snuggle wuggle, “Why fwen ofer der?” >Snuggle Wuggle turns around to see Roseberry standing their puffing her cheeks. >”Why yoo der dum dum fwuffy! Yoo go way!”, she yells at Roseberry. >Roseberry jumps back, “Ahh! Meanie fwuffy! Hewp!” >She turns and runs crying and screaming. >SnuggleWuggle shouts at her, “Dum dum fwuffy, dat to smawty herd! Yoo go yoo herd!” >Roseberry stops and looks around, when she sees you she runs and starts to hide behind you. >Feeling safe she sticks her tongue out at Snuggle Wuggle then falls in behind you. >You two face off again. >You lock eyes with the smarty, “Yoo twy make Deadmeat do wha Deadmeat nuu wan do… yoo bad fwuffy.” >She starts to stomp her feet angrily. >”GIF BAD FWUFFY OWCHIES!” >Her owchie fluffies charge forward. >The three male fluffies behind you charge as well while Roseberry jumps behind you. >A very large earth fluffy runs from behind Snuggle Wuggle straight at you. >You lower your horn at the charging fluffy and charge yourself. >He dodges and tries to push you down. >You buck him in his belly pushing him away. >One of your fluffies meets one of hers and they give each other a push. >They both stare at each other shocked. >They both bust out crying calling each other meanie. >The others grab each other and roll around trying to nip at each other. >Snuggle Wuggle focuses on Roseberry, “Smawty onwy giwl fwuffy! Yoo go way!” >Roseberry starts to run away from the female smarty. >Snuggle Wuggle is too fast and keeps nipping Roseberry’s tail causing her to yelp each time. >The large earth fluffy is back and up coming at you. >You face him both of you trying to nip the others one’s nose. >He lunges trying to push you down. >You dodge but he is beside you now. >He bites your tail and starts to pull you. >You yell in pain as he drags you across the ground. >The two crying fluffies are hugging each other to make the other feel good. >The other four have broken up and now your two fluffies are fighting and her two fluffies are fighting. >Rose berry is laying on the ground with her hooves over her eyes crying. >Snuggle Wuggle is biting her ears. >The fluffy dragging you jumps up and starts to stomp your ribs. >The pain is intense with each stomp. >You grit through the pain and turn your head hitting the earth fluffy’s shoulder with your horn cutting it. >The earth fluffy stumbles back looking at his shoulder, “Ahhh! Boo boo juice!” >You jump up quickly and buck him in his injury knocking him down. >His leg spasms from the pain, “Ahhh! Fwuffy hewt! Fwuffy nee huggies! Ahhh-“ >He cuts off as you buck him hard in his pee pee place. >He freezes in pain. >You buck him again for good measure. >You leave him frozen in pain. >You focus on Snuggle Wuggle. >She doesn’t see you coming when you run up and push her down. >She lets out a cry as she rolls. >You run up and start to stomp her ribs. >The two fluffies still fighting from her side see you. >They stop what they are doing and charge you, “Dun hewt smawty meanie musta!” >They charge you, your two fluffies are still booping each other’s noses crying as they trade boops. >You stop your assault on the rival smarty to handle the two charging fluffies. >You boop on his nose hard knocking him down, boo boo juice flows freely from your hit. >The other tried to push you but is so scared that he barely manages to make your fluff move. >You quickly buck him in his face knocking him on his back. >you jump and land on his tummy causing him to yelp in pain and squirt a stream of shit out behind him. >The stream hits the large earth fluffy full on covering him. >He cries quietly muttering , “Nuu smeww pwetty…” >You run back and start to stomp Snuggle Wuggle in her ribs again. >”Yoo bad fwuffy! Yoo meanie to Deadmeat! Deadmeat twy stay way! Yoo twy gif Deadmeat owchies!” >”Meanie! Meanie! Meanie!” you finish and step back huffing. >Snuggle Wuggle lays on the ground and lets out a painful whine. >The fluffy who you booped his noses gets up and staggers toward his downed smarty. >”Fwuffy gif speshul huggies… make smawty feew betteh…” >he starts to climb on top of her and unsheathe. >”Fwuffy gud fwuffy… gif speshul huggie noa…” >Snuggle Wuggle gives a vicious kick with her hind leg kicking the mounted fluffies pee pee place. >She kicks the head of it causing it to fold, looking like she kicked it right back into the mounted fluffy. >He falls to the side balling up trying to cover his now injured fluffy sex tool. >”Nuuuu! Why smawty hewt pee pee pwace! Am gud fwuffy, why pee pee owchies! Waahhhh!!” >He burst out crying as Snuggle Wuggle sits up and stares at you. >She is huffing in pain and just yells angrily in your face. >She seesm to be thinking as three of her fluffies limp in behind her. >All crying at getting owchies. >The one that was hugging your fluffy earlier has taken up playing chase with him and giggling. >Roseberry runs up to your fighting fluffies and tells them to stop. >Snuggle Wuggle is studying you, “Yoo stwong fwuffy… why yoo nuu join Snuggle Wuggle…” >”Snuggle Wuggle will be big smawty…” she huffs a bit more, “Nee stwong fwuffy to be biggest smawty…” >She stares a bit more then looks at the trees, “Big bwue uppy pwace change soon…” >Suddenly she freezes and a smile creeps across her face. >She stands up, “Snuggle Wuggle win! Am biggest smawty! Yoo dum dum smawty!” >She yells out a decree to her fluffies, “Nuu mo smawty huggies! Will gif dem later!” >One of her fluffies starts to get angry, “Nuu! Fwuffy get owies fo smawty! Wan smawty speshul huggie!” >She turns and points to the offending fluffy, “Gif him big owchies noa or nuu speshul huggies efeh!” >Without hesitation the other two fluffies jump the out spoken fluffy and start to stomp and bite him. >”Bad fwuffy!”, “Nuu fwuffy sowwy, nuu wan speshul huggie no mo!”, “Gif owchies! Gif owchies!” >He is quickly pushed to the ground and starts to cry at the assault of his herd mates. >She turns and stares at you again, “Yoo dum dum fwuffy! Snuggle Wuggle get meanie fwuffy!” >Roseberry snaps back, “Nuu! Yoo dum dum fwuffy! Munsta smawty gudest smawty!” >You stomp your hoof, “Yoo bad fwuffy! Go way!” >Snuggle Wuggle turns and walks past the beaten fluffy, her two fluffies following her. >”Snuggle Wuggle be biggest smawty.” >You turn and walk back to your area with five fluffies in tow. >”Yay! Fwuffy win! Gif owchies to bad fwuffies!” >You stride back to your area certain you have stopped encroachment from Snuggle Wuggle’s herd. >You make a huge play date in celebration.