[[toc]] + Bakoren's Explanation All this chitchat and discussion about the iPoke Hacker has made me think about someway to stop an enemy hacker. Well, after Botherer posted his take on the iPoke hacker, it gave me enough of a base to try and build an iPoke Technician. The main thing needed for this class is an IC email and discussion with the Berrycorp and eventually getting hired by them. This should take frequent work and constant relays with the company. The class also requires you to keep track of your Battery life as it is listed on the iPoke home page. This class is also used in the assumption there are Berry Corp stores in major cities. Possibly an Online market as well. That being said, I know I will overlook a typo or leave out vital information. Anyone involved in AHA may modify this or leave comments along the bottom. [[size x-large]]**Berry Corporation Employee**[[/size]] + Class Basics Prerequisites: Researcher, Berry Corp ID Tag, 17 INT Ability Bonus: Intelligence Bonuses: +1 WIS Class Features: Berry Corp Duties, Repairs and Standard Maintenance. +++ Feature Key [ S ] – Static [ TA ] – Takes up a Trainer Action in combat [ FA ] - Takes up a Free Action in combat [ LP ] – This feature’s use is permitted in Official battles [ LI ] – This feature’s use is prohibited in Official battles < U > - This feature may be shared through use of Free iPoke Upgrade ( B ) - You may only benefit from this feature’s effects if you’re currently in the employment of Berry Corp. ( E ) – This feature may only be taken if you’re currently in the employment of Berry Corp; if for some reason your employment is revoked, you may still make use of this feature if you have it. + Base Features **Berry Corp Duties** [ S, LP ] ( B ) Static Effect: You are now an employee of the Berry Corporation. As part of your duties, you must wear an ID tag that shows your affiliation with Berry Corp, and attempt to maintain contact with Berry Corp on a daily basis. You are also obligated to perform maintenance checks on any and all iPokes under warranty should they be presented to you by their owners. Each week, you are issued 1,000 Bits for your services as a Berry Corp employee. In addition, if you perform maintenance on at least three Berry Corporation devices throughout the week, you receive a commission of 250 Bits per device. **Repairs and Standard Maintenance.** [ TA, LI ] ( E ) At-Will Target: A Berry Corporation product. Effect: As part of your training as a Berry Corp employee, you can now perform routine maintenance and repairs on an iPoke over the course of an hour. You can restore any damaged iPoke to “Like New” condition so long as you have all of its parts. In addition, you may roll 1d20, adding your INT modifier to the check. On a Critical Failure, you lock the device for the next 24 hours, rendering it useless. If your roll is 15 or higher, the next item purchased through a Berry Corp app on that iPoke within the next 24 hours receives a 10% discount. In addition, if your roll is 20 or higher, a temporary spike in performance allows the iPoke’s next scan to return its results at the end of two turns. + Standard Character Paragraph The Berry Corp has finally accepted you into their ranks. With this employment you are given access to advanced Apps and modifications for your iPoke, as well benefits. All you have to do is spread the good name of Berry Corp and repair customers’ devices. Along with being a general technician, you are the only thing that stands between your product and the nefarious hackers determined to steal your information and innovations. Some people see you as an ingenious tinkerer, capable of creating powerful machines and applications; others see you as a wimpy computer geek. You see yourself as a Berry Corp Field Employee. + Other Features **Advanced iPoke**: Berry Corp Employee Feature [ S, LP ] ( B ) Prerequisite: Berry Corp Employee, 4 Berry Corp Employee Features, repaired at least 10 different Berry Corp devices, iPoke Upgrade (5000) Static Effect: Your position in Berry Corp has given you access to an advanced prototype model of the iPoke. By default, Advanced iPokes can return the results of any scan made through OakTree in two turns. In addition, at the cost of half of your iPoke’s maximum battery life, for the next hour your iPoke may be used as a WiFi hotspot in areas where WiFi normally isn’t present. **Battery Upgrade**: Berry Employee Feature [ S, LP ] ( E ) < U > Prerequisite: Berry Corp Employee, Improved Battery (1000) Static Effect: Your iPoke’s battery has been replaced with a more efficient one; it may now hold its charge for a full twenty four hours’ normal use (eight hours’ consecutive use) at no additional recharge time. In addition, your Advanced iPoke’s hotspot capability only drains 25% of the battery. **Company Infrastructure**: Berry Corp Employee Feature [ FA, LI ] Prerequisite: Advanced iPoke, Spent 20,000 on Berry Corp products. Daily, every 10 levels gained, you may perform this feature an additional time per day. Trigger: You perform any action that may possibly be interpreted as hacking or stealing from the Berry Corporation Effect: Roll 1d20 and add your INT modifier. On a roll of 17 or higher, you leave no evidence that can be tracked back to you that would indicate you performed any actions against Berry Corporation’s interests. **Employee Discount**: Berry Corp Feature [ FA, LI ] ( B ) Prerequisite: Berry Corp Employee Daily Trigger: You make a purchase from Rucksack or any licensed Berry Corp store or application. Effect: You receive 25% off of an item of your choosing. If suspected of hacking or using your discount for another customer, Berry Corp has the right to revoke your Employee Discount. **Feedback Loop**: Berry Corp Employee Feature [ TA, LI ] Prerequisite: Berry Corp Employee Static Target: Your iPoke Effect: You have modified your iPoke to play sound clips that are disruptive to the target. Once per encounter, as a Trainer Action, roll 1d8. Refer to the chart below, and use the corresponding move at the range of “Effect: 1 Target – 10 meters”. If the move rolled deals damage, use your INT modifier for your Special Attack stat. ||~ Result ||~ Move Performed ||~ Result ||~ Move Performed || ||~ 1 || Chatter ||~ 5 || Sing || ||~ 2 || Grasswhistle ||~ 6 || Snore || ||~ 3 || Roar ||~ 7 || Supersonic || ||~ 4 || Screech ||~ 8 || Yawn || **Firewall**: Berry Corp Employee Feature [ TA, LP ] Prerequisite: Berry Corp Employee, 20 INT Daily - Every 5 levels gained, you may perform this Feature an additional time per day. Target: A Berry Corp Device in an area with WiFi. Effect: The target’s software is upgraded to the most recent edition of “Torkoal iPoke Defense”. For the next twenty four hours, any attempts on hacking must perform an INT check, the DC being 10 plus half of the upgrader’s INT modifier (rounded up) at the time the update was applied. It takes 15 minutes to update Iron Defense. **Firewall +**: Berry Corp Employee Feature [ TA, LP ] Prerequisite: Firewall Daily- Every 3 levels gained, you may perform this Feature an additional time per day. Target: A Berry Corp Device in an area with WiFi. Effect: For the next seven days, any attempts on hacking must perform an INT check, the DC being 15 plus the upgrader’s INT modifier at the time the update was applied. It takes 15 minutes to update Iron Defense. It takes 15 minutes to update Iron Defense. This feature replaces Firewall. **Free Upgrade Offer**: Berry Corp Employee Feature Prerequisite: Int 24, 3 Berry Corp Employee Features. Weekly - Every 5 levels gained, you may perform this Feature an additional time per week. Target: An iPoke Effect: The target may be used to perform any feature marked with < U >. Any monetary costs involved in taking feature are doubled when used in this manner. They cannot repair their add-on without your assistance. This feat may be revoked if you are suspect of Hacking. **Full Repair service**: Berry Corp Employee Feature [ TA, LP ] ( E ) Prerequisite: Berry Corp Employee, 22 Int, Berry Corp Repair tools (10000) Daily – Every 5 levels you may perform this Feature another time per day. Target: Any Berry Corp Device with at least half of its parts in usable condition. Effect: As part of your continued job training in Berry Corp, you may repair a Berry Corp technology to “Like New” Condition. In addition, you may roll 1d20, adding your INT modifier to the check. On a Critical Failure, you lock the device for the next 24 hours, rendering it useless. If your roll is 15 or higher, all items purchased through a Berry Corp app on that iPoke within the next 24 hours receive a 10% discount. In addition, if your roll is 20 or higher, a temporary spike in performance allows the iPoke’s next scan to return its results at the end of the turn it’s initiated. This feature replaces “Repair and Standard Maintenance”. **iPoke Case**: Berry Corp Employee Feature [ TA, LP ] ( E ) Prerequisite: Berry Corp Employee Static Effect: You create a protective casing for your iPoke, protecting it from adverse weather conditions, normal wear and tear, or accidents. If there is an attempt to deliberately destroy your device, the attacker must roll 1d20, adding their STR modifier or Power capability to the check (The DC for this check is made at the GM’s discretion). If the check is successful, the iPoke casing is destroyed in place of the iPoke, but can be repaired at the cost of 1000 Marks. **Medical Emergency**: Berry Corp Employee Feature [ TA, LI ] ( B ) Prerequisite: Berry Corp Employee, 24 Int. Daily Target: An iPoke with the Alchemy app installed. Effect: For the next hour, your iPoke gains the ability to purchase Full Heals on Alchemy at the cost of 400 Bits each. In addition, you may roll 1d20, adding your INT modifier to the check. On a roll of 17 or higher, you may also purchase Super Potions from Alchemy at the cost of 800 Bits each. On a roll of 22 or higher, you may also purchase Revives from Alchemy at the cost of 1200 Bits each. **PokeRadar**: Berry Corp Employee Feature [ TA, LI ] < U > ( E ) Prerequisite: Berry Corp Employee, Echo Frequency Generator (800) Daily - Every 5 levels gained, you may perform this Feature an additional time per day. Target: Any route Effect: Roll 1d20 and add your INT or WIS modifier. If your roll is 16 or higher, you may see the approximate location of wild Pokémon within a 25m radius. In addition, once per day, before making your roll you may declare use of the following effect: If your roll is 23 or higher, you are alerted to the presence of a variant Pokémon if one is within the PokeRadar’s range. **X-Ray Scan**: Berry Corp Employee Feature Prerequisite: Berry Corp Employee, X-Ray Lens (500) Static Target: Your iPoke Effect: You apply an X-Ray Lens to your iPoke’s digital camera. Once per encounter, you may spend a Trainer Action to use the Ability Frisk. If the target of Frisk is a trainer, you can see any weapon they carry. You cannot purchase an X-Ray Lens if your employment has been revoked. + Cross Classing A character May cross class into Berry Corp Employee if they meet the following requirements: Engineer: Applied to Berry Corp, 3 purchases from Rucksack iPoke Hacker: Int 22, No major Convictions or current investigations, Applied to Berry Corp Int 24, Applied to Berry Corp, Made 5 purchases from Rucksack. +++ Feedback Botherer • iPoke Case - Perhaps make the feat such that the creator of the casing can make the casing more durable by paying more money into it; say start with a DC10 default, then 250 more per point you’d like to add to the casing’s durability up to your INT modifier? If things can be not forced onto the GM(s) for rulings it helps~ • Medical Emergency – Nothing serious; simply that the prices should be reflective of what Alchemy normally costs to use them.