>You are Princess Luna, and you've just finished raising the Moon into the night sky, as per usual. >Your recent visit with Twilight Sparkle and Anonymous had been on your mind constantly. >You had arrived there when you had some free time within your surprisingly full schedule, eager to see how far Anonymous had progressed with his lessons. >... That, and you wished to "hang out" as the ponies called it, with him and Twilight Sparkle. >Unfortunately, things seemed to go awry once the subject of transformation spells came up. >Of course, it wasn't THAT bad... Anonymous certainly made quite the handsome Alicorn... He was tall... had a wonderful mane... and he looked downright-- >NO! Bad Luna! A princess should not be having such... such LEWD thoughts about their... Their FRIEND. >You pause. You had a friend. A HUMAN friend. You chuckle; not many a mare could say they had a mythological creature for a friend. >... Except perhaps Twilight Sparkle... and the other representatives of the Elements of Harmony... >Well, at least you were one of the few ponies who could say that. >And yet... you couldn't help but feel jealous of them. >They all had him as a friend, and Anonymous saw them as friends in return. >But what of you? You can't help but wonder if he even thought of you as a friend... >No, of course he did! He did... right? >... R-Right? >[["You could always find out for yourself, Princess... It IS within your power to do so, after all... Within OUR power to do so..."]] >You blink. That voice... Oh, by the pale moonlight, NO... >[["Surprise surprise, Luna... Did you miss me?"]] You look to a nearby mirror, and find HER staring right back at you. "This cannot be happening... You... You were destroyed by the Elements of Harmony!" >[["Funny story, that... You see, Luna, the Elements, while powerful in their own right, were no more capable of destroying me than they were of destroying Discord. They're composed of powerful magic, for sure... powerful, NONLETHAL magic..."]] >You shake your head; There was no way in Tartarus you would believe this specter's words. Not again. Never again. "Tis nothing but LIES you speak! By all accounts, you should be PURGED from our body... We should be FREE from your foul influence!" >[["And yet here I am. What do you make of that, Princess?"]] >Well horseapples, she had you there. >[["Thought so."]] >You glare at her with a look that could cause the eldest of dragons to soil themselves in fear. "What are you DOING here, specter? Why now do you choose to torment us?" >You hear her sigh. >[["I didn't CHOOSE to do anything, Luna. I'm only here because your emotions, and by extension, MY emotions, are in turmoil."]] >As you're about to speak, she gives you a glare of her own, and continues. >[["Don't even start. I'm not here to hurt you or anyp0ny else. I want to HELP you... to help US."]] >You look at her, eyes wide. "What do you mean?" >[["Oh, don't give me that. You were thinking of doing it even before we started having this conversation."]] >You lower your head in shame. You HAD been thinking of doing that... It was well within your abilities to do so, after all... But to you, intruding on somepony's dreams felt... WRONG, somehow. >[["It's not like you have any other options, do you?"]] >Damn it all, why was she making so much SENSE? >[["Because I can, that's why."]] "YOU KEEP OUT OF OUR THOUGHTS, CRETIN!" >[["Kind of hard to do that when I'm technically YOU, genius."]] >You had the sudden urge to smack your head against a wall just to see if she could feel it, but you repressed the urge, and returned to the matter at hoof. >Do as she suggests, and compromise your morals, and possibly Anonymous' trust in you, or adhere to your morals, and never know what he truly thinks of you, left wondering what could have been? >You were almost positive you'd regret this, but eventually, you relented. >You step out onto the balcony, Ponyville clear in your mind's eye. >As you exhale, your form shifts, changing into a blue ether, and you ride the night breeze to your destination. /PERSPECTIVE SHIFT/ >You are Anonymous, and tonight, you and Twilight return home to a rather irate baby dragon. >Fortunately, said baby dragon was easily placated by two slices of still warm cheese pizza. >After dinner, it's not long before you succumb to fatigue, and retire to your beds, your necklace still dangling from its new resting place. >The moment you hit the sheets, sleep overtakes you, and you begin to dream... >You dream that you're flying through the skies of Equestria. Not in a plane, not with some strange contraption strapped to your back, regardless of how it'd would be, but real, honest to god flying, with your own wings. >Well sort of. They WERE your wings, but they only appeared once before; >That's right, AlicornAnon, coming through! >This feeling... it's awesome. There was no other way to describe it. You do all manner of loops, barrel rolls, and other sorts of aerial fuckery, reveling in every moment of it. >As you're flying along, you feel a pair of forelegs wrap themselves around your neck. Turning, you find Twilight holding onto you for dear life, giggling like a madmare. >Grinning like an idiot, you pump your wings, and the two of you climb higher, Twilight squealing with barely contained delight as the two of you rose higher and higher into the skies of Equestria. >Soon enough, you tire out, and you land as softly in the grassy hills outside of town. >You flash Twilight an oh-so-dazzling smile as she slides off of your back, landing with a soft thump next to you. "Had fun?" >She doesn't say a thing, but she does give you a nod, and the sweetest damn smile you've ever seen. >There's a long silence as the two of you sit on the ground. Finally, you break the silence. "Twilight... I know I don't really say this often enough, but... I love you. I dunno where I'd be without you." >Aw jeez, that was too cheesy, even for you! Even Twilight doesn't know what to say, and she's just a part of the dream! >Your fears are dispelled when she just leans against you, and smiles. >"I... I love you too, Anonymous." >Hold the fucking phone, that was NOT Twilight's voice coming out of her mouth. >You crane your neck, and where Twilight once was, you find Luna in her place. "Luna?! What's going on here?" >Her eyes shoot wide open, and she realizes the same thing; gone was Twilight Sparkle, and in her stead was the Princess of the Night. This, unfortunately was the genuine article; you could FEEL it. You didn't know how, but you just COULD. >You can feel your reality shatter around you as you return to your humanoid form, the ground giving way to darkness. >"A-Anonymous... W-we can explain! I... We just..." >You hold up a finger, and within an instant, Luna is silent, thanks to a comically oversized zipper that materialized over her mouth. "Zip it, Luna." >Just as quickly as the zipper appeared, it disappeared with a puff of smoke, and Luna began to speak once more. >"Please, Anonymous, I can explain!" "Explain what, Princess? How you waltzed right into my mind, invaded my dreams, and took the form of the mare I love?" >She's visibly trembling at this point; was she really that scared? >"I just... I just wanted to know..." "Know WHAT, Princess? What size shoe I wear?" >She cringes at the venom in your tone, and continues, her voice much quieter this time. >"I just wanted to know... if you... if you liked me..." >You blink. >You cannot even BEGIN to fathom just how much WUT you are feeling at this moment, right here, in the inky blackness of your subconscious mind. "So let me get this straight... You invade my dreams, just because you wanted to know if I LIKED you?" >She nods quickly, hiding her face from your glare. >You frown. You frown harder than you have ever frowned before. If they had a frowning competition in the Olympics, you'd take home the Gold, Silver, AND Bronze medals. >You sigh. You couldn't handle this sort of drama while you were awake; you'd be damned if you were gonna go through this sort of shit while asleep. "Just get out, Luna." >"A-Anonymous?" "Get out before I MAKE you get out, Luna. I don't want to see your face. Not here, not in Ponyville, not ANYWHERE. Am I clear?" >Luna nods, tears flowing freely from her eyes now. You hated making a girl cry, but god damn it, SHE VIOLATED THE PRIVACY OF YOUR OWN MIND. >As she winks out of your mind-scape, you jolt upright, your body wrapped like a burrito in your sheets. >You groan, replaying the events of your dream. >Then you groan louder, realizing just how utterly fucked you were, breaking the heart of one of Equestria's rulers, and what basically amounted to a GODDESS in this world. >Way to fucking go, jackass. >NOT THE TIME, BRAIN. >You gaze out the window, watching as a bluish haze travels through the night sky, barely discernable against the starlit sky. >You rub your forehead, Luna's sobs echoing through your mind. >You get the feeling that you were going to be paid a VERY special visit from her soon-to-be VERY angry sister later that morning. >You are Luna, and you royally screwed up. >Biting back another sob, you bury yourself in your bed, screaming into one of your thicker pillows. >How could you be so STUPID?! >How could you be so... so... >[["Selfish?"]] "NOT. HELPING." >You glare in the general direction of the mirror, only to find that you're staring at your own reflection. >[["Over here."]] >You tun to the source of the voice, and you gasp as you come face to face with Nightmare Moon... sort of. >Her body is very much intangible, her entire body made up of the purplish, nebula-like material her mane was made of. "What in the..." >She says nothing, gliding over to you, a look of pain and understanding on her semi-transparent face. She closes her eyes, and wrapped her fore hooves around you, nuzzling your cheek in an attempt to console you. >[["I'm sorry."]] >You blink back some tears. "What?" >[["I'm sorry... I shouldn't have made you do that... I genuinely wanted to help you... to end the turmoil... and ended up making everything worse."]] >You force out a half-sob-half-laugh. "Yeah... we tend to do that, don't we?" >The two of you share a melancholic laugh together before the uncomfortable silence settles back in. Finally, she speaks. >[["I can still help, if you'd like... Just say the word, and I'll fix this. I SWEAR I will."]] >You pause. Right now, you were crushed. That was the best way to describe how you felt, with Anonymous' words continuing to ring in your head. >"I don't want to see your face. Not here, not in Ponyville, not ANYWHERE." >You sigh. If he didn't want to see YOUR face, then he wouldn't. >You felt that this might end badly, but damn it... You just didn't want to have to deal with... with... what you had just done. It was cowardly, true... But it just hurt so much... >You look to her, wiping away the last of your tears. "Okay." >Within seconds, you feel consciousness leaving you, your body shifting and changing even as you continue to fade. >Before long, your body rises, its transformation complete. "You" flex your wings, and step out onto the balcony once more, and speak in a voice that does not belong to you, and yet, does belong to you. "I WILL fix this... I'll fix him... I'll... Fix everything... I promise..." >A predatory grin settles on your face as you take to the skies in your ebony glory. >Tonight, you would HUNT.