Doing Things for Your Waifu, Maud – Part 3 >You saw Maud a few times over the course of the next week. >By a few times, you mean a grand total of four different times. >Two of those times you had lunch in silence. >The other two were you and Maud walking around Ponyville, again in silence. >It would have been awkward for you had it been any other pony. >But Maud was different. >In addition to that, you were noticing that she was becoming a bit more receptive to your presence. >Rather… she wasn’t ignoring you or walking away from you as much. >Pinkie Pie had to pick up extra shifts at Sugarcube Corner, as well as host a bunch of parties this week. >As such, she was unable to help break the tension between you and Maud. >You DID promise to Pinkie that you would watch over her sister in her absence. >And that’s what you did. >Well, TRIED to do. >You sought Maud out those four times, and kept it at that. >The gray mare enjoyed her solitude. >You didn’t want to overstep her boundaries. >You’d like to think that Maud appreciated that. >You’d like to think a lot of things right now. >The sun begins to set on the horizon. >It’s been a long day of doing odd jobs and performing other tasks for various ponies. >You decide to head over to Sugarcube Corner to check on Maud. >Mrs. Cake greets you as you walk in. >”Oh, hello, Anonymous! How are you? Pinkie isn’t here right now. She’s hosting a private party in the park tonight.” “Oh, that’s right. She told me about that one. No matter. I’m actually here to talk to Maud.” >Mrs. Cake frowns at you. >”Oh, Maud? I haven’t seen the dear all day.” “Wow, alright. That’s a bit odd….” >Mrs. Cake nods in agreement. >She left in the morning saying she was going to do some research near the Everfree Forest. She hasn’t returned since!” >It didn’t surprise you that Maud would vanish for the day to do some rock-related research. “Maybe I’ll go and check on her.” >”Alright, Anonymous. You should take this to her. It’s just a few sweets I baked for her.” >Mrs. Cake heads behind the counter and pulls out a picnic basket. >A sweet smell escapes the basket. “This smells wonderful, Mrs. Cake. What’s the occasion?” >”Oh there is none! I just thought she would like them.” >You laugh and walk over to the front door with Mrs. Cake. “I’ll be sure she gets these. Have a good night.” >Mrs. Cake thanks you and bids you a good night as you exit Sugarcube Corner. >Basket in hand, you make your way to the Everfree Forest. >You pass Fluttershy’s cottage, following a small stream the leads to an entrance into Everfree. >You make an educated assumption that Maud would probably be somewhere near the stream. >Though, nothing would stop her from entering the forest…. >You shake your head and continue onwards. >The ground becomes more littered with rocks the farther you travel. >You’re hoping Maud would appear at any moment. >The sizes of the rocks begin to increase drastically. >You even spot a few large boulders. >The river becomes wider and begins to flow more aggressively. >You’ve never walked this far before. >You turn around. >You see a faint light that is Fluttershy’s cottage. >You sigh and sit on a large rock. >Might as well take a quick break. >Or maybe… you can just call it a night and head home. >This pursuit of Maud seems somewhat pointless. >Mrs. Cake told you that she left in the morning. >There’s no telling where Maud could be now! >You groan and rub your eyes. >You hear a branch break behind you. >You quickly get up and turn around. >You don’t see anything. “Must be my imagination.” >As soon as you face forward, you realize you aren’t alone. >You yell in surprise, nearly fainting from shock. >A gray pony stands inches away from you. >A pair of turquoise eyes staring into yours. >”Anonymous.” >You fall to the ground, holding your chest. “M-Maud…!” >”…” >You breathe heavily and slowly, trying to ease your rapid heartbeat. >Maud blinks at you. >”...” >You feel yourself begin to relax. >You put your head down and sigh. “I nearly jumped out of my skin, Maud!” >Maud stares at you, her face unchanged, as per usual. >”Can humans do that?” >You groan. “Never mind. I came looking for you. I brought you some sweets that Mrs. Cake baked for you.” >You point to the neatly packed and sweet-smelling picnic basket. >”…” >Maud slowly trots over to the basket and sniffs it. >She turns and faces you again. >She blinks. >You blink. >She blinks again. >”…” “What have you been doing out here?” >”Research.” >You slowly get up and shake dirt off of your clothes. “Plenty of rocks for you to do that around here, I suppose.” >”…” >At least she was all right. >That’s all you cared about. >That, and having her eat these sweet treats. >You pick up the basket and hand it to Maud. >She steps back a bit. “Sorry… I just wanted to make sure you got this.” >”I do not want it.” >You raise an eyebrow to her. “But Mrs. Cake made this for you.” >”I do not like sweets. I have told her that.” >You frown. >Maud remains quiet, her eyes locked on yours. “I understand. Well, I just wanted to make sure you were okay.” >”…” >You put the basket on the ground. “Clearly you are, so I’ll take my leave now.” >”…” >You turn and begin walking back to Ponyville. >You didn’t want to leave her. >But it was clear she didn’t want to be bothered. >You sigh deeply and turn around. >Maud was watching you as you walked away. >Her turquoise eyes shimmering slightly. >You face forward and continuing to walk. >There’d be no point in talking with her anymore tonight. >You delivered the sweets. >Whether she takes them or not is none of your concern. >Nothing else to do but go home. ~ >You sigh and sit back, pouring freshly brewed green tea into a mug. >The smell is wonderful. “Mmm… this is just what I need.” >Hot green tea is to you what alcohol is to others. >It removes your stress, calms your body and mind. >It’s a truly zen feeling that you’re glad you can experience here in Equestria. >You take a sip of your hot tea. >The taste sends a soothing shock throughout your entire body. >You feel warm, alive, at peace. >Tranquil. >You take a deep breath and sigh. “Relaxation.” >You hear two hard knocks on your door. >Relaxation ruined. >You groan and grumble as you get up from your chair. >You head over to your door. “Who is it at this hour?” >You look out the peephole. >A pair of familiar turquoise eyes peeks back through it. >”Anonymous, it is me.” >Of course it is. “Maud?” >You open the door slowly. >A gray pony stares at you, saddlebags on her side. >She is holding a picnic basket in her hoof. >”Hello.” >You stare at her. “Um… hi?” >”…” “…” >”…” “Is everything… all right?” >”I would like to come in. If that is okay.” >You step backwards and invite Maud inside. >She slowly trots inside and places the picnic basket on your kitchen table. >You gently shut the door and walk over to Maud. >She turns and looks at you. >”…” “…” >She points a hoof to the picnic basket. >”You left this. I have brought it back for you.” >You scratch your head. “Thanks, but that was for you.” >”…” >Maud blinks at you. >Her eyes look a bit different. “That’s not really why you came here, Maud.” >”…” “What’s up? What’s going on?” >”…” “Maud?” >”I am sorry, Anonymous.” >You are slightly taken a back by her apology. >Mostly because you don’t know why she is apologizing. “What? What for? You haven’t done anything to me.” >”…” “…” >Maud kicks at the ground gently. >You continue to scratch your head in confusion. “Maud, what is this-“ >”I am sorry… that I have feelings for you.” >You don’t respond. >Maud’s eyes leave yours as she puts her head down. “You… have feelings for me?” >”…” “Maud?” >She trots over to you, her head still down. >You kneel down to her level. “Maud, what do you mean?” >”…” >Maud softly rubs her head into your chest. >You don’t move. >She continues to nuzzle herself in your chest. >You slowly place a hand on her head. “Maud… talk to me….” >You run your fingers through her mane. >”…” >She stops nuzzling you and pushes herself away from you quickly. >”I… I need to leave.” >She walks past you, still holding her head down. “But I-“ >”You remind me too much of him.” >You get up and walk over to Maud. “Of… who? Flint?” >”…” “How? How is that even possible, Maud?” >”He used to act like you.” “…” >Maud walks towards the door, her head still hung low. >”Then we got close, and I pushed him away.” “Maud, wait.” >She stops in front of the doorway. >”I can not fall in love with you, Anonymous.” >You eye her carefully. >You want to walk up to her and hug her, but you don’t want to scare her. >”If I do, I fear that you may become what he became.” “…” >”And it will be my fault.” “I could never do what he did! Never!” >Maud turns around slowly. >Her eyes meet yours. >They are a bit pink. >But no tears come out. >”Anonymous… please do not make this harder for me.” “…” >”Just let me go.” “Maud, you have to trust that I would never hurt you.” >”I trusted Flint with everything I had.” “I’m not Flint!” >Maud blinks at you. >You feel as if she may cry at any moment. >You want to comfort her. >You want to hurt Flint. >You want to make everything right. >You want Maud to be happy. “Tell me what I need to do to prove to you that I am not like him.” >Maud turns around and opens the door. >”Listen to me. Let me go.” >You walk up to Maud. >You kneel down next to her as she faces you. >She apprehensively moves a bit backwards. “Maud, don’t leave yet. Just talk to me.” >”…” “Please.” >”Anonymous….” >You slowly put your hand out. “Just trust me.” >Maud closes her eyes. >You close your eyes as well. “I could never hurt you.” >You remain still for a moment. >”…” “…” >You feel Maud’s head brush into your hand. >She slowly nuzzles it. >She feels soft. >Her warmth spreads throughout your body. >Maud is giving you affection, even though it hurts her >You show her none back. >You don’t think you can. >You don’t move, or speak. >Neither does she. >After a moment, she pulls her head away. >You hear your door close slowly and shut. >You open your eyes. >She is gone. ~