Original Author: writer_ !q4X9Fm43Dk Thu 25 Sep 2014 14:54:35 No.19885153 >Buy two 12bit vodka lemonades >Manage to pull off not looking awkward while standing at the bar, crushed against two other ponies with their backs to you >Not that it's particularly hard to do that, I've got practice >Once the revelers actually take a second to stop and notice who you are, you get all the space you need >"OH MY STARS!" One filly practically screams. "YOU'RE THAT D.J. THAT EVERYPONY LOVES!" >And just like that I've got all the space I could think of >Despite the heavy thud of music and the fact that ponies are packed in like sardines, jostling and spilling drinks on eachother, the two or three ponies that heard her scream over the music part turn >And quickly get hyped as fuck over her royal club-ness >Fuck fuck fuck >Where's that fucking bartender already >He returns, flashing me a cute smile in hopes for tips >"THAT'LL BE 24 BI-" >Doesn't even finish before I shove 2 gold and 4 silver bits in his face, and quickly levitate both drinks above my head >The advantages of being a unicorn in a fucking dive like this are too many to count >Make a beeline away from the three stallions and solitary mare who are gushing over how they met THE famous DJ Pon-3 before anypony else can notice >And now the real adventure begins >Navigating through the crowd of dancers, their tails snapping and flicking in time with the beat, hooves stomping >Carefully picking a line through the dancers, occasionally copping a really uneccessary feel of another mare, peering around without trying to look like I'm lost >That would be really fucking unattractive. >like anyone's actually fucking watching anyway, right? >Most ponies in here are pretty fucked on Stargaze and Crystal >Or whatever new party drug the tabloids sometimes bitched that I was on, I don't fucking read any of that shit >I spot a lick of magenta mane amid the ponies. >He's standing around looking longingly at another mare. >Fuck. >Quickly scoot over to his side and levitate the drink in front of him >His blue eyes cross at the stallion-y drink under his muzzle. >And triumphantly, I reclaim the goal of the evening hereto. >I slip a glance at the other mare, just to see if she's noticed. >She hasn't. >Why would she? She's in her own little world. >I still feel satsified anyway. >Couldn't have this little thing get away from me now, could I? >He returns an excited grin when he sees the unicorn who's offering it to him. >"There you are! Where'd you go?" He part-shouts, part-mimes in my face. >I literally said a few minutes ago that I was going to buy us drinks >Maybe he didn't hear me or something >"So where were we?" He purrs, practically fucking me with his eyes. >The same expression he was making before I walked up, I think. >'Well, this one's definitely quality'. >Dressing for the evening was all but too simple. >Dress shirts were thrown to one side in an unceremonious heap. >Tavi's collars and bows were... politely pushed to one side in their neat pile. >Don't want to piss off little miss Virtuoso, do I? >She might be missing her favourite bowtie one day and blame it on me. >'Don't fuck around. You know what you're going to wear already. Whatever the stallions like.' >A sleek pair of denim shorts and a ripped tank-top. >Sunglasses so I look better. It's my thing. >Beats, by Dr. Scratch. >'So you can pretend to be professional while you hunt cock? Very smart.' >"So, your room-mate's part of the symphony orchestra?" >I smile at him. >The quieter downstairs bar is where I wanted to be, just for a second. >Just for my own sanity. >The look on his face when I made a motion to leave the club, though. >Almost made it all worthwhile really. >'Because you like it when mindless sluts drool for you, don't you?' >I had to let him down, though. >Just for a moment. "Yeah." I wipe my muzzle with a hoof. "She's like, hella prudish and shit." >He giggles, his mane spilling down into his eyes as he bows his head. >"An interesting mix, isn't it?" He says, returning to eye level and fawning at me. His eyes tickle me in all the wrong ways. "A classy pony and..." >There's a pause. >'A party chick, right? Because that's all you are.' "A partygoer, right?" I say, trying to keep the smile in my voice. >He grins back immediately. >It sends shivers down my spine. >There's no doubt about it. Even by my standards, he's attractive. Rugged chest, barrel, probably works on his figure. Magenta mane, neck-length, just how I like it. I forget what he does for work. But it makes a lot of money. >He was smart, stylish and handsome, with a body straight out of one of Octy's dirty novels. >But that's not why I'm shivering. >I can't remember his fucking name. >"Yeah!" he titters again, biting his lip. "A mare who knows how to have fun." >Another not-so-tiny signal of 'take me to bed.' >Like I haven't got the picture already. "Well, uh, it's not that she's no fun," I say, not ignoring his plea. "She's just a little more controlled." >A small smirk crosses his perfect chin. >"I like mares that don't have control." >'Looks like we're two peas in a pod, then. Do you even give a shit what his name is? Just fuck him already.' "Sounds good to me," I purr. >He takes the hoof that's not rested on the fourth or fifth drink I've had in the past few hours. >Even doubles can't make me feel anything for him. >He guides it slowly to the instep of my back leg, and - >Wetness. >'Because there would be just by looking at him. You slut.' >He can feel you, all hot and bothered. The expression on his face flickers a little. He probably wasn't expecting you to be that turned on. >But I don't want to leave yet. >'Sure, keep up the act. Like you'll care when he puts his dick in you.' >Why isn't he saying anything? >Do I have to fucking beg? >'At least then you'd be a consistant pony from dancefloor to bedroom.' >Shut up. >"It's late," he mentions, still smiling. "I've got a room up in the Ritz." >At last. >I let out a breath I didn't know I'd been holding. "Sounds good to me. I'd love a quiet drink or two." >His thin lips part to reveal pearly whites, and between them an eager tongue. >It's dark in here. >He turns a knob, and the dim chandelier lights up the room. >It's a hotel room through and through >I've psent too much time in hotels to care, but it's very nice all the same. >Penthouse, 21st floor, views of the city >Gilded lampshades and opulent carpets. >He must be pretty wealthy. >A good catch, some might say. >I hate myself. Why am I even here? >I actually wanted to share something with somepony. >A foreleg snakes around my shoulder, shoving me a few ungainly steps towards the couch. >"Sit, sit! I'll grab us some scotch. You like Black Label, right?" >'Very wealthy indeed. That's quite special stuff.' "Yeah." >A pause. "Can you make mine a double, please?" >He laughs, his back turned to me while he leans over the bar, giving me the most magnificent view of his flank and tail >That of course swished from side to side, giving bare hints of his excitement >'Do you think he knows you still don't know his name?' >I ignore my own thoughts, forcefully. I continue to do so until he retrieves me a drink and slumps down on the couch, leaning in towards me. >"So, tell me about yourself, Vinyl Scratch." >'Well, I'm a DJ, I love cock, and I'm desperately lonel-' >I take the deepest swig of my life, and the thought vanishes beneath a haze of scotch fumes. >I cough briefly. >That makes him laugh. >"Hey, go easy on that stuff. It's special." "I-I know," I say, feeling the burn of the liquid on its way down to nirvana. "Just - cough! - wrong hole." >Like you, I wish he'd say. >There's barely any time for further thoughts. >The next thing I know he's face-to-face >Piercing eyes like flicks of dark opal >Gazing longingly into mine. > > >I lose it for a while. >...Ffffuck. >As if he knows he's got me, he leans in and nuzzles my cheek. >I don't even hesitate. >I leap on him and nip at his neck, making him laugh and shout in surprise. >"Woah! Hey there!..." He sighs happily as my teeth find their place around his chest and barrel. "Aah, actually, never mind." >'Never mind about sums it up.' >I thought I got rid of you. >'You get used to being a drunk.' >I pull my teeth away and seize my glass. >And drain it. >And then I fucking grab his ears and latch my lips against his own... >Firmly, at first, but then a bit lighter... >Like I like the best. > >Oh Celestia, he wasn't a bad kisser either. >He became more brave after his shock wore off, and started kissing me more insistently. >My tongue against his lips becomes his tongue at my lips >And then his tongue in my mouth, wrestling for control of my body as I feel his primal urges begin to kick in. >Not a bad kisser at all. >Down on the settee he pushed me, forelegs pressing me back until my head touched the soft throw-cushions. >He tasted like scotch and hormones. >I drink deeply of him. >Despite my best attempts not to, of course. >Didn't stop my loins from tingling as he traced a hoof down my chest. >Please, please, please tell me he's going to do th- >Electricity leaps up my spine as he massages the elusive inner thigh again >This time I discard my shame and moan throatily. >It's a mix of trepidation and delight, like always. >'If only he knew,' the voice says. >But he didn't know. >And he kisses me like he wanted me for more than sex. >It drives me mad. The fear in my stomach leaves. >One hoof finds its way around his neck. The other follows to where his lies on top of my lips. >My hips shiver a little. >He hasn't even started moving. I don't want to give him the satisfaction of knowing that I wanted it. >He kisses me deeply, and my hips buck unbiddingly. >'Of course you don't care. You never care. You always knew he was a slut.' >I bite back at his lip. The voice silences itself, hopefully for good. >"Fuck me," I whisper. >He wastes no time. >Foreplay be damned. >I just want the feeling of a warm body against my own. >His horn rubs against my lips, both high and low. >I guess it gently. >Octy taught me that that was how you made unicorn stallions love you. > >...Fuck Octy and her pefection. >Fuck her stuckup coltfriend of five years. Fuck her perfect life. > >They were probably going to be together forever. >I shudder and whine as he slips his head past the entrance. >And with a single, jerky thrust, he fills the hole within me. >And for a blissful few hours, I forget pain >It loses itself among the throes of sweat, salt and musk >He fucks me to show me how much he wants me >I fuck him afterwards, because I can. >Just so I can fall asleep. >I fuck him until there's light outside. >Just because it will make the coming day that much shorter. "Hold me." >He does, snorting in my ear as I bounce over and over on his cock. >Who knows what time it is. >Who cares what time it is. >High Roller - that was his name - dozes peacefully, his head bent protectively over mine >I take care not to poke him back with my horn >I can feel his seed still spread inside me, his cock not shrinking >Repeatedly wakening and fucking for what felt like hours. >And now the best part. >The afterglow of every deep thrust, every tiny, unstallionlike grunt of pleasure >It was better than good. >'Not bad at all.' >He got what he deserved, in the end. >I don't let many stallions finish inside. >'And you got to pretend he loves you.' >His breath tickles my mane. >I cuddle up against the stallion, still nuzzling me in his sleep. >'He was always out to fuck you, you know.' >I didn't care about the thoughts in my head. Every good mare has her doubts. >'Disgustingly easy, the both of you." >It was fine. Really. The night hadn't gone as expected, but it had a good outcome. >If somepony I felt was still out there, then that was fine. And they -were- out there, I was sure of that. >Until then, this would do. >'Sure. Tell yourself all that.' > >I get to pretend to be a classy, perfect mare to somepony. To be somepony's one and only. >And he thinks I'm perfect. >And that's all that matters. >The nameless stallion sighs in his sleep. > >I close my eyes. Sleep comes easily. > >The numbness inside might have subsided in the morning, after all. fin