Stuck in a Rut: Part 2 Previously >Picking yourself up from the wooden floor, you trip out of the cottage. >You're in perpetual disbelief. >Did that all really happen? >Did she seriously just molest you? >It's always the quiet ones that are the most unhinged. >Behind you, crashing and tumbling rings in your ears. >Although Rainbow Dash had saved you, there was no way you could go back. >She could handle herself just fine anyway. If anything you'd be a hindrance. >How did she even know you were in need of help? >Furthermore, even if you had resolved your differences somewhat, why would she go through all that effort to get you away from Fluttershy? >These are the questions you hope you will remember once you wake up tomorrow. >Stumbling a bit, you sluggishly make your way home. >This isn't a good night to be on the edge of the Everfree Forest. >In the trees and bushes, hushed murmurs from nocturnal critters claw at your eardrums. >Your over-active imagination thinks up a hundred different things that could be waiting for you. >Paranoia central hits like a shit-tonne of bricks. >The noises are taunting you for the events inside the cottage. It's your fault this happened. >If only you'd realized earlier what was going on, you could've avoided this. >But alas, being the idiot you are, you let yourself get into this situation. You didn't even fight back, for fuck sake. >Everything in your body feels... >Numb. >Whether it's from the alcohol or your lowly moronic cortex, you're unsure. >A single image keeps replaying itself in your mind. >Fluttershy, forcing you down on the floor, taking control of your crotch. >And your weak, pathetic body doing nothing at all. >Your eyes begin to well up. >If you ever had any pride before, it was gone now. >No-one must find out. >Absolutely no-one. >A tear made its way down your face. >Upon entering P0nyville, all doors are shut, all lights are out. >Good, you can get home without anybody here seeing you. >Lumbering through the streets, you cautiously check everywhere for any sign of movement. >You didn't like confrontation in the first place, and tonight was certainly not the night for it. >Catching sight of your front door, your eyes perk up ever so slightly. >A zombie-like walk keeps you moving. >The one thing you can do is strive for your sleep. >You may have been watchful for the silhouettes of p0nies, but nonetheless, you weren't so vigilant for cracks in the ground. >The peculiar shape of the small crevice is enough to throw you off balance completely. >Instead of your face slamming the floor however, it slams against the front of an azure body. >Trailing along the side, was a mane with a band of colour. >Rainbow Dash. >She was standing directly in front of the door to your house. >A feeble draft of words escape your mouth. “Please... not now...” >She lifts you off of her with a single hoof. >Being this close to her, you notice purple-yellow patches and small cuts dotted haphazardly around her body. >No doubt from her conflict with Fluttershy. >After you stopped looking at her wounds, you notice her grim expression. >”I'm not gonna ask you any questions. I just... can't believe what I saw. I'm just gonna help you get to bed. And... stand watch, if you need me to.” “I'm begging you, Rainbow Dash... don't tell a soul about this.” >She puts a hoof to her heart. >”I swear on my wings, nop0ny will find out.” >Barging through your door, you trundle up the stairs and into your room. >You flop onto the soft, cottony sheets. >Rainbow Dash soon trots up after you. >She looks around the room with a disgruntled look. >She spots that you have no spare room on the bed and that there are no chairs for her to sit on. >”Do you have a cushion anywhere, at least?” >Even when you were half-unconscious, she was demanding. >Well, what more could you expect from the “greatest flyer in Equestria”? “ the lounge.” >Zipping downstairs, she's back with a couple of cushions before you can blink twice. >She plops herself down, and relaxes on them. >”I'll be here all night.” >This is all incredibly odd to you, but you're too exhausted and spent to question anything anymore. >Even so, you want to know what happened between her and the yellow demon. >And more importantly, what prompted her to do anything at all. >You close your eyes, hoping your sleep won't be disturbed by the horror from no less than an hour ago. >On a crumbling bridge, you have to leap to the other side, or you'll be stranded. >Stranded with the pale yellow monster. >Taking a running start, you try and pass the chasm. >Before you can stretch your legs though, the bridge gives way beneath you. >You begin to fall endlessly into the void, with a worldwide audience jeering and indulging in the hilarity of you believing you could win. >You will never win. >The surge of air passing your ears becomes deafening within moments, not to mention the ever-growing laughter of the millions of eyes. >Without warning, the sound stops, in place of a thud. >Jumping out of your mind, your body locks itself at a right angle. >Your back hurts. Your head pulsates with pain. Your muscles feel flat and floppy. Your dick feels like it's been ripped off, stitched back on, then had steps 1 and 2 repeated. >Last night was... a catastrophe. >Nothing could have went any worse. >Next to your bed is a softly snoring Rainbow Dash. >In her curled position you admit she looks kind of cute, no matter how much of a pain she's been. >After last night, you're surprised you can even find comfort in that small fact. >Perhaps it's the fact she saved you from a worse torture, courtesy of Fluttershy. >Turning your neck takes a lot of effort. All your muscles are insanely tense, but looking outside, you see it's only dawn. >A couple of small clouds blocked the orange haze of the sun. >Even if you're not gonna be able to sleep, you can at least try to enjoy this tiny speck of good left in the world. >The clock at your bedside reads 7:18am. >Putting your feet into your slippers, you sit up in a jerked motion. >Shifting the rest of your body to keep it in line with your head, you stare blankly out of the window. >A yawn emanates from the opposite side of your bed. >”What time is it?” >You glance at your clock, startling yourself. >The LEDs tell you it's 9:57am. >For almost 3 hours you'd been staring out of that window. >Not a single thought had passed through your mind. >You show Rainbow the clock. >She returns a disinterested “Oh”. >Definitely not a morning person. >A few moments pass before she stretches and gets up. >Turning to you, she seems to expect you to say something >Refreshed somewhat from your 6 hour rest, you trail your mind back to last night. >Your questions for her had remained firmly embedded in your head. >Disturbingly, even for you, you ask her a question in a monotone voice completely devoid of any emotion. >”Why did you rescue me last night.” >Her puzzled face didn't understand. >”Well, what was I gonna do? Just leave you there and let... THAT, happen?” >A little bit of variation in pitch returns to your voice. “I guess not. But you only decided I was half-decent last night at the barn.” >”Well, there is that. But Anon, there's something you need to know.” >This piques your interest. “And what might that be?” >”There have been... others. Before you arrived here, there have been a few humans popping up out of nothing around Equestria.” >Your eyebrow raises. >”What's more strange, is that each and every time this has happened, Fluttershy suddenly had 'important business' far away to attend to. But nop0ny else made the link in their head but me. They all told me I was crazy, but I was right after all.” “What are you getting at?” >”After I stopped drinking at the party, I sobered up best I could. We haven't had a human close to P0nyville before. I watched you make your way around the barn, having fun, with OTHER p0nie- but never mind that's not relevant right now. As soon as you were taken away by Fluttershy, I searched high and low for you.” >Her expression turns into a mix of worry and sadness. >”As soon as somep0ny told me that they'd saw you leave on her back, I had to make sure I was right... and I was.” >Your pupils shrink in alarm. “...What are you saying, Rainbow Dash?” >She sighs, and you know she doesn't want it to be true, but... >”Fluttershy has a dangerous obsession with your kind. She finds them, captures them, fucks them, and if they don't give into her every whim, she must... kill them. But no body has ever been found.” >Until now, obviously. >”Until you. But thank Celestia, you're still alive.” >That still doesn't explain why she went to all that trouble to get you away from there. And the answer she gave you yesterday as to why she harassed you before didn't seem to make much sense. “But... why bother? As far as I was aware, you didn't even like me. Or even respect me.” >She takes a seat on the bedside. >”Uh... Well, you see... there's the thing.” >Her cheeks turned a rosy salmon. What was going on? >”I... just didn't know how to talk to you. And that's cos... well... I hate to admit it, but... You're adorable. Even if you're a bit odd. I guess... the hostility was just a defence against my feelings.” >You're unsure how to react. >You open your mouth to say something, but nothing comes out. >Her eyes turn to the ground. >”It's... okay. You don't have to say anything at all, I understand...” >She droops her head, staring at the floor, tapping her hooves against it softly. >Your heart sinks. Seeing her like this, despite everything, cut deep. “Look... I'm not gonna lie to you, I don't know what I think of this, and more importantly I don't know how I feel about you, but... someday I guess we could go somewhere. I'm not fussy, you can decide. You probably know better places to go than me.” >Lifting her head to face you, she manages a small smile. >You return it, but another thought demands your attention. “I know it's inappropriate right now but, I need to know what you did with Fluttershy.” >”She's locked up in her cottage. I figured that you'd want some words with her, so I made sure she wouldn't be getting out any time soon.” >That's the very LAST thing you want. “No, no. I'm not going back there. I can't! If she's as psychotic as you say she is, you can't let her near me again!” >”Well, I suppose. But you're gonna have to deal with this somehow.” >After Rainbow's confession, you had almost forgotten about the events that occurred last night. >Almost. Your distraction couldn't have kept you from there for long anyway. >But as soon as she said that, you slip back into the deepest, darkest cave your mind. >The entire scene, repeating itself as a perfect replica in your head. Just as vivid as the real thing. Just as horrific and terrifying as the real thing. >Fluttershy's horrible face, twisting into maniacal shapes. >Ruining your manhood, possibly forever. >Why you?